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C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

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- I would not be too concerned about what Dr. Feng gave you. You said they were supplements right???? Cipro is a powerful antibiotic (drug). I did take cipro for 10 days after my implanting surgery. Then was one again given it by my PS for my explanting surgery. When the diarrhea came back within 3 days after explant and taking the medicine, she pulled me off of it right then. I feel kinda stupid for taking it again...but that was the only way she would do my explant and I wanted the implants out badly. I know what you are saying about looking into stuff before taking it now. I should have looked into the cipro more than I did but I jsut assumed it was fine since a DOCTOR gave it to me.

Now, I questions and over analyze everything I do or take. I know I drive people crazy because of it but I am being more careful as to what I take and who I trust to give it to me. My ND has gotten really nasty with me because I question all the supplements she is putting me on. For one because they are expensive and I do not have the money to throw away on things I do not think I need and two because I am know scared to take anything for fear of what it will do to me. I actually think I am going to try to do a supplement program on my own with the help of all the knowledgable women here....I can not afford to keep buying the supplements from my ND. My hubby will likely throw me out if I keep spending so much money. PLus, I do not want to spend all that money on supplements!!!!

I would rest assure that what Dr. Feng gave you is fine.....but if you are concerned, call her office. I know they would be happy to answer any of your questions. They are wonderful there!!!!!

Much Love,


C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.... .> > Wow, I didnt know all this about cipro ! ! Lynn, I would>

definately ask if this is the only drug he thinks will rid you> of this nasty bacteria.... ....> Loveya ~ D> > > click on the link at the bottom for other side effects.> The True Story of Cipro> By s Schuld, Small and Trent > Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was forced to recall its fluorinated cholesterol- lowering drug Baycol (Cerivastatin) as it had caused deaths and serious adverse health effects worldwide.1, 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle destruction and wasting--a condition known as rhabdomyolysis- -and displayed compounded toxicity when used with other drugs. It had been linked to at least 31 deaths.> The adverse reactions documented with Baycol were largely identical to those of numerous other fluorinated drugs--all of which had been withdrawn from the market in recent years. 3> As a result of the current

anthrax scare, another fluorinated drug called Cipro has received extensive media coverage and the name has become familiar to millions almost overnight. As soon as the first cases of anthrax resulting from suspicious mail became known, there were wide reports of a hectic run on this drug. > Mass hysteria seems present as governments, pharmacies and individuals everywhere are stockpiling Cipro. Pharmacies are reporting record sales, and on-line prescription services and Internet sites are selling the drug at more than $7.00 per pill.> People everywhere-- hyped into believing their flu-like symptoms are caused by anthrax exposure and misinformed by irresponsible media reports--are taking Cipro. Worse yet, they are giving it to their children.> What is Cipro?> Cipro is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone, belonging to a class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include enoxacin,

fleroxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin, norfloxacin, sparfloxacin, tosufloxacin, lomefloxacin and ofloxacin.> Ciprofloxacin has been in use since 1987 for a variety of other indications and is the most widely used fluoroquinolone in humans and animals worldwide.4> In 2000, the FDA approved its use as a treatment for inhalational anthrax under its "accelerated approval" regulations. 5 The FDA had actually taken the unusual step of urging Bayer-- the sole manufacturer for all countries except India--to file for such approval, supposedly in order to protect the public from future terrorist attacks. The US Department of Defense had already ordered reserves of Cipro during the 1991 Gulf War..6> Adverse Effects> Temafloxacin and grepafloxacin are two other fluoroquinolones now withdrawn from the market because they had caused severe liver and renal damage--and deaths, just like

fluorinated drugs from other, different classifications, such as Baycol.3 The same information also exists for Cipro.> Fatal liver failure associated with ciprofloxacin was reported in the Lancet in 1994.7,8> Ciprofloxacin has been implicated in several cases of acute renal failure and is the fluoroquinolone most established to cause such renal dysfunction. 4,9,10,11> Fluoride> The most common side-effects due to Cipro, reported in 2-16 percent of cases, are gastrointestinal in nature and equal those reported when children accidentally ingest "too much" fluoride from their toothpaste. These symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Why?> Ciprofloxacin administration always results in elevated serum fluoride levels.12 In a series of tests evaluating the safety of ciprofloxacin in children, serum fluoride levels increased after 12 hours in 79 percent

of the children; on day 7 the 24-hour urinary fluoride excretion was higher in 88.9 percent of children observed.12> Rhabdomyolysis> Just as in the case of Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, Cipro can cause musculo-skeletal disorders such as rhabdomyolysis. Since the introduction of fluoroquinolones on the market in 1987, more than 200 cases of rhabdomyolysis, tendinitis, tendon rupture, etc. have been reported in the literature.4, 13,14,15> In October 1994 the Japan Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau was first to amend the product information for fluoroquinolones to state that rhabdomyolysis may occur.16> In 1996, the FDA also issued directives to manufacturers to include warning statements on all fluoroquinoline product inserts to alert patients and caregivers to the potential for tendinitis and tendon rupture.17 In the same year, the Sri Lanka Drug Evaluation Sub-Committee decided

that the product information sheet on fluoroquinolone antibiotics should include the following warning: "The onset of tendon pain calls for immediate withdrawal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. "18> Achilles tendon rupture was shown to occur even after withdrawal of the drug with examination showing pathological ultrastructure alteration in tendinocytes. Just as in other cases of fluoride poisoning, studies in animals show that magnesium deficiency aggravates the induced tendinopathy. 14,19> Fatal Drug Interactions> Just as with Baycol, drug interactions with ciprofloxacin have resulted in fatal outcomes due to potentiation of another drug¢s effects including theophylline, 4,20 methadone21 and warfarin.22 > Just like Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, ciprofloxacin is a potent inhibitor of the thyroid hormone-regulated P 450 enzyme system in the liver. Of all fluoroquinolones,

ciprofloxacin and enoxacin have shown the greatest inhibitory capacity..4> P450 IA2 prevents the metabolism and inactivation of methylxanthines, thereby causing increased serum concentrations of drugs like theophylline (found in tea) and caffeine (found in coffee and soft drinks), which in turn causes excess central nervous system and cardiac stimulation. As mentioned above, Cipro also elevates serum fluoride levels..> The liver has been identified as a target organ of fluoroquinolone toxicity in animal studies.23 As early as the 1930s, scientists at Bayer and Knoll had discovered that all organic fluoride compounds tested (including those used for fluoroquinolone production) interfered with thyroid hormone activity in liver and muscle tissue. Meanwhile, they also showed "anti-bacterial" activity. This led to the development of many fluorinated medications, including the numerous compounds

then used very successfully in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. 24,25 A Dr. Kraft of the Knoll corporation invented many fluorinated "medications. " When it was discovered that some of these organic compounds had the same detrimental effects on teeth and bone as inorganic fluoride (although much less actual F ion was involved) he even filed patents on behalf of Knoll for use of these compounds in dental preparations. 26,27> Pregnant women should never take ciprofloxacin. Cipro transfers through the placenta. It inhibits P450 1A2 which has been shown to be critical for neonatal survival as it influences the physiology of respiration in neonates. Mice lacking this cytochrome died shortly after birth and showed symptoms of severe respiratory distress.28 Respiratory distress is also a side-effect of ciprofloxacin in adults.9 Cipro also transfers through breastmilk.> Resistance to

