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HI Donna ..

I sat yesterday at the window for the longest time watching the eagles ..

swooping and circling .. at first they were very very high in the

sky. I heard them before I saw them.

I had to get out my binoculars to watch them. But as I watched, they came lower

so I no longer needed to hold up the binoculars to

watch them .. good thing .. smiles .. binoculars are heavy.

I have had asthma all my life. I remember several years ago complaining about

having asthma and my grandmother telling me, " You're

young .. you can deal with it. Quit complaining it could be worse. " Oh .. how

right she was .. I wish asthma was all I had to deal with


Between the heart attacks .. diabetes .. the lupus .. the fibromyalgia .. the

asthma .. the diverticulitis .. and now this degenerative disk

disease with the back and neck pain .. I would be oh so grateful if asthma was

the only thing I had to worry about. But .. I am alive ..

still kicking .. smiles .. just not as high! So that in itself is a blessing.

I cherish even the smallest of blessings now a days!

Bright Blessings to you ..

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, Ralph and I have to pay, 5,15 and 30 for one month of meds 3 months is 15, 45, 90. I would rather just get them for the reg, 5, 15 and 30. Thank God most of our meds are 5 dollars with 2 at 15 dollars and 3 at 30 dollar- Plus our insurance makes us try the new over the counter meds for all our expeniseve drugs.. then after we get sick from not getting our meds they will let us have them... I'm ready to hand them. lol Carol

From: (Brat)


Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 8:24 AM


Starting the first of January I will have to start paying my co-pays on my meds by tiers too. I've never had to do that before. It has always been $5.00 for three months of generic and $10.00 for three months of brand name. I think I'm going to be having a little culture shock come next month.

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I would have insisted on them NOT letting you go

home. While I don't enjoy the hospital, I would not take a chance

on the lipase being so high.

I hope your pacreas takes a vacation and doesn't flair up anymore......if

it does, I would get your butt right back in the hospital!!!!

Rest easy!

Love, Becky

Weston wrote:

Now, for the rest of my story. I

had done well pain/nausea wise on both

Christmas Eve day, Wed., and Christmas Day, Thurs. I steered

clear of meat

and ate very light. Thought I had finally found the secret

to staying away

from the ER. I should have known that sometimes there is

no secret and it

just doesn't matter what you do or do not eat. When you have

cp, you are

sometimes going to have bad attacks no matter what you do.

I was in bed and

almost asleep when the pain hit around midnight. I barely

made it to the

bathroom before throwing up. This was a 10+ attack and I

was in so much

pain I could barely move. Bud had just fallen sound asleep

and was in a

deep sleep. I called his name over and over (from the foot

of our bet) and

he didn't move a muscle. I finally had to make my way to

the bed so I could

touch him to wake him up. After throwing up a few times,

I managed to get

zofran and oxycodone down with a sip of water. After laying

curled in a

ball on the bed for a few minutes the pain improved for just a


However, just a few minutes later, it was back to a 10+, so the

ER was

calling me! We tried to go to the local hospital (5 minutes

away) but found

out the ER doc I'll filed a complaint against was there and I just


"Never mind. We'll go to Crestwood in Huntsville."

