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Hi DeeAnn!

My name is . My surgery was also in January (1/4), and I lost my left

tube. I can completely understand what you mean about people reacting to

your grieving, and that is exactly what we all are going through, or have

gone through, grieving. Unfortunately, many people cannot understand what we

are going through, but believe me when I say that the women of this group do.

So feel free to vent to us, or share anything with us, for we all


This week is actually the first week since my surgery that I am feeling much

better since the EP, which is most likely due to me finally quitting my job,

which was causing a lot of stress, and getting a new one. But, I must admit,

I was driving home yesterday from the store, and I found myself talking to my

angel baby. So, although we never forget, it does get easier. I hope you

find us to be supportive.


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I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. You have come to the right place. I

had surgery on 12/08/01 for an 8 week ep. My doctor attempted a lap but

needed to go in through in an incision in my abdomem as the pg was to big.

That whole experience was a medical nightmare and it took 2 months for my

body to heal. I started to grieve after that. The emotional pain is

something no woman (or her partner) should have ever have to experience. The

women here are wonderful and the support offered is beyond description.


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I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. You have come to the right place. I

had surgery on 12/08/01 for an 8 week ep. My doctor attempted a lap but

needed to go in through in an incision in my abdomem as the pg was to big.

That whole experience was a medical nightmare and it took 2 months for my

body to heal. I started to grieve after that. The emotional pain is

something no woman (or her partner) should have ever have to experience. The

women here are wonderful and the support offered is beyond description.


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Welcome to the group. I am sorry for your losses. I

hope you find some support here and maybe some helpful

info. I joined about a month ago and I am so thankful

that I found these great people. I also had my ep Dec

00. I first I was given metho but couple of days

later,it ruptured and had er surgery with rt tube

removed. It was our first time trying. I missed about

alittle over a month of work from surgery and bladder

complications. I know what you mean when you say

people think you should be " over it. " Friends and

family tried to be supportive but now everyone has

seemed to go on with their lives while I still try to

sort out all the emotions. My dh has tried to be there

for me and I know he suffered the loss too but men and

women sure handle things differently. There are times

when I think I am doing pretty good and than I get

these overwhelming, sad, angry, and so on. I still

have trouble seeing pg people sometimes. It is such a

hard thing to go through. To go from such joy to such

saddness in such a short time is so hard. I am still

working on the process but this group has really

helped. Just knowing that there are people out there

who really understand and to talk to others who are

going through the same steps you are going through and

others who have went on to get pg has helped more than

I could ever say. I hope you find comfort here. So to

ramble on.

--- honey-dee@... wrote:

> Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My

> name is DeeAnn,

> and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. My first was

> August of 2000,

> happening after a few months of ttc. The ectopic

> was small, trying to

> resolve itself, but it did require one shot of

> methotrexate. My

> husband and I decided to wait to ttc for awhile so

> that my body could

> heal, and we could enjoy our daughter (born 6 weeks

> early due to

> preeclampsia, but healthy and happy now).

> In December of 2000, much to my surprise, my period

> did not come

> normally. I discovered I was pregnant again. I was

> afraid of the ep

> nightmare happening to me again, and it did. This

> time, I needed two

> shots of methotrexate. It did not work, and I

> required a laparoscopy.

> The surgery was at the beginning of January.

> I am now working through the grieving process,

> wondering if I will

> ever be able to give my little girl a brother or

> sister, wondering if

> I will ever be able to conceive naturally, wondering

> how long I will

> be able to wait . . .

> I have been lurking for a couple of days, and I

> think that all of you

> are very helpful to each other. I think I could use

> that kind of

> support right now. I cry a lot, and no one seems to

> understand how I

> could be so upset still. I know that this is one

> place where no one

> will ever question my grief and confusion.

> I am not currently ttc, but I am very interested in

> talking to people

> who are, and those who have post-ectopic success

> stories.

