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Re: Dana

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That made me feeling alittle

better....((((smile))))Wow, you definitely summed that

right up nice and neatly. I know you had many 2ww

like that and I remember thinking how hard it must be

but you stayed so focus and positive...and it paid off

finally for you. I hope I am one day as lucky as you.

What is that saying...good things come to those who

wait?....Well, you are alot of others are proof of

that, I know. I am sorry I don't mean to whine. I am

happy to be ttc. I have to learn to be stronger.

Thank you so much for the kind (and true)words. As I

was reading it, I felt a huge weight lifted, you know,

just to know that I am not really going crazy, others

had this some emotions. My dh is trying to be

understanding, he said you can't think about it all

the time (I know he means well) and I tried to explain

what it is like, but you just can't totally " get it "

unless you have been through all this mess. Ok,I know

I will snap out of this and be ok.

Thank you again....I am so happy for you hope you are

doing ok. You deserve it so much.



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That made me feeling alittle

better....((((smile))))Wow, you definitely summed that

right up nice and neatly. I know you had many 2ww

like that and I remember thinking how hard it must be

but you stayed so focus and positive...and it paid off

finally for you. I hope I am one day as lucky as you.

What is that saying...good things come to those who

wait?....Well, you are alot of others are proof of

that, I know. I am sorry I don't mean to whine. I am

happy to be ttc. I have to learn to be stronger.

Thank you so much for the kind (and true)words. As I

was reading it, I felt a huge weight lifted, you know,

just to know that I am not really going crazy, others

had this some emotions. My dh is trying to be

understanding, he said you can't think about it all

the time (I know he means well) and I tried to explain

what it is like, but you just can't totally " get it "

unless you have been through all this mess. Ok,I know

I will snap out of this and be ok.

Thank you again....I am so happy for you hope you are

doing ok. You deserve it so much.



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Dana and everyone

ok, I am emotional...Dana, I started to cry while

reading your post. It is so true, we have all been

through so much and I don't think I would of been as

hopeful as I am now if it wasn't for hearing all the

inspiring stories here. It really does help knowing

that someone really understands what you are feeling

and has experienced what you are feeling first hand.

Though we all get to move on to the next step after

ep, whether it be waiting to ttc, having hsg, going to

RE, or 2ww...there are people here that have been

through it...and than go on to be blessed enough to

get pg after all this mess. It is amazing. Ok, I am

soooo rambling....but I am just so happy we have each

other. Thank you.

--- gradstu12@... wrote:

> Dominique,


> If it had not been for the inspirational stories I

> found here, I doubt I

> would have had the courage to keep TTC, and look

> what I would've missed! It

> was only last month I was in the 2ww and I will

> never ever forget the hell it

> was. It was never fun and exciting (OK the first

> week of it wasn't so bad)

> but I cried many tears and spent many a sleepless

> night during that last week

> wondering if it could ever happen to me. When I

> would go to church and see a

> little baby (or even hear one) I would just cry and

> cry. Yesterday I saw

> plenty of babies and all I could do was smile. Scary

> how fast your life can

> change. So I just want to pass on that encouragement

> I got so no one else

> throws in the towel prematurely and misses out on

> their own " gift from God " .


> Dana



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Dana and everyone

ok, I am emotional...Dana, I started to cry while

reading your post. It is so true, we have all been

through so much and I don't think I would of been as

hopeful as I am now if it wasn't for hearing all the

inspiring stories here. It really does help knowing

that someone really understands what you are feeling

and has experienced what you are feeling first hand.

Though we all get to move on to the next step after

ep, whether it be waiting to ttc, having hsg, going to

RE, or 2ww...there are people here that have been

through it...and than go on to be blessed enough to

get pg after all this mess. It is amazing. Ok, I am

soooo rambling....but I am just so happy we have each

other. Thank you.

--- gradstu12@... wrote:

> Dominique,


> If it had not been for the inspirational stories I

> found here, I doubt I

> would have had the courage to keep TTC, and look

> what I would've missed! It

> was only last month I was in the 2ww and I will

> never ever forget the hell it

> was. It was never fun and exciting (OK the first

> week of it wasn't so bad)

> but I cried many tears and spent many a sleepless

> night during that last week

> wondering if it could ever happen to me. When I

> would go to church and see a

> little baby (or even hear one) I would just cry and

> cry. Yesterday I saw

> plenty of babies and all I could do was smile. Scary

> how fast your life can

> change. So I just want to pass on that encouragement

> I got so no one else

> throws in the towel prematurely and misses out on

> their own " gift from God " .


