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If your temp. is 100 and over you most likely do have the flu or something else

like that!! Don't really think progesterone makes you that hot! That is a low

grade fever!! Take care of yourself!!


Re: Re:

just wondering is it normal to still have high temp and feel really tired

5dps.i feel like crap and temps r stayin over 100.kinda feel like i have the

flu just feel so drained and sluggish all the time.also i still have alot of

eggwhite cm.


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Who'da thunk it?


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4:

Arianne (16)

a (7)


(my TR baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!





Storing Sour Cream or Cottage Cheese

Did you know that you can extend the shelf life of sour cream and cottage


in your refrigerator, if you store them upside down? Be sure the lid is on


This keeps air from getting in, which helps prolong the product's life.


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oh btw his stats for 2001 are only a 23% success rate for women >35 so where

he got the 40 from is nuts, probably out his a$$. This is a public record

that can be found on the CDC site, they have to report it, 40% for IVF NO


Can u tell I hate this guy!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!



HREF= " http://www.pac-ach-int.com/315622083 " >http://www.pac-ach-int.com/315622083\


" The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will forever be

walking about outside your body. " ~Katharine Hadley

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, How long does the burning last? I really don't have alot of pain it is

just the burning I can't take.


Hart wrote:Cindi, I know the news is not what

you wanted, but it only takes one good tube! Welcome back to being fertile, and

so glad to have you back!


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4:

Arianne (16)

a (7)


(my TR baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!


post tr update

Hey I just got home from my TR on Monday. Not as bad as I thought it

would be. didn't get the news I wanted either, but will live with

it. I have 5 and 2. Dr. L said the 2 looks better than the 5 and he

had to do some fancy sewing on parts of it that he normally don't do

so no sex for several weeks so I don't tear my tubes apart. But he

still gives me a 65 to 75% shot at it. So I have my fingers

crosses. Thanks for the list of things to take. I took them all and

used them all. Talk later.Cindi

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well i had mine about a month ago and cant sleep on belly yet.but i have

busted my incision open and it is infected now.i was feeling really good

about 2 weeks ago till this happened.

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Oh, Frannie, I mentioned THAT to him also!!! I said " your rates are

different when I looked them up on-line so how do you figure that I

have a 40% chance at one try? " He said that given my " excellent " test

results, that my percentage is " different " & that he calculated that

percentage on his own, given my age & results and that I should not go

by those posted percentages, because they combine everyone as a WHOLE

& not on an individual basis!!! What I SHOULD HAVE said, but didn't

think about it until just now is " So, being that you are an RE, can we

find out what statistics & knowledge YOU have on tubal

reversals?????? " Obviously, NOT MUCH, since he doesn't even KNOW the

size of TUBES to begin with!!!!!! I was going to PUNCH him for BOTH

of us, HeeHee, but then he would get that NEW Mercedes, and I would

still have no money to try for a baby!!! It seems the " bad guys "

ALWAYS come out smelling like a rose & in first place, I just don't

" get it " !!!

> oh btw his stats for 2001 are only a 23% success rate for women >35

so where

> he got the 40 from is nuts, probably out his a$$. This is a public


> that can be found on the CDC site, they have to report it, 40% for


> WAY!!!!!


> Can u tell I hate this guy!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!


> Frannie

> <A

HREF= " http://www.pac-ach-int.com/315622083 " >http://www.pac-ach-int.com/315622083\



> " The decision to have a child is to accept that your heart will

forever be

> walking about outside your body. " ~Katharine Hadley




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The whole incision is burning. It is swollen. How do I do the hot soaks?

Hart wrote:What burning, Cindi? Is it from the

incision? Is your incision red or swollen? If so, you should start doing hot

soaks 3 times a day for 20 minutes each.


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4:

Arianne (16)

a (7)


(my TR baby) born 6/20/02

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin!


post tr update

Hey I just got home from my TR on Monday. Not as bad as I thought it

would be. didn't get the news I wanted either, but will live with

it. I have 5 and 2. Dr. L said the 2 looks better than the 5 and he

had to do some fancy sewing on parts of it that he normally don't do

so no sex for several weeks so I don't tear my tubes apart. But he

still gives me a 65 to 75% shot at it. So I have my fingers

crosses. Thanks for the list of things to take. I took them all and

used them all. Talk later.Cindi

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I had mine open too I tried to keep taping it shut and needed to get a wick

in it to drain fluid no infection though...... I can not go a month without

sleeping on my belly I am so Tired I am a 100% belly sleeper this is murder

lol.... My belly feels good till I attempt the whole tummy lay thing... lol

The wick came out yesterday and Now I know to let it ozze not tape it shut

and hold it in lol........ So now it will heal .......... Guess I should

have contacted The dr and not played Dr lol ......... Thanks maybe before I

turn 40 Ill be able to get a good night of belly sleep lol


DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03


> well i had mine about a month ago and cant sleep on belly yet.but i have

> busted my incision open and it is infected now.i was feeling really good

> about 2 weeks ago till this happened.