> Please feel free to introduce yourself to me. I

> could really use some

> support.

> Thanks for letting me join your group.

> DeeAnn





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Welcome to the group. I am sorry for your losses. I

hope you find some support here and maybe some helpful

info. I joined about a month ago and I am so thankful

that I found these great people. I also had my ep Dec

00. I first I was given metho but couple of days

later,it ruptured and had er surgery with rt tube

removed. It was our first time trying. I missed about

alittle over a month of work from surgery and bladder

complications. I know what you mean when you say

people think you should be " over it. " Friends and

family tried to be supportive but now everyone has

seemed to go on with their lives while I still try to

sort out all the emotions. My dh has tried to be there

for me and I know he suffered the loss too but men and

women sure handle things differently. There are times

when I think I am doing pretty good and than I get

these overwhelming, sad, angry, and so on. I still

have trouble seeing pg people sometimes. It is such a

hard thing to go through. To go from such joy to such

saddness in such a short time is so hard. I am still

working on the process but this group has really

helped. Just knowing that there are people out there

who really understand and to talk to others who are

going through the same steps you are going through and

others who have went on to get pg has helped more than

I could ever say. I hope you find comfort here. So to

ramble on.

--- honey-dee@... wrote:

> Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My

> name is DeeAnn,

> and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. My first was

> August of 2000,

> happening after a few months of ttc. The ectopic

> was small, trying to

> resolve itself, but it did require one shot of

> methotrexate. My

> husband and I decided to wait to ttc for awhile so

> that my body could

> heal, and we could enjoy our daughter (born 6 weeks

> early due to

> preeclampsia, but healthy and happy now).

> In December of 2000, much to my surprise, my period

> did not come

> normally. I discovered I was pregnant again. I was

> afraid of the ep

> nightmare happening to me again, and it did. This

> time, I needed two

> shots of methotrexate. It did not work, and I

> required a laparoscopy.

> The surgery was at the beginning of January.

> I am now working through the grieving process,

> wondering if I will

> ever be able to give my little girl a brother or

> sister, wondering if

> I will ever be able to conceive naturally, wondering

> how long I will

> be able to wait . . .

> I have been lurking for a couple of days, and I

> think that all of you

> are very helpful to each other. I think I could use

> that kind of

> support right now. I cry a lot, and no one seems to

> understand how I

> could be so upset still. I know that this is one

> place where no one

> will ever question my grief and confusion.

> I am not currently ttc, but I am very interested in

> talking to people

> who are, and those who have post-ectopic success

> stories.

> Please feel free to introduce yourself to me. I

> could really use some

> support.

> Thanks for letting me join your group.

> DeeAnn





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Guest guest


Welcome to the group. I am sorry for your losses. I

hope you find some support here and maybe some helpful

info. I joined about a month ago and I am so thankful

that I found these great people. I also had my ep Dec

00. I first I was given metho but couple of days

later,it ruptured and had er surgery with rt tube

removed. It was our first time trying. I missed about

alittle over a month of work from surgery and bladder

complications. I know what you mean when you say

people think you should be " over it. " Friends and

family tried to be supportive but now everyone has

seemed to go on with their lives while I still try to

sort out all the emotions. My dh has tried to be there

for me and I know he suffered the loss too but men and

women sure handle things differently. There are times

when I think I am doing pretty good and than I get

these overwhelming, sad, angry, and so on. I still

have trouble seeing pg people sometimes. It is such a

hard thing to go through. To go from such joy to such

saddness in such a short time is so hard. I am still

working on the process but this group has really

helped. Just knowing that there are people out there

who really understand and to talk to others who are

going through the same steps you are going through and

others who have went on to get pg has helped more than

I could ever say. I hope you find comfort here. So to

ramble on.

