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Re: Weight

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Hi Kristi. I know exactly where you are coming from on the weight issue. I too

have gained weight and am unable to get rid of even some of it. I've gain 25

pounds since going on the ATDs, approximately 5 months. My doctor says it is

because my levels are becoming " normal " and that the reason I was thin before

was due to the hyper. This I understand. What I don't understand is why my

exercising a minimum of 5 times a week and watching everything that goes into my

mouth doesn't make the numbers on the scale move. Well, that's not true, they

are moving, just in the wrong direction.

I know we are supposed to be more concerned with our health than what society

thinks we should look like, but it is hard to do and I'm holding your hand in

this, as I am standing right next to you facing this nuisance.


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Kristi, I wish I knew what to tell you. I've been gaining weight since I

started the ATD's and even now that I've been off. (And not to scare you

but at 5'4 " I WISH I weighed 140. I'm big-boned and pretty comfortable


What will be helpful is to exercise reasonably and eat well. At least

this way you know that you are doing what you can to stay healthy. I too

weigh more than after my last pregnancy but my bp is excellent,

cholesterol fine. Hopefully I'm not a walking time bomb but I do believe

I'm doing the best I can.

As painful as it is, do spend money on new clothes, or hit the resale

shops. Do whatever you can to find clothes that flatter you where you are

now; at your weight, that really is possible.

I have teenage daughters so I really try to be philosophical about my

size. We greatly limit exposure to the media in our house. I just read an

article in the March (I think) Ladies Home Journal on the early

sexualization of kids. This is a recurrent theme. We are bombarded with

images that as adults we know are not healthy or based on reality, and

those of us who have been forunate enough to maintain really ideal

weights may have even formed opinions of those who don't seem to be able

to do so, opinions that are also not based on reality.

I hope that your husband or man in your life is supportive. I have been

greatly blessed in that regard.

Take care, Fay



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Kristi, I wish I knew what to tell you. I've been gaining weight since I

started the ATD's and even now that I've been off. (And not to scare you

but at 5'4 " I WISH I weighed 140. I'm big-boned and pretty comfortable


What will be helpful is to exercise reasonably and eat well. At least

this way you know that you are doing what you can to stay healthy. I too

weigh more than after my last pregnancy but my bp is excellent,

cholesterol fine. Hopefully I'm not a walking time bomb but I do believe

I'm doing the best I can.

As painful as it is, do spend money on new clothes, or hit the resale

shops. Do whatever you can to find clothes that flatter you where you are

now; at your weight, that really is possible.

I have teenage daughters so I really try to be philosophical about my

size. We greatly limit exposure to the media in our house. I just read an

article in the March (I think) Ladies Home Journal on the early

sexualization of kids. This is a recurrent theme. We are bombarded with

images that as adults we know are not healthy or based on reality, and

those of us who have been forunate enough to maintain really ideal

weights may have even formed opinions of those who don't seem to be able

to do so, opinions that are also not based on reality.

I hope that your husband or man in your life is supportive. I have been

greatly blessed in that regard.

Take care, Fay



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Count me in on one that gained on ATDs after taking them for 5.5 yrs. I

wonder if all the weight will ever come off. It is something I struggle

with daily. The worse part is the way people look at you, they think

everyone overweight eat the wrong foods. I've been off ATDs since July 2000

and still struggle to lose it. It is coming off but slow. I keep telling

myself that if it comes off slow maybe I won't gain it back.

When I started having trouble with my teeth, the dentist of course took one

look at me and figured I was a sweet eater and pop drinker. That made me

mad, needless to say I no longer go to that dentist. We don't eat fast food

and I don't keep junk food in the house. That is the way I was raised and

that's how I've raised my kids.

I've wondered at times if the hyper stage of the GD does something to our

metabolism, but don't effect all of us. I for one could not eat everything

going up, we didn't eat junk food but I also watched what I ate to keep my

figure. We eat healthy and I've taught my kids to eat healthy that is the

most important part, knowing we are eating healthy.

Last summer I did go out and buy myself all new clothes, something I hated

to do after gaining weight. I kept telling myself I will lose it and buy a

few things at a time. The great thing was in two months the pants were too

big, the tops were but I could still wear some of them. It made me feel

better about myself buying all new clothes and I watched for the sales to

buy them. This winter the weight hasn't moved much, but that's all right it

started moving again. You also have to look at the fact that I am 45 yrs.

old and I think it is harder to lose weight at my age. So, buy yourself new

clothes even if they are a bigger size you will feel better having clothes

that are comfortable. Also, I break my meals into eating 5 small meals a

day and drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water, plus 8 oz. for every 25 lbs. you are

overweigh daily.

