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Welcome and I'm sorry you had to find this group. I had an ectopic

last May and this really is a foundation of hope and inspiration to me

and I hope it helps you some as well.

As far as the resentment towards pg women goes, it's not

uncommon and you're not a bad person for feeling that way. Sometimes

you just need to distance yourself from those situations for

awhile until you are ready to handle it. It still gets to me

occasionally. I also had a friend become pg two weeks after I

suffered my ectopic and she gave birth the same weekend I was due. It

gets easier, not easy, but better I promise.

Please take the time to grieve and heal, and post whenever you need to

talk or vent. We're always here to lend an ear and answer all sorts of



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Hi Angel,

My name is , and I had my ep in March of 99, and I still cry when I

think about it. You will find great comfort in this group. Welcome...

On Tue, 22 May 2001 18:46:47 -0500, ectopicpregnancy wrote:

Hi everyone. My name is Angel. I joined this group a couple of weeks ago

and have just been reading to get a feel for what's going on before I

introduced myself. My story: I ended up in the ER, found out I was pregnant,

found out it was ectopic, had surgery, and lost my baby and right tube all

on April 25 of this year, so it is all pretty new to me. My husband and I

had been trying for a baby for just a couple of months but I didn't have any

idea that I was pregnant yet because I had gotten what I thought was my

period a few weeks earlier. Turns out I was almost 8 weeks. The doctor said

my right ovary and my left tube and ovary look normal, and I didn't have any

of the risk factors, so there is really no good explanation for what

happened. I don't know if that's better or worse. It's so frustrating not

knowing why this happened.

Physically I recovered quickly, although I still haven't gotten my period

yet. The doctor said 4 to 6 weeks? Emotionally I have my ups and downs. Even

though I didn't know I was pregnant until a few hours before the surgery, we

really wanted the baby. Now I'm scared I'll never be a mom. It is really

nice to know that other people can understand what I'm going through.

Everyone wants to keep telling me about people they know who " miscarried "

and it is just not the same.

One thing I'm having problems with is resentment towards other women who

had normal pregnancies. Has anyone else had this problem? My sister-in-law

just had her first baby in January, the first grandchild on my husband's

side, and everyone is gaga over her. To top it all off, a close co-worker of

my husband announced her pregnancy just 2 weeks after my loss and her baby

is due the same time mine would have been. I'm trying really hard not to let

my jealousy get the best of me, but it is so easy to feel sorry for myself

sometimes. Any advice would be appreciated.

Anyway, sorry to write such a long message, thanks to all of you.


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Dear Angel. Welcome to our group. I am sorry for

your loss. I am glad that you have recovered

physically, and we are hear for you for anything you

need. I still have those feelings or jealously when I

see pregnant people. For example, there is this girl

at work who had a baby two weeks before I found out

mine was ectopic in October, and she is currently six

months pregnant. How does that happen? I am happy

for her, but still it hurts. I hope you find some

comfort with us.

--- & Angel


> Hi everyone. My name is Angel. I joined this group a

> couple of weeks ago and have just been reading to

> get a feel for what's going on before I introduced

> myself. My story: I ended up in the ER, found out I

> was pregnant, found out it was ectopic, had surgery,

> and lost my baby and right tube all on April 25 of

> this year, so it is all pretty new to me. My husband

> and I had been trying for a baby for just a couple

> of months but I didn't have any idea that I was

> pregnant yet because I had gotten what I thought was

> my period a few weeks earlier. Turns out I was

> almost 8 weeks. The doctor said my right ovary and

> my left tube and ovary look normal, and I didn't

> have any of the risk factors, so there is really no

> good explanation for what happened. I don't know if

> that's better or worse. It's so frustrating not

> knowing why this happened.


> Physically I recovered quickly, although I still

> haven't gotten my period yet. The doctor said 4 to 6

> weeks? Emotionally I have my ups and downs. Even

> though I didn't know I was pregnant until a few

> hours before the surgery, we really wanted the baby.

> Now I'm scared I'll never be a mom. It is really

> nice to know that other people can understand what

> I'm going through. Everyone wants to keep telling me

> about people they know who " miscarried " and it is

> just not the same.


> One thing I'm having problems with is resentment

> towards other women who had normal pregnancies. Has

> anyone else had this problem? My sister-in-law just

> had her first baby in January, the first grandchild

> on my husband's side, and everyone is gaga over her.

> To top it all off, a close co-worker of my husband

> announced her pregnancy just 2 weeks after my loss

> and her baby is due the same time mine would have

> been. I'm trying really hard not to let my jealousy

> get the best of me, but it is so easy to feel sorry

> for myself sometimes. Any advice would be

> appreciated.


> Anyway, sorry to write such a long message, thanks

> to all of you.