Bacteria> Taking Ciprofloxacin can spur germs to mutate so that future bacterial infections become untreatable. During the last decades a dramatic increase in bacterial strains multiresistant to antibiotics, particularly Cipro, has been reported.30, 31,32 This increase has led to the occurrence of incurable bacterial infections with a fatal outcome, and a particularly serious problem in connection with hospital-acquired infections.> For example, Clostridium difficile has become one of the most common acquired organisms in hospitals and longterm care institutions. The organism typically infects patients whose normal intestinal flora has been disturbed by the administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as Cipro. The diarrhea and inflammatory colitis associated with infection represent a serious medical and surgical complication leading to increased morbidity and mortality, and

prolonging hospital stays by an average of nearly three weeks. This is especially true for the elderly and for patients with serious underlying diseases who are the most likely to develop the infection. Diarrhea associated with C. difficile represents a major economic burden to the healthcare system, conservatively estimated at $3-6 billion per year in excess hospital costs in the US alone.33> The emergence of "antibiotic resistance" is a result of the overwhelming use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine. High rates of fluoroquinolone resistance have been reported in many countries.30 For example, in Asia Cipro can no longer be used to treat gonorrhea, because the disease has become resistant to the drug.34> While the FDA approved Cipro as the first-line treatment against anthrax in August, 2000, a few months later, in October, 2000, it asked Bayer to remove Baytril--its

equivalent for animals.> The FDA has also proposed banning the fluoroquinolones, which chicken and turkey farmers have given to birds in their water since 1995 to help shield the animals from infection.. The agency acted after linking the drugs to a large increase in Campylobacter bacteria immune to the medications. Nearly 18 percent of one common strain that infects humans is now immune to the very same drugs which were considered the last line of defense against the infection.> Campylobacter is the leading bacterial cause of food poisoning in the United States. Typically contracted through raw or undercooked meat, the germs afflict more than 2 million people and kill some 500 each year in the US, according to the CDC.> While Abbot voluntarily withdrew its version of the antibiotic (SaraFlox), Bayer decided to challenge the FDA. The company had the option to comply with the proposed ban

or seek a hearing to determine whether such a move was justified. Bayer refused to comply with the ban, a move that kicked off a lengthy process that could take years.35 Meanwhile Bayer gets to poison the world, and make huge profits from it. > According to one report, the American Medical Association has advised its members to prescribe Cipro very cautiously, citing the fact that the worldwide problem of antibiotic resistance poses future dangers worse than the anthrax attacks of today.34> Photosensitivity> Photosensitization can result when light interacts with chemical agents in the skin and eyes. This process can produce undesirable clinical consequences, such as phototoxicity( exaggerated sunburn), photoallergy, or photo-carcinogenici ty. People receiving Cipro or any other fluoroquinolone are warned on the product inserts not to expose themselves to direct sunlight. Rashes

develop on the areas exposed.> Upon UVA-irradiation, the "fluorine" of numerous fluoroquinolones such as lomefloxacin and fleroxacin, are "lost" as fluoride.36> According to a US government report, "We have discovered that anions can activate visual photoreceptors in the dark. One anionic activator is the commonly used dental agent fluoride. The data on in vitro preparations indicate that these anions modulate photoreceptor bio-chemistry and may affect photoreceptor sen-sitivity. . . "38> Medline has many articles on fluoride and G-protein-coupled photoreceptor activation.35> Fluoride Poisoning> In summary, Cipro causes fluoride poisoning. But will any practitioner know how to deal with this, considering that the American Dental Association has shielded all practitioners from proper knowledge of fluoride toxicity?> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html> > > > > > > The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category=shopping>

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- I would not be too concerned about what Dr. Feng gave you. You said they were supplements right???? Cipro is a powerful antibiotic (drug). I did take cipro for 10 days after my implanting surgery. Then was one again given it by my PS for my explanting surgery. When the diarrhea came back within 3 days after explant and taking the medicine, she pulled me off of it right then. I feel kinda stupid for taking it again...but that was the only way she would do my explant and I wanted the implants out badly. I know what you are saying about looking into stuff before taking it now. I should have looked into the cipro more than I did but I jsut assumed it was fine since a DOCTOR gave it to me.

Now, I questions and over analyze everything I do or take. I know I drive people crazy because of it but I am being more careful as to what I take and who I trust to give it to me. My ND has gotten really nasty with me because I question all the supplements she is putting me on. For one because they are expensive and I do not have the money to throw away on things I do not think I need and two because I am know scared to take anything for fear of what it will do to me. I actually think I am going to try to do a supplement program on my own with the help of all the knowledgable women here....I can not afford to keep buying the supplements from my ND. My hubby will likely throw me out if I keep spending so much money. PLus, I do not want to spend all that money on supplements!!!!

I would rest assure that what Dr. Feng gave you is fine.....but if you are concerned, call her office. I know they would be happy to answer any of your questions. They are wonderful there!!!!!

Much Love,


C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.... .> > Wow, I didnt know all this about cipro ! ! Lynn, I would>

definately ask if this is the only drug he thinks will rid you> of this nasty bacteria.... ....> Loveya ~ D> > > click on the link at the bottom for other side effects.> The True Story of Cipro> By s Schuld, Small and Trent > Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was forced to recall its fluorinated cholesterol- lowering drug Baycol (Cerivastatin) as it had caused deaths and serious adverse health effects worldwide.1, 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle destruction and wasting--a condition known as rhabdomyolysis- -and displayed compounded toxicity when used with other drugs. It had been linked to at least 31 deaths.> The adverse reactions documented with Baycol were largely identical to those of numerous other fluorinated drugs--all of which had been withdrawn from the market in recent years. 3> As a result of the current

anthrax scare, another fluorinated drug called Cipro has received extensive media coverage and the name has become familiar to millions almost overnight. As soon as the first cases of anthrax resulting from suspicious mail became known, there were wide reports of a hectic run on this drug. > Mass hysteria seems present as governments, pharmacies and individuals everywhere are stockpiling Cipro. Pharmacies are reporting record sales, and on-line prescription services and Internet sites are selling the drug at more than $7.00 per pill.> People everywhere-- hyped into believing their flu-like symptoms are caused by anthrax exposure and misinformed by irresponsible media reports--are taking Cipro. Worse yet, they are giving it to their children.> What is Cipro?> Cipro is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone, belonging to a class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include enoxacin,

fleroxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin, norfloxacin, sparfloxacin, tosufloxacin, lomefloxacin and ofloxacin.> Ciprofloxacin has been in use since 1987 for a variety of other indications and is the most widely used fluoroquinolone in humans and animals worldwide.4> In 2000, the FDA approved its use as a treatment for inhalational anthrax under its "accelerated approval" regulations. 5 The FDA had actually taken the unusual step of urging Bayer-- the sole manufacturer for all countries except India--to file for such approval, supposedly in order to protect the public from future terrorist attacks. The US Department of Defense had already ordered reserves of Cipro during the 1991 Gulf War..6> Adverse Effects> Temafloxacin and grepafloxacin are two other fluoroquinolones now withdrawn from the market because they had caused severe liver and renal damage--and deaths, just like

fluorinated drugs from other, different classifications, such as Baycol.3 The same information also exists for Cipro.> Fatal liver failure associated with ciprofloxacin was reported in the Lancet in 1994.7,8> Ciprofloxacin has been implicated in several cases of acute renal failure and is the fluoroquinolone most established to cause such renal dysfunction. 4,9,10,11> Fluoride> The most common side-effects due to Cipro, reported in 2-16 percent of cases, are gastrointestinal in nature and equal those reported when children accidentally ingest "too much" fluoride from their toothpaste. These symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. Why?> Ciprofloxacin administration always results in elevated serum fluoride levels.12 In a series of tests evaluating the safety of ciprofloxacin in children, serum fluoride levels increased after 12 hours in 79 percent

of the children; on day 7 the 24-hour urinary fluoride excretion was higher in 88.9 percent of children observed.12> Rhabdomyolysis> Just as in the case of Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, Cipro can cause musculo-skeletal disorders such as rhabdomyolysis. Since the introduction of fluoroquinolones on the market in 1987, more than 200 cases of rhabdomyolysis, tendinitis, tendon rupture, etc. have been reported in the literature.4, 13,14,15> In October 1994 the Japan Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau was first to amend the product information for fluoroquinolones to state that rhabdomyolysis may occur.16> In 1996, the FDA also issued directives to manufacturers to include warning statements on all fluoroquinoline product inserts to alert patients and caregivers to the potential for tendinitis and tendon rupture.17 In the same year, the Sri Lanka Drug Evaluation Sub-Committee decided

that the product information sheet on fluoroquinolone antibiotics should include the following warning: "The onset of tendon pain calls for immediate withdrawal of fluoroquinolone antibiotics. "18> Achilles tendon rupture was shown to occur even after withdrawal of the drug with examination showing pathological ultrastructure alteration in tendinocytes. Just as in other cases of fluoride poisoning, studies in animals show that magnesium deficiency aggravates the induced tendinopathy. 14,19> Fatal Drug Interactions> Just as with Baycol, drug interactions with ciprofloxacin have resulted in fatal outcomes due to potentiation of another drug¢s effects including theophylline, 4,20 methadone21 and warfarin.22 > Just like Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, ciprofloxacin is a potent inhibitor of the thyroid hormone-regulated P 450 enzyme system in the liver. Of all fluoroquinolones,

ciprofloxacin and enoxacin have shown the greatest inhibitory capacity..4> P450 IA2 prevents the metabolism and inactivation of methylxanthines, thereby causing increased serum concentrations of drugs like theophylline (found in tea) and caffeine (found in coffee and soft drinks), which in turn causes excess central nervous system and cardiac stimulation. As mentioned above, Cipro also elevates serum fluoride levels..> The liver has been identified as a target organ of fluoroquinolone toxicity in animal studies.23 As early as the 1930s, scientists at Bayer and Knoll had discovered that all organic fluoride compounds tested (including those used for fluoroquinolone production) interfered with thyroid hormone activity in liver and muscle tissue. Meanwhile, they also showed "anti-bacterial" activity. This led to the development of many fluorinated medications, including the numerous compounds

then used very successfully in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. 24,25 A Dr. Kraft of the Knoll corporation invented many fluorinated "medications. " When it was discovered that some of these organic compounds had the same detrimental effects on teeth and bone as inorganic fluoride (although much less actual F ion was involved) he even filed patents on behalf of Knoll for use of these compounds in dental preparations. 26,27> Pregnant women should never take ciprofloxacin. Cipro transfers through the placenta. It inhibits P450 1A2 which has been shown to be critical for neonatal survival as it influences the physiology of respiration in neonates. Mice lacking this cytochrome died shortly after birth and showed symptoms of severe respiratory distress.28 Respiratory distress is also a side-effect of ciprofloxacin in adults.9 Cipro also transfers through breastmilk.> Resistance to