My weight came when I was hyper but on ATDs.

Debbie R.

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Count me in on one that gained on ATDs after taking them for 5.5 yrs. I

wonder if all the weight will ever come off. It is something I struggle

with daily. The worse part is the way people look at you, they think

everyone overweight eat the wrong foods. I've been off ATDs since July 2000

and still struggle to lose it. It is coming off but slow. I keep telling

myself that if it comes off slow maybe I won't gain it back.

When I started having trouble with my teeth, the dentist of course took one

look at me and figured I was a sweet eater and pop drinker. That made me

mad, needless to say I no longer go to that dentist. We don't eat fast food

and I don't keep junk food in the house. That is the way I was raised and

that's how I've raised my kids.

I've wondered at times if the hyper stage of the GD does something to our

metabolism, but don't effect all of us. I for one could not eat everything

going up, we didn't eat junk food but I also watched what I ate to keep my

figure. We eat healthy and I've taught my kids to eat healthy that is the

most important part, knowing we are eating healthy.

Last summer I did go out and buy myself all new clothes, something I hated

to do after gaining weight. I kept telling myself I will lose it and buy a

few things at a time. The great thing was in two months the pants were too

big, the tops were but I could still wear some of them. It made me feel

better about myself buying all new clothes and I watched for the sales to

buy them. This winter the weight hasn't moved much, but that's all right it

started moving again. You also have to look at the fact that I am 45 yrs.

old and I think it is harder to lose weight at my age. So, buy yourself new

clothes even if they are a bigger size you will feel better having clothes

that are comfortable. Also, I break my meals into eating 5 small meals a

day and drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water, plus 8 oz. for every 25 lbs. you are

overweigh daily.

My weight came when I was hyper but on ATDs.

Debbie R.

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Count me in on one that gained on ATDs after taking them for 5.5 yrs. I

wonder if all the weight will ever come off. It is something I struggle

with daily. The worse part is the way people look at you, they think

everyone overweight eat the wrong foods. I've been off ATDs since July 2000

and still struggle to lose it. It is coming off but slow. I keep telling

myself that if it comes off slow maybe I won't gain it back.

When I started having trouble with my teeth, the dentist of course took one

look at me and figured I was a sweet eater and pop drinker. That made me

mad, needless to say I no longer go to that dentist. We don't eat fast food

and I don't keep junk food in the house. That is the way I was raised and

that's how I've raised my kids.

I've wondered at times if the hyper stage of the GD does something to our

metabolism, but don't effect all of us. I for one could not eat everything

going up, we didn't eat junk food but I also watched what I ate to keep my

figure. We eat healthy and I've taught my kids to eat healthy that is the

most important part, knowing we are eating healthy.

Last summer I did go out and buy myself all new clothes, something I hated

to do after gaining weight. I kept telling myself I will lose it and buy a

few things at a time. The great thing was in two months the pants were too

big, the tops were but I could still wear some of them. It made me feel

better about myself buying all new clothes and I watched for the sales to

buy them. This winter the weight hasn't moved much, but that's all right it

started moving again. You also have to look at the fact that I am 45 yrs.

old and I think it is harder to lose weight at my age. So, buy yourself new

clothes even if they are a bigger size you will feel better having clothes

that are comfortable. Also, I break my meals into eating 5 small meals a

day and drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water, plus 8 oz. for every 25 lbs. you are

overweigh daily.

My weight came when I was hyper but on ATDs.

Debbie R.

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oh Kristi, I feel for you, and completely understand. Although I think I have

balanced out, since I am no longer gaining, but trying to loose and it ain't

happening, seems the less I eat, I don't loose. My doctor is no help on this one

as she is slightly overweight and doesn't understand. I went from 119 to 149 in

a period of six months, I am 5'2 and now staying steady...however I am trying to

loose, just began weight training along with the cardio, it may help it may

not....people don't see but I just feel it....

hang in there, just wanted you to know that you are not alone!!!


Hi All,

I am feeling completely down about my weight tonight and thought I'd

spill my guts to you guys. :) I am stumped about why I'm gaining so

much weight! I was hyper and got too skinny and then went hypO on

the ATDs. I'm on 10 mg of tap and am just gaining weight steadily.

I'm eating rice cakes and salads and I can't stop gaining weight.