We made the 45-60

minute treck with me in misery. They got me in immediately

and it wasn't

that long til the doc had the nurse give me a shot of dilaudid


phenergan. She accessed my port a cath, drew the blood, and

then started an

IV at 400 cc/hour. She had done the blood pressure test to

see if I was

dehydrated and probably was because of the drastic drop in my blood


standing vs sitting. It didn't take long for the shot to

kick in and I fell

asleep since it's about 3 a.m. at this time. Around 5 the

doctor came in

and told me he was letting me go. I assumed all my labs were

okay and I was

much better, so going home sounded good to me. I asked if

he would give me

one more dose of med for pain and nausea before I left so I could

get a few

hours sleep before needing to take oral meds. They gave me

another shot of

dilaudid/phenergan. The nurse told me he wanted it given

IM vs IV because

it would last longer. No problem and the pain that was at

about a 5 was

quickly down to a 2 (about as good as gets for me). I was

ready to go and

asked for a copy of my labs. They were not horrible, but

they were not

normal either. My lipase was elevated to 665, one liver enzyme,

AST, was

110 (almost 4 times normal), total protein, globulin, RBC, HGB,

and HCT were

all low. When I saw that, I told the ER doc, he should call

my internal med

doc because even though I was much better at that point, that from


experience, if my lipase was elevated, as soon as the shot wore

off and I

even began clear liquids, I'd be back at the ER. The ER doc

said, "but you

said you were feeling better". I told him I was but I just

didn't want to

have to come back a few hours later. I could tell he wasn't

happy (but he

was nice enough) but he said he called my internal med doc and

the internist

said that since i was feeling better we shouldn't go by the numbers,


should go by my symptoms and since I was better I should try to

make it at

home. I agreed that I would give it my best shot at home.

They told me if

I got worse again to come back.

I decided I will do nothing but clear liquids for the next day or

two and

see if I can manage with just my oral meds. I am scheduled

to have another

celiac plexus block on Monday. The hope is that even though

the first one

didn't really do much to help, the second one will do more.

I called both my internist's office and my GI/Hep's office and both


are closed today. It ends up that my GI/Hep is the one on

call for his

group this weekend. I asked the answering service to have

him call me so I

can tell him what's going on. It was 9 a.m. when I called

the answering

service and I haven't heard from him yet. I am hoping that

if I do get

worse, he will do a direct admit and not make me go back through

the ER.

I was given the shot of dilaudid/phenergan at about 5:30 a.m. and

it is

wearing off, but it lasted longer than I expected. I've had

only ice chips

and a popsicle, but they've stayed down. I went ahead and

took my morning

meds when we got home at about 7 a.m. The meds included MS

Contin 30 mg and

phenergan 25 mg tablet. I am allowed 3 MS Contin daily and

also 4 oxycodone

5 mg per day. I'm going to take an oxycodone and another

phenergan tablet

in hopes of keeping the pain/nausea at bay.

My last two hospitalizations, my amylase and lipase were normal.


when both the GI and internist told me that since I have CP, my

enzymes may

never elevate again so we have to just go by symptoms. My

amylase has not

been above normal since Oct 2002. My lipase has not been

elevated since

August 2003. Since Oct 02, my amylase has been almost dead

center normal at

around 45-55. This time it was 73, not above normal but higher

than it has

been in over a year.

I don't know if I'm over reacting, but from past experience, I really


that since my lipase is elevated, I probably need to be on IVs

and NPO for

at least a day or so. Hopefully I am wrong and I'll manage

fine with my

clear liquids and oral meds.

Just wanted to get an opinion from the group.


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  • 5 months later...
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- Did you get as fond of yours as I am of mine? I actually proposed to it last night and am thinking about who to invite to the reception and what music to play. Any ideas on the subject? "Chains...My baby's got me locked up in chains" or "Tie a Yellow Catheter 'round the Old Oak Tree" Hmmm. Although it hasn't given me an answer yet, I'm hoping !!! (Barbara who is being waaaaay good...only went to the bank and the dump and did a load of laundry in my spanking new dryer....will now "chill")KM86@... wrote:


Enjoy your relief, but please don't overdo it.

Definitely sounds like he's being permissive. When I had my continuous catheter, I could only have it for a week.

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Hmmmm. Maybe it was the concentration or something. Mine has bupivicaine, fentanyl and clonidine. Barbara

KM86@... wrote:


It had Marcaine (Bipuvicaine) and Fentanyl in it.

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There have been a couple of posts lately that have been, at a minimum, insensitive and petty

I have to agree with you Barbara, though I've kind of let it slip by.

I also have to ask that people remember that there are no definitives in RSD. What works for one will not work for another, and your experiences will always vary from others.