Bacteria> Taking Ciprofloxacin can spur germs to mutate so that future bacterial infections become untreatable. During the last decades a dramatic increase in bacterial strains multiresistant to antibiotics, particularly Cipro, has been reported.30, 31,32 This increase has led to the occurrence of incurable bacterial infections with a fatal outcome, and a particularly serious problem in connection with hospital-acquired infections.> For example, Clostridium difficile has become one of the most common acquired organisms in hospitals and longterm care institutions. The organism typically infects patients whose normal intestinal flora has been disturbed by the administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as Cipro. The diarrhea and inflammatory colitis associated with infection represent a serious medical and surgical complication leading to increased morbidity and mortality, and

prolonging hospital stays by an average of nearly three weeks. This is especially true for the elderly and for patients with serious underlying diseases who are the most likely to develop the infection. Diarrhea associated with C. difficile represents a major economic burden to the healthcare system, conservatively estimated at $3-6 billion per year in excess hospital costs in the US alone.33> The emergence of "antibiotic resistance" is a result of the overwhelming use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine. High rates of fluoroquinolone resistance have been reported in many countries.30 For example, in Asia Cipro can no longer be used to treat gonorrhea, because the disease has become resistant to the drug.34> While the FDA approved Cipro as the first-line treatment against anthrax in August, 2000, a few months later, in October, 2000, it asked Bayer to remove Baytril--its

equivalent for animals.> The FDA has also proposed banning the fluoroquinolones, which chicken and turkey farmers have given to birds in their water since 1995 to help shield the animals from infection.. The agency acted after linking the drugs to a large increase in Campylobacter bacteria immune to the medications. Nearly 18 percent of one common strain that infects humans is now immune to the very same drugs which were considered the last line of defense against the infection.> Campylobacter is the leading bacterial cause of food poisoning in the United States. Typically contracted through raw or undercooked meat, the germs afflict more than 2 million people and kill some 500 each year in the US, according to the CDC.> While Abbot voluntarily withdrew its version of the antibiotic (SaraFlox), Bayer decided to challenge the FDA. The company had the option to comply with the proposed ban

or seek a hearing to determine whether such a move was justified. Bayer refused to comply with the ban, a move that kicked off a lengthy process that could take years.35 Meanwhile Bayer gets to poison the world, and make huge profits from it. > According to one report, the American Medical Association has advised its members to prescribe Cipro very cautiously, citing the fact that the worldwide problem of antibiotic resistance poses future dangers worse than the anthrax attacks of today.34> Photosensitivity> Photosensitization can result when light interacts with chemical agents in the skin and eyes. This process can produce undesirable clinical consequences, such as phototoxicity( exaggerated sunburn), photoallergy, or photo-carcinogenici ty. People receiving Cipro or any other fluoroquinolone are warned on the product inserts not to expose themselves to direct sunlight. Rashes

develop on the areas exposed.> Upon UVA-irradiation, the "fluorine" of numerous fluoroquinolones such as lomefloxacin and fleroxacin, are "lost" as fluoride.36> According to a US government report, "We have discovered that anions can activate visual photoreceptors in the dark. One anionic activator is the commonly used dental agent fluoride. The data on in vitro preparations indicate that these anions modulate photoreceptor bio-chemistry and may affect photoreceptor sen-sitivity. . . "38> Medline has many articles on fluoride and G-protein-coupled photoreceptor activation.35> Fluoride Poisoning> In summary, Cipro causes fluoride poisoning. But will any practitioner know how to deal with this, considering that the American Dental Association has shielded all practitioners from proper knowledge of fluoride toxicity?> http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html> > > > > > > The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ ___> Looking for last minute shopping deals? > Find them fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category=shopping>

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Dede - thank you for that. I am one who worries about everything and I do not handle stress well. I have alot of personal issues going on and they have been going on for over a year now on top of my implants. I am starting to find betters ways of dealing with things and these issues. However, I know I still hold alot of stress inside. My mom swore that my stress was my problem instead of the implants at first. She know realizes that implants are harmful but if you ask her, she will tell you my stress also played a role in it no doubt to her.

How are you feeling Dede......I feel like I get so wrapped up getting info on here and forget to check in and see how everyone is feeling and doing. Thank you for all the support. I always pray for everyone on here but seldom tell them I am thinking of them.....

Much Love,


C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

Beth ~

In my honest opinion, doing what we already

do is what will take care of side effects of

things past, and things current, and future

things. Detox, and eating whole, live foods,

replinishing happy healthy flora in the gut,

giving our bodies what it needs to repair and

maintain homostasis is what we need.

Our bodies can take alot of abuse, they

already have. So, using the tools we have learned

here with the group, I think will give our bodies

what it needs to grow healthy again. We must

learn how to manage stress and worry because

they are just as bad as toxins and cancer.

Taking a stressful scenario and set it on the table

in front of you, and decide how to manage it.

Remove it from your being, is key.....like managing

it from a distance. If it is separated from your

being, it is more easily managed, and you dont

have the physical effects from it.

I have taken cipro many many times, since I worked

in the med field so long, I had many samples at hand

and it was easy for my employeers to say, here take

these and get back to work....lol. ......

I never thought that perhaps this is what gave me

such horrible digestive issues...... ..along with implants.... .

and all the steroids, No wonder the immune system

finally said, hey now....before it went bonkers..... ..

Set worry on the table......it doesnt belong inside


Loveya ~ Dede

The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Dede - thank you for that. I am one who worries about everything and I do not handle stress well. I have alot of personal issues going on and they have been going on for over a year now on top of my implants. I am starting to find betters ways of dealing with things and these issues. However, I know I still hold alot of stress inside. My mom swore that my stress was my problem instead of the implants at first. She know realizes that implants are harmful but if you ask her, she will tell you my stress also played a role in it no doubt to her.

How are you feeling Dede......I feel like I get so wrapped up getting info on here and forget to check in and see how everyone is feeling and doing. Thank you for all the support. I always pray for everyone on here but seldom tell them I am thinking of them.....

Much Love,


C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

Beth ~

In my honest opinion, doing what we already

do is what will take care of side effects of

things past, and things current, and future

things. Detox, and eating whole, live foods,

replinishing happy healthy flora in the gut,

giving our bodies what it needs to repair and

maintain homostasis is what we need.

Our bodies can take alot of abuse, they

already have. So, using the tools we have learned

here with the group, I think will give our bodies

what it needs to grow healthy again. We must

learn how to manage stress and worry because

they are just as bad as toxins and cancer.

Taking a stressful scenario and set it on the table

in front of you, and decide how to manage it.

Remove it from your being, is key.....like managing

it from a distance. If it is separated from your

being, it is more easily managed, and you dont

have the physical effects from it.

I have taken cipro many many times, since I worked

in the med field so long, I had many samples at hand

and it was easy for my employeers to say, here take

these and get back to work....lol. ......

I never thought that perhaps this is what gave me

such horrible digestive issues...... ..along with implants.... .

and all the steroids, No wonder the immune system

finally said, hey now....before it went bonkers..... ..

Set worry on the table......it doesnt belong inside


Loveya ~ Dede

The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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No this is not an antibiotic. The vitamins she gave me contains 3

pills i have to take in the morning, 3 at night and then i am going

to be on something that i have to put under my tongue to deslove for

afetr the surgery. I know it starts with " an " but that s all i know.

