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Re: I Want to pull him out of Preschool

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Tina--You have every right to be pissed. When Karson was younger, he seemed to

do better w/ signing too. This is one website I found. It shows the movements

for u too. It has some small words, like mother, father, cat, I love you, happy

etc. I used to love www.handspeak.com but now u have to subscribe. Anyways,

thought u might like to check this out in your spare time.

http://www.bconnex.net/~randys/index1.html Good luck to you. I hope you find a

happy ending to your current situation.

Amie mommy to

Karson 3.5 PDD

Peyton 23 months NT

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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this is a bad situation. So glad Mark didnt eat any pineapple. I think if you

think school is a good idea then find another class. The trust with this teacher

is not there and you will worry yourself sick if you send him back to her. Not

that I think you will send him back anyway. But working at home with a child can

be difficult. It depends on what you want to do with them. If he is affraid to

go out or to go to a class then maybe he needs some class setting but not at the

old school. But if he needs daily living skills worked on then you can do that

at home even better than at school. Good luck and stick to your guns!

Jacquie H

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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is this teacher on crack??? she has asked you to provide pineapple (which your

son can't eat due to an allergy she didn't inform herself on) for a class

project?? i would think most teachers (particularily ones working with such a

small class) would look into possible food allergies of her pupils in planning a

cooking activity. and then to brush off her mistake with an " oh well can you

bring the pineapple? " - yikes!! good luck sorting things out tina.

michelle mg

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If it were me and I showed up I would end up punching someone. When we were

doing the IEP through the school during Savannahs DX process they hated me.

Kept telling me I should put her in school and how wonderful their sped program

is (yea, right. I know about their sped dept and what a freaking joke it is)

and all and I kept telling them " No " and " I don't care " and " I have met more

convincing Army recruiters " .

Yes, I am a smart ass and I refuse to take anyones crap.

Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

RE: Re: I Want to pull him out of Preschool

> They won't be able to talk me out of it. I will keep him home and

> they won't be able to stop me. I am also worried about the other

> kids to and hopefully from now on they will be more carefull.

> Tina W.

Tina, I am really impressed by your attitude. Personally I would not be

able to do this; I would simply keep him home and as quietly as possible do

whatever needed to be done. I do not do confrontations.

You are amazing. :) Mark AND other children and hopefully even the school

staff will benefit from your resolve.


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If it were me and I showed up I would end up punching someone. When we were

doing the IEP through the school during Savannahs DX process they hated me.

Kept telling me I should put her in school and how wonderful their sped program

is (yea, right. I know about their sped dept and what a freaking joke it is)

and all and I kept telling them " No " and " I don't care " and " I have met more

convincing Army recruiters " .

Yes, I am a smart ass and I refuse to take anyones crap.

Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

RE: Re: I Want to pull him out of Preschool

> They won't be able to talk me out of it. I will keep him home and

> they won't be able to stop me. I am also worried about the other

> kids to and hopefully from now on they will be more carefull.

> Tina W.

Tina, I am really impressed by your attitude. Personally I would not be

able to do this; I would simply keep him home and as quietly as possible do

whatever needed to be done. I do not do confrontations.

You are amazing. :) Mark AND other children and hopefully even the school

staff will benefit from your resolve.


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If it were me and I showed up I would end up punching someone. When we were

doing the IEP through the school during Savannahs DX process they hated me.

Kept telling me I should put her in school and how wonderful their sped program

is (yea, right. I know about their sped dept and what a freaking joke it is)

and all and I kept telling them " No " and " I don't care " and " I have met more

convincing Army recruiters " .

Yes, I am a smart ass and I refuse to take anyones crap.

Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

RE: Re: I Want to pull him out of Preschool

> They won't be able to talk me out of it. I will keep him home and

> they won't be able to stop me. I am also worried about the other

> kids to and hopefully from now on they will be more carefull.

> Tina W.

Tina, I am really impressed by your attitude. Personally I would not be

able to do this; I would simply keep him home and as quietly as possible do

whatever needed to be done. I do not do confrontations.

You are amazing. :) Mark AND other children and hopefully even the school

staff will benefit from your resolve.


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Oh, Tina, before I forget, if you want some help getting started homeschooling

email me. I am also going to recommend a book to you. " Home Educating Our

Autistic Spectrum Children: Paths Were Ment for Walking "

Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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do you think this book could help Alec and me too?

Jacquie H

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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do you think this book could help Alec and me too?

Jacquie H

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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I love this book! Get a copy!

I should probably look up the author and ISBN for you. I sent my copy to Sissi

when I was done with it.