We are NOT Doctors here, simply a support group, and our experiences cannot be taken as medical advise of any type.



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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 year later...


With the Peace Corps, I don't think the in-depth look into things CHARGE

just has to do with the syndrome. My non-CHARGEr has spent time in

Ghana and worked through World Teach (I think that's the name - it's

through the Kennedy School in Cambridge, MA) on an isolated island in

the S. Pacific.. She had to have one heck of a physical. Luckily, my

brother knew the ex-head of medicine for the Peace Corps in Africa, so we

were able to get all sorts of information. By the time E. headed to the

Pacific, we'd fought (and I do mean fought) to put together a year's supply

of disposable syringes, various prescription drugs because she wouldn't

necessarily have access to doctors. From her friends' experiences, I think

you'll need to do the identical thing with Peace Corps.

When you find out where you're going, please drop me a line. I can put

you in touch with who probably has friends who've been to the

same area.

As a parent, I must tell you that this sort of thing is nerve wracking (jelly

fish stings, burns, creepy guys harrassing E.), but she gained absolutely

endless confidence and learned - and gave - one heck of a lot.

So, go for it. Martha

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  • 5 months later...
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Good I'm glad you are doing okay!! I was scared too. You will be

fine!! Do you have any help for when you get home? I had my Mom with

me for the 1st week. She was a huge help. I was just tired and didn't

want to be around food. You will be okay. ;D It will be so worth it

especially when you start losing!! We are here if you ave any




> Thanks, . I feel like I am content with my decision to have


> surgery, but still scared to death! I think I'm more worried about


> home, feeling crummy, and regretting that I did this.


> I joined a support group and got a lot of information from the

members on

> Friday night - stuff I didn't know even after reading everything I

could get

> my hands on - so hopefully, having them to rely on will be helpful

in the

> time frame after my surgery.


> Thanks again!


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That's a great Goal !!! I look forward to those kinds of things myself!!

" O. " wrote:

I love your new pix. My family does the dirt bike thing too. My

husband and 8 year old ride the 2 wheelers and my 3 year old and I

ride the quad. He will start on the PW 50 this winter and I'll be able

to get a dirt bike!! My ultimate goal (material goal) of WLS.

Thanks for sharing!!



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  • 1 year later...

I'm still dealing with extra pain and pain meds that aren't strong enough to

help, but I guess that this is a new stage and I just have to accept that t

his is the new " me. " At the same time, with this new realization, I'm trying

not to let it depress me. How are you now?

Love and gentle hugs,


In a message dated 11/12/2007 7:56:13 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

herbal7@... writes:

Hey there, How are you? Hope you are doing alright. Sounds to me though like

you and I are in a bad flare and just trying to make it through the day. My

back is hurting so badly it is hard to walk around. I have been doing very

little this past 2 days. Hope things improve for you soon.


************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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I'm still dealing with extra pain and pain meds that aren't strong enough to

help, but I guess that this is a new stage and I just have to accept that t

his is the new " me. " At the same time, with this new realization, I'm trying

not to let it depress me. How are you now?

Love and gentle hugs,


In a message dated 11/12/2007 7:56:13 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,

herbal7@... writes:

Hey there, How are you? Hope you are doing alright. Sounds to me though like

you and I are in a bad flare and just trying to make it through the day. My

back is hurting so badly it is hard to walk around. I have been doing very

little this past 2 days. Hope things improve for you soon.