I would have to check the bottle. I believe it is to combat


> >

> > Dede, O' my, I took this twice for my implant and explant

> surgery. I knew i was bad BUT I did not know it was this bad. I

> truely believe and always have beieve believed that the Cipro is

> what aused my digestion issues. Thank you for sharing this info

> with everyone. If anyone has any ideas on how to reverse or help

> the effects of this drug. I noticed liver damage was common.....I

> do not take a liver support but would like too. Is the Milk


> the one that is reommened for liver support???? This report makes

> me nervous...Lynn honey, please be careful with this antibiotics.

> >

> > Much Love,

> > Beth

> >

> >

> > C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's

> thoughts.... .

> >

> > Wow, I didnt know all this about cipro ! ! Lynn, I would

> > definately ask if this is the only drug he thinks will rid you

> > of this nasty bacteria.... .....

> > Loveya ~ D

> >

> >

> > click on the link at the bottom for other side effects.

> > The True Story of Cipro

> > By s Schuld, Small and Trent

> > Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was forced to recall

> its fluorinated cholesterol- lowering drug Baycol (Cerivastatin)


> it had caused deaths and serious adverse health effects


> 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle destruction and wasting-


> a condition known as rhabdomyolysis- -and displayed compounded

> toxicity when used with other drugs. It had been linked to at


> 31 deaths.

> > The adverse reactions documented with Baycol were largely

> identical to those of numerous other fluorinated drugs--all of


> had been withdrawn from the market in recent years. 3

> > As a result of the current anthrax scare, another fluorinated


> called Cipro has received extensive media coverage and the name


> become familiar to millions almost overnight. As soon as the first

> cases of anthrax resulting from suspicious mail became known,


> were wide reports of a hectic run on this drug.

> > Mass hysteria seems present as governments, pharmacies and

> individuals everywhere are stockpiling Cipro. Pharmacies are

> reporting record sales, and on-line prescription services and

> Internet sites are selling the drug at more than $7.00 per pill.

> > People everywhere-- hyped into believing their flu-like symptoms

> are caused by anthrax exposure and misinformed by irresponsible

> media reports--are taking Cipro. Worse yet, they are giving it to

> their children.

> > What is Cipro?

> > Cipro is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone, belonging to a

> class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include enoxacin,

> fleroxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin, norfloxacin,


> tosufloxacin, lomefloxacin and ofloxacin.

> > Ciprofloxacin has been in use since 1987 for a variety of other

> indications and is the most widely used fluoroquinolone in humans

> and animals worldwide.4

> > In 2000, the FDA approved its use as a treatment for


> anthrax under its " accelerated approval " regulations. 5 The FDA


> actually taken the unusual step of urging Bayer-- the sole

> manufacturer for all countries except India--to file for such

> approval, supposedly in order to protect the public from future

> terrorist attacks. The US Department of Defense had already


> reserves of Cipro during the 1991 Gulf War.6

> > Adverse Effects

> > Temafloxacin and grepafloxacin are two other fluoroquinolones


> withdrawn from the market because they had caused severe liver and

> renal damage--and deaths, just like fluorinated drugs from other,

> different classifications, such as Baycol.3 The same information

> also exists for Cipro.

> > Fatal liver failure associated with ciprofloxacin was reported


> the Lancet in 1994.7,8

> > Ciprofloxacin has been implicated in several cases of acute


> failure and is the fluoroquinolone most established to cause such

> renal dysfunction.. 4,9,10,11

> > Fluoride

> > The most common side-effects due to Cipro, reported in 2-16

> percent of cases, are gastrointestinal in nature and equal those

> reported when children accidentally ingest " too much " fluoride


> their toothpaste. These symptoms include nausea, diarrhea,


> and abdominal pain. Why?

> > Ciprofloxacin administration always results in elevated serum

> fluoride levels.12 In a series of tests evaluating the safety of

> ciprofloxacin in children, serum fluoride levels increased after


> hours in 79 percent of the children; on day 7 the 24-hour urinary

> fluoride excretion was higher in 88.9 percent of children


> > Rhabdomyolysis

> > Just as in the case of Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, Cipro

> can cause musculo-skeletal disorders such as rhabdomyolysis. Since

> the introduction of fluoroquinolones on the market in 1987, more

> than 200 cases of rhabdomyolysis, tendinitis, tendon rupture, etc.

> have been reported in the literature.4, 13,14,15

> > In October 1994 the Japan Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau was


> to amend the product information for fluoroquinolones to state


> rhabdomyolysis may occur.16

> > In 1996, the FDA also issued directives to manufacturers to

> include warning statements on all fluoroquinoline product inserts


> alert patients and caregivers to the potential for tendinitis and

> tendon rupture.17 In the same year, the Sri Lanka Drug Evaluation

> Sub-Committee decided that the product information sheet on

> fluoroquinolone antibiotics should include the following

> warning: " The onset of tendon pain calls for immediate withdrawal


> fluoroquinolone antibiotics. " 18

> > Achilles tendon rupture was shown to occur even after withdrawal

> of the drug with examination showing pathological ultrastructure

> alteration in tendinocytes. Just as in other cases of fluoride

> poisoning, studies in animals show that magnesium deficiency

> aggravates the induced tendinopathy. 14,19

> > Fatal Drug Interactions

> > Just as with Baycol, drug interactions with ciprofloxacin have

> resulted in fatal outcomes due to potentiation of another drug¢s

> effects including theophylline, 4,20 methadone21 and warfarin.22

> > Just like Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, ciprofloxacin is a

> potent inhibitor of the thyroid hormone-regulated P 450 enzyme

> system in the liver. Of all fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin and

> enoxacin have shown the greatest inhibitory capacity.4

> > P450 IA2 prevents the metabolism and inactivation of

> methylxanthines, thereby causing increased serum concentrations of

> drugs like theophylline (found in tea) and caffeine (found in


> and soft drinks), which in turn causes excess central nervous


> and cardiac stimulation. As mentioned above, Cipro also elevates

> serum fluoride levels.

> > The liver has been identified as a target organ of


> toxicity in animal studies.23 As early as the 1930s, scientists at

> Bayer and Knoll had discovered that all organic fluoride compounds

> tested (including those used for fluoroquinolone production)

> interfered with thyroid hormone activity in liver and muscle


> Meanwhile, they also showed " anti-bacterial " activity. This led to

> the development of many fluorinated medications, including the

> numerous compounds then used very successfully in the treatment of

> hyperthyroidism. 24,25 A Dr. Kraft of the Knoll corporation


> many fluorinated " medications. " When it was discovered that some


> these organic compounds had the same detrimental effects on teeth

> and bone as inorganic fluoride (although much less actual F ion


> involved) he even filed patents on behalf of Knoll for use of


> compounds in dental preparations. 26,27

> > Pregnant women should never take ciprofloxacin. Cipro transfers

> through the placenta. It inhibits P450 1A2 which has been shown to

> be critical for neonatal survival as it influences the physiology


> respiration in neonates. Mice lacking this cytochrome died shortly

> after birth and showed symptoms of severe respiratory distress.28

> Respiratory distress is also a side-effect of ciprofloxacin in

> adults.9 Cipro also transfers through breastmilk.

> > Resistance to Bacteria

> > Taking Ciprofloxacin can spur germs to mutate so that future

> bacterial infections become untreatable. During the last decades a

> dramatic increase in bacterial strains multiresistant to

> antibiotics, particularly Cipro, has been reported.30, 31,32 This

> increase has led to the occurrence of incurable bacterial


> with a fatal outcome, and a particularly serious problem in

> connection with hospital-acquired infections.

> > For example, Clostridium difficile has become one of the most

> common acquired organisms in hospitals and longterm care

> institutions. The organism typically infects patients whose normal

> intestinal flora has been disturbed by the administration of a


> spectrum antibiotic such as Cipro. The diarrhea and inflammatory

> colitis associated with infection represent a serious medical and

> surgical complication leading to increased morbidity and


> and prolonging hospital stays by an average of nearly three weeks.

> This is especially true for the elderly and for patients with

> serious underlying diseases who are the most likely to develop the

> infection. Diarrhea associated with C. difficile represents a


> economic burden to the healthcare system, conservatively estimated

> at $3-6 billion per year in excess hospital costs in the US


> > The emergence of " antibiotic resistance " is a result of the

> overwhelming use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine.

> High rates of fluoroquinolone resistance have been reported in


> countries.30 For example, in Asia Cipro can no longer be used to

> treat gonorrhea, because the disease has become resistant to the

> drug.34

> > While the FDA approved Cipro as the first-line treatment against

> anthrax in August, 2000, a few months later, in October, 2000, it

> asked Bayer to remove Baytril--its equivalent for animals.