It's the most frustrating thing. I've totally given up sweets and

haven't had junk food in Forever. Did this happen to any of you?? I

now weigh 143 pounds and even when I was pregnant I topped out at

148, so this is extremely frustrating. I'm only 5'4 " and I feel

comfortable at about 115 pounds. I've been walking and was even

doing aerobics until about two weeks ago when I got a cold. I

haven't been too concerned about the weight thing because I was told

that I went hypO but that was weeks ago and I'm still gaining.

Help!! Is this normal?? Is this to be expected? When will it

stop?? None of my clothes fit! I went to the doctor on Monday and

still haven't heard back about my labs. Could I still be hypo and

that's the reason?? I'm so FRUSTRATED!! Can you tell? :)


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oh Kristi, I feel for you, and completely understand. Although I think I have

balanced out, since I am no longer gaining, but trying to loose and it ain't

happening, seems the less I eat, I don't loose. My doctor is no help on this one

as she is slightly overweight and doesn't understand. I went from 119 to 149 in

a period of six months, I am 5'2 and now staying steady...however I am trying to

loose, just began weight training along with the cardio, it may help it may

not....people don't see but I just feel it....

hang in there, just wanted you to know that you are not alone!!!


Hi All,

I am feeling completely down about my weight tonight and thought I'd

spill my guts to you guys. :) I am stumped about why I'm gaining so

much weight! I was hyper and got too skinny and then went hypO on

the ATDs. I'm on 10 mg of tap and am just gaining weight steadily.

I'm eating rice cakes and salads and I can't stop gaining weight.

It's the most frustrating thing. I've totally given up sweets and

haven't had junk food in Forever. Did this happen to any of you?? I

now weigh 143 pounds and even when I was pregnant I topped out at

148, so this is extremely frustrating. I'm only 5'4 " and I feel

comfortable at about 115 pounds. I've been walking and was even

doing aerobics until about two weeks ago when I got a cold. I

haven't been too concerned about the weight thing because I was told

that I went hypO but that was weeks ago and I'm still gaining.

Help!! Is this normal?? Is this to be expected? When will it

stop?? None of my clothes fit! I went to the doctor on Monday and

still haven't heard back about my labs. Could I still be hypo and

that's the reason?? I'm so FRUSTRATED!! Can you tell? :)


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Guest guest

oh Kristi, I feel for you, and completely understand. Although I think I have

balanced out, since I am no longer gaining, but trying to loose and it ain't

happening, seems the less I eat, I don't loose. My doctor is no help on this one

as she is slightly overweight and doesn't understand. I went from 119 to 149 in

a period of six months, I am 5'2 and now staying steady...however I am trying to

loose, just began weight training along with the cardio, it may help it may

not....people don't see but I just feel it....

hang in there, just wanted you to know that you are not alone!!!


Hi All,

I am feeling completely down about my weight tonight and thought I'd

spill my guts to you guys. :) I am stumped about why I'm gaining so

much weight! I was hyper and got too skinny and then went hypO on

the ATDs. I'm on 10 mg of tap and am just gaining weight steadily.

I'm eating rice cakes and salads and I can't stop gaining weight.

It's the most frustrating thing. I've totally given up sweets and

haven't had junk food in Forever. Did this happen to any of you?? I

now weigh 143 pounds and even when I was pregnant I topped out at

148, so this is extremely frustrating. I'm only 5'4 " and I feel

comfortable at about 115 pounds. I've been walking and was even

doing aerobics until about two weeks ago when I got a cold. I

haven't been too concerned about the weight thing because I was told

that I went hypO but that was weeks ago and I'm still gaining.

Help!! Is this normal?? Is this to be expected? When will it

stop?? None of my clothes fit! I went to the doctor on Monday and

still haven't heard back about my labs. Could I still be hypo and

that's the reason?? I'm so FRUSTRATED!! Can you tell? :)


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Thanks so much for your post. I think it's a great idea for me to go out and

buy myself some good fitting clothes. Something nice. Thanks for the

suggestion...I plan to go shopping tomorrow! :)

I know what you mean about the media in the US, although I've honestly never

been all this interested in my weight or anyone elses. Maybe that comes from

not growing up here. But this disease makes me feel so out of control and so

many things about it puzzle me. I thought after being " diagnosed " hypo and

cutting down on the ATDs that I would at least maintain some kind of weight

instead of steadily increasing. I still don't know my lab results, so hopefully

that will shed some light on what's going on here. I'd feel better if I knew

that i wasn't hyper. If my labs come back " normal " or hypO, I'll be a very

happy camper.

Thanks again.