> Dana



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Dana and everyone

ok, I am emotional...Dana, I started to cry while

reading your post. It is so true, we have all been

through so much and I don't think I would of been as

hopeful as I am now if it wasn't for hearing all the

inspiring stories here. It really does help knowing

that someone really understands what you are feeling

and has experienced what you are feeling first hand.

Though we all get to move on to the next step after

ep, whether it be waiting to ttc, having hsg, going to

RE, or 2ww...there are people here that have been

through it...and than go on to be blessed enough to

get pg after all this mess. It is amazing. Ok, I am

soooo rambling....but I am just so happy we have each

other. Thank you.

--- gradstu12@... wrote:

> Dominique,


> If it had not been for the inspirational stories I

> found here, I doubt I

> would have had the courage to keep TTC, and look

> what I would've missed! It

> was only last month I was in the 2ww and I will

> never ever forget the hell it

> was. It was never fun and exciting (OK the first

> week of it wasn't so bad)

> but I cried many tears and spent many a sleepless

> night during that last week

> wondering if it could ever happen to me. When I

> would go to church and see a

> little baby (or even hear one) I would just cry and

> cry. Yesterday I saw

> plenty of babies and all I could do was smile. Scary

> how fast your life can

> change. So I just want to pass on that encouragement

> I got so no one else

> throws in the towel prematurely and misses out on

> their own " gift from God " .


> Dana



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Hey Lady!!

I've been thinking about you and wondering why I never saw you on line

anymore...until I checked my preferences and saw that I had the entire world

blocked...I don't know why I do that...actually I do, because my kids go to

friends houses and see me online and bug me...you'd think they would come

HOME and argue with me but I guess it's more fun on the computer...go

figure... ANYHOW!!!! How are you feeling?!?!?! I hope you are feeling

perfectly wonderful, I keep sending you anti morning sickness vibes, hope you

are getting them...the vibes not the pukies...LOL...

I am just hanging around on cd8...at least I got to start over...thank god.

Hopefully I'll catch you online so we can chat...I can't wait to hear all

the new stuff that is going on...has started shopping yet?? I could

sit here and type all night, I am soooo yacky with you...lol...Take good care

and let's chat soon!! MUCH LOVE< KJ

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  • 3 years later...

I forgot to mention, yes, Mayo is AWESOME! I love the staff, they are so

caring, understanding and knowledgeable. What areas of nursing do your sister

and friend work in? Is it the " golden nectar " area of nephrology as

mentioned. He is soooo bbaaaddd. HEHEHE Thank God for . He NEVER

ceases to put a huge grin on my face. The housekeepers at work, and the other

residents of the local motels around here MUST think I'm absolutely Nuts when

I'm reading my email. See ya.......Bonnie

Bonnie Duran wrote:Hi Dana! I had to postpone my trip to the

zoo today. Bummer huh? It always seems to take me a week or two to get used to

medication changes. I recently had an increase in CellCept from 1000 mg/day to

2,000 mg per day. I think that is what is affecting me right now, although I am

unsure. I had one day earlier in the week that I just had to hit the sack

early and unfortunately my trip to the mall yesterday wiped me out till 11:00 am

today. I went to the mall to find hour how to take the bus from the mall to the

zoo, cause when I'm here I am totally dependent on shuttles and buses. Oh well,

another of God's lessons to slow down. " Smell the roses " as they say. On my

way to the " Transit station " I was able to find the most beautiful book on

Conception to Birth for my daughter. Some of the absolutely most intriguing

pictures I've ever seen regarding babe's in the womb. Hope she and enjoy

it, although I'm pretty sure they will.