************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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, I too have a herniated disc in l4 and l5. Some days I think that is where

the majority of my pain radiates from. When I walk my legs go numb, when I sit

my legs go numb and the pain in my back is just horrible. My Neurologist ordered

the MRI of my spine in Sept 07 and the radiologist said spine was fine, found

nothing. While I was at my appt with Neuro doctor he found it!!! My nerves are

severely pinched he stated that my nerves have about .4cm to go through and I

had an EMG done and it showed that my left side is receiving but my right isn't

getting them. I am just one big messed up person. My neuro suggested swimming

for my back so I joined a low impact water aerobics class at our local YMCA. It

has helped both with the back and the fibro. I also have some degenrative stuff

happening. I don't want surgery, but if the pain isn't better by summor 08 I am

going to opt for surgery. On top of everything else I also suffer from major

depression and

panic disorder. There are days that I don't want to leave the house and just

going to the grocery store when it is busy puts me over the edge. I am trying to

work through all these issues with meds but I am to the point now I take about

12 pills in the morning and about 6 at night and I have nothing for pain. I do

have another appt with a different pain management doctor next wednesday but

until then I am in pain everyday. I can't sit stand or walk for very long. Oh my

gosh I have rambled.....sorry. Just wanted to say I feel your pain with the back


Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Re: The monster and back problems -- delurking

I have l-4 and l-5 problems and they were herniated and fused by themselves. I

avoided the surgery and am glad I did. i live everyday in pain also. You learn

to adjust and live life around it. I hope whatever choice you make, it all turns

out for you.

Melody <sunshineangel@ gmail.com> wrote: Thinking of you Teri!

Teri Wallner wrote:

> Good morning.




> I have fibro.diagnosed 3 years ago, but have dealt with it for many years.

> I also don't seem to have a day that is pain free - the level just varies.

> My meds take the edge off and allow me to function day to day, but it's

> always present. I've kind of learned to just accept that it's a fact of

> life for me and have had to make various lifestyle changes as I'm sure many

> of you have too. I found a way to work from home doing transcription but

> even that affects the monster. But along with that I have back problems.




> A little background - 49 year old female with back problems for over 10

> years. I have now what they call an " end stage " herniated lumbar disk.

> First MRI in '98 showed a herniated disk and treatment was suggested.

> Second MRI in '03 showed progression of the herniation and degeneration.

> Surgery was suggested. I was told I could either have the surgery or live

> with it. Third MRI showed " Marked disk space narrowing L4-5, with loss of

> hydration and subligamentous disk bulging at L4-5, posterolaterally, more

> severe on the right with some root sheath compromise on the right at L4-5.

> There is some bony diskogenic sclerosis of the vertebral bodies L4 and L5

> anteriorly " .




> My pain level has increased since this all first started and I take meds

> daily just to be able to be productive. The fibromyalgia which only adds to

> the problem. On a daily basis I take Tylenol 4's, morphine 30 mg ER,

> anti-inflammatories , anti-depressants and muscle relaxers.




> I've run the gamut through doctors and pain clinics for what seems like

> every imaginable type of treatment out there. Nothing. So I take my meds

> and have adjusted my lifestyle to include the chronic pain.




> Finally decided after a number of people telling me I should have the

> surgery, including my own family doc, to go ahead and look into it. The

> first surgeon said I was a prime candidate for a fusion or disk replacement

> but he wouldn't do it because of my fibro. He said that would make it

> worse. I sort of understand that logic, but then again, I don't.




> The second surgeon said he would be willing to do the surgery, but said it

> wouldn't help my fibro. Well, that's a given. But if it would lessen my

> back and leg pain, I would be willing. He said he would do a Direct Lateral

> Interbody Fusion, meaning they go in from the side, which I've never heard

> of. I've been denying having surgery always saying I've never seen anyone

> get better from back surgery, only worse. He also said I didn't " have " to

> have it. But what are my options? Chronic pain for the rest of my life,

> which it seems I'm going to have anyway because of the fibro? Or having

> surgery that " might " help or might not. They are also a very anti-narcotic

> clinic and I was told I would have to wean off my meds for a few weeks and

> then be totally narcotic free for a solid two weeks.




> I would die. I would not be able to function much less work or anything

> else. Again, not only because of the back problems but because of my fibro

> and typing doesn't help, but it pays the bills and I have no choice but to

> work.




> The one doctor told me if he could put me in a time capsule and launched me

> ahead 10 years or so, my back would not be as bad. My father, a long time

> ago, said the same thing, that they sort of " fuse " themselves.