Re: Weight

Kristi, I wish I knew what to tell you. I've been gaining weight since I

started the ATD's and even now that I've been off. (And not to scare you

but at 5'4 " I WISH I weighed 140. I'm big-boned and pretty comfortable


What will be helpful is to exercise reasonably and eat well. At least

this way you know that you are doing what you can to stay healthy. I too

weigh more than after my last pregnancy but my bp is excellent,

cholesterol fine. Hopefully I'm not a walking time bomb but I do believe

I'm doing the best I can.

As painful as it is, do spend money on new clothes, or hit the resale

shops. Do whatever you can to find clothes that flatter you where you are

now; at your weight, that really is possible.

I have teenage daughters so I really try to be philosophical about my

size. We greatly limit exposure to the media in our house. I just read an

article in the March (I think) Ladies Home Journal on the early

sexualization of kids. This is a recurrent theme. We are bombarded with

images that as adults we know are not healthy or based on reality, and

those of us who have been forunate enough to maintain really ideal

weights may have even formed opinions of those who don't seem to be able

to do so, opinions that are also not based on reality.

I hope that your husband or man in your life is supportive. I have been

greatly blessed in that regard.

Take care, Fay



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Guest guest


Thanks so much for your post. I think it's a great idea for me to go out and

buy myself some good fitting clothes. Something nice. Thanks for the

suggestion...I plan to go shopping tomorrow! :)

I know what you mean about the media in the US, although I've honestly never

been all this interested in my weight or anyone elses. Maybe that comes from

not growing up here. But this disease makes me feel so out of control and so

many things about it puzzle me. I thought after being " diagnosed " hypo and

cutting down on the ATDs that I would at least maintain some kind of weight

instead of steadily increasing. I still don't know my lab results, so hopefully

that will shed some light on what's going on here. I'd feel better if I knew

that i wasn't hyper. If my labs come back " normal " or hypO, I'll be a very

happy camper.

Thanks again.


Re: Weight

Kristi, I wish I knew what to tell you. I've been gaining weight since I

started the ATD's and even now that I've been off. (And not to scare you

but at 5'4 " I WISH I weighed 140. I'm big-boned and pretty comfortable


What will be helpful is to exercise reasonably and eat well. At least

this way you know that you are doing what you can to stay healthy. I too

weigh more than after my last pregnancy but my bp is excellent,

cholesterol fine. Hopefully I'm not a walking time bomb but I do believe

I'm doing the best I can.

As painful as it is, do spend money on new clothes, or hit the resale

shops. Do whatever you can to find clothes that flatter you where you are

now; at your weight, that really is possible.

I have teenage daughters so I really try to be philosophical about my

size. We greatly limit exposure to the media in our house. I just read an

article in the March (I think) Ladies Home Journal on the early

sexualization of kids. This is a recurrent theme. We are bombarded with

images that as adults we know are not healthy or based on reality, and

those of us who have been forunate enough to maintain really ideal

weights may have even formed opinions of those who don't seem to be able

to do so, opinions that are also not based on reality.

I hope that your husband or man in your life is supportive. I have been

greatly blessed in that regard.

Take care, Fay



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Guest guest


Thanks so much for your post. I think it's a great idea for me to go out and

buy myself some good fitting clothes. Something nice. Thanks for the

suggestion...I plan to go shopping tomorrow! :)

I know what you mean about the media in the US, although I've honestly never

been all this interested in my weight or anyone elses. Maybe that comes from

not growing up here. But this disease makes me feel so out of control and so

many things about it puzzle me. I thought after being " diagnosed " hypo and

cutting down on the ATDs that I would at least maintain some kind of weight

instead of steadily increasing. I still don't know my lab results, so hopefully

that will shed some light on what's going on here. I'd feel better if I knew

that i wasn't hyper. If my labs come back " normal " or hypO, I'll be a very

happy camper.

Thanks again.


Re: Weight

Kristi, I wish I knew what to tell you. I've been gaining weight since I

started the ATD's and even now that I've been off. (And not to scare you

but at 5'4 " I WISH I weighed 140. I'm big-boned and pretty comfortable


What will be helpful is to exercise reasonably and eat well. At least

this way you know that you are doing what you can to stay healthy. I too

weigh more than after my last pregnancy but my bp is excellent,

cholesterol fine. Hopefully I'm not a walking time bomb but I do believe

I'm doing the best I can.

As painful as it is, do spend money on new clothes, or hit the resale

shops. Do whatever you can to find clothes that flatter you where you are

now; at your weight, that really is possible.