I'm heading in to Mayo this evening after the " Twin Cities " rush hour. The

hotel t'v's don't carry Discovery Health Channel so guess I'm going to miss the

" Gift of Life show again. Oh well, guess I could always watch the Presidential

debate..... (no comment) Anyway, if you ever want to head to the zoo with

me, give me a jingle. I think my next scheduled trip out here will be at the

end of November. P.S. Thanks for saying " Howdy " !!!!! Bonnie

danajoy@... wrote:


Enjoy your stay in MN! I'm in the Twin Cities area. Have fun at the zoo! Good

luck at the Mayo! They have some awesome staff people-my aunt and friend both

work as head nurses there so I'm biased. :-)


Re: Menopause and Prednisone - " watchout " ( & CellCept & Gift of


Hi , thank you for the kind words. I did hit the sack as soon as I went

home last night. Got up at 2:00 am. and now in Bloomington, Minn. I think I'm

gonna take a break tomorrow and go to the Minneapolis Zoo. Sounds like fun huh?

My appointment at Mayo is on Friday. My appointments are nothing to worry about

these days, because I never get my results then. Due to the research study,

everything is shipped to New Jersey, then Catie faxes me my results after my

appointment. I guess that's a good way to have it in some respects, cause then

I don't worry before my appointment. Anyway, better run, there's someone else

waiting to use the " shared " computer here at the motel. Pretty cool huh, that

they leave a computer for anyone to use... Take good care of your self. Hope

you get a vacation pretty soon. Thanks again for all your kind words. Bonnie

W4JC@... wrote:Hi Bonnie,

Those extreme fatigue days do come unfortunately. Try to get to bed extra

early, and have a safe trip to Mayo.

Let us know what you find out.

In a message dated 9/28/2004 8:49:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Bonnie Duran


>Sounds cool ! Have to let us know how it comes out..... Well, I'm beat

tonight. Although totally unlike me, I'm going home from work without doing any

afterwork " honeydews " . Back to Mayo tomorrow. Haven't packed yet, and all I

feel like doing is sleeping. Don't know why I'm sooooo tired tonight. Oh well,

quick complaining. See you guys..... Hope everyone is doing well. Bonnie


> Cohen wrote:Consider it done (or at least



>A TiVo is a digital VCR (kinda). It's a computer that attaches to your TV,

and records the shows you want onto a hard drive instead of tape. The great

thing is that the recording is digital, so you can make a large number of copies

of the recording without losing the definition. OK, getting techie - gotta stop.




>Bonnie Duran wrote:

>, that would be cool if you could copy it. What the heck is " tivo " ?

((((double chuckle...))) My kids tell me how behind I am in the



> Cohen wrote:I have the first one on my Tivo. I

am waiting for all of them, and them I will try to make a VCR tape that we can

pass around. I've never copied something off the tivo, but how hard could it be

;-) (chuckling)...


>I am finally getting around to e-mails from last week. Long couple of days at

the end of the week and then the holiday. At least I didn't have to fast this





>Bonnie Duran wrote:

>Any one know if there's any chance they are going to repeat the first of the

series of Gift of Life? If so, please, please, please give me a jingle. Also

does anyone know the # of the channel on TV for Discovery? One more question, I

will be in Minnesota during the next one which I think is scheduled for Sept.

30th, anyone know what time to watch it from there? I know Barb gave us the web

site for the series, but I can not " look " at it as I have " fire walls " here at

work, so cannot access it. Once again sorry for my stupidity, but just have

never been much of a TV watcher. Thanks!! Bonnie


>Rita Nucciarone wrote:Hey Bonnie,


>When I take CellCept on an empty stomach I noticed my legs are very wobbly,

especially noticable when walking up and down stairs. I have to really hold on

to the railing so not to lose my balance. Also I feel more nausea...so I try to

make sure I eat a little something with it. The feeling you had that was

similar to an epinephrine reaction is scary...I've had one of those a while back

while having dental work done. I don't ever want to feel like that again!


>PS Talk about stupid, I tuned in and was all ready to watch and realized it

was on the following day. The following day it skipped my mind totally and I

fell asleep. I have a difficult time staying up past 8:00PM. I am so fatigued

lately. I think I've caught a little bug. I have a 3-day conference to attend

in Seattle next week and I so want to healthy for it! Got my fingers crossed!