> I have no idea what to think anymore. I am totally confused. I'm almost

> thinking I should just not have the surgery because there is a good chance

> of the surgery NOT working and even if it does, I'll have chronic pain

> anyway because of my fibro. I'm afraid that the surgery would just flare my

> fibro immensely. I know how bad my fibro gets just from a common cold. I

> would think having major trauma such as surgery would send me to the moon.

> Is it true about the " self-fusion " thing? If anyone has any opinions,

> advice or suggestions on anything I've said - I would welcome them.




> Thank you all for listening as I'm sure many of you know what chronic pain

> is.




> Confused -


> Teri





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Why didn't the Nuero prescribe anything for you? As far as taking alot of

Pills I agree with you but you just have to get use to it. Hopefully insurance

companies will help a little more in the future. In Jan. we will get to find

out what my husbands insurance will be. It is always changing. I think I have

about 8 prescriptions. I get rid of what ever I feel like isn't working. But

girl you need something for the pain, I would call the nuero and have him

prescibe something.

Lori H

debra bunt wrote:

, I too have a herniated disc in l4 and l5. Some days I think

that is where the majority of my pain radiates from. When I walk my legs go

numb, when I sit my legs go numb and the pain in my back is just horrible. My

Neurologist ordered the MRI of my spine in Sept 07 and the radiologist said

spine was fine, found nothing. While I was at my appt with Neuro doctor he found

it!!! My nerves are severely pinched he stated that my nerves have about .4cm to

go through and I had an EMG done and it showed that my left side is receiving

but my right isn't getting them. I am just one big messed up person. My neuro

suggested swimming for my back so I joined a low impact water aerobics class at

our local YMCA. It has helped both with the back and the fibro. I also have some

degenrative stuff happening. I don't want surgery, but if the pain isn't better

by summor 08 I am going to opt for surgery. On top of everything else I also

suffer from major depression and

panic disorder. There are days that I don't want to leave the house and just

going to the grocery store when it is busy puts me over the edge. I am trying to

work through all these issues with meds but I am to the point now I take about

12 pills in the morning and about 6 at night and I have nothing for pain. I do

have another appt with a different pain management doctor next wednesday but

until then I am in pain everyday. I can't sit stand or walk for very long. Oh my

gosh I have rambled.....sorry. Just wanted to say I feel your pain with the back


Debra B

Gladewater, Texas

Re: The monster and back problems -- delurking

I have l-4 and l-5 problems and they were herniated and fused by themselves. I

avoided the surgery and am glad I did. i live everyday in pain also. You learn

to adjust and live life around it. I hope whatever choice you make, it all turns

out for you.

Melody <sunshineangel@ gmail.com> wrote: Thinking of you Teri!

Teri Wallner wrote:

> Good morning.




> I have fibro.diagnosed 3 years ago, but have dealt with it for many years.

> I also don't seem to have a day that is pain free - the level just varies.

> My meds take the edge off and allow me to function day to day, but it's

> always present. I've kind of learned to just accept that it's a fact of

> life for me and have had to make various lifestyle changes as I'm sure many

> of you have too. I found a way to work from home doing transcription but

> even that affects the monster. But along with that I have back problems.




> A little background - 49 year old female with back problems for over 10

> years. I have now what they call an " end stage " herniated lumbar disk.

> First MRI in '98 showed a herniated disk and treatment was suggested.

> Second MRI in '03 showed progression of the herniation and degeneration.

> Surgery was suggested. I was told I could either have the surgery or live

> with it. Third MRI showed " Marked disk space narrowing L4-5, with loss of

> hydration and subligamentous disk bulging at L4-5, posterolaterally, more

> severe on the right with some root sheath compromise on the right at L4-5.

> There is some bony diskogenic sclerosis of the vertebral bodies L4 and L5

> anteriorly " .




