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Hello Sharon!

It's so nice for me to see my first " old face " join the list :-)

(Sharon and I have had real coffee together)


>We're currrently having an interesting time getting Kate to settle to

>sleep on her own - after having ignored all the advice about not

>putting her down already asleep - so any help would be fab!

Well, you already know that the Vaudin family are experts on sleep, hahahaha.




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Hello Sharon,

Welcome to the list!

We're struggling with Calvin's sleep as well, and wish we had started when

he was 6 months old instead of waiting this long (almost 11 mos). We also

ignored the advice, but I am actually glad we waited this long. There are

lots of different ways that people suggest that you do it, including those

whose advice is to wait until they're asleep. If you'd like to ask

questions, look through the experiences of a lot of people, and get a lot

of links to places that will give you advice, may I suggest


Some of my favorite links (the ones I have bookmarked at least) include:

http://www.babycenter.com/essay/8039.html (How I got my child to sleep

through the night)

http://boards.parentsplace.com/messages/get/ppsleep20/8.html (three basci

approaches to sleep)


(methods that don't include 'CIO')

http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun97/shared.html (Go ahead, sleep with your


http://www.parenthoodweb.com/Library/RethinkingSleep.htm (Rethinking

'Healthy' infant sleep)

I'll have to say up front that I'm not a fan of crying it out, or even

'controlled' crying, but mainly because my son is out of control within

seconds if I walk out and he doesn't think he's really ready to sleep. It

obviously works well for other people. We've sort of adapted our own

'method' and are taking it slowly. But it means that I *did* make it to my

first branch meeting :) We're still doing a lot of rocking an going back

to him if he starts crying again, but I feel like we're getting somewhere,


Sorry this got so long. Didn't mean to inundate you with stuff on your

first day :)


mom to Calvin, born 1/1/00

Chiswick Branch Help Line Co-ordinator

> (working alonside the existing one for a few months until

>Kate's a bit older and willing to regularly go to sleep and let me go

>to meetings!)

>We're currrently having an interesting time getting Kate to settle to

>sleep on her own - after having ignored all the advice about not

>putting her down already asleep - so any help would be fab!

>Hopefully talk to you more



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> I'm , aged 34 and a SAHP to Natasha aged 2 and am expecting a

> baby boy in January. I live in Datchet near Windsor & Slough

Hi , welcome to the list (from a rather infrequent poster!) - I'm

just down the road from you, with the Henley & District Branch. I'm afraid

post natal-coordinator is a role I have never been involved with - but if

you don't get any info from this list, I am sure our branch pnc would be

happy to " cyber-talk " to you! let me know if you'd like me to ask her.


Publicity Officer, Henley & District Branch (and acting newsletter editor!


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Hi , welcome to the group.

>I live in Datchet near Windsor & Slough and belong to the Windsor branch of

the NCT.

Nice to see someone local to me... I'm down south a bit - Windlesham,

Bagshot & Lightwater NCT.

I'm up in Windsor on Wednesday - camped outside St. s - collecting

child from school. I still have not worked out why he gets out about 4.20,

when school finishes at 4. Maybe he doesn't want to come home!

Nick the Nanny.

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Hi Nick,

Was speaking to the partner of one of DH's cricketing cronies on Saturday

eve, and she told me she is a Nanny of some 10 years experience working in

Old Windsor. When I told her about you (nothing horrid, honest!) she asked

for a ctc professional purposes only!! Email me off list Nick if you want to

do a bit of networking...


> I'm up in Windsor on Wednesday - camped outside St. s - collecting

> child from school. I still have not worked out why he gets out about


> when school finishes at 4. Maybe he doesn't want to come home!


> Nick the Nanny.





> Live chat /chat/nct-coffee


> Have you found out about all the other groups for the NCT online?



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Sharon said: > We're currrently having an interesting time getting

Kate to settle to

> sleep on her own - after having ignored all the advice about not

> putting her down already asleep - so any help would be fab!


Hi, i'm also new just been here a week or so.We're having same

problem with dd1 (5 months).for just over a week i've been

holding a toy while i feed her last thing at night and putting this

into the cot with her, and also giving her a dummy as she likes to

feed inorder to go to sleep, although she has always spat the dummy

out b4. as of this weekend she will cuddle the toy in order to get

off to sleep - hope it lasts. Although this was the plan, i still

felt very rejected when she preferred to cuddle her toy sheep off to

sleep instead of me!!!

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Sharon said: > We're currrently having an interesting time getting

Kate to settle to

> sleep on her own - after having ignored all the advice about not

> putting her down already asleep - so any help would be fab!