Hugs, Rita


>Bonnie Duran wrote:

>Hi Rita, Hope everything is going well for you. So, you could relate with

the old Prednisone/Menopause dilemma, ehh??!! I didn't even want to go there,

but I would have if I had too. Glad there is another alternative for me. I

hope I will do as well as you with the CellCept, (versus possible placebo), but

I'm pretty sure I'm on the " real stuff " . So far, so good. Little bit more

edema, still pitting in my shin, but can get my shoes on etc. Weight gain of

about 4 #. Little nauseated espec. after the 6 am dose. But here's a weird

one...check this out.... around 8:00 am for 3 days in a row this week, I felt

like I had taken 150 mg of prednisone (or perhaps epinephrine(((!!)))). I got

real tremorous inside, felt like I was gonna jump out of my skin. I had tried

to take the CellCept on an empty stomach, since that's the way you're supposed

to take it (and thought if I developed problems with GI stuff, I would then

change to adminster with food). Anyway when I got this weird

>feeling, I thought O.K. I'd better eat, (supposedly slows down the

absorption). In about an hour it went away. Ever feel that way on CellCept?

It feels mighty weird, but glad it didn't last long. I wasn't prepared for that

one. (Although I have felt very similar when I was on 60 mg. of Prednisone, but

these episodes were more pronounced than that.) Bonnie

>P.S. My stupid question regarding the Gift of Life Series was even more

stupid than I thought. I somehow thought the show was on Friday, instead of

Thursday, so missed the first of the series. Man was I upset. That will teach

me to read my Email, and not miss any days. Did you get to watch it? What were

the best points they highlighted?Anyway, better run for now. Happy Friday....



>Rita Nucciarone wrote:

>Hi Bonnie,


>I was one of the ones you referred to in your post who was on Prednisone

during menopause. It was not a pretty picture. At the time I was taking Black

Cohosh for my hot flashes (I prefer to call it " my personal summers " ) when my

neph said NOPE - can't take the Black Cohosh. I felt like a woman on the edge -

no doubt. Luckily I was placed on CellCept and weaned off of prednisone....I

returned to normal - at least I'd like to think so....Rita


>home page:



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>Visit our companion website at www.igan.ca. The site is entirely supported by

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>Thank you




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Thanks for " gabbing " back Dana. I would love to get together at Mall of America

or where ever. It's easy to take a shuttle from the hotel I stay at to the

Mall, or if you want we could try the Olive Garden as it is within walking

distance. Looks like I'll be spending Thanksgiving here for a few days. How

fitting indeed, spending Thanksgiving at the Minneapolis Zoo. Sorry, I am

rarely (seriously) bummed, but today is the day. Give me a jingle when the time

is closer. I really would like to get together. I promise I'll have my act

together by tomorrow. Bonnie

danajoy@... wrote:Bonnie,

I'm sorry that you weren't feeling well! Hopefully that will change soon!

Next time you're here we should try to meet for dinner or at the Mall of America

or something! I'd be game for that.

I hope your appointment goes well!


Re: Menopause and Prednisone - " watchout " ( & CellCept & Gift

of Life

Hi , thank you for the kind words. I did hit the sack as soon as I

went home last night. Got up at 2:00 am. and now in Bloomington, Minn. I think

I'm gonna take a break tomorrow and go to the Minneapolis Zoo. Sounds like fun

huh? My appointment at Mayo is on Friday. My appointments are nothing to worry

about these days, because I never get my results then. Due to the research

study, everything is shipped to New Jersey, then Catie faxes me my results after

my appointment. I guess that's a good way to have it in some respects, cause

then I don't worry before my appointment. Anyway, better run, there's someone

else waiting to use the " shared " computer here at the motel. Pretty cool huh,

that they leave a computer for anyone to use... Take good care of your self.

Hope you get a vacation pretty soon. Thanks again for all your kind words.


W4JC@... wrote:Hi Bonnie,

Those extreme fatigue days do come unfortunately. Try to get to bed extra

early, and have a safe trip to Mayo.

Let us know what you find out.

In a message dated 9/28/2004 8:49:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Bonnie Duran


>Sounds cool ! Have to let us know how it comes out..... Well, I'm beat

tonight. Although totally unlike me, I'm going home from work without doing any

afterwork " honeydews " . Back to Mayo tomorrow. Haven't packed yet, and all I

feel like doing is sleeping. Don't know why I'm sooooo tired tonight. Oh well,

quick complaining. See you guys..... Hope everyone is doing well. Bonnie


> Cohen wrote:Consider it done (or at least



>A TiVo is a digital VCR (kinda). It's a computer that attaches to your TV,

and records the shows you want onto a hard drive instead of tape. The great

thing is that the recording is digital, so you can make a large number of copies

of the recording without losing the definition. OK, getting techie - gotta stop.