> My pain level has increased since this all first started and I take meds

> daily just to be able to be productive. The fibromyalgia which only adds to

> the problem. On a daily basis I take Tylenol 4's, morphine 30 mg ER,

> anti-inflammatories , anti-depressants and muscle relaxers.




> I've run the gamut through doctors and pain clinics for what seems like

> every imaginable type of treatment out there. Nothing. So I take my meds

> and have adjusted my lifestyle to include the chronic pain.




> Finally decided after a number of people telling me I should have the

> surgery, including my own family doc, to go ahead and look into it. The

> first surgeon said I was a prime candidate for a fusion or disk replacement

> but he wouldn't do it because of my fibro. He said that would make it

> worse. I sort of understand that logic, but then again, I don't.




> The second surgeon said he would be willing to do the surgery, but said it

> wouldn't help my fibro. Well, that's a given. But if it would lessen my

> back and leg pain, I would be willing. He said he would do a Direct Lateral

> Interbody Fusion, meaning they go in from the side, which I've never heard

> of. I've been denying having surgery always saying I've never seen anyone

> get better from back surgery, only worse. He also said I didn't " have " to

> have it. But what are my options? Chronic pain for the rest of my life,

> which it seems I'm going to have anyway because of the fibro? Or having

> surgery that " might " help or might not. They are also a very anti-narcotic

> clinic and I was told I would have to wean off my meds for a few weeks and

> then be totally narcotic free for a solid two weeks.




> I would die. I would not be able to function much less work or anything

> else. Again, not only because of the back problems but because of my fibro

> and typing doesn't help, but it pays the bills and I have no choice but to

> work.




> The one doctor told me if he could put me in a time capsule and launched me

> ahead 10 years or so, my back would not be as bad. My father, a long time

> ago, said the same thing, that they sort of " fuse " themselves.




> I have no idea what to think anymore. I am totally confused. I'm almost

> thinking I should just not have the surgery because there is a good chance

> of the surgery NOT working and even if it does, I'll have chronic pain

> anyway because of my fibro. I'm afraid that the surgery would just flare my

> fibro immensely. I know how bad my fibro gets just from a common cold. I

> would think having major trauma such as surgery would send me to the moon.

> Is it true about the " self-fusion " thing? If anyone has any opinions,

> advice or suggestions on anything I've said - I would welcome them.




> Thank you all for listening as I'm sure many of you know what chronic pain

> is.




> Confused -


> Teri





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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Do you have to have a script to get one? The doc said last time that he didn't need one because they were monitoring it. After listening to you guys we are going to have a little talk this week. Where is the best place to get one. K Central Il Beth wrote: ,Congratulations to Don! It was a stroke of genius to get him up in the tractor. That had to be a great feeling for him. I can remember the first time I did something "normal" after my diagnosis. For me it was getting in the car and going to the store by myself. It reduced me to happy tears. We all need to feel like we can do something, anything that we used to be able to do. I'm so glad you did this with him. My only suggestion would be to echo the others, get an oximeter and make sure his

O2 is set high enough to keep his sats up. As long as that's taken care of he can do whatever he feels up to!We're all with you!Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06Change everything. Love and Forgive Re: Terry POk, here I am again. It puts it at the very bottom of all the emails. How can I get it to put it at the bottom of

mine instead of the very bottom. I'm so helpless when it comes to stuff like this. Kcentral I,.Terry Pennisi wrote:Joyce,Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent it to , but it was meant for you!Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read the right one!Love and prayers,TerryTerry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one

month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. K Central Il Hubby ipf- 2006 As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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No, you don't need a prescription to order an oximeter. Now, in some

rare cases insurance will cover one and in those cases you need a

prescription. But, otherwise they are sold widely on the internet.

> Joyce,

> Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent

it to , but it was meant for you!

> Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read

the right one!

> Love and prayers,

> Terry



> Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.





> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.









> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.









> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.




> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> ---------------------------------

> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


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You do not need a script to get one. Many doctors object to patients having them on the grounds that it may make us worry and 'obsess' more about our conditions. I've always been fortunate to have doctors who do not feel that way. It's just a tool that allows me to check and make sure my O2 level is where it should be and adjust my supplemental oxygen accordingly. The doctors check our O2 when we go to the office but let's face it, our levels can vary wildly depending on our activity. It's important to keep our levels above 90 to protect our organs from the damage that occurs from low O2 levels.

I'm sure others will give you sources. www.turnermedical.com is where I got my Nonin but I know there is an FDA approved device that is only around $65 I think. Someone will pop up with the source for that one. I believe several people have purchased it and are happy with it.

Hope that helps!


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06

Change everything. Love and Forgive

Re: Terry POk, here I am again. It puts it at the very bottom of all the emails. How can I get it to put it at the bottom of mine instead of the very bottom. I'm so helpless when it comes to stuff like this. Kcentral I,.Terry Pennisi wrote:Joyce,Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent it to , but it was meant for you!Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read the

right one!Love and prayers,TerryTerry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


Central Il

Hubby ipf- 2006

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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Back when I had Aetna they paid for mine and like I said, I had a doctor who insisted I needed one to monitor my sats when I was exercising on my own outside of rehab.


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06

Change everything. Love and Forgive


No, you don't need a prescription to order an oximeter. Now, in somerare cases insurance will cover one and in those cases you need aprescription. But, otherwise they are sold widely on the internet.> Joyce,> Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sentit to , but it was meant for you!> Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you readthe right one!> Love and prayers,> Terry>>> Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No

Cost.>>>>>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>>>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> ------------ --------- --------- ---> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No


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My doctor fought me about getting an oximeter. But, I was persistant. Bruce pointed out the if you have diabetes or hypertension, you have a meter. So, why not us. Mine has literally saved my life on numberous occasions. I did get a script and insurance paid 100% (and I don't have great insurance). It is a really nice one like the doc uses. Has pulse rate too.

Hugs, Joyce D.Pulmonary Fibrosis 1997 Bronchiectasis 2004 Pulmonary Hypertension 2008 Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (Lupus, RA, Sjogren's, etc) Rejected for Transplant 2006 .....I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palm of my hands. Isaiah 49: 15-16> Joyce,> Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent it to , but it was meant for you!> Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read the right one!> Love and prayers,> Terry> > > Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada > > > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. > > > > > K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14> > > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. > > > > > > > > > K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14> > > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. > > > > > > > > > K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14> > > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.> > > > K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14> > > ---------------------------------> You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>

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Well, my pulmonologist didn't have nice things to say about those

doctors fighting oximeters. If I was at 2 liters as prescribed

originally, I'd be under oxygenated anytime I got off the sofa or out of

bed and I would be in the 60's some of the time. Now, I'd be using

unneeded oxygen much of the time I'm sitting on the sofa. When someone

shows me another way to know your needs then I'll listen but I haven't

heard it yet and oxygen is the one thing we know does serve a purpose.

It's the only thing prescribed for PF that its need isn't subject to


> > Joyce,

> > Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just


> it to , but it was meant for you!

> > Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read

> the right one!

> > Love and prayers,

> > Terry

> >

> >

> > Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >


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They are half correct. I do obsess I guess over my oxygen levels. But it

doesn't cause me to obsess more over my condition, just to be more

aware. And, without enough oxygen I'd have more conditions to obsess

over. I think the number opposing is decreasing but I still think very

few actually advise you to get one, even those who approve when you do.

I think part of it is them believing insurance won't cover it and

believing its much more expensive than it is. I've found them shocked to

find out you can get the same Nonin they use for $239. I'm sure they

paid more. In fact, Apria was going to bill Aetna (and Aetna was going

to agree) $280 per month for a rental or $1580 for a sale of the Nonin

9500 (private labelled to Respironics but identical and not even hidden

as its the Respironics 950).

> Joyce,

> Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent

it to , but it was meant for you!

> Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read

the right one!

> Love and prayers,

> Terry



> Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.





> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.









> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.









> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.






