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Re: I don't understand

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thanks annette..


Hope you feel better too soon



Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the light, even though

for the moment you do not see. Bill W


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thanks annette..


Hope you feel better too soon



Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the light, even though

for the moment you do not see. Bill W


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Here is a website where you can get free medication. I haven't tried it,

but I believe you have to fill out an application. Check it out.



RE: I don't understand

> Many pharmacutical companies have programs to provide those in need with

> medicine for free. You can do a search online. Also, many dr's carry

> samples they can hand out to those who are in need.


> The key is to call, ask and keep asking until you find some help. There


> NO need to suffer. There is help available it's only a matter of finding.


> ~Annette PS> Hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel, I'm

> miserable.

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Here is a website where you can get free medication. I haven't tried it,

but I believe you have to fill out an application. Check it out.



RE: I don't understand

> Many pharmacutical companies have programs to provide those in need with

> medicine for free. You can do a search online. Also, many dr's carry

> samples they can hand out to those who are in need.


> The key is to call, ask and keep asking until you find some help. There


> NO need to suffer. There is help available it's only a matter of finding.


> ~Annette PS> Hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel, I'm

> miserable.

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Here is a website where you can get free medication. I haven't tried it,

but I believe you have to fill out an application. Check it out.



RE: I don't understand

> Many pharmacutical companies have programs to provide those in need with

> medicine for free. You can do a search online. Also, many dr's carry

> samples they can hand out to those who are in need.


> The key is to call, ask and keep asking until you find some help. There


> NO need to suffer. There is help available it's only a matter of finding.


> ~Annette PS> Hope you feel better soon. I know how you feel, I'm

> miserable.

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I used to get flares after I went through a very

stressful time. It always surprised me that I

wasn't flaring when I was running back and forth

to the hospital to see my child. But, as soon as

everything was fine again, BANG, then came the

flare. It's like your body stays strong when it

has to and then WHAMO.


--- diane freeman wrote:

> You are not doing anything wrong. I have had

> times in

> my life where everything is exactly where I

> want it to

> be, but I still have pain. You are just in a

> flare &

> it will take time.


> Diane

> --- Serena Pridgen

> wrote:

> > I had been under a lot of stress.. and that

> was

> > causing a flair up.. and the stress is over..

> and

> > i " m settling into a new place that is only so

> new

> > its at mom's house.. and things are going

> great..

> > but the pain isnt easing up.. should'nt it be

> > because the stressors have been removed? Last

> > night I slept in a heated waterbed... not the

> > type that moves all over the place though..

> and I

> > took a xanax to help the muscles relax..

> > shouldn't something be helping? what am I

> doing

> > wrong? ... I still can't afford to see a

> dr..

> > and don't know when I'll be able too...

> >

> > help?

> > Serena

> >

> > =====

> > Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the

> light,

> > even though

> > for the moment you do not see. Bill W

> >

> >



> >

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Hi Serena,

I feel compelled to tell you about Dr. St. Amand,

the doctor who discovered " a cure. " He was my

doctor from 1974 until 1980. He said I had

arthritis, a certain kind of arthritis that 'he

also suffered from' and that he had a cure. At

that time, the cure was a medication for gout

called Anturane. Needless to say, after six

years I only got worse. When I saw another

doctor and was finally diagnosed with fibro, Dr.

St. Amand said there was no such thing and that

lots of his patients had left him but that I

would be back. I never went back. If you

further research Dr. St. Amand, you will probably

find that he has been ostracised by other

rheumatologists who claim his " guaf cure " is a


My fibro is under control now and has been for

about eight years--no thanks to St. Amand.


--- or Jane


> Serena,


> I'm having trouble responding to your post, I

> sure hope this goes through!


> I have had some luck with aleve, although in

> the worst times it doesn't seem to do too much.



> Have you tried the guaifenesin treatment? It's

> not a pain killer, but rather it reverses the

> fibromyalgia itself -- a cure! I started the

> treatment 6 weeks ago and I've had some good

> days. Although it really is a difficult

> process, because it makes things feel worse at

> first, while the treatment begins taking

> effect. There is a great yahoo group with

> people on the treatment (GuaiNwithFibro) and

> the website of the doctor who developed the

> treatment is http://www.guaidoc.com.