I have teenage daughters so I really try to be philosophical about my

size. We greatly limit exposure to the media in our house. I just read an

article in the March (I think) Ladies Home Journal on the early

sexualization of kids. This is a recurrent theme. We are bombarded with

images that as adults we know are not healthy or based on reality, and

those of us who have been forunate enough to maintain really ideal

weights may have even formed opinions of those who don't seem to be able

to do so, opinions that are also not based on reality.

I hope that your husband or man in your life is supportive. I have been

greatly blessed in that regard.

Take care, Fay



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Gosh, I don't exercise that much. Unless you count chasing after two toddlers

exerecise! which it can be. I wonder if all these fluctuations in our

metabolism just kind of screw things up for a while.

Honestly, I think I would scratch my doctor's eyes out if he said what yours

did. Just because I remember being hyper and being way too skinny and I didn't

like that at all. I've held a steady weight for my adult life so far (I'm 33)

and I couldn't understand why I was getting so skinny when I was hyper. My

mother-in-law thought I was anorexic!! She would get all worried when I went to

wash my hands after a meal because she thought I was in there sticking my finger

down my throat. Kind of funny when I think about it now. Anyway, I feel for

you and everyone going through this. It's so hard not to have any control over

our bodies!


Re: Weight

Hi Kristi. I know exactly where you are coming from on the weight issue. I

too have gained weight and am unable to get rid of even some of it. I've gain

25 pounds since going on the ATDs, approximately 5 months. My doctor says it is

because my levels are becoming " normal " and that the reason I was thin before

was due to the hyper. This I understand. What I don't understand is why my

exercising a minimum of 5 times a week and watching everything that goes into my

mouth doesn't make the numbers on the scale move. Well, that's not true, they

are moving, just in the wrong direction.

I know we are supposed to be more concerned with our health than what society

thinks we should look like, but it is hard to do and I'm holding your hand in

this, as I am standing right next to you facing this nuisance.


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Guest guest

Gosh, I don't exercise that much. Unless you count chasing after two toddlers

exerecise! which it can be. I wonder if all these fluctuations in our

metabolism just kind of screw things up for a while.

Honestly, I think I would scratch my doctor's eyes out if he said what yours

did. Just because I remember being hyper and being way too skinny and I didn't

like that at all. I've held a steady weight for my adult life so far (I'm 33)

and I couldn't understand why I was getting so skinny when I was hyper. My

mother-in-law thought I was anorexic!! She would get all worried when I went to

wash my hands after a meal because she thought I was in there sticking my finger

down my throat. Kind of funny when I think about it now. Anyway, I feel for

you and everyone going through this. It's so hard not to have any control over

our bodies!


Re: Weight

Hi Kristi. I know exactly where you are coming from on the weight issue. I

too have gained weight and am unable to get rid of even some of it. I've gain

25 pounds since going on the ATDs, approximately 5 months. My doctor says it is

because my levels are becoming " normal " and that the reason I was thin before

was due to the hyper. This I understand. What I don't understand is why my

exercising a minimum of 5 times a week and watching everything that goes into my

mouth doesn't make the numbers on the scale move. Well, that's not true, they

are moving, just in the wrong direction.

I know we are supposed to be more concerned with our health than what society

thinks we should look like, but it is hard to do and I'm holding your hand in

this, as I am standing right next to you facing this nuisance.


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Guest guest

Gosh, I don't exercise that much. Unless you count chasing after two toddlers

exerecise! which it can be. I wonder if all these fluctuations in our

metabolism just kind of screw things up for a while.

Honestly, I think I would scratch my doctor's eyes out if he said what yours

did. Just because I remember being hyper and being way too skinny and I didn't

like that at all. I've held a steady weight for my adult life so far (I'm 33)

and I couldn't understand why I was getting so skinny when I was hyper. My

mother-in-law thought I was anorexic!! She would get all worried when I went to

wash my hands after a meal because she thought I was in there sticking my finger

down my throat. Kind of funny when I think about it now. Anyway, I feel for

you and everyone going through this. It's so hard not to have any control over

our bodies!


Re: Weight

Hi Kristi. I know exactly where you are coming from on the weight issue. I

too have gained weight and am unable to get rid of even some of it. I've gain

25 pounds since going on the ATDs, approximately 5 months. My doctor says it is

because my levels are becoming " normal " and that the reason I was thin before

was due to the hyper. This I understand. What I don't understand is why my

exercising a minimum of 5 times a week and watching everything that goes into my

mouth doesn't make the numbers on the scale move. Well, that's not true, they

are moving, just in the wrong direction.