Hi, i'm also new just been here a week or so.We're having same

problem with dd1 (5 months).for just over a week i've been

holding a toy while i feed her last thing at night and putting this

into the cot with her, and also giving her a dummy as she likes to

feed inorder to go to sleep, although she has always spat the dummy

out b4. as of this weekend she will cuddle the toy in order to get

off to sleep - hope it lasts. Although this was the plan, i still

felt very rejected when she preferred to cuddle her toy sheep off to

sleep instead of me!!!

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Re: new member

.. Although this was the plan, i still

> felt very rejected when she preferred to cuddle her toy sheep off to

> sleep instead of me!!!


Believe me, you won't feel like this in a year's time when she happily goes

to sleep without needing you! With DS1 we had months of hellish nights

because he hadn't learnt to go to sleep by himself.


Trainee ANT & Bookings Sec, Southend

SAHM to (7), (4) and Dominic (2)

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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest


Hi , I'm pretty new here, too, and I've received

a very warm welcome and love everyone here!

I know you will get the support you need here with

all of the wonderful people there are here!

Just being able to share and air your concerns is so

healing in itself. Making new friends is the added

bonus! I know I definately don't feel all alone now,

like I did. It gives me the motivation to want to


others, and in so doing, it also helps me. It opens

my eyes, alot. Makes me feel more positive, cause,

as you know, the pain makes it easy to be really


Hope ya stay around!

Have a great day!



age: 51

two grown children

two cats

a husband

diagnosed 4 years ago(had it for about 20 years)

live in Iowa


--- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> Hello,


> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.





> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> TO




> List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner






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Guest guest


Hi , I'm pretty new here, too, and I've received

a very warm welcome and love everyone here!

I know you will get the support you need here with

all of the wonderful people there are here!

Just being able to share and air your concerns is so

healing in itself. Making new friends is the added

bonus! I know I definately don't feel all alone now,

like I did. It gives me the motivation to want to


others, and in so doing, it also helps me. It opens

my eyes, alot. Makes me feel more positive, cause,

as you know, the pain makes it easy to be really


Hope ya stay around!

Have a great day!



age: 51

two grown children

two cats

a husband

diagnosed 4 years ago(had it for about 20 years)

live in Iowa


--- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> Hello,


> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.





> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> TO




> List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner






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Guest guest


Hi , I'm pretty new here, too, and I've received

a very warm welcome and love everyone here!

I know you will get the support you need here with

all of the wonderful people there are here!

Just being able to share and air your concerns is so

healing in itself. Making new friends is the added

bonus! I know I definately don't feel all alone now,

like I did. It gives me the motivation to want to


others, and in so doing, it also helps me. It opens

my eyes, alot. Makes me feel more positive, cause,

as you know, the pain makes it easy to be really


Hope ya stay around!

Have a great day!



age: 51

two grown children

two cats

a husband

diagnosed 4 years ago(had it for about 20 years)

live in Iowa


--- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> Hello,


> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.





> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> TO




> List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner






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Guest guest


Hi ,

Welcome. I'm pretty new to the group, too, but

I'm sure finding it wonderful! The people here are

great...you couldn't ask for better!

E-mail me anytime..I love to talk!



age: 51


two grown children

two cats

one canary

avid karaoke 'krackpot'

diagnosed 4 years ago: had it for about 20 years!

--- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> Hello,


> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.





> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> TO




> List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner






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Guest guest


Hi ,

Welcome. I'm pretty new to the group, too, but

I'm sure finding it wonderful! The people here are

great...you couldn't ask for better!

E-mail me anytime..I love to talk!



age: 51


two grown children

two cats

one canary

avid karaoke 'krackpot'

diagnosed 4 years ago: had it for about 20 years!

--- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> Hello,


> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.





> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> TO




> List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner






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Guest guest


Hi ,

Welcome. I'm pretty new to the group, too, but

I'm sure finding it wonderful! The people here are

great...you couldn't ask for better!

E-mail me anytime..I love to talk!



age: 51


two grown children

two cats

one canary

avid karaoke 'krackpot'

diagnosed 4 years ago: had it for about 20 years!

--- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> Hello,


> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.





> SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> TO




> List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner






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Guest guest

Hi Sue,

Thanks for the welcome and welcome here too!!!

I was diagnosed with fibro 4 years ago, along with other chronic issues, but

I'm only coming to terms to it now. Lately, the fibro has been flaring more

than usual and I'm literally going out of my mind.

I plan on staying around.



> abraxis3@...

> Hi , I'm pretty new here, too, and I've received

> a very warm welcome and love everyone here!

> I know you will get the support you need here with

> all of the wonderful people there are here!

