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Re: Dana

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The only early sign of pregnancy I ever had was slight cramping around the

time af was due, my bbs didn't even get the slightest bit sore until I was

about 8 weeks along...I remember thinking af was getting ready to show but

she never did. Hang in there, this could very well be the month for you!!

Keeping you close...LOVE KJ

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The only early sign of pregnancy I ever had was slight cramping around the

time af was due, my bbs didn't even get the slightest bit sore until I was

about 8 weeks along...I remember thinking af was getting ready to show but

she never did. Hang in there, this could very well be the month for you!!

Keeping you close...LOVE KJ

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The only early sign of pregnancy I ever had was slight cramping around the

time af was due, my bbs didn't even get the slightest bit sore until I was

about 8 weeks along...I remember thinking af was getting ready to show but

she never did. Hang in there, this could very well be the month for you!!

Keeping you close...LOVE KJ

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Don't forget that the cramping could be implantation too. Do you

usually get cramps before af?

It's great that the day is almost over and you are still af-free.

This sounds very promising. I can't wait until you test tomorrow--

you've certainly waited long enough to get some good news!

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Don't forget that the cramping could be implantation too. Do you

usually get cramps before af?

It's great that the day is almost over and you are still af-free.

This sounds very promising. I can't wait until you test tomorrow--

you've certainly waited long enough to get some good news!

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Don't forget that the cramping could be implantation too. Do you

usually get cramps before af?

It's great that the day is almost over and you are still af-free.

This sounds very promising. I can't wait until you test tomorrow--

you've certainly waited long enough to get some good news!

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Hey all,

What a day from hell. I called my RE at 9:15, as soon as the office opened,

just figured I'd go into work late. Well, when he didn't call back, I called

again and the receptionist was so rude and said he'd been called out on a

surgical emergency. So he finally called me back at 1:00 (I was already at

work and in the middle of a crisis with a kid) and he wanted me to come in

for bloodwork today, which I was finally able to do at 4:30 so of course I

can't get the results until tomorrow afternoon. It just burns me up at the

thought of having to wait so long and then knowing that the first one is only

a base to judge the next one by. I am just waiting to have the u/s that can

show me our little belly bean in snuggled in the right place. ARGH how

frustrating this day has been and then to top it off I had to work until 9:30

tonight and have to be in court tomorrow at 8:00 ( a big bummer) I'll post my

results as soon as I know them SOrry for making you guys wait.


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Hey all,

What a day from hell. I called my RE at 9:15, as soon as the office opened,

just figured I'd go into work late. Well, when he didn't call back, I called

again and the receptionist was so rude and said he'd been called out on a

surgical emergency. So he finally called me back at 1:00 (I was already at

work and in the middle of a crisis with a kid) and he wanted me to come in

for bloodwork today, which I was finally able to do at 4:30 so of course I

can't get the results until tomorrow afternoon. It just burns me up at the

thought of having to wait so long and then knowing that the first one is only

a base to judge the next one by. I am just waiting to have the u/s that can

show me our little belly bean in snuggled in the right place. ARGH how

frustrating this day has been and then to top it off I had to work until 9:30

tonight and have to be in court tomorrow at 8:00 ( a big bummer) I'll post my

results as soon as I know them SOrry for making you guys wait.


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Hi Dana,

Sorry that you had a day from hell and that the receptionist was rude also.

I'll tell you some people...But make sure you keep us all posted. I have

been praying and thinking of you guys. Heres to high #'s and positive

thoughts of your little belly bean snuggled in the right place. By the way I

never heard the saying belly bean before that is just so darn cute! Take care


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Guest guest

Hi Dana,

Sorry that you had a day from hell and that the receptionist was rude also.

I'll tell you some people...But make sure you keep us all posted. I have

been praying and thinking of you guys. Heres to high #'s and positive

thoughts of your little belly bean snuggled in the right place. By the way I

never heard the saying belly bean before that is just so darn cute! Take care


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Guest guest

Hi Dana,

Sorry that you had a day from hell and that the receptionist was rude also.

I'll tell you some people...But make sure you keep us all posted. I have

been praying and thinking of you guys. Heres to high #'s and positive

thoughts of your little belly bean snuggled in the right place. By the way I

never heard the saying belly bean before that is just so darn cute! Take care


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Dana.....where are you? (I am praying for you girl) I

can't wait to hear from you, but I know you and

must be so busy. Take care of yourself.

(praying for sky high #s!!!!)

--- franke100@... wrote:

> Hi Dana,


> I'm thinking about you and wondering if you got your

> beta yet. I

> hope that you are just busy celebrating because your

> number is so

> high.