> It is possible to treat yourself, if you can't

> get a doctor to do it, by taking Robitussin

> (guaifenesin is an expectorant) although the

> doctor recommends you do it under physician

> care, of course. My doctor has a number of

> patients on it now, and we are all getting good

> results. The book costs $15, and it can be

> ordered through the above website for less.


> I was at wit's end. I've had fibro for 20

> years, since I was a young teen, but didn't

> realize it, of course. Then I had 6 babies in 8

> years, and it kept getting worse. After the

> last birth I completely crashed and got to

> where I could hardly take care of my kids, and

> couldn't handle my house at all. I stopped

> leaving the house months ago, and am just now

> beginning to hope that the day will come when I

> can take my kids out again, just for fun!


> I have had a reduction of pain during the good

> days, but most noticeably, I've had an

> improvement in energy. I'm still not better -

> the treatment can take several years for full

> recovery -- but I can tell that this is the

> correct treatment.


> I encourage you to check it out, and I sure

> hope you start feeling better soon. I know how

> depressing it can be! I can't tell you the

> number of times when I've just laid in bed and

> cried... my poor kids not knowing what to

> think!!


> Gentle hugs,

> --Jane

> .

> Re: I don't

> understand



> Lyndi,

> Yea souds like we react a lot the same way..

> I

> guess I was just hopeful because the pain was

> worse this time than normal... and lasted for

> longer.. I did the pulsating shower thing

> this

> morning too.. and I've been playing with

> mom's

> parrots all morning.. they are great... one

> of

> them likes to cuddle.. the other likes to

> very

> lightly vhew on my fingers.. unfortunately he

> lukes to do that when I am trying to get him

> to

> sit on my finger.. I don't have any good pain

> pills.. the xanax is it.. and I need to get

> some

> orudis or aleve.. because advil and tylenol

> no

> longer help.. have you or anyone had good

> luck

> with either of those?


> Thank you so much for replying.. I read my

> first

> book on fibro.. it was a book of the latest

> stuff

> on fibro.. can't remember the title exactly

> but

> there was a book in the same series on

> bipolar...



> whats a pain management dr... I mean.. the

> title

> is self explanatory.. but what do they do? I

> used to think that either everyone felt like

> this.. and so I shouldn't complain or try and

> fix

> it.. or it was just in my head.. and so I

> shouldn't complain or try and fix it.. I

> should

> have known something was wrong.. when I was

> sixteen and my shoulders and neck were always

> so

> tight I was begging friends to rub them.. and

> they couldn't get the muscles to move at

> all..

> but I didnt.. and then again.. when I

> couldn't

> walk through hartsfield Airport.. without one

> hip

> screaming....

> \

> oops/. sorry this is prolly longer than it

> should

> have been..


> Serena


> =====

> Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the

> light, even though

> for the moment you do not see. Bill W






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Hi Serena,

I feel compelled to tell you about Dr. St. Amand,

the doctor who discovered " a cure. " He was my

doctor from 1974 until 1980. He said I had

arthritis, a certain kind of arthritis that 'he

also suffered from' and that he had a cure. At

that time, the cure was a medication for gout

called Anturane. Needless to say, after six

years I only got worse. When I saw another

doctor and was finally diagnosed with fibro, Dr.

St. Amand said there was no such thing and that

lots of his patients had left him but that I

would be back. I never went back. If you

further research Dr. St. Amand, you will probably

find that he has been ostracised by other

rheumatologists who claim his " guaf cure " is a


My fibro is under control now and has been for

about eight years--no thanks to St. Amand.


--- or Jane


> Serena,


> I'm having trouble responding to your post, I

> sure hope this goes through!


> I have had some luck with aleve, although in

> the worst times it doesn't seem to do too much.