I know we are supposed to be more concerned with our health than what society

thinks we should look like, but it is hard to do and I'm holding your hand in

this, as I am standing right next to you facing this nuisance.


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I think you must be right about our metabolism just getting screwy somewhere

along the line. I know I'm not eating enough to make myself gain weight. I

agree with you and Fay that i should go out and buy some comfortable clothes,

although I hate to look at the sizes! :) Seriously, I'm sure I'd feel better

having some nice things that fit well. I went out a few weeks ago and bought

one pair of shorts and I've been wearing sweats and those shorts pretty much

exclusively which doesn't help my self esteem any. I'm getting older too, so I

suppose my " skinny " days are over. The weight thing gets me down sometimes, but

if I were healthy it wouldn't matter.

OOH, that dentist would have heard an earful from me!! I feel like I have to

explain to my family and friends WHY I'm gaining so much weight, you know?

Someone on here said that they feel people think they must eat bad food and be

lazy for having some extra pounds. I never thought much about the weight thing

before all this happened, but I know I feel more sympathy for people who

struggle with this problem. I've taken it for granted I guess, being thin and

not having to worry about what I ate. This disease is a great exercise in

humility! ha-ha!


Re: Weight


Count me in on one that gained on ATDs after taking them for 5.5 yrs. I

wonder if all the weight will ever come off. It is something I struggle

with daily. The worse part is the way people look at you, they think

everyone overweight eat the wrong foods. I've been off ATDs since July 2000

and still struggle to lose it. It is coming off but slow. I keep telling

myself that if it comes off slow maybe I won't gain it back.

When I started having trouble with my teeth, the dentist of course took one

look at me and figured I was a sweet eater and pop drinker. That made me

mad, needless to say I no longer go to that dentist. We don't eat fast food

and I don't keep junk food in the house. That is the way I was raised and

that's how I've raised my kids.

I've wondered at times if the hyper stage of the GD does something to our

metabolism, but don't effect all of us. I for one could not eat everything

going up, we didn't eat junk food but I also watched what I ate to keep my

figure. We eat healthy and I've taught my kids to eat healthy that is the

most important part, knowing we are eating healthy.

Last summer I did go out and buy myself all new clothes, something I hated

to do after gaining weight. I kept telling myself I will lose it and buy a

few things at a time. The great thing was in two months the pants were too

big, the tops were but I could still wear some of them. It made me feel

better about myself buying all new clothes and I watched for the sales to

buy them. This winter the weight hasn't moved much, but that's all right it

started moving again. You also have to look at the fact that I am 45 yrs.

old and I think it is harder to lose weight at my age. So, buy yourself new

clothes even if they are a bigger size you will feel better having clothes

that are comfortable. Also, I break my meals into eating 5 small meals a

day and drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water, plus 8 oz. for every 25 lbs. you are

overweigh daily.

My weight came when I was hyper but on ATDs.

Debbie R.


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

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Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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I think you must be right about our metabolism just getting screwy somewhere

along the line. I know I'm not eating enough to make myself gain weight. I

agree with you and Fay that i should go out and buy some comfortable clothes,

although I hate to look at the sizes! :) Seriously, I'm sure I'd feel better

having some nice things that fit well. I went out a few weeks ago and bought

one pair of shorts and I've been wearing sweats and those shorts pretty much

exclusively which doesn't help my self esteem any. I'm getting older too, so I

suppose my " skinny " days are over. The weight thing gets me down sometimes, but

if I were healthy it wouldn't matter.

OOH, that dentist would have heard an earful from me!! I feel like I have to

explain to my family and friends WHY I'm gaining so much weight, you know?

Someone on here said that they feel people think they must eat bad food and be

lazy for having some extra pounds. I never thought much about the weight thing

before all this happened, but I know I feel more sympathy for people who

struggle with this problem. I've taken it for granted I guess, being thin and

not having to worry about what I ate. This disease is a great exercise in

humility! ha-ha!


Re: Weight


Count me in on one that gained on ATDs after taking them for 5.5 yrs. I

wonder if all the weight will ever come off. It is something I struggle

with daily. The worse part is the way people look at you, they think

everyone overweight eat the wrong foods. I've been off ATDs since July 2000

and still struggle to lose it. It is coming off but slow. I keep telling

myself that if it comes off slow maybe I won't gain it back.

When I started having trouble with my teeth, the dentist of course took one

look at me and figured I was a sweet eater and pop drinker. That made me

mad, needless to say I no longer go to that dentist. We don't eat fast food

and I don't keep junk food in the house. That is the way I was raised and

that's how I've raised my kids.