--- honey-dee@... wrote:

> Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My

> name is DeeAnn,

> and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. My first was

> August of 2000,

> happening after a few months of ttc. The ectopic

> was small, trying to

> resolve itself, but it did require one shot of

> methotrexate. My

> husband and I decided to wait to ttc for awhile so

> that my body could

> heal, and we could enjoy our daughter (born 6 weeks

> early due to

> preeclampsia, but healthy and happy now).

> In December of 2000, much to my surprise, my period

> did not come

> normally. I discovered I was pregnant again. I was

> afraid of the ep

> nightmare happening to me again, and it did. This

> time, I needed two

> shots of methotrexate. It did not work, and I

> required a laparoscopy.

> The surgery was at the beginning of January.

> I am now working through the grieving process,

> wondering if I will

> ever be able to give my little girl a brother or

> sister, wondering if

> I will ever be able to conceive naturally, wondering

> how long I will

> be able to wait . . .

> I have been lurking for a couple of days, and I

> think that all of you

> are very helpful to each other. I think I could use

> that kind of

> support right now. I cry a lot, and no one seems to

> understand how I

> could be so upset still. I know that this is one

> place where no one

> will ever question my grief and confusion.

> I am not currently ttc, but I am very interested in

> talking to people

> who are, and those who have post-ectopic success

> stories.

> Please feel free to introduce yourself to me. I

> could really use some

> support.

> Thanks for letting me join your group.

> DeeAnn





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Hi DeeAnn,

Welcome to a group of very supportive women that know exactly what

you are going through. I am so sorry to hear about your two eps.

My ep was in September, and it was treated with two injections of

metho (well, actually two sets of two injections). It took forever

and a day for my HCG to go down to normal, which was torture. But

now I'm getting back in ttc mode again, thank goodness.

I completely understand about the lack of understanding from friends

and family that we tend to experience. Sadly, after confiding in

numerous friends, I realize they will never really get it. I don't

think they mean to be so cold--they just can't relate. The best was

when my brother-in-law said " can't you just get a D & C? " Oh boy.

If you have any questions, feel free to pose them to the group. One

procedure that you may want to consider is an HSG test. It's a way

to see if your fallopian tubes are blocked or clear. Sadly, there is

always an increased risk of another ep after having one. You know

that first hand--and I admit it scares me as I begin ttc'ing again.

Take care of yourself,

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Guest guest

Hi DeeAnn,

Welcome to a group of very supportive women that know exactly what

you are going through. I am so sorry to hear about your two eps.

My ep was in September, and it was treated with two injections of

metho (well, actually two sets of two injections). It took forever

and a day for my HCG to go down to normal, which was torture. But

now I'm getting back in ttc mode again, thank goodness.

I completely understand about the lack of understanding from friends

and family that we tend to experience. Sadly, after confiding in

numerous friends, I realize they will never really get it. I don't

think they mean to be so cold--they just can't relate. The best was

when my brother-in-law said " can't you just get a D & C? " Oh boy.

If you have any questions, feel free to pose them to the group. One

procedure that you may want to consider is an HSG test. It's a way

to see if your fallopian tubes are blocked or clear. Sadly, there is

always an increased risk of another ep after having one. You know

that first hand--and I admit it scares me as I begin ttc'ing again.

Take care of yourself,

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Guest guest

Hi DeeAnn,

Welcome to a group of very supportive women that know exactly what

you are going through. I am so sorry to hear about your two eps.

My ep was in September, and it was treated with two injections of

metho (well, actually two sets of two injections). It took forever

and a day for my HCG to go down to normal, which was torture. But

now I'm getting back in ttc mode again, thank goodness.

I completely understand about the lack of understanding from friends

and family that we tend to experience. Sadly, after confiding in

numerous friends, I realize they will never really get it. I don't

think they mean to be so cold--they just can't relate. The best was

when my brother-in-law said " can't you just get a D & C? " Oh boy.