>Bonnie Duran wrote:

>, that would be cool if you could copy it. What the heck is " tivo " ?

((((double chuckle...))) My kids tell me how behind I am in the



> Cohen wrote:I have the first one on my Tivo.

I am waiting for all of them, and them I will try to make a VCR tape that we can

pass around. I've never copied something off the tivo, but how hard could it be

;-) (chuckling)...


>I am finally getting around to e-mails from last week. Long couple of days

at the end of the week and then the holiday. At least I didn't have to fast this





>Bonnie Duran wrote:

>Any one know if there's any chance they are going to repeat the first of

the series of Gift of Life? If so, please, please, please give me a jingle.

Also does anyone know the # of the channel on TV for Discovery? One more

question, I will be in Minnesota during the next one which I think is scheduled

for Sept. 30th, anyone know what time to watch it from there? I know Barb gave

us the web site for the series, but I can not " look " at it as I have " fire

walls " here at work, so cannot access it. Once again sorry for my stupidity,

but just have never been much of a TV watcher. Thanks!! Bonnie


>Rita Nucciarone wrote:Hey Bonnie,


>When I take CellCept on an empty stomach I noticed my legs are very wobbly,

especially noticable when walking up and down stairs. I have to really hold on

to the railing so not to lose my balance. Also I feel more nausea...so I try to

make sure I eat a little something with it. The feeling you had that was

similar to an epinephrine reaction is scary...I've had one of those a while back

while having dental work done. I don't ever want to feel like that again!


>PS Talk about stupid, I tuned in and was all ready to watch and realized

it was on the following day. The following day it skipped my mind totally and I

fell asleep. I have a difficult time staying up past 8:00PM. I am so fatigued

lately. I think I've caught a little bug. I have a 3-day conference to attend

in Seattle next week and I so want to healthy for it! Got my fingers crossed!

Hugs, Rita


>Bonnie Duran wrote:

>Hi Rita, Hope everything is going well for you. So, you could relate with

the old Prednisone/Menopause dilemma, ehh??!! I didn't even want to go there,

but I would have if I had too. Glad there is another alternative for me. I

hope I will do as well as you with the CellCept, (versus possible placebo), but

I'm pretty sure I'm on the " real stuff " . So far, so good. Little bit more

edema, still pitting in my shin, but can get my shoes on etc. Weight gain of

about 4 #. Little nauseated espec. after the 6 am dose. But here's a weird

one...check this out.... around 8:00 am for 3 days in a row this week, I felt

like I had taken 150 mg of prednisone (or perhaps epinephrine(((!!)))). I got

real tremorous inside, felt like I was gonna jump out of my skin. I had tried

to take the CellCept on an empty stomach, since that's the way you're supposed

to take it (and thought if I developed problems with GI stuff, I would then

change to adminster with food). Anyway when I got this weird

>feeling, I thought O.K. I'd better eat, (supposedly slows down the

absorption). In about an hour it went away. Ever feel that way on CellCept?

It feels mighty weird, but glad it didn't last long. I wasn't prepared for that

one. (Although I have felt very similar when I was on 60 mg. of Prednisone, but

these episodes were more pronounced than that.) Bonnie

>P.S. My stupid question regarding the Gift of Life Series was even more

stupid than I thought. I somehow thought the show was on Friday, instead of

Thursday, so missed the first of the series. Man was I upset. That will teach

me to read my Email, and not miss any days. Did you get to watch it? What were

the best points they highlighted?Anyway, better run for now. Happy Friday....



>Rita Nucciarone wrote:

>Hi Bonnie,


>I was one of the ones you referred to in your post who was on Prednisone

during menopause. It was not a pretty picture. At the time I was taking Black

Cohosh for my hot flashes (I prefer to call it " my personal summers " ) when my

neph said NOPE - can't take the Black Cohosh. I felt like a woman on the edge -

no doubt. Luckily I was placed on CellCept and weaned off of prednisone....I

returned to normal - at least I'd like to think so....Rita


>home page:



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>Visit our companion website at www.igan.ca. The site is entirely supported

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>Thank you




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