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Hey guys....sorry to be so noncommunicative lately; Mark and two of

the kids went out of town for a week, and the remaining two (one of

whom was ) had nasty colds the whole time. Between holding

moaning kids and trying to clean house a bit, I have been skimming

but am way behind; perhaps in a day or two.

Amy.........<sigh>. Hugs to everyone else as well...seems

like so many tough things going on for so many on this list

lately...those of you who don't need the hug right now, save it for


Anyway, on to the reason for this note...

For Christmas this year, my sister-in-law gave us a pair of

books... " Hope Through Heartsongs " and " Celebrate Through Heartsongs " ,

two of four books of poetry written by Mattie J.T. Stepanek, a young

man with a rare form of MD.

It is an experience worth having, folks...an amazingly insightful

look at life through the eyes of a child facing a terrible disease

with grace and dignity. If you are in a place where reading this

kind of thing is a positive, these are excellent. Not at all like

the usual " inspiring " material that people think is so helpful but

almost always depresses me...these are little glimpses into a child's

heart. Wonderful, IMO.


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I read about Mattie in People Magazine. I've already

ordered the books.

Tuna :)


Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope

outlives them all. "

- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)


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