> > The FDA has also proposed banning the fluoroquinolones, which

> chicken and turkey farmers have given to birds in their water


> 1995 to help shield the animals from infection.. The agency acted

> after linking the drugs to a large increase in Campylobacter

> bacteria immune to the medications. Nearly 18 percent of one


> strain that infects humans is now immune to the very same drugs

> which were considered the last line of defense against the


> > Campylobacter is the leading bacterial cause of food poisoning


> the United States. Typically contracted through raw or undercooked

> meat, the germs afflict more than 2 million people and kill some


> each year in the US, according to the CDC.

> > While Abbot voluntarily withdrew its version of the antibiotic

> (SaraFlox), Bayer decided to challenge the FDA. The company had


> option to comply with the proposed ban or seek a hearing to

> determine whether such a move was justified. Bayer refused to


> with the ban, a move that kicked off a lengthy process that could

> take years.35 Meanwhile Bayer gets to poison the world, and make

> huge profits from it.

> > According to one report, the American Medical Association has

> advised its members to prescribe Cipro very cautiously, citing the

> fact that the worldwide problem of antibiotic resistance poses

> future dangers worse than the anthrax attacks of today.34

> > Photosensitivity

> > Photosensitization can result when light interacts with chemical

> agents in the skin and eyes. This process can produce undesirable

> clinical consequences, such as phototoxicity( exaggerated


> photoallergy, or photo-carcinogenici ty. People receiving Cipro or

> any other fluoroquinolone are warned on the product inserts not to

> expose themselves to direct sunlight. Rashes develop on the areas

> exposed.

> > Upon UVA-irradiation, the " fluorine " of numerous


> such as lomefloxacin and fleroxacin, are " lost " as fluoride.36

> > According to a US government report, " We have discovered that

> anions can activate visual photoreceptors in the dark. One anionic

> activator is the commonly used dental agent fluoride. The data on


> vitro preparations indicate that these anions modulate


> bio-chemistry and may affect photoreceptor sen-sitivity. . . " 38

> > Medline has many articles on fluoride and G-protein-coupled

> photoreceptor activation.35

> > Fluoride Poisoning

> > In summary, Cipro causes fluoride poisoning. But will any

> practitioner know how to deal with this, considering that the

> American Dental Association has shielded all practitioners from

> proper knowledge of fluoride toxicity?

> > http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy


> AOL Music takes you there.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ ___

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals?

> > Find them fast with Search.

> http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?

> category=shopping

> >









> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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No this is not an antibiotic. The vitamins she gave me contains 3

pills i have to take in the morning, 3 at night and then i am going

to be on something that i have to put under my tongue to deslove for

afetr the surgery. I know it starts with " an " but that s all i know.

I would have to check the bottle. I believe it is to combat


> >

> > Dede, O' my, I took this twice for my implant and explant

> surgery. I knew i was bad BUT I did not know it was this bad. I

> truely believe and always have beieve believed that the Cipro is

> what aused my digestion issues. Thank you for sharing this info

> with everyone. If anyone has any ideas on how to reverse or help

> the effects of this drug. I noticed liver damage was common.....I

> do not take a liver support but would like too. Is the Milk


> the one that is reommened for liver support???? This report makes

> me nervous...Lynn honey, please be careful with this antibiotics.

> >

> > Much Love,

> > Beth

> >

> >

> > C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's

> thoughts.... .

> >

> > Wow, I didnt know all this about cipro ! ! Lynn, I would

> > definately ask if this is the only drug he thinks will rid you

> > of this nasty bacteria.... .....

> > Loveya ~ D

> >

> >

> > click on the link at the bottom for other side effects.

> > The True Story of Cipro

> > By s Schuld, Small and Trent

> > Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was forced to recall

> its fluorinated cholesterol- lowering drug Baycol (Cerivastatin)


> it had caused deaths and serious adverse health effects


> 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle destruction and wasting-


> a condition known as rhabdomyolysis- -and displayed compounded

> toxicity when used with other drugs. It had been linked to at


> 31 deaths.

> > The adverse reactions documented with Baycol were largely

> identical to those of numerous other fluorinated drugs--all of


> had been withdrawn from the market in recent years. 3

> > As a result of the current anthrax scare, another fluorinated


> called Cipro has received extensive media coverage and the name


> become familiar to millions almost overnight. As soon as the first

> cases of anthrax resulting from suspicious mail became known,


> were wide reports of a hectic run on this drug.

> > Mass hysteria seems present as governments, pharmacies and

> individuals everywhere are stockpiling Cipro. Pharmacies are

> reporting record sales, and on-line prescription services and

> Internet sites are selling the drug at more than $7.00 per pill.

> > People everywhere-- hyped into believing their flu-like symptoms

> are caused by anthrax exposure and misinformed by irresponsible

> media reports--are taking Cipro. Worse yet, they are giving it to

> their children.

> > What is Cipro?

> > Cipro is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone, belonging to a

> class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include enoxacin,

> fleroxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin, norfloxacin,


> tosufloxacin, lomefloxacin and ofloxacin.

> > Ciprofloxacin has been in use since 1987 for a variety of other

> indications and is the most widely used fluoroquinolone in humans

> and animals worldwide.4

> > In 2000, the FDA approved its use as a treatment for


> anthrax under its " accelerated approval " regulations. 5 The FDA


> actually taken the unusual step of urging Bayer-- the sole

> manufacturer for all countries except India--to file for such

> approval, supposedly in order to protect the public from future

> terrorist attacks. The US Department of Defense had already


> reserves of Cipro during the 1991 Gulf War.6

> > Adverse Effects

> > Temafloxacin and grepafloxacin are two other fluoroquinolones


> withdrawn from the market because they had caused severe liver and

> renal damage--and deaths, just like fluorinated drugs from other,

> different classifications, such as Baycol.3 The same information

> also exists for Cipro.

> > Fatal liver failure associated with ciprofloxacin was reported


> the Lancet in 1994.7,8

> > Ciprofloxacin has been implicated in several cases of acute


> failure and is the fluoroquinolone most established to cause such

> renal dysfunction.. 4,9,10,11

> > Fluoride

> > The most common side-effects due to Cipro, reported in 2-16

> percent of cases, are gastrointestinal in nature and equal those

> reported when children accidentally ingest " too much " fluoride


> their toothpaste. These symptoms include nausea, diarrhea,


> and abdominal pain. Why?

> > Ciprofloxacin administration always results in elevated serum

> fluoride levels.12 In a series of tests evaluating the safety of

> ciprofloxacin in children, serum fluoride levels increased after


> hours in 79 percent of the children; on day 7 the 24-hour urinary

> fluoride excretion was higher in 88.9 percent of children


> > Rhabdomyolysis

> > Just as in the case of Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, Cipro

> can cause musculo-skeletal disorders such as rhabdomyolysis. Since

> the introduction of fluoroquinolones on the market in 1987, more

> than 200 cases of rhabdomyolysis, tendinitis, tendon rupture, etc.

> have been reported in the literature.4, 13,14,15

> > In October 1994 the Japan Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau was


> to amend the product information for fluoroquinolones to state


> rhabdomyolysis may occur.16

> > In 1996, the FDA also issued directives to manufacturers to

> include warning statements on all fluoroquinoline product inserts


> alert patients and caregivers to the potential for tendinitis and

> tendon rupture.17 In the same year, the Sri Lanka Drug Evaluation

> Sub-Committee decided that the product information sheet on

> fluoroquinolone antibiotics should include the following

> warning: " The onset of tendon pain calls for immediate withdrawal


> fluoroquinolone antibiotics. " 18

> > Achilles tendon rupture was shown to occur even after withdrawal

> of the drug with examination showing pathological ultrastructure

> alteration in tendinocytes. Just as in other cases of fluoride

> poisoning, studies in animals show that magnesium deficiency

> aggravates the induced tendinopathy. 14,19

> > Fatal Drug Interactions

> > Just as with Baycol, drug interactions with ciprofloxacin have

> resulted in fatal outcomes due to potentiation of another drug¢s

> effects including theophylline, 4,20 methadone21 and warfarin.22

> > Just like Baycol and other fluorinated drugs, ciprofloxacin is a

> potent inhibitor of the thyroid hormone-regulated P 450 enzyme

> system in the liver. Of all fluoroquinolones, ciprofloxacin and

> enoxacin have shown the greatest inhibitory capacity.4

> > P450 IA2 prevents the metabolism and inactivation of

> methylxanthines, thereby causing increased serum concentrations of

> drugs like theophylline (found in tea) and caffeine (found in


> and soft drinks), which in turn causes excess central nervous


> and cardiac stimulation. As mentioned above, Cipro also elevates

> serum fluoride levels.