> Just being able to share and air your concerns is so

> healing in itself. Making new friends is the added

> bonus! I know I definately don't feel all alone now,

> like I did. It gives me the motivation to want to

> help

> others, and in so doing, it also helps me. It opens

> my eyes, alot. Makes me feel more positive, cause,

> as you know, the pain makes it easy to be really

> negative!

> Hope ya stay around!

> Have a great day!


> Sue

> age: 51

> two grown children

> two cats

> a husband

> diagnosed 4 years ago(had it for about 20 years)

> live in Iowa


> Welcome!

> --- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> > Hello,

> >

> > I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> > and have been suffering

> > with FMS and CFS for a number of years.

> >

> > Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> > conditions.

> >

> > Looking forward to being part of this group.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> > TO

> >

> UNSUBSCRIBE:fibromyalgia-cfs-unsubscribe

> >

> > List owner: Bierman

> > fibromyalgia-cfs-owner

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Hi Sue,

Thanks for the welcome and welcome here too!!!

I was diagnosed with fibro 4 years ago, along with other chronic issues, but

I'm only coming to terms to it now. Lately, the fibro has been flaring more

than usual and I'm literally going out of my mind.

I plan on staying around.



> abraxis3@...

> Hi , I'm pretty new here, too, and I've received

> a very warm welcome and love everyone here!

> I know you will get the support you need here with

> all of the wonderful people there are here!

> Just being able to share and air your concerns is so

> healing in itself. Making new friends is the added

> bonus! I know I definately don't feel all alone now,

> like I did. It gives me the motivation to want to

> help

> others, and in so doing, it also helps me. It opens

> my eyes, alot. Makes me feel more positive, cause,

> as you know, the pain makes it easy to be really

> negative!

> Hope ya stay around!

> Have a great day!


> Sue

> age: 51

> two grown children

> two cats

> a husband

> diagnosed 4 years ago(had it for about 20 years)

> live in Iowa


> Welcome!

> --- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> > Hello,

> >

> > I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> > and have been suffering

> > with FMS and CFS for a number of years.

> >

> > Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> > conditions.

> >

> > Looking forward to being part of this group.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> > TO

> >

> UNSUBSCRIBE:fibromyalgia-cfs-unsubscribe

> >

> > List owner: Bierman

> > fibromyalgia-cfs-owner

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Hi Sue,

Thanks for the welcome and welcome here too!!!

I was diagnosed with fibro 4 years ago, along with other chronic issues, but

I'm only coming to terms to it now. Lately, the fibro has been flaring more

than usual and I'm literally going out of my mind.

I plan on staying around.



> abraxis3@...

> Hi , I'm pretty new here, too, and I've received

> a very warm welcome and love everyone here!

> I know you will get the support you need here with

> all of the wonderful people there are here!

> Just being able to share and air your concerns is so

> healing in itself. Making new friends is the added

> bonus! I know I definately don't feel all alone now,

> like I did. It gives me the motivation to want to

> help

> others, and in so doing, it also helps me. It opens

> my eyes, alot. Makes me feel more positive, cause,

> as you know, the pain makes it easy to be really

> negative!

> Hope ya stay around!

> Have a great day!


> Sue

> age: 51

> two grown children

> two cats

> a husband

> diagnosed 4 years ago(had it for about 20 years)

> live in Iowa


> Welcome!

> --- " S.D. Krein " wrote:

> > Hello,

> >

> > I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> > and have been suffering

> > with FMS and CFS for a number of years.

> >

> > Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> > conditions.

> >

> > Looking forward to being part of this group.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> > TO

> >

> UNSUBSCRIBE:fibromyalgia-cfs-unsubscribe

> >

> > List owner: Bierman

> > fibromyalgia-cfs-owner

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Guest guest

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I hope everyone here will be as helpful to you as they

have been to me! It's nice to see another young one around! I tend to feel

like a freak because I'm havin these problems when I am so young.

again, Welcome!


nickname: Fawn

28 yrs. old

dx 1/01, FMS symptoms for 19 yrs.

live with Navy SO

Baby cat 10 yrs old

Hobbies: Cars, Gardening, Tropical Fish, Karaoke

San Diego, CA

ICQ: 19951984

AOL IM: Fawndles

YAHOO: Fawnz73rs



I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

with FMS and CFS for a number of years.

Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.

Looking forward to being part of this group.

SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

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Guest guest

Hi ,

Welcome to the group. I hope everyone here will be as helpful to you as they

have been to me! It's nice to see another young one around! I tend to feel

like a freak because I'm havin these problems when I am so young.

again, Welcome!


nickname: Fawn

28 yrs. old

dx 1/01, FMS symptoms for 19 yrs.

live with Navy SO

Baby cat 10 yrs old

Hobbies: Cars, Gardening, Tropical Fish, Karaoke

San Diego, CA

ICQ: 19951984

AOL IM: Fawndles

YAHOO: Fawnz73rs



I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

with FMS and CFS for a number of years.

Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.

Looking forward to being part of this group.

SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

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In a message dated 5/21/01 6:44:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

joy@... writes:

> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.







I think you will like this group. Everyone is pretty laid back. We help

with fibro problems. We laugh a lot which is great for the soul. And we

talk about a lot of different things. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I

do. So A very big WELCOME!

Kathy D.

Diagnosed in 98

Live in Western Massachusetts

Married for almost 19yrs, to a sweetheart

Mother to 16 and 14

My Rottie dog Shelby

Spooky the cat

Hobbies: Boating, Learning this computer

Arts & Crafts, and a passionate reader

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Guest guest

In a message dated 5/21/01 6:44:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

joy@... writes:

> I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

> with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


> Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.


> Looking forward to being part of this group.







I think you will like this group. Everyone is pretty laid back. We help

with fibro problems. We laugh a lot which is great for the soul. And we

talk about a lot of different things. I hope you enjoy it here as much as I

do. So A very big WELCOME!

Kathy D.

Diagnosed in 98

Live in Western Massachusetts

Married for almost 19yrs, to a sweetheart

Mother to 16 and 14

My Rottie dog Shelby

Spooky the cat

Hobbies: Boating, Learning this computer

Arts & Crafts, and a passionate reader

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Guest guest

Welcome ,

I am a new member of this group also and I find it really helpful to

know that there is someone out there that understands just what you are

going through. I have just been diagnose with Fibromyalgia in April of this

year. I have a heart condition also. Email me any time.

Lucy Milam

on, AR


Been married 36 years to a wonderful husband

I have no children but I have two rat terrier dogs that I love very much.

I have three God sons that I have raised that I think of as my own.




>I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

>with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


>Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.


>Looking forward to being part of this group.





>SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs


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Guest guest

Welcome ,

I am a new member of this group also and I find it really helpful to

know that there is someone out there that understands just what you are

going through. I have just been diagnose with Fibromyalgia in April of this

year. I have a heart condition also. Email me any time.

Lucy Milam

on, AR


Been married 36 years to a wonderful husband

I have no children but I have two rat terrier dogs that I love very much.

I have three God sons that I have raised that I think of as my own.




>I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

>with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


>Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.


>Looking forward to being part of this group.





>SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs


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Guest guest

Welcome ,

I am a new member of this group also and I find it really helpful to

know that there is someone out there that understands just what you are

going through. I have just been diagnose with Fibromyalgia in April of this

year. I have a heart condition also. Email me any time.

Lucy Milam

on, AR


Been married 36 years to a wonderful husband

I have no children but I have two rat terrier dogs that I love very much.

I have three God sons that I have raised that I think of as my own.




>I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old and have been suffering

>with FMS and CFS for a number of years.


>Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health conditions.


>Looking forward to being part of this group.





>SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs


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Guest guest


Dear ,

Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

I'm pretty new here, too, and I love it. The people

here are just great!

I never knew I could feel so connected to people I've

never even seen!

I'm still trying to figure out my computer. A friend

of mine tried to teach me how to cut and paste, and

I came home and did it on mine once...now I've

forgotten how! That darn 'brain fog'...it makes


a challenge!

Mail me anytime...I love to talk!!!!



age: 51

2 grown children

1 husband

2 cats

1 canary

2 Karoke machines

1 sewing machine!

diagnosed 4 years ago: had fibro about 20 years

--- Lucy Milam wrote:

> Welcome ,

> I am a new member of this group also and I find

> it really helpful to

> know that there is someone out there that

> understands just what you are

> going through. I have just been diagnose with

> Fibromyalgia in April of this

> year. I have a heart condition also. Email me any

> time.


> Lucy Milam

> on, AR

> Age:54

> Been married 36 years to a wonderful husband

> I have no children but I have two rat terrier dogs

> that I love very much.

> I have three God sons that I have raised that I

> think of as my own.




> >Hello,

> >

> >I am a new member. My name is , 25 years old

> and have been suffering

> >with FMS and CFS for a number of years.

> >

> >Like most fibro sufferers, I have other health

> conditions.

> >

> >Looking forward to being part of this group.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >SEND POST TO: fibromyalgia-cfs

> >TO



> >

> >List owner: Bierman

> fibromyalgia-cfs-owner

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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