If you have any questions, feel free to pose them to the group. One

procedure that you may want to consider is an HSG test. It's a way

to see if your fallopian tubes are blocked or clear. Sadly, there is

always an increased risk of another ep after having one. You know

that first hand--and I admit it scares me as I begin ttc'ing again.

Take care of yourself,

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I'm glad you found this list. I wish I'd found it with my first ectopic in

Nov 99...I lost my right tube. Got pregnant again Oct 2000 and it " resolved "

itself, but I'm sure it was ectopic also. Can I ask how old your daughter


I hope you hear about all the success stories on th list. I am not ttc

either. When I was, I was leaning toward IVF just because I don't want to

lose my other tube. I'd be in the percentage that went thru premature

menopause if that happened, I just know it!

However I inherited 2 nieces and have a few of my own, so I am blessed in

that way. The baby blues will hit you hard (as they do me on occassion) and

you will probably be ready to think about trying again. However now is a

good time to pick our brains. I, persoanlly, am always interested in others'

stories. Like what symptoms they had at how far along etc. We use Toni

Weshler's method of B/C but sometimes it's close enuf for me to freak out

about a poss ectopic. All it takes is one ectopic and you're on your guard

for LIFE. Sad, but true.

Also, if you visit the web and read old messages, there's a LOT of info to

be gained (from both past and present members).

And thank you for jumping and speaking up about needing ALL of our support.

It is true, we all seem to make up a whole.


Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is DeeAnn,

and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. I could really use some


Thanks for letting me join your group.


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Guest guest


Welcome to the group! So sorry that you have reason to want to join

us, but glad that you found us. I think you will find this group of

people to be amazingly supportive, caring and knowledgable. I have

learned so much since I joined back in Oct (my ep surgery was 9/29/00-

left tube removed). I still cry sometimes too, it is natural to feel

sad. You are not only greiving the loss of your child, but also the

loss of fertility...the combination of the 2 is very difficult. I

think we all have run into the problem that noone seems to understand

why or how we could possibly still be sad, but that's what we are

here for....we understand and we will listen when you need us to.

I am not currently ttc so I can't offer you a success story

personally, but I'm sure many of the other ladies (and there are

many!) will share their's with you.

May I ask you a question? Do you know if which tubes your ep's were

in...were they both in the same one? Have you had an HSG? If not

that may be something you want to look into when you get to the point

of ttc. It could be done now too, but there is a belief that the

test has the side effect of making you more fertile, so you may want

to wait until you are ready to ttc again.

Take care of yourself and post whenever you want or need to.


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Guest guest


Welcome to the group! So sorry that you have reason to want to join

us, but glad that you found us. I think you will find this group of

people to be amazingly supportive, caring and knowledgable. I have

learned so much since I joined back in Oct (my ep surgery was 9/29/00-

left tube removed). I still cry sometimes too, it is natural to feel

sad. You are not only greiving the loss of your child, but also the

loss of fertility...the combination of the 2 is very difficult. I

think we all have run into the problem that noone seems to understand

why or how we could possibly still be sad, but that's what we are

here for....we understand and we will listen when you need us to.

I am not currently ttc so I can't offer you a success story

personally, but I'm sure many of the other ladies (and there are

many!) will share their's with you.

May I ask you a question? Do you know if which tubes your ep's were

in...were they both in the same one? Have you had an HSG? If not

that may be something you want to look into when you get to the point

of ttc. It could be done now too, but there is a belief that the

test has the side effect of making you more fertile, so you may want

to wait until you are ready to ttc again.

Take care of yourself and post whenever you want or need to.


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Guest guest


Welcome to the group! So sorry that you have reason to want to join

us, but glad that you found us. I think you will find this group of

people to be amazingly supportive, caring and knowledgable. I have

learned so much since I joined back in Oct (my ep surgery was 9/29/00-

left tube removed). I still cry sometimes too, it is natural to feel

sad. You are not only greiving the loss of your child, but also the

loss of fertility...the combination of the 2 is very difficult. I

think we all have run into the problem that noone seems to understand

why or how we could possibly still be sad, but that's what we are

here for....we understand and we will listen when you need us to.