I've wondered at times if the hyper stage of the GD does something to our

metabolism, but don't effect all of us. I for one could not eat everything

going up, we didn't eat junk food but I also watched what I ate to keep my

figure. We eat healthy and I've taught my kids to eat healthy that is the

most important part, knowing we are eating healthy.

Last summer I did go out and buy myself all new clothes, something I hated

to do after gaining weight. I kept telling myself I will lose it and buy a

few things at a time. The great thing was in two months the pants were too

big, the tops were but I could still wear some of them. It made me feel

better about myself buying all new clothes and I watched for the sales to

buy them. This winter the weight hasn't moved much, but that's all right it

started moving again. You also have to look at the fact that I am 45 yrs.

old and I think it is harder to lose weight at my age. So, buy yourself new

clothes even if they are a bigger size you will feel better having clothes

that are comfortable. Also, I break my meals into eating 5 small meals a

day and drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water, plus 8 oz. for every 25 lbs. you are

overweigh daily.

My weight came when I was hyper but on ATDs.

Debbie R.


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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Guest guest

I think you must be right about our metabolism just getting screwy somewhere

along the line. I know I'm not eating enough to make myself gain weight. I

agree with you and Fay that i should go out and buy some comfortable clothes,

although I hate to look at the sizes! :) Seriously, I'm sure I'd feel better

having some nice things that fit well. I went out a few weeks ago and bought

one pair of shorts and I've been wearing sweats and those shorts pretty much

exclusively which doesn't help my self esteem any. I'm getting older too, so I

suppose my " skinny " days are over. The weight thing gets me down sometimes, but

if I were healthy it wouldn't matter.

OOH, that dentist would have heard an earful from me!! I feel like I have to

explain to my family and friends WHY I'm gaining so much weight, you know?

Someone on here said that they feel people think they must eat bad food and be

lazy for having some extra pounds. I never thought much about the weight thing

before all this happened, but I know I feel more sympathy for people who

struggle with this problem. I've taken it for granted I guess, being thin and

not having to worry about what I ate. This disease is a great exercise in

humility! ha-ha!


Re: Weight


Count me in on one that gained on ATDs after taking them for 5.5 yrs. I

wonder if all the weight will ever come off. It is something I struggle

with daily. The worse part is the way people look at you, they think

everyone overweight eat the wrong foods. I've been off ATDs since July 2000

and still struggle to lose it. It is coming off but slow. I keep telling

myself that if it comes off slow maybe I won't gain it back.

When I started having trouble with my teeth, the dentist of course took one

look at me and figured I was a sweet eater and pop drinker. That made me

mad, needless to say I no longer go to that dentist. We don't eat fast food

and I don't keep junk food in the house. That is the way I was raised and

that's how I've raised my kids.

I've wondered at times if the hyper stage of the GD does something to our

metabolism, but don't effect all of us. I for one could not eat everything

going up, we didn't eat junk food but I also watched what I ate to keep my

figure. We eat healthy and I've taught my kids to eat healthy that is the

most important part, knowing we are eating healthy.

Last summer I did go out and buy myself all new clothes, something I hated

to do after gaining weight. I kept telling myself I will lose it and buy a

few things at a time. The great thing was in two months the pants were too

big, the tops were but I could still wear some of them. It made me feel

better about myself buying all new clothes and I watched for the sales to

buy them. This winter the weight hasn't moved much, but that's all right it

started moving again. You also have to look at the fact that I am 45 yrs.

old and I think it is harder to lose weight at my age. So, buy yourself new

clothes even if they are a bigger size you will feel better having clothes

that are comfortable. Also, I break my meals into eating 5 small meals a

day and drink 8-8 oz. glasses of water, plus 8 oz. for every 25 lbs. you are

overweigh daily.

My weight came when I was hyper but on ATDs.

Debbie R.


The Graves' list is intended for informational purposes only and is not

intended to replace expert medical care.

Please consult your doctor before changing or trying new treatments.



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the listowner. I have no input as to what ads are attached to emails.