> Have you tried the guaifenesin treatment? It's

> not a pain killer, but rather it reverses the

> fibromyalgia itself -- a cure! I started the

> treatment 6 weeks ago and I've had some good

> days. Although it really is a difficult

> process, because it makes things feel worse at

> first, while the treatment begins taking

> effect. There is a great yahoo group with

> people on the treatment (GuaiNwithFibro) and

> the website of the doctor who developed the

> treatment is http://www.guaidoc.com.


> It is possible to treat yourself, if you can't

> get a doctor to do it, by taking Robitussin

> (guaifenesin is an expectorant) although the

> doctor recommends you do it under physician

> care, of course. My doctor has a number of

> patients on it now, and we are all getting good

> results. The book costs $15, and it can be

> ordered through the above website for less.


> I was at wit's end. I've had fibro for 20

> years, since I was a young teen, but didn't

> realize it, of course. Then I had 6 babies in 8

> years, and it kept getting worse. After the

> last birth I completely crashed and got to

> where I could hardly take care of my kids, and

> couldn't handle my house at all. I stopped

> leaving the house months ago, and am just now

> beginning to hope that the day will come when I

> can take my kids out again, just for fun!


> I have had a reduction of pain during the good

> days, but most noticeably, I've had an

> improvement in energy. I'm still not better -

> the treatment can take several years for full

> recovery -- but I can tell that this is the

> correct treatment.


> I encourage you to check it out, and I sure

> hope you start feeling better soon. I know how

> depressing it can be! I can't tell you the

> number of times when I've just laid in bed and

> cried... my poor kids not knowing what to

> think!!


> Gentle hugs,

> --Jane

> .

> Re: I don't

> understand



> Lyndi,

> Yea souds like we react a lot the same way..

> I

> guess I was just hopeful because the pain was

> worse this time than normal... and lasted for

> longer.. I did the pulsating shower thing

> this

> morning too.. and I've been playing with

> mom's

> parrots all morning.. they are great... one

> of

> them likes to cuddle.. the other likes to

> very

> lightly vhew on my fingers.. unfortunately he

> lukes to do that when I am trying to get him

> to

> sit on my finger.. I don't have any good pain

> pills.. the xanax is it.. and I need to get

> some

> orudis or aleve.. because advil and tylenol

> no

> longer help.. have you or anyone had good

> luck

> with either of those?


> Thank you so much for replying.. I read my

> first

> book on fibro.. it was a book of the latest

> stuff

> on fibro.. can't remember the title exactly

> but

> there was a book in the same series on

> bipolar...



> whats a pain management dr... I mean.. the

> title

> is self explanatory.. but what do they do? I

> used to think that either everyone felt like

> this.. and so I shouldn't complain or try and

> fix

> it.. or it was just in my head.. and so I

> shouldn't complain or try and fix it.. I

> should

> have known something was wrong.. when I was

> sixteen and my shoulders and neck were always

> so

> tight I was begging friends to rub them.. and

> they couldn't get the muscles to move at

> all..

> but I didnt.. and then again.. when I

> couldn't

> walk through hartsfield Airport.. without one

> hip

> screaming....

> \

> oops/. sorry this is prolly longer than it

> should

> have been..


> Serena


> =====

> Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the

> light, even though

> for the moment you do not see. Bill W






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Hi Serena,

I feel compelled to tell you about Dr. St. Amand,

the doctor who discovered " a cure. " He was my

doctor from 1974 until 1980. He said I had

arthritis, a certain kind of arthritis that 'he

also suffered from' and that he had a cure. At

that time, the cure was a medication for gout

called Anturane. Needless to say, after six

years I only got worse. When I saw another

doctor and was finally diagnosed with fibro, Dr.

St. Amand said there was no such thing and that

lots of his patients had left him but that I

would be back. I never went back. If you

further research Dr. St. Amand, you will probably

find that he has been ostracised by other

rheumatologists who claim his " guaf cure " is a


My fibro is under control now and has been for

about eight years--no thanks to St. Amand.


--- or Jane


> Serena,


> I'm having trouble responding to your post, I

> sure hope this goes through!