I am not currently ttc so I can't offer you a success story

personally, but I'm sure many of the other ladies (and there are

many!) will share their's with you.

May I ask you a question? Do you know if which tubes your ep's were

in...were they both in the same one? Have you had an HSG? If not

that may be something you want to look into when you get to the point

of ttc. It could be done now too, but there is a belief that the

test has the side effect of making you more fertile, so you may want

to wait until you are ready to ttc again.

Take care of yourself and post whenever you want or need to.


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Guest guest

Hi Dee-Ann,

I am so sorry for your losses, but am glad you found this group.

There is so much support, comfort and compassion here! You can cry as

often as you need to...we all understand!

I had a mc in 9/00 and then my ep in 12/00. I was devastated. With

time and this group, I have found hope. I am currently 10 weeks pg!

Things do get better with time. I also had Metho treatment, but lots

of women here have had lap surgery. There are many other success

stories as well. Take your time to grieve. Only you know when it is

time to move forward. Please remember we are here for you!!

Take care!


> Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is DeeAnn,

> and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. My first was August of 2000,

> happening after a few months of ttc. The ectopic was small, trying


> resolve itself, but it did require one shot of methotrexate. My

> husband and I decided to wait to ttc for awhile so that my body


> heal, and we could enjoy our daughter (born 6 weeks early due to

> preeclampsia, but healthy and happy now).

> In December of 2000, much to my surprise, my period did not come

> normally. I discovered I was pregnant again. I was afraid of the


> nightmare happening to me again, and it did. This time, I needed


> shots of methotrexate. It did not work, and I required a


> The surgery was at the beginning of January.

> I am now working through the grieving process, wondering if I will

> ever be able to give my little girl a brother or sister, wondering


> I will ever be able to conceive naturally, wondering how long I will

> be able to wait . . .

> I have been lurking for a couple of days, and I think that all of


> are very helpful to each other. I think I could use that kind of

> support right now. I cry a lot, and no one seems to understand how


> could be so upset still. I know that this is one place where no one

> will ever question my grief and confusion.

> I am not currently ttc, but I am very interested in talking to


> who are, and those who have post-ectopic success stories.

> Please feel free to introduce yourself to me. I could really use


> support.

> Thanks for letting me join your group.

> DeeAnn

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Guest guest

Hi Dee-Ann,

I am so sorry for your losses, but am glad you found this group.

There is so much support, comfort and compassion here! You can cry as

often as you need to...we all understand!

I had a mc in 9/00 and then my ep in 12/00. I was devastated. With

time and this group, I have found hope. I am currently 10 weeks pg!

Things do get better with time. I also had Metho treatment, but lots

of women here have had lap surgery. There are many other success

stories as well. Take your time to grieve. Only you know when it is

time to move forward. Please remember we are here for you!!

Take care!


> Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is DeeAnn,

> and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. My first was August of 2000,

> happening after a few months of ttc. The ectopic was small, trying


> resolve itself, but it did require one shot of methotrexate. My

> husband and I decided to wait to ttc for awhile so that my body


> heal, and we could enjoy our daughter (born 6 weeks early due to

> preeclampsia, but healthy and happy now).

> In December of 2000, much to my surprise, my period did not come

> normally. I discovered I was pregnant again. I was afraid of the


> nightmare happening to me again, and it did. This time, I needed


> shots of methotrexate. It did not work, and I required a


> The surgery was at the beginning of January.

> I am now working through the grieving process, wondering if I will

> ever be able to give my little girl a brother or sister, wondering


> I will ever be able to conceive naturally, wondering how long I will

> be able to wait . . .

> I have been lurking for a couple of days, and I think that all of


> are very helpful to each other. I think I could use that kind of

> support right now. I cry a lot, and no one seems to understand how


> could be so upset still. I know that this is one place where no one

> will ever question my grief and confusion.