The book is about several homeschooling families from all over the world, why

they decided to homeschool their ASD kids, the problems that some of them had

fighting with the education, some of the things they did and how it all worked

out for them.

I honestly think that anyone thinking about homeschooling an ASD child should

read this. It is very honest and gives a lot of different perspectives. The

really neat thing about it is that there are stories from people from the US,

Canada, the UK, Aust. and so forth in there so it isn't just about homeschooling

in America. It also talks a bit (not much) about some of the homeschooling


Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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I love this book! Get a copy!

I should probably look up the author and ISBN for you. I sent my copy to Sissi

when I was done with it.

The book is about several homeschooling families from all over the world, why

they decided to homeschool their ASD kids, the problems that some of them had

fighting with the education, some of the things they did and how it all worked

out for them.

I honestly think that anyone thinking about homeschooling an ASD child should

read this. It is very honest and gives a lot of different perspectives. The

really neat thing about it is that there are stories from people from the US,

Canada, the UK, Aust. and so forth in there so it isn't just about homeschooling

in America. It also talks a bit (not much) about some of the homeschooling


Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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I love this book! Get a copy!

I should probably look up the author and ISBN for you. I sent my copy to Sissi

when I was done with it.

The book is about several homeschooling families from all over the world, why

they decided to homeschool their ASD kids, the problems that some of them had

fighting with the education, some of the things they did and how it all worked

out for them.

I honestly think that anyone thinking about homeschooling an ASD child should

read this. It is very honest and gives a lot of different perspectives. The

really neat thing about it is that there are stories from people from the US,

Canada, the UK, Aust. and so forth in there so it isn't just about homeschooling

in America. It also talks a bit (not much) about some of the homeschooling


Georga Hackworth

www.ubah.com/F1549 Enter to win $50 in FREE books!

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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Jacquie H

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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Jacquie H

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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Very interesting. I have a ton of homeschooling books but now it's time for me

to walk this path and make my choices. Thanks for recommending some reading.

I've struggled for years with because I knew he wouldn't fit in at school.

He is brilliant but not very socially with it. The more and more I know the

more I'm fully aware he's got Aspergers....

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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Very interesting. I have a ton of homeschooling books but now it's time for me

to walk this path and make my choices. Thanks for recommending some reading.

I've struggled for years with because I knew he wouldn't fit in at school.

He is brilliant but not very socially with it. The more and more I know the

more I'm fully aware he's got Aspergers....

I Want to pull him out of Preschool

Okay ladies, you always have so much good advice, well I need some.

Mark is allergic to pineapples, he swelled up and got hives from

fruit cocktail juice being in jello. I told his teacher about this

and it is in all of his paperwork at school. Last week when we

picked Mark up from school his teacher ask if we could bring two cans

of ringed pineapple for a cooking project they were doing. I said to

her that Mark can't have pineapple because he is allergic. She

looked stunned. She had no idea. She asked me to bring it anyway

and that Mark just won't be able to eat any of it.

Well I find this unacceptable. For one and most important she should

pay attention to any food allergies any of the kids have. Which

obviously she doesn't. And with only 6 kids in the class I think

they can work their cooking projects around any food allergies. It's

not fair for one kid to not be able to eat while the others do.

I have kept Mark home from school since then and I called and send I

want to pull him out of the early childhood class. They transferred

me to the teacher. She took full responsiblitly and blame for not

paying attention to his paperwork. I told her that all fine but what

if she wouldn't have ask me to bring the pineapple and someone else

brought it. Mark would have ate the pinneaple and who knows what

kind of reaction he could have had. She claimed that there are

always adults around and if he would start swelling up then they

would have called me and the doctor. I told her it should never get

to that point.

So I told her I want Mark out. With the little bit they do with him

in school I can do that at home with him now that I'm home with him

all day. She still tried to convince me to keep him in school. She

said we will have to have a meeting and then decide what to do. She

said I do have the option of transferring him to a different

district. I said I might consider that but I will not send him back

to her classroom because that is a very irresponsible thing to have

happened. Thank God they didn't actually feel him pineapple!!!

I am dead set about getting him out of this school I don't trust

these people with my son anymore. She said it will be hard to get

him out of this program. I said that by law he doesn't need to be in

school until he is five for kindergarden.

I understand the social involvement withthe other kids is good but

not worth a serious reaction that the pineapple could have caused. I

am ready to work with him my self. And a friend of mine is going to

school for sign language. Mark seems to learn speech the best by

learning the sign first and then the word follows. My friend needs

to put in so many hours in classrooms, with people, etc. of signing

and she offered to come over and teach us signs, and it would also

count towards her hours.