> > The liver has been identified as a target organ of


> toxicity in animal studies.23 As early as the 1930s, scientists at

> Bayer and Knoll had discovered that all organic fluoride compounds

> tested (including those used for fluoroquinolone production)

> interfered with thyroid hormone activity in liver and muscle


> Meanwhile, they also showed " anti-bacterial " activity. This led to

> the development of many fluorinated medications, including the

> numerous compounds then used very successfully in the treatment of

> hyperthyroidism. 24,25 A Dr. Kraft of the Knoll corporation


> many fluorinated " medications. " When it was discovered that some


> these organic compounds had the same detrimental effects on teeth

> and bone as inorganic fluoride (although much less actual F ion


> involved) he even filed patents on behalf of Knoll for use of


> compounds in dental preparations. 26,27

> > Pregnant women should never take ciprofloxacin. Cipro transfers

> through the placenta. It inhibits P450 1A2 which has been shown to

> be critical for neonatal survival as it influences the physiology


> respiration in neonates. Mice lacking this cytochrome died shortly

> after birth and showed symptoms of severe respiratory distress.28

> Respiratory distress is also a side-effect of ciprofloxacin in

> adults.9 Cipro also transfers through breastmilk.

> > Resistance to Bacteria

> > Taking Ciprofloxacin can spur germs to mutate so that future

> bacterial infections become untreatable. During the last decades a

> dramatic increase in bacterial strains multiresistant to

> antibiotics, particularly Cipro, has been reported.30, 31,32 This

> increase has led to the occurrence of incurable bacterial


> with a fatal outcome, and a particularly serious problem in

> connection with hospital-acquired infections.

> > For example, Clostridium difficile has become one of the most

> common acquired organisms in hospitals and longterm care

> institutions. The organism typically infects patients whose normal

> intestinal flora has been disturbed by the administration of a


> spectrum antibiotic such as Cipro. The diarrhea and inflammatory

> colitis associated with infection represent a serious medical and

> surgical complication leading to increased morbidity and


> and prolonging hospital stays by an average of nearly three weeks.

> This is especially true for the elderly and for patients with

> serious underlying diseases who are the most likely to develop the

> infection. Diarrhea associated with C. difficile represents a


> economic burden to the healthcare system, conservatively estimated

> at $3-6 billion per year in excess hospital costs in the US


> > The emergence of " antibiotic resistance " is a result of the

> overwhelming use of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine.

> High rates of fluoroquinolone resistance have been reported in


> countries.30 For example, in Asia Cipro can no longer be used to

> treat gonorrhea, because the disease has become resistant to the

> drug.34

> > While the FDA approved Cipro as the first-line treatment against

> anthrax in August, 2000, a few months later, in October, 2000, it

> asked Bayer to remove Baytril--its equivalent for animals.

> > The FDA has also proposed banning the fluoroquinolones, which

> chicken and turkey farmers have given to birds in their water


> 1995 to help shield the animals from infection.. The agency acted

> after linking the drugs to a large increase in Campylobacter

> bacteria immune to the medications. Nearly 18 percent of one


> strain that infects humans is now immune to the very same drugs

> which were considered the last line of defense against the


> > Campylobacter is the leading bacterial cause of food poisoning


> the United States. Typically contracted through raw or undercooked

> meat, the germs afflict more than 2 million people and kill some


> each year in the US, according to the CDC.

> > While Abbot voluntarily withdrew its version of the antibiotic

> (SaraFlox), Bayer decided to challenge the FDA. The company had


> option to comply with the proposed ban or seek a hearing to

> determine whether such a move was justified. Bayer refused to


> with the ban, a move that kicked off a lengthy process that could

> take years.35 Meanwhile Bayer gets to poison the world, and make

> huge profits from it.

> > According to one report, the American Medical Association has

> advised its members to prescribe Cipro very cautiously, citing the

> fact that the worldwide problem of antibiotic resistance poses

> future dangers worse than the anthrax attacks of today.34

> > Photosensitivity

> > Photosensitization can result when light interacts with chemical

> agents in the skin and eyes. This process can produce undesirable

> clinical consequences, such as phototoxicity( exaggerated


> photoallergy, or photo-carcinogenici ty. People receiving Cipro or

> any other fluoroquinolone are warned on the product inserts not to

> expose themselves to direct sunlight. Rashes develop on the areas

> exposed.

> > Upon UVA-irradiation, the " fluorine " of numerous


> such as lomefloxacin and fleroxacin, are " lost " as fluoride.36

> > According to a US government report, " We have discovered that

> anions can activate visual photoreceptors in the dark. One anionic

> activator is the commonly used dental agent fluoride. The data on


> vitro preparations indicate that these anions modulate


> bio-chemistry and may affect photoreceptor sen-sitivity. . . " 38

> > Medline has many articles on fluoride and G-protein-coupled

> photoreceptor activation.35

> > Fluoride Poisoning

> > In summary, Cipro causes fluoride poisoning. But will any

> practitioner know how to deal with this, considering that the

> American Dental Association has shielded all practitioners from

> proper knowledge of fluoride toxicity?

> > http://www.westonap rice.org/ healthissues/ cipro.html

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy


> AOL Music takes you there.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> ____________ ___

> > Looking for last minute shopping deals?

> > Find them fast with Search.

> http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?

> category=shopping

> >









> Never miss a thing. Make your home page.

> http://www./r/hs


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Hi a,

Thank you so much for the conern, I really think i am ok with getting

these things out, in fact i cant wait. I am a little more concerned

this time around becuase i have my son now and i realize the dangers

moreso this time around but i think that is just a standard concern

with anyone. Oddly enough i have no fears of going to a doctor i have

never even met thanks to all of the wonderful women on this site that

swear by Dr Feng. i know she will take care of me. I guess i should

be asking the same about you though. Yours is coming up as well. Are

you dealing with everything ok?


> > >

> > > Dede, O' my, I took this twice for my implant and

> > explant

> > surgery. I knew i was bad BUT I did not know it was

> > this bad. I

> > truely believe and always have beieve believed that

> > the Cipro is

> > what aused my digestion issues. Thank you for

> > sharing this info

> > with everyone. If anyone has any ideas on how to

> > reverse or help

> > the effects of this drug. I noticed liver damage was

> > common.....I

> > do not take a liver support but would like too. Is

> > the Milk Thistle

> > the one that is reommened for liver support???? This

> > report makes

> > me nervous...Lynn honey, please be careful with this

> > antibiotics.

> > >

> > > Much Love,

> > > Beth

> > >

> > >

> > > C I P R O ...Weston Price

> > foundation's

> > thoughts.... .

> > >

> > > Wow, I didnt know all this about cipro ! ! Lynn, I

> > would

> > > definately ask if this is the only drug he thinks

> > will rid you

> > > of this nasty bacteria.... .....

> > > Loveya ~ D

> > >

> > >

> > > click on the link at the bottom for other side

> > effects.

> > > The True Story of Cipro

> > > By s Schuld, Small and Trent

> > > Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was

> > forced to recall

> > its fluorinated cholesterol- lowering drug Baycol

> > (Cerivastatin) as

> > it had caused deaths and serious adverse health

> > effects worldwide..1,

> > 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle

> > destruction and wasting--

> > a condition known as rhabdomyolysis- -and displayed

> > compounded

> > toxicity when used with other drugs. It had been

> > linked to at least

> > 31 deaths.

> > > The adverse reactions documented with Baycol were

> > largely

> > identical to those of numerous other fluorinated

> > drugs--all of which

> > had been withdrawn from the market in recent years.

> > 3

> > > As a result of the current anthrax scare, another

> > fluorinated drug

> > called Cipro has received extensive media coverage

> > and the name has

> > become familiar to millions almost overnight. As

> > soon as the first

> > cases of anthrax resulting from suspicious mail

> > became known, there

> > were wide reports of a hectic run on this drug.

> > > Mass hysteria seems present as governments,

> > pharmacies and

> > individuals everywhere are stockpiling Cipro.

> > Pharmacies are

> > reporting record sales, and on-line prescription

> > services and

> > Internet sites are selling the drug at more than

> > $7.00 per pill.

> > > People everywhere-- hyped into believing their

> > flu-like symptoms

> > are caused by anthrax exposure and misinformed by

> > irresponsible

> > media reports--are taking Cipro. Worse yet, they are

> > giving it to

> > their children.

> > > What is Cipro?