> I am not currently ttc, but I am very interested in talking to


> who are, and those who have post-ectopic success stories.

> Please feel free to introduce yourself to me. I could really use


> support.

> Thanks for letting me join your group.

> DeeAnn

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Guest guest

Hi Dee-Ann,

I am so sorry for your losses, but am glad you found this group.

There is so much support, comfort and compassion here! You can cry as

often as you need to...we all understand!

I had a mc in 9/00 and then my ep in 12/00. I was devastated. With

time and this group, I have found hope. I am currently 10 weeks pg!

Things do get better with time. I also had Metho treatment, but lots

of women here have had lap surgery. There are many other success

stories as well. Take your time to grieve. Only you know when it is

time to move forward. Please remember we are here for you!!

Take care!


> Hi, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My name is DeeAnn,

> and I've had two ectopic pregnancies. My first was August of 2000,

> happening after a few months of ttc. The ectopic was small, trying


> resolve itself, but it did require one shot of methotrexate. My

> husband and I decided to wait to ttc for awhile so that my body


> heal, and we could enjoy our daughter (born 6 weeks early due to

> preeclampsia, but healthy and happy now).

> In December of 2000, much to my surprise, my period did not come

> normally. I discovered I was pregnant again. I was afraid of the


> nightmare happening to me again, and it did. This time, I needed


> shots of methotrexate. It did not work, and I required a


> The surgery was at the beginning of January.

> I am now working through the grieving process, wondering if I will

> ever be able to give my little girl a brother or sister, wondering


> I will ever be able to conceive naturally, wondering how long I will

> be able to wait . . .

> I have been lurking for a couple of days, and I think that all of


> are very helpful to each other. I think I could use that kind of

> support right now. I cry a lot, and no one seems to understand how


> could be so upset still. I know that this is one place where no one

> will ever question my grief and confusion.

> I am not currently ttc, but I am very interested in talking to


> who are, and those who have post-ectopic success stories.

> Please feel free to introduce yourself to me. I could really use


> support.

> Thanks for letting me join your group.

> DeeAnn

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Guest guest

Hi DeeAnn,

I am sorry that you had reason to find us, but I hope that you will find

support here. I'm so sorry that you had to go through two losses. My ep

was in October 2000 and was my first pregnancy. You are right that you can

bring your grief and confusion here and people will understand in ways that

people who haven't experienced this often don't. There have been many

post-ep success stories, and I am one who is kind of ttc right now, though I

have only one damaged tube left. At least I get lots of ideas from others

here in case it doesn't work out, and I do find hope in the success stories.


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I have been out of town this weekend but I wanted to say Welcome to the

group! My EP was July 2000. I had laparotomy, and my doctor removed my right

tube. It didn't take too terribly long to recover physically, but emotionally

it has been a process. I still have days when I get incredibly depressed but

for the most part I am doing extremely well. So have hope that it does get

better in time.


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Guest guest


I have been out of town this weekend but I wanted to say Welcome to the

group! My EP was July 2000. I had laparotomy, and my doctor removed my right

tube. It didn't take too terribly long to recover physically, but emotionally

it has been a process. I still have days when I get incredibly depressed but

for the most part I am doing extremely well. So have hope that it does get

better in time.


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Guest guest


I have been out of town this weekend but I wanted to say Welcome to the

group! My EP was July 2000. I had laparotomy, and my doctor removed my right

tube. It didn't take too terribly long to recover physically, but emotionally

it has been a process. I still have days when I get incredibly depressed but

for the most part I am doing extremely well. So have hope that it does get

better in time.


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  • 1 year later...


Welcome to our group. May we call you K because we have other 's in the group?