> K

> Central Il

> Hubby ipf- 2006

> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> 14



> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


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Believe it or not, I actually bought mine myself and then submitted the script and the receipt and Aetna reimbursed me 100%.


Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06

Change everything. Love and Forgive


BethThey are half correct. I do obsess I guess over my oxygen levels. But itdoesn't cause me to obsess more over my condition, just to be moreaware. And, without enough oxygen I'd have more conditions to obsessover. I think the number opposing is decreasing but I still think veryfew actually advise you to get one, even those who approve when you do.I think part of it is them believing insurance won't cover it andbelieving its much more expensive than it is. I've found them shocked tofind out you can get the same Nonin they use for $239. I'm sure theypaid more. In fact, Apria was going to bill Aetna (and Aetna was goingto agree) $280 per month for a rental or $1580 for a sale of the Nonin9500 (private labelled to Respironics but identical and not even hiddenas its the Respironics 950).> Joyce,> Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sentit to , but it was meant for you!> Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you readthe right one!> Love and prayers,> Terry>>> Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month

ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>>>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>>>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access, No Cost.>>>>>> K> Central Il> Hubby ipf- 2006> As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord> 14>>> You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month ofBlockbuster Total Access,

No Cost.>

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Now you tell me.....now that I'm off Aetna. I just gave up when I was

told they would pay for me to rent it for $280 per month (my copay $56

per month). I was also nearing my end with Aetna and the end of the year

and knew that if I got it in January of this year through them it would

all be in my deductible anyway.

> > Joyce,

> > Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just


> it to , but it was meant for you!

> > Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read

> the right one!

> > Love and prayers,

> > Terry

> >

> >

> > Terry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > K

> > Central Il

> > Hubby ipf- 2006

> > As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

> > 14

> >

> >

> > You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of

> Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

> >


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Joanie just ordered me an O2 meter for my B'day. I told her that was all I wanted. She ordered the $65 one that Bruce sent the link to.


-- Re:

Do you have to have a script to get one? The doc said last time that he didn't need one because they were monitoring it. After listening to you guys we are going to have a little talk this week. Where is the best place to get one.


Central Il Beth <mbmurtha> wrote:

,Congratulations to Don! It was a stroke of genius to get him up in the tractor. That had to be a great feeling for him. I can remember the first time I did something "normal" after my diagnosis. For me it was getting in the car and going to the store by myself. It reduced me to happy tears. We all need to feel like we can do something, anything that we used to be able to do. I'm so glad you did this with him. My only suggestion would be to echo the others, get an oximeter and make sure his O2 is set high enough to keep his sats up. As long as that's taken care of he can do whatever he feels up to!We're all with you!Beth Age 48 Fibrotic NSIP 06/06Change everything. Love and Forgive Re: Terry POk, here I am again. It puts it at the very bottom of all the emails. How can I get it to put it at the bottom of mine instead of the very bottom. I'm so helpless when it comes to stuff like this. Kcentral I,.Terry Pennisi wrote:Joyce,Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent it to , but it was meant for you!Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read the right one!Love and prayers,TerryTerry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


Central Il

Hubby ipf- 2006

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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J/J I bought that same one Joe and it works just fine. I had mine checked and it was off only one number. Don't drive yourself crazy checking all the time now.


Mama-Sher, age 69. IPF 3-06, OR. Don't fret about tomorrow, God is already there!

Re: Terry POk, here I am again. It puts it at the very bottom of all the emails. How can I get it to put it at the bottom of mine instead of the very bottom. I'm so helpless when it comes to stuff like this. Kcentral I,.Terry Pennisi wrote:Joyce,Once again I see I've sent a message to the wrong person. I just sent it to , but it was meant for you!Does this crap play with your mind? I wonder. Anyway, hope you read the right one!Love and prayers,TerryTerry Pennisi 11/07 IPF Nevada You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost. KCentral IlHubby ipf- 2006As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord 14You rock. That's why Blockbuster' s offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


Central Il

Hubby ipf- 2006

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.

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