> > > Cipro is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone,

> > belonging to a

> > class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include

> > enoxacin,

> > fleroxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin,

> > norfloxacin, sparfloxacin,

> > tosufloxacin, lomefloxacin and ofloxacin.

> > > Ciprofloxacin has been in use since 1987 for a

> > variety of other

> > indications and is the most widely used

> > fluoroquinolone in humans

> > and animals worldwide.4

> > > In 2000, the FDA approved its use as a treatment

> > for inhalational

> > anthrax under its " accelerated approval "

> > regulations. 5 The FDA had

> > actually taken the unusual step of urging Bayer--

> > the sole

> > manufacturer for all countries except India--to file

> > for such

> > approval, supposedly in order to protect the public

> > from future

> > terrorist attacks. The US Department of Defense had

> > already ordered

> > reserves of Cipro during the 1991 Gulf War.6

> > > Adverse Effects

> > > Temafloxacin and grepafloxacin are two other

> > fluoroquinolones now

> > withdrawn from the market because they had caused

> > severe liver and

> > renal damage--and deaths, just like fluorinated

> > drugs from other,

> > different classifications, such as Baycol.3 The same

> > information

> > also exists for Cipro.

> > > Fatal liver failure associated with ciprofloxacin

> > was reported in

> > the Lancet in 1994.7,8

> > > Ciprofloxacin has been implicated in several cases

> > of acute renal

> > failure and is the fluoroquinolone most established

> > to

> === message truncated ===







> Looking for last minute shopping deals?

> Find them fast with Search.



Link to comment
Share on other sites

Hi a,

Thank you so much for the conern, I really think i am ok with getting

these things out, in fact i cant wait. I am a little more concerned

this time around becuase i have my son now and i realize the dangers

moreso this time around but i think that is just a standard concern

with anyone. Oddly enough i have no fears of going to a doctor i have

never even met thanks to all of the wonderful women on this site that

swear by Dr Feng. i know she will take care of me. I guess i should

be asking the same about you though. Yours is coming up as well. Are

you dealing with everything ok?


> > >

> > > Dede, O' my, I took this twice for my implant and

> > explant

> > surgery. I knew i was bad BUT I did not know it was

> > this bad. I

> > truely believe and always have beieve believed that

> > the Cipro is

> > what aused my digestion issues. Thank you for

> > sharing this info

> > with everyone. If anyone has any ideas on how to

> > reverse or help

> > the effects of this drug. I noticed liver damage was

> > common.....I

> > do not take a liver support but would like too. Is

> > the Milk Thistle

> > the one that is reommened for liver support???? This

> > report makes

> > me nervous...Lynn honey, please be careful with this

> > antibiotics.

> > >

> > > Much Love,

> > > Beth

> > >

> > >

> > > C I P R O ...Weston Price

> > foundation's

> > thoughts.... .

> > >

> > > Wow, I didnt know all this about cipro ! ! Lynn, I

> > would

> > > definately ask if this is the only drug he thinks

> > will rid you

> > > of this nasty bacteria.... .....

> > > Loveya ~ D

> > >

> > >

> > > click on the link at the bottom for other side

> > effects.

> > > The True Story of Cipro

> > > By s Schuld, Small and Trent

> > > Recently, the pharmaceutical company Bayer was

> > forced to recall

> > its fluorinated cholesterol- lowering drug Baycol

> > (Cerivastatin) as

> > it had caused deaths and serious adverse health

> > effects worldwide..1,

> > 2, 3 Baycol had been found to cause muscle

> > destruction and wasting--

> > a condition known as rhabdomyolysis- -and displayed

> > compounded

> > toxicity when used with other drugs. It had been

> > linked to at least

> > 31 deaths.

> > > The adverse reactions documented with Baycol were

> > largely

> > identical to those of numerous other fluorinated

> > drugs--all of which

> > had been withdrawn from the market in recent years.

> > 3

> > > As a result of the current anthrax scare, another

> > fluorinated drug

> > called Cipro has received extensive media coverage

> > and the name has

> > become familiar to millions almost overnight. As

> > soon as the first

> > cases of anthrax resulting from suspicious mail

> > became known, there

> > were wide reports of a hectic run on this drug.

> > > Mass hysteria seems present as governments,

> > pharmacies and

> > individuals everywhere are stockpiling Cipro.

> > Pharmacies are

> > reporting record sales, and on-line prescription

> > services and

> > Internet sites are selling the drug at more than

> > $7.00 per pill.

> > > People everywhere-- hyped into believing their

> > flu-like symptoms

> > are caused by anthrax exposure and misinformed by

> > irresponsible

> > media reports--are taking Cipro. Worse yet, they are

> > giving it to

> > their children.

> > > What is Cipro?

> > > Cipro is ciprofloxacin, a fluorinated quinolone,

> > belonging to a

> > class of fluorinated antibiotics which also include

> > enoxacin,

> > fleroxacin, temafloxacin, grepafloxacin,

> > norfloxacin, sparfloxacin,

> > tosufloxacin, lomefloxacin and ofloxacin.

> > > Ciprofloxacin has been in use since 1987 for a

> > variety of other

> > indications and is the most widely used

> > fluoroquinolone in humans

> > and animals worldwide.4

> > > In 2000, the FDA approved its use as a treatment

> > for inhalational

> > anthrax under its " accelerated approval "

> > regulations. 5 The FDA had

> > actually taken the unusual step of urging Bayer--

> > the sole

> > manufacturer for all countries except India--to file

> > for such

> > approval, supposedly in order to protect the public

> > from future

> > terrorist attacks. The US Department of Defense had

> > already ordered

> > reserves of Cipro during the 1991 Gulf War.6

> > > Adverse Effects

> > > Temafloxacin and grepafloxacin are two other

> > fluoroquinolones now

> > withdrawn from the market because they had caused

> > severe liver and

> > renal damage--and deaths, just like fluorinated

> > drugs from other,

> > different classifications, such as Baycol.3 The same

> > information

> > also exists for Cipro.

> > > Fatal liver failure associated with ciprofloxacin

> > was reported in

> > the Lancet in 1994.7,8

> > > Ciprofloxacin has been implicated in several cases

> > of acute renal

> > failure and is the fluoroquinolone most established

> > to

> === message truncated ===







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Lynn ~

What are you doing up so early ! ? ! ? ! ?

How are you feeling this morning? I hope

today is better for you ! !

God Bless YOU ! !

Love you ~ DedeThe year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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Lynn ~

What are you doing up so early ! ? ! ? ! ?

How are you feeling this morning? I hope

today is better for you ! !

God Bless YOU ! !

Love you ~ DedeThe year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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a ~

The good thing is, soon you will be free of

the monsters that bind you, and you will regain

everything back so long as you detox and rebuild

or re-colonize your system.

Implants and all the chemicals that make them just

make your internal computer go haywire. It is very

scarey. Especially since so many doctors deny

what happens with implanted devices.

Thank heavens for the girls here that have learned

how to regain health after proper removal.

You are in my prayers !

God Bless ~ Love Dede

The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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a ~

The good thing is, soon you will be free of

the monsters that bind you, and you will regain

everything back so long as you detox and rebuild

or re-colonize your system.

Implants and all the chemicals that make them just

make your internal computer go haywire. It is very

scarey. Especially since so many doctors deny

what happens with implanted devices.

Thank heavens for the girls here that have learned

how to regain health after proper removal.

You are in my prayers !

God Bless ~ Love Dede

The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.

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a,Things will soon start turning around for you! . . . At this point, it's pretty normal to start noticing every symptom and to stress even more than usual. . . . It won't be long before you can start rebuilding your healthy body.I'd love to sentence every one of the manufacturer's, doctors, FDA and politicians to a lifetime of this stuff! Hugs,Rogene

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a,Things will soon start turning around for you! . . . At this point, it's pretty normal to start noticing every symptom and to stress even more than usual. . . . It won't be long before you can start rebuilding your healthy body.I'd love to sentence every one of the manufacturer's, doctors, FDA and politicians to a lifetime of this stuff! Hugs,Rogene

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Cherie - thanks for the suggetion. Ia ctually just ordered some books by her. She seems to have a bunch of good ones. I am glad to hear that you have it and like it. I just need something to uplift my spirits and keep them up.

How are you feeling????