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Happy late Bday Sorry I am late


DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03

> Happy Birthday !


> Connie G.







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this is a song to I have it on my pc


DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03

> Here is a link to one of my favorite poems/songs about special needs. I

also copied it incase the link doesn't come up.


> http://www.emandan.freeserve.co.uk/miracles.htm


> " Sometimes Miracles Hide "

> by Bruce Carroll


> They were so excited

> It was coming to be

> Two people so in love

> Now soon there would be three

> For many years they'd planned it

> Now it would soon be true

> She was picking out the pink clothes

> He was looking at the blue


> The call came unexpected

> The doctor had bad news

> Some tests came back and things weren't right

> He said, " You're gonna have to choose

> I'll wait a week for your decision "

> Then the words cut like a knife

> " I'm sure everyone will understand

> If you want to end its life "


> Though they were badly shaken

> They just had no choice

> 'Cause they knew God creates no accidents

> And they were sure they heard His voice, saying,


> Sometimes miracles hide

> And God will wrap some blessings in disguise

> You may have to wait this lifetime

> To see the reasons with your eyes

> 'Cause sometimes miracles hide


> It seemed before they knew it

> The appointed day arrived

> With eager apprehension

> They could barely hold inside

> The first time they laid eyes on her

> Confirmed the doctor's fears

> But they held on to God's promises

> 'Cause they were sure they both could hear


> That sometimes miracles hide

> And God will wrap some blessings in disguise

> You may have to wait this lifetime

> To see the reasons with your eyes

> 'Cause sometimes miracles hide


> Though she was not like the other girls

> They thought she was the best

> And through all the years of struggle

> Neither whispered one regret

> On the day that she started school

> And took her first bus ride

> They remembered the words that God had spoken

> And they both broke down and cried


> You see to them it did not matter

> Why some things in life take place

> 'Cause they just knew the joy they felt

> When they look into her face


> They learned sometimes miracles hide

> They said, " God has wrapped our blessing in disguise

> We may have to wait this lifetime to see the reasons with our eyes

> But we know sometimes miracles hide

> We've learned sometimes miracles hide "


> :)



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I told him too.... I told him he was lucky I didnt have the guts lol


DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03

Just a few comments-I promise



> I just had to tell you all how much I enjoy this message board...I

> just get a kick out of reading all your posts and also enjoy seeing

> all the support...I use to read the newspaper in the morning with my

> coffee and now I read your posts instead:)...good thing that it's

> only my dog around when I lol, otherwise my family would think I was

> mental...also, all those posts about smacking Dr. L's bottom brought

> a vision to mind of him visiting me post-op and me stating " Sorry Dr.

> Levin, but I have to smack your a** for all my sisters out there " and

> my husband falling over in his chair!...sorry, but that's what came

> to mind. If I ever do make it to my TR, I would not only smack his

> bottom, but I would give him a big smackaroo on the lips...congrats

> to all those getting their TR's done next week..how exciting! as well

> as to those expecting...we definately need some positivity with the

> things that are going on in our world today...and, as usual, my

> prayers go out to those that are dealing with trying issues in their

> lives right now...my heart goes out to you!...anyways, that's all (it

> is shorter than last time)...






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Glad you had a great time!


and family left about 430... They are so great... le said she

wishes she'd have left with them... She has to go home now and so It's time to

want to be somewhere else..... They should have kidnapped her.... is an

awsome wrestler I seen tape, Shes Great... They are all very friendly nice

people and I am so glad I got to met them.. Thats 5 TR sisters I met in one

month....... WOW ...... Thats why group was quite today wasnt near a pc


- Thanks for stopping.... All the kids did all day was ask when you were

coming.... I am glad we got to meet and I will make it a point to travel to see

you soon... I

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Thank you so much (and too!!)! One of the church

members who had a baby girl last Friday (03/28/03) just brought her

in and I got to hold her so I am hoping that she " rubbed " some baby

dust on me too!!! We'll see what happens!