It sounds very much like your miscarriages were after you had ashermans and the scarring in your uterus may have been the cause of your miscarriages. I hope that you have found a doctor who is well informed about Ashermans and be sure that he can perform a surgery where he will leave you scar free and able to get pregnant again. To be honest with you, I didn't like reading that this doctor wants to perform a D & C at your surgery. This will no doubt cause you more scarring. Although this doctor is a specialist, I'm sure he is a great one, it doesn't mean that he is also a specialist in Ashermans. We have learnt in this group that many specialists are able to perform surgeries but Ashermans is a specialist type of surgery which will require a doctor who has performed many many of these surgeries. If you want, you could ask this doctor how many Ashermans surgeries he performs in a year. If he says 1 to 2 or something as low as this, then please think again. Our A list doctors perform hundreds of these surgeries and that is the difference.

The fact that your doctor had a hard time getting the dye into the uterus does mean that you have some scarring blocking the entrance of your uterus.

Is it possible for you to contact one of the A list doctors?? I hope you can make a wise decision for the sake of your future fertility.


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Welcome to our group. May we call you K because we have other 's in the group?

It sounds very much like your miscarriages were after you had ashermans and the scarring in your uterus may have been the cause of your miscarriages. I hope that you have found a doctor who is well informed about Ashermans and be sure that he can perform a surgery where he will leave you scar free and able to get pregnant again. To be honest with you, I didn't like reading that this doctor wants to perform a D & C at your surgery. This will no doubt cause you more scarring. Although this doctor is a specialist, I'm sure he is a great one, it doesn't mean that he is also a specialist in Ashermans. We have learnt in this group that many specialists are able to perform surgeries but Ashermans is a specialist type of surgery which will require a doctor who has performed many many of these surgeries. If you want, you could ask this doctor how many Ashermans surgeries he performs in a year. If he says 1 to 2 or something as low as this, then please think again. Our A list doctors perform hundreds of these surgeries and that is the difference.

The fact that your doctor had a hard time getting the dye into the uterus does mean that you have some scarring blocking the entrance of your uterus.

Is it possible for you to contact one of the A list doctors?? I hope you can make a wise decision for the sake of your future fertility.


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Welcome to our group. May we call you K because we have other 's in the group?

It sounds very much like your miscarriages were after you had ashermans and the scarring in your uterus may have been the cause of your miscarriages. I hope that you have found a doctor who is well informed about Ashermans and be sure that he can perform a surgery where he will leave you scar free and able to get pregnant again. To be honest with you, I didn't like reading that this doctor wants to perform a D & C at your surgery. This will no doubt cause you more scarring. Although this doctor is a specialist, I'm sure he is a great one, it doesn't mean that he is also a specialist in Ashermans. We have learnt in this group that many specialists are able to perform surgeries but Ashermans is a specialist type of surgery which will require a doctor who has performed many many of these surgeries. If you want, you could ask this doctor how many Ashermans surgeries he performs in a year. If he says 1 to 2 or something as low as this, then please think again. Our A list doctors perform hundreds of these surgeries and that is the difference.

The fact that your doctor had a hard time getting the dye into the uterus does mean that you have some scarring blocking the entrance of your uterus.

Is it possible for you to contact one of the A list doctors?? I hope you can make a wise decision for the sake of your future fertility.


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Thanks for your reply. I am scheduled for a pre-op appointment in a

week or two (unfortunately not with the Dr, but his nurse

practitioner). I intend to bring a written list of questions,

especially why he thinks D & C would be appropriate. He has been very

good about calling me with information and I expect that he will

call me before the hysteroscopy. I will certainly ask the questions

that you've suggested.


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Thanks for your reply. I am scheduled for a pre-op appointment in a

week or two (unfortunately not with the Dr, but his nurse

practitioner). I intend to bring a written list of questions,

especially why he thinks D & C would be appropriate. He has been very

good about calling me with information and I expect that he will

call me before the hysteroscopy. I will certainly ask the questions

that you've suggested.


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