Much Love,


C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.... .> > Beth ~> You are welcome ! I am still learning how> to deal with stress it myself. Being a single> mom of 2 when all my illness started, I worried> about every single thing and then some. I worried> for other people and things not

related to me or> anything about me. > It wasnt til a couple years ago, I figured out it wasnt> my job to do all that worrying, and it was taking a toll> on my already ill body. So, I got creative and started> playing with my head, and thoughts. Sometimes it works> and sometimes I still have to work at it.> I am doing ok. All considered, with all that is> going on, I am alive and kicking ! Thank you for asking ! > and your well wishes. How are you feeling ? ? > Hugs N Prayers ~ Love Dede> > > > > > > The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ __> Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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Cherie - thanks for the suggetion. Ia ctually just ordered some books by her. She seems to have a bunch of good ones. I am glad to hear that you have it and like it. I just need something to uplift my spirits and keep them up.

How are you feeling????

Much Love,


C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.... .> > Beth ~> You are welcome ! I am still learning how> to deal with stress it myself. Being a single> mom of 2 when all my illness started, I worried> about every single thing and then some. I worried> for other people and things not

related to me or> anything about me. > It wasnt til a couple years ago, I figured out it wasnt> my job to do all that worrying, and it was taking a toll> on my already ill body. So, I got creative and started> playing with my head, and thoughts. Sometimes it works> and sometimes I still have to work at it.> I am doing ok. All considered, with all that is> going on, I am alive and kicking ! Thank you for asking ! > and your well wishes. How are you feeling ? ? > Hugs N Prayers ~ Love Dede> > > > > > > The year's hottest artists on the red carpet at the Grammy Awards. AOL Music takes you there.> > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ __> Be a better friend, newshound, and > know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now. http://mobile. / ;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR 8HDtDypao8Wcj9tA cJ>

Never miss a thing. Make your homepage.

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a - I know everyone is different and as I have pointed out in the past, my symptoms were never severe. However, I did have pretty moderate dizziness and kind of a drunk feeling all the time. My memory was not real good and I had trouble concentrating on simple things. I have been explanted for only 2 months and I have seen a huge impovement with my head issues. Basically, I feel almost back to 100% in that department. Keep up the positive thinking and know that it can and does happen.

Much Love,


Re: C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

a,I know you were posting to Dede but I just wanted to give you hope... my short term memory was shot, just like you explained in your post (almost identical). It is so scary. Good news, this was one of my first symptoms to improve! I can't say I have the best memory in the world but it is SO much better. I couldn't remember my co-worker's names!! Lots of functions I did everyday at work. Ugh! I can't wait until you get the bags removed either. Hugs, Lynn> > > a ~ > > Sounds like you have such a good> > outlook for all this, that is awesome.> > Not long and you will be on your > >

healing journey. Very exciting ! > > Hugs ~ Dede> > > > > > > > ************ **The year's hottest artists on the red> > carpet at the Grammy > > Awards. Go to AOL Music. > >> (http://music. aol.com/grammys? NCID=aolcmp00300 000002565)> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ __> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www.. com/r/hs>

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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a - I know everyone is different and as I have pointed out in the past, my symptoms were never severe. However, I did have pretty moderate dizziness and kind of a drunk feeling all the time. My memory was not real good and I had trouble concentrating on simple things. I have been explanted for only 2 months and I have seen a huge impovement with my head issues. Basically, I feel almost back to 100% in that department. Keep up the positive thinking and know that it can and does happen.

Much Love,


Re: C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

a,I know you were posting to Dede but I just wanted to give you hope... my short term memory was shot, just like you explained in your post (almost identical). It is so scary. Good news, this was one of my first symptoms to improve! I can't say I have the best memory in the world but it is SO much better. I couldn't remember my co-worker's names!! Lots of functions I did everyday at work. Ugh! I can't wait until you get the bags removed either. Hugs, Lynn> > > a ~ > > Sounds like you have such a good> > outlook for all this, that is awesome.> > Not long and you will be on your > >

healing journey. Very exciting ! > > Hugs ~ Dede> > > > > > > > ************ **The year's hottest artists on the red> > carpet at the Grammy > > Awards. Go to AOL Music. > >> (http://music. aol.com/grammys? NCID=aolcmp00300 000002565)> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _____________ __> Never miss a thing. Make your home page. > http://www.. com/r/hs>

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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a,I'm in shock! . . . The Ionic Oasis foot bath I purchased has doubled in price on ebay! http://search.express.ebay.com/merchant/ionicfootbath_mfg_W0QQ_gctZ3I guess I should be thankful I bought (three - actually five, counting those I ordered for friends) before the price went up. Apparently they are selling as many as they can make.I saw there were a number of other foot baths on ebay . . . some very expensive - carrying case, computer controls, etc. . . . Do a search for "ion foot baths" on ebay. . . Some of the prices are very cheap . . . however, my question is how long

the array lasts, and how much replacement arrays cost. The Ionic Oasis brand came with an extra set of arrays . . . that, combined, should do about 300 foot baths. I'm guessing that, even with the price increase, it may be the best foot bath. . .However, I'd have to study long and hard before ordering this model again.Hugs,Rogene

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a,I'm in shock! . . . The Ionic Oasis foot bath I purchased has doubled in price on ebay! http://search.express.ebay.com/merchant/ionicfootbath_mfg_W0QQ_gctZ3I guess I should be thankful I bought (three - actually five, counting those I ordered for friends) before the price went up. Apparently they are selling as many as they can make.I saw there were a number of other foot baths on ebay . . . some very expensive - carrying case, computer controls, etc. . . . Do a search for "ion foot baths" on ebay. . . Some of the prices are very cheap . . . however, my question is how long

the array lasts, and how much replacement arrays cost. The Ionic Oasis brand came with an extra set of arrays . . . that, combined, should do about 300 foot baths. I'm guessing that, even with the price increase, it may be the best foot bath. . .However, I'd have to study long and hard before ordering this model again.Hugs,Rogene

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a - here is the link to the foot bath I purchased. I love it however, once it is filled with water, it is pretty heavy and ackward to carry by myself. Not so much heavy as ackward.

However, I did notice that they increased their buy it now price. I only paid $225 for mine and they have that listed as the starting bid now and the have a much higher buy it now price.


Hope this helps. Please let me know how you like your infrared sauna. I was looking a thte portable ones also but was unsure about getting one. Keep me posted.

Much Love,


Re: Re: C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

Thanks for the support Rogene! You're always such anangel.I, too, would love to see them sentenced to a lifetimeof this stuff. They should feel how this feels!! I just got on Ebay and purchased a portable InfraredSauna. I'm excited to try it. Sometime within thenext few months I'm hoping to buy an ionic footbath. I'm noticing there are different kinds. Do you haveany recommendations about what I should look for?Thanks.Love,a--- saxony01 <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote:> a,> > Things will soon start turning around for you! . . .> > > At this point, it's pretty normal to start noticing> every symptom and to stress even more than usual. .> . . It won't be long before you can start rebuilding> your healthy

body.> > I'd love to sentence every one of the> manufacturer' s, doctors, FDA and politicians to a> lifetime of this stuff! > > Hugs,> > Rogene> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category= shopping

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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a - here is the link to the foot bath I purchased. I love it however, once it is filled with water, it is pretty heavy and ackward to carry by myself. Not so much heavy as ackward.

However, I did notice that they increased their buy it now price. I only paid $225 for mine and they have that listed as the starting bid now and the have a much higher buy it now price.


Hope this helps. Please let me know how you like your infrared sauna. I was looking a thte portable ones also but was unsure about getting one. Keep me posted.

Much Love,


Re: Re: C I P R O ...Weston Price foundation's thoughts.....

Thanks for the support Rogene! You're always such anangel.I, too, would love to see them sentenced to a lifetimeof this stuff. They should feel how this feels!! I just got on Ebay and purchased a portable InfraredSauna. I'm excited to try it. Sometime within thenext few months I'm hoping to buy an ionic footbath. I'm noticing there are different kinds. Do you haveany recommendations about what I should look for?Thanks.Love,a--- saxony01 <saxony01 (DOT) com> wrote:> a,> > Things will soon start turning around for you! . . .> > > At this point, it's pretty normal to start noticing> every symptom and to stress even more than usual. .> . . It won't be long before you can start rebuilding> your healthy

body.> > I'd love to sentence every one of the> manufacturer' s, doctors, FDA and politicians to a> lifetime of this stuff! > > Hugs,> > Rogene> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search. http://tools. search.. com/newsearch/ category. php?category= shopping

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Mobile. Try it now.

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BethHere's a page that shows all their foot baths . .. http://stores.ebay.com/ionicfootbath-mfg57The foot bath with the tan (actually it's white) tub is easy to handle.Beth, you might consider buying another tub. There's nothing magic about the tub. A smaller one will work just as well . . . just use less sea salt.Business must be good for them! Hugs,Rogene

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