> , here's lots of baby dust and slobbery kisses from

Bean! ~*~*~**~**~*~*~*~~****~*~**~*~**~


> Hart

> Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

> Mom to 4:

> Arianne (16) ~ a(7)

> (4) ~ (My TR Baby - born 6/20/02)

> Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin

> http://www.geocities.com/thehartclantx/Thehartclantx.html

> Good Morning!



> Well as some of you know I am between 6-8 dpo (depends on which

> software I go by) and today my chart became Triphasic!! I

> have " symptoms " but I feel like they must all be in my head since

> there is no way (except a miracle from God) that it could happen


> first month TTC!! I am planning to test on Sunday (9-11 dpo)

> because it is our wedding anniversary so please keep us in your

> prayers. Also, if anyone who has been PG recently or who is

> currently PG could tell me how early they had symptoms and what


> were and also how early they tested and got a + I would really

> appreciate it. Thanks!!


> I pray that everyone is doing well and since I haven't been able


> keep up with the group very much lately I would like to welcome


> new ladies and say congratulations to any new TR's and/or PG's!!


> P.




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Donna, I have the cramps already but I don't usually get cramps with

AF so that is giving me a lot of hope. I have weird twinges in BBs

but not really painful. My back has been hurting the last couple of

days also. I have the First Response HPTs and they are supposed to

measure as little as 20 mIU/ml but it says as early as 3 days before

AF and Sunday will be more like 5 days so who knows! I will

definitely keep everyone updated.

How are you and baby doing? When is your next ultrasound?

> Hi, I tested at 12dpo and it was positive. I used clear plus and it


> postive when I used fact plus it was negative. I had the sore bbs

and af

> cramps.


> Hugs~


> Donna L




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That will so give me good reason to do the happy dance!


Wife to Jon, Love of My Life

Mom to 4:

Arianne (16) ~ a(7)

(4) ~ (My TR Baby - born 6/20/02)

Glory to God and Many Thanks to Dr. Levin


Good Morning!



> Well as some of you know I am between 6-8 dpo (depends on which

> software I go by) and today my chart became Triphasic!! I

> have " symptoms " but I feel like they must all be in my head since

> there is no way (except a miracle from God) that it could happen


> first month TTC!! I am planning to test on Sunday (9-11 dpo)

> because it is our wedding anniversary so please keep us in your

> prayers. Also, if anyone who has been PG recently or who is

> currently PG could tell me how early they had symptoms and what


> were and also how early they tested and got a + I would really

> appreciate it. Thanks!!


> I pray that everyone is doing well and since I haven't been able


> keep up with the group very much lately I would like to welcome


> new ladies and say congratulations to any new TR's and/or PG's!!


> P.




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Well, I guess you will just have to come up here... we have a few along the

shore of Lake Superior!


I am filming everything with the video camera as we are building it.

When it is finsihed I will take a pic with the digital and post it

for all to see. LOL! It will be a beauty, I can assure you of that!

We are heading for Port Isabel in the most southern part of Texas to

see the Lighthouse there in May over the Memorial Day weekend. It is

the only lighthouse along the Texas coast that is open to the public.

Connie Garrick lives in Tomball, Texas down there by Houston, I may

have to look that up and see how close to her we will be. I would

love to meet her.

Hugz- Terrie in Texas

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Please unsubscribe me. My email address is nathira61@...


Good Morning!



> Well as some of you know I am between 6-8 dpo (depends on which

> software I go by) and today my chart became Triphasic!! I

> have " symptoms " but I feel like they must all be in my head since

> there is no way (except a miracle from God) that it could happen


> first month TTC!! I am planning to test on Sunday (9-11 dpo)

> because it is our wedding anniversary so please keep us in your

> prayers. Also, if anyone who has been PG recently or who is

> currently PG could tell me how early they had symptoms and what


> were and also how early they tested and got a + I would really

> appreciate it. Thanks!!


> I pray that everyone is doing well and since I haven't been able


> keep up with the group very much lately I would like to welcome


> new ladies and say congratulations to any new TR's and/or PG's!!


> P.




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All this talk about this Doll house Light house. I need to see it. Any


I can relate to the back ache... My back hurts when I do dishes Actually

anything where I stand to long lately.. The kids have been doing them but

last night I did and OUCH.. I need heat can't believe they said NO HEAT Are

they nuts.....


DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03

> Thank God the dollhouse didn't get ruined! You will never find

> another like it. I love that darned thing!!! LOL!


> Yes, I can relate to the back sprain. They said that there is nothing

> worse than back pain and a toothache and they are right! You have

> both together! Double Whammy! Ouch! I feel for you. You went to work

> today? Boy are you a trooper or what!!!


> Well girl, we put the Conversion Van up for sale!! We are going to

> sell it, pay off the Camaro with the money and then pay an extra

> $300.00 on the house each month with the money that we are paying on

> the Camaro now and pay the whole thing off in 4 years. (Actually we

> are paying $421.00 on the Camaro but I didn't want to put it all

> toward the house.) I did all the math and if we do it this way then

> in 4 yrs. we will have no housepayment, no car payment and I will be

> able to afford to take days off without worrying. I can't wait. I had

> to convince to sell the van but once I showed him the figures

> on paper he was convinced. Heck we never drive it anyway. I told him

> it's to big of an investment to sit in the driveway everyday. Heck

> it's only got 60,000 miles on it! That's just break in time on a big

> V8 like it has in it. LOL!


> Well I certainly hope you get to feeling better girl!!!


> Hugz- Terrie





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You can look at them all you want hun........ Should I take a pic lol


DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03

> Now , don't get testy with me!!! You said yourself that the snow

> was melting very quickly and that you would go down to help my dad

> out because you didn't get stuck in the driveway like he did.

> Whaaaa! I wanted to see the testicle. (Don't tell ok?) Pretty

> please?

> Hugz- Terrie






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Yes Terrie I gave you premission Just in the event you really meet Rick Do

not tell him just look....... Catch him off guard Ill have him wear sweats



DH- Rick-31

DS- Ricky 12

DD-Brittany 11

DD- Clarissa 10

FD- le 5 Presently not with us:-(

TL- 12/92

TR- Dr. Levin 3/13/03

> You dirty old woman ! Shame on you! I was just trying to see if

> had bruised it or not!! We would need to send him to the ER if

> it is something more serious than a bruise you know!


> Besides, said that I can look at it if I want! Nah! Nah! Nah!


> Hugz- Terrie in Texas





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Not so very sneaky!! FedEx Envelope!!!!!!

I am glad that you have received it!

Hope to see a you report +++++++++++++++++++ soon!!!



{SPAM?} Janice

Thank you for the beautiful card!! What a wonderful surprise to

come home and find it in my mailbox!! How did you get my address,

sneaky!? LOL! Thank you again...you are so sweet!


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Janice, I hope I can post a ++++ soon too!! You'll be one of the

first to know!

How are you doing? I haven't seen you posting much lately.


> Not so very sneaky!! FedEx Envelope!!!!!!

> I am glad that you have received it!


> Hope to see a you report +++++++++++++++++++ soon!!!


> Blessings,

> Janice

> {SPAM?} Janice



> Thank you for the beautiful card!! What a wonderful surprise to

> come home and find it in my mailbox!! How did you get my


> sneaky!? LOL! Thank you again...you are so sweet!


> Hugs,






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Well, life has been kinda hectic around here!! Farming is starting, possible

job change and life change for hubby. Going from full time work to part time

and farming.

My cycle I was in when I had the reversal was messed up and the cycle after it

as well. So now I am in the second full cycle since reversal. Hoping it will

be more normal. Still ovulating so guess that is worth a whole lot!!!!

Other than that things are just fine around here!



{SPAM?} Janice



> Thank you for the beautiful card!! What a wonderful surprise to

> come home and find it in my mailbox!! How did you get my


> sneaky!? LOL! Thank you again...you are so sweet!


> Hugs,






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Wow Janice you sound busy!! I hope that this cycle is much nicer to

you. How were your cycles prior to your TL? I am sure everything

will get straightened out if you keep taking your supplements and

eating right (like I know you do!). And I can't wait to see you

post a ++++!!!

> > Not so very sneaky!! FedEx Envelope!!!!!!

> > I am glad that you have received it!

> >

> > Hope to see a you report +++++++++++++++++++ soon!!!

> >

> > Blessings,

> > Janice

> > {SPAM?} Janice

> >

> >

> > Thank you for the beautiful card!! What a wonderful

surprise to

> > come home and find it in my mailbox!! How did you get my

> address,

> > sneaky!? LOL! Thank you again...you are so sweet!

> >

> > Hugs,

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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