> I have had some luck with aleve, although in

> the worst times it doesn't seem to do too much.



> Have you tried the guaifenesin treatment? It's

> not a pain killer, but rather it reverses the

> fibromyalgia itself -- a cure! I started the

> treatment 6 weeks ago and I've had some good

> days. Although it really is a difficult

> process, because it makes things feel worse at

> first, while the treatment begins taking

> effect. There is a great yahoo group with

> people on the treatment (GuaiNwithFibro) and

> the website of the doctor who developed the

> treatment is http://www.guaidoc.com.


> It is possible to treat yourself, if you can't

> get a doctor to do it, by taking Robitussin

> (guaifenesin is an expectorant) although the

> doctor recommends you do it under physician

> care, of course. My doctor has a number of

> patients on it now, and we are all getting good

> results. The book costs $15, and it can be

> ordered through the above website for less.


> I was at wit's end. I've had fibro for 20

> years, since I was a young teen, but didn't

> realize it, of course. Then I had 6 babies in 8

> years, and it kept getting worse. After the

> last birth I completely crashed and got to

> where I could hardly take care of my kids, and

> couldn't handle my house at all. I stopped

> leaving the house months ago, and am just now

> beginning to hope that the day will come when I

> can take my kids out again, just for fun!


> I have had a reduction of pain during the good

> days, but most noticeably, I've had an

> improvement in energy. I'm still not better -

> the treatment can take several years for full

> recovery -- but I can tell that this is the

> correct treatment.


> I encourage you to check it out, and I sure

> hope you start feeling better soon. I know how

> depressing it can be! I can't tell you the

> number of times when I've just laid in bed and

> cried... my poor kids not knowing what to

> think!!


> Gentle hugs,

> --Jane

> .

> Re: I don't

> understand



> Lyndi,

> Yea souds like we react a lot the same way..

> I

> guess I was just hopeful because the pain was

> worse this time than normal... and lasted for

> longer.. I did the pulsating shower thing

> this

> morning too.. and I've been playing with

> mom's

> parrots all morning.. they are great... one

> of

> them likes to cuddle.. the other likes to

> very

> lightly vhew on my fingers.. unfortunately he

> lukes to do that when I am trying to get him

> to

> sit on my finger.. I don't have any good pain

> pills.. the xanax is it.. and I need to get

> some

> orudis or aleve.. because advil and tylenol

> no

> longer help.. have you or anyone had good

> luck

> with either of those?


> Thank you so much for replying.. I read my

> first

> book on fibro.. it was a book of the latest

> stuff

> on fibro.. can't remember the title exactly

> but

> there was a book in the same series on

> bipolar...



> whats a pain management dr... I mean.. the

> title

> is self explanatory.. but what do they do? I

> used to think that either everyone felt like

> this.. and so I shouldn't complain or try and

> fix

> it.. or it was just in my head.. and so I

> shouldn't complain or try and fix it.. I

> should

> have known something was wrong.. when I was

> sixteen and my shoulders and neck were always

> so

> tight I was begging friends to rub them.. and

> they couldn't get the muscles to move at

> all..

> but I didnt.. and then again.. when I

> couldn't

> walk through hartsfield Airport.. without one

> hip

> screaming....

> \

> oops/. sorry this is prolly longer than it

> should

> have been..


> Serena


> =====

> Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the

> light, even though

> for the moment you do not see. Bill W






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Thanks Joanne..

Still under a good deal of constant mild pain..

but the vioxx they gave me is helping.. that with

aleve ... :)...




Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the light, even though

for the moment you do not see. Bill W


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Thanks Joanne..

Still under a good deal of constant mild pain..

but the vioxx they gave me is helping.. that with

aleve ... :)...




Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the light, even though

for the moment you do not see. Bill W


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Thanks Joanne..

Still under a good deal of constant mild pain..

but the vioxx they gave me is helping.. that with

aleve ... :)...




Believe more deeply. Hold your face up to the light, even though

for the moment you do not see. Bill W


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