So what do you think. What should I say in this meeting. I have the

meeting Wed. morning. I need any advice, the laws, anything I can

get!!! Thank you.

Tina W.

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What ridiculous negligent behaviour. I wouldn't send

him back there either. Having him at home with an aide

seems like a good idea to me and it would give you

time to research other schools and classes.

At 's playschool, there's a little boy who's

allergic to nuts. When his teacher was informed of

this, she immediately requested that the school be

nut-free. The board agreed immediately and even has

signs posted at the doors proclaiming the school to be

a " Nut-free Zone " .



I will not send him back to her classroom because that

is a very irresponsible thing to have happened. Thank

God they didn't actually feel him



You can learn many things from children.

How much patience you have, for instance.

- lin P.


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The thing that gets me is some kids can go into anaphalactic (sp?) shock

just from smelling the food they are allergic to, you'd think they'd be much

more concerned about the possibilities of his exposure!


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The thing that gets me is some kids can go into anaphalactic (sp?) shock

just from smelling the food they are allergic to, you'd think they'd be much

more concerned about the possibilities of his exposure!


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The thing that gets me is some kids can go into anaphalactic (sp?) shock

just from smelling the food they are allergic to, you'd think they'd be much

more concerned about the possibilities of his exposure!


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I agree in the case of serious allergies the food should be kept out of the

classroom and the teachers should be aware of the allergens. Otherwise,

they're putting the child at risk needlessly and negectfully.

I believe this is the case with Mark?

As for it not being fair that one kid can't have what the others are

having -- well, that happens to my kid all the time. In preschool, the

snack always included cheese or yogurt, both of which he wanted and couldn't

have. So we packed his own snack. At grade school, the kids get dairy

queen once a week. can't.

But his is only an intolerance, NOT an allergy. In the case of Mark's

allergy, I think the teacher's ignorance of it is absolutely inexcusable. I

don't blame you AT ALL for wanting to remove him from the classroom,

although I think it's a safe bet they won't make the pineapple mistake



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I agree in the case of serious allergies the food should be kept out of the

classroom and the teachers should be aware of the allergens. Otherwise,

they're putting the child at risk needlessly and negectfully.

I believe this is the case with Mark?

As for it not being fair that one kid can't have what the others are

having -- well, that happens to my kid all the time. In preschool, the

snack always included cheese or yogurt, both of which he wanted and couldn't

have. So we packed his own snack. At grade school, the kids get dairy

queen once a week. can't.

But his is only an intolerance, NOT an allergy. In the case of Mark's

allergy, I think the teacher's ignorance of it is absolutely inexcusable. I

don't blame you AT ALL for wanting to remove him from the classroom,

although I think it's a safe bet they won't make the pineapple mistake



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I agree in the case of serious allergies the food should be kept out of the

classroom and the teachers should be aware of the allergens. Otherwise,

they're putting the child at risk needlessly and negectfully.

I believe this is the case with Mark?

As for it not being fair that one kid can't have what the others are

having -- well, that happens to my kid all the time. In preschool, the

snack always included cheese or yogurt, both of which he wanted and couldn't

have. So we packed his own snack. At grade school, the kids get dairy

queen once a week. can't.

But his is only an intolerance, NOT an allergy. In the case of Mark's

allergy, I think the teacher's ignorance of it is absolutely inexcusable. I

don't blame you AT ALL for wanting to remove him from the classroom,

although I think it's a safe bet they won't make the pineapple mistake



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> I guess it's not that so much that bothers me but the fact that she

> still wanted me to bring the pineapple anyway. Why should I send a

> food to school that my son can't even eat. That doesn't make sense

> to me.

You're right. Somehow I missed that in your original email. THAT is just

downright insensitive, not only to your feelings but to your child's HEALTH,

that she would still ask that after being told Mark has an allergy.

What a dimwit. (*fuckwit* is actually the word I wanted there)

Take him out. She doesn't give a shit.


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> I guess it's not that so much that bothers me but the fact that she

> still wanted me to bring the pineapple anyway. Why should I send a

> food to school that my son can't even eat. That doesn't make sense

> to me.

You're right. Somehow I missed that in your original email. THAT is just

downright insensitive, not only to your feelings but to your child's HEALTH,

that she would still ask that after being told Mark has an allergy.

What a dimwit. (*fuckwit* is actually the word I wanted there)

Take him out. She doesn't give a shit.


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