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Dana.....where are you? (I am praying for you girl) I

can't wait to hear from you, but I know you and

must be so busy. Take care of yourself.

(praying for sky high #s!!!!)

--- franke100@... wrote:

> Hi Dana,


> I'm thinking about you and wondering if you got your

> beta yet. I

> hope that you are just busy celebrating because your

> number is so

> high.






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Dana.....where are you? (I am praying for you girl) I

can't wait to hear from you, but I know you and

must be so busy. Take care of yourself.

(praying for sky high #s!!!!)

--- franke100@... wrote:

> Hi Dana,


> I'm thinking about you and wondering if you got your

> beta yet. I

> hope that you are just busy celebrating because your

> number is so

> high.






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I am sorry that you had a rough day. things are fixing to brighten up for

you. remember you are pg and everything is fine now. i pray that your

numbers are very high and i wish for patience for you as you wait another day

for the second round of results. Good luck tomorrow.


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I am sorry that you had a rough day. things are fixing to brighten up for

you. remember you are pg and everything is fine now. i pray that your

numbers are very high and i wish for patience for you as you wait another day

for the second round of results. Good luck tomorrow.


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I am sorry that you had a rough day. things are fixing to brighten up for

you. remember you are pg and everything is fine now. i pray that your

numbers are very high and i wish for patience for you as you wait another day

for the second round of results. Good luck tomorrow.


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That's one heck of a day! It sounds like you need to just relax, have

a bath and a good night's sleep. Good luck in court tomorrow - post

as soon as you can!


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Hang in there, hun. I know that I would be aggravated, too, to have waited

so long only to have to wait some more, but good news is on the way, and a

couple weeks from now none of the silly waiting or rude nurses will matter.

You have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Hang in

there and let us know as soon as you know anything (hehehe, and I was trying

to act like I'm being patient about your results, and now I want to know

immediately, too!).


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Hang in there, hun. I know that I would be aggravated, too, to have waited

so long only to have to wait some more, but good news is on the way, and a

couple weeks from now none of the silly waiting or rude nurses will matter.

You have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Hang in

there and let us know as soon as you know anything (hehehe, and I was trying

to act like I'm being patient about your results, and now I want to know

immediately, too!).


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Hang in there, hun. I know that I would be aggravated, too, to have waited

so long only to have to wait some more, but good news is on the way, and a

couple weeks from now none of the silly waiting or rude nurses will matter.

You have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Hang in

there and let us know as soon as you know anything (hehehe, and I was trying

to act like I'm being patient about your results, and now I want to know

immediately, too!).


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I am useless when it comes to telling you what I think of your numbers, I

don't have a clue but I just know in my heart that this pg is going to end up

in your arms as the most breath-taking baby you have ever seen... I'll be

praying for doubling betas and a fridge full of all the good stuff we talked

about before...lol...take good care my friend, I'm thinking of you...LOVE KJ

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Guest guest


I am useless when it comes to telling you what I think of your numbers, I

don't have a clue but I just know in my heart that this pg is going to end up

in your arms as the most breath-taking baby you have ever seen... I'll be

praying for doubling betas and a fridge full of all the good stuff we talked

about before...lol...take good care my friend, I'm thinking of you...LOVE KJ

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I am useless when it comes to telling you what I think of your numbers, I

don't have a clue but I just know in my heart that this pg is going to end up

in your arms as the most breath-taking baby you have ever seen... I'll be

praying for doubling betas and a fridge full of all the good stuff we talked

about before...lol...take good care my friend, I'm thinking of you...LOVE KJ

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


That made me feeling alittle

better....((((smile))))Wow, you definitely summed that

right up nice and neatly. I know you had many 2ww

like that and I remember thinking how hard it must be

but you stayed so focus and positive...and it paid off

finally for you. I hope I am one day as lucky as you.

What is that saying...good things come to those who

wait?....Well, you are alot of others are proof of

that, I know. I am sorry I don't mean to whine. I am

happy to be ttc. I have to learn to be stronger.

Thank you so much for the kind (and true)words. As I

was reading it, I felt a huge weight lifted, you know,

just to know that I am not really going crazy, others

had this some emotions. My dh is trying to be

understanding, he said you can't think about it all

the time (I know he means well) and I tried to explain

what it is like, but you just can't totally " get it "

unless you have been through all this mess. Ok,I know

I will snap out of this and be ok.

Thank you again....I am so happy for you hope you are

doing ok. You deserve it so much.



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