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Guest guest


you and i are at the exact same, parallel place right

now, with everything! i just want to let you know i

feel for you and i have hope for both of us!

p.s. at least your not in a wedding anytime soon, i am

a bridesmaid in october, my dress wasnt that expensive

but im afraid that i am going to change sizes a

hundred times by then and spend a fortune on




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Guest guest


you and i are at the exact same, parallel place right

now, with everything! i just want to let you know i

feel for you and i have hope for both of us!

p.s. at least your not in a wedding anytime soon, i am

a bridesmaid in october, my dress wasnt that expensive

but im afraid that i am going to change sizes a

hundred times by then and spend a fortune on




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For one thing, make sure you're getting enough calories! If you don't eat

enough, your metabolism slows down! Try eating 5 or 6 small meals a day and

make sure you are getting at least 1200 calories a day. Of course that

amount may be HIGHER depending on your weight and frame. Definitely don't

go below that. And, I'll say it again; lift weights to gain back the muscle

you lost when you were hyper. I'll argue to the end that that has made all

the difference for me.

Holly Sutherland

" Sayin' things that most girls hide "


Hi All,

I am feeling completely down about my weight tonight and thought I'd

spill my guts to you guys. :) I am stumped about why I'm gaining so

much weight! I was hyper and got too skinny and then went hypO on

the ATDs. I'm on 10 mg of tap and am just gaining weight steadily.

I'm eating rice cakes and salads and I can't stop gaining weight.

It's the most frustrating thing. I've totally given up sweets and

haven't had junk food in Forever. Did this happen to any of you?? I

now weigh 143 pounds and even when I was pregnant I topped out at

148, so this is extremely frustrating. I'm only 5'4 " and I feel

comfortable at about 115 pounds. I've been walking and was even

doing aerobics until about two weeks ago when I got a cold. I

haven't been too concerned about the weight thing because I was told

that I went hypO but that was weeks ago and I'm still gaining.

Help!! Is this normal?? Is this to be expected? When will it

stop?? None of my clothes fit! I went to the doctor on Monday and

still haven't heard back about my labs. Could I still be hypo and

that's the reason?? I'm so FRUSTRATED!! Can you tell? :)


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Guest guest

For one thing, make sure you're getting enough calories! If you don't eat

enough, your metabolism slows down! Try eating 5 or 6 small meals a day and

make sure you are getting at least 1200 calories a day. Of course that

amount may be HIGHER depending on your weight and frame. Definitely don't

go below that. And, I'll say it again; lift weights to gain back the muscle

you lost when you were hyper. I'll argue to the end that that has made all

the difference for me.

Holly Sutherland

" Sayin' things that most girls hide "


Hi All,

I am feeling completely down about my weight tonight and thought I'd

spill my guts to you guys. :) I am stumped about why I'm gaining so

much weight! I was hyper and got too skinny and then went hypO on

the ATDs. I'm on 10 mg of tap and am just gaining weight steadily.

I'm eating rice cakes and salads and I can't stop gaining weight.

It's the most frustrating thing. I've totally given up sweets and

haven't had junk food in Forever. Did this happen to any of you?? I

now weigh 143 pounds and even when I was pregnant I topped out at

148, so this is extremely frustrating. I'm only 5'4 " and I feel

comfortable at about 115 pounds. I've been walking and was even

doing aerobics until about two weeks ago when I got a cold. I

haven't been too concerned about the weight thing because I was told

that I went hypO but that was weeks ago and I'm still gaining.

Help!! Is this normal?? Is this to be expected? When will it

stop?? None of my clothes fit! I went to the doctor on Monday and

still haven't heard back about my labs. Could I still be hypo and

that's the reason?? I'm so FRUSTRATED!! Can you tell? :)


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  • 8 months later...

Hello, try not to worry so much about the weight gain, i know this is what we

have been dealing with for so long, just remember you will lose most of that

if not all when the baby is born, I am 13 weeks pragnant, and I have heard

others say they lost it very easily after the baby was born..Yes, I am

craving to eat alot now..i never did this before i was pregnant, so it scares

me too...you will be fine..good luck and try to be posisitve...



down 135 with lots to go!!!!!


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Hello, try not to worry so much about the weight gain, i know this is what we

have been dealing with for so long, just remember you will lose most of that

if not all when the baby is born, I am 13 weeks pragnant, and I have heard

others say they lost it very easily after the baby was born..Yes, I am

craving to eat alot now..i never did this before i was pregnant, so it scares

me too...you will be fine..good luck and try to be posisitve...



down 135 with lots to go!!!!!


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Hello, try not to worry so much about the weight gain, i know this is what we

have been dealing with for so long, just remember you will lose most of that

if not all when the baby is born, I am 13 weeks pragnant, and I have heard

others say they lost it very easily after the baby was born..Yes, I am

craving to eat alot now..i never did this before i was pregnant, so it scares

me too...you will be fine..good luck and try to be posisitve...



down 135 with lots to go!!!!!


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