> Angel



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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Hi Angel,

Welcome to the group though it is sad that you had to find us this way. I

had an ep in July '99 after being under ovulation induction and lost my rt.

tube. I like you also had no atatomical (I don't know if I spelled that

right :) ) risk factors for having had an ep. I believe if memory serves me

correctly they refer to them as a " fluke " ep. But fluke or no fluke it still

is devastating. But I was told also that everything else looked good. I at

one time was very uncertain of having future children just like your feeling

now because of having only one tube. But things emotionally in my heart have

changed because of this group. I believe now after almost 2 years(I only

joined this group about 3 and 1/2 months ago)that future children is

possible. The girls here are great and they understand how you feel when

noone else does and I don't know how the people and family around you are but

mine acted so nonchalant. They felt bad, but noone knows the magnitude of

losing a baby until you go through it personally. Please take care.



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Angel, Hello, I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you do find some comfort

here. What you are feeling is totally normal. You have been through a horrible

experience. It doesn't matter if you only knew you were pg for a short time, you

lost your baby! You are right, people don't understand it. I know what you mean

about feeling jealous. I had my ups and downs (still do) Sometimes when he and I

would go grocery shopping and I would see a pg person or a newborn I had this

urge to run out of the store and just cry. It would just hit me. My dh has two

cousin's and both of their wives found out they were pg about 2 months before we

did. Well, I couldn't even bring myself to talk to them on the phone. It was

just too hard. They are getting ready to deliver and I would be due the end of

July...I still think about it. I had my ep Dec. 00 and lost my rt tube. It was

our first time trying. You have to let yourself feel whatever it is you are

feeling. There are so many emotions, unfortunately. Please know you are not

alone anymore. I have found so much comfort and hope here and I hope you do to.

These ladies are great and will try to answer any questions you might have.

Take care Angel and hope to get to know you. Once again, I am sorry for your


& Angel wrote:

Hi everyone. My name is Angel. I joined this group a couple of weeks ago and

have just been reading to get a feel for what's going on before I introduced

myself. My story: I ended up in the ER, found out I was pregnant, found out it

was ectopic, had surgery, and lost my baby and right tube all on April 25 of

this year, so it is all pretty new to me. My husband and I had been trying for a

baby for just a couple of months but I didn't have any idea that I was pregnant

yet because I had gotten what I thought was my period a few weeks earlier. Turns

out I was almost 8 weeks. The doctor said my right ovary and my left tube and

ovary look normal, and I didn't have any of the risk factors, so there is really

no good explanation for what happened. I don't know if that's better or worse.

It's so frustrating not knowing why this happened.

Physically I recovered quickly, although I still haven't gotten my period yet.

The doctor said 4 to 6 weeks? Emotionally I have my ups and downs. Even though I

didn't know I was pregnant until a few hours before the surgery, we really

wanted the baby. Now I'm scared I'll never be a mom. It is really nice to know

that other people can understand what I'm going through. Everyone wants to keep

telling me about people they know who " miscarried " and it is just not the same.

One thing I'm having problems with is resentment towards other women who had

normal pregnancies. Has anyone else had this problem? My sister-in-law just had

her first baby in January, the first grandchild on my husband's side, and

everyone is gaga over her. To top it all off, a close co-worker of my husband

announced her pregnancy just 2 weeks after my loss and her baby is due the same

time mine would have been. I'm trying really hard not to let my jealousy get the

best of me, but it is so easy to feel sorry for myself sometimes. Any advice

would be appreciated.

Anyway, sorry to write such a long message, thanks to all of you.


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Hi Angel.

My name is Jen. I had surgery for my Ep in January of this year, and

lost my left tube. I became pg again 2 months later with a uterine

pregnancy. Unfortunately, I miscarried 2 weeks ago.

Having gone through both an EP and a m/c, I can safely say that while

both we losses of losing our children, they are not the same. My EP

made me terrified of another EP. My m/c was an end to all of that.

I had a uterine pg, and that is a great hope after an EP. All of the

bonding I had with my EP was unfortunately after he had already

died. I bonded with my m/c baby for 2 months and saw her growing for

a short time. Both losses are terrible, scary and devastating, but

each loss is a little bit different.

I jsut want you to know that there is hope after an EP. I don't know

why we have to go through this horrible time, but I do know it does

get better. I was getting better after my EP, and although I am

right now probably at my worst, I know I will get better again. In

all my prayers I pray that no more women have to go through the

torture of an ectopic pregnancy, and I wish I didn't have to welcome

you to the group, but while all of our stories are a little bit

different, you are right in that we all do understand how you feel.

But don't give up hope, for there are sooo many success stories on

this group, and I know we will one day be one of them!

Feel better,


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so sorry for you loss....

we all understand how you are feeling and are here for you...

I think it's normal to get " jealous " over others's pg's...but i promise you

it does get better. Now when I see a pg lady, I happy for her and pray that

her baby is ok... a long way from where I used to be....

lisa r>

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi there! I am so sorry you are going through this right now,

especially right now...not that it is ever easy, but it makes it seem

just that much more unfair to go through this while you are getting

married. My heart just sank when I read that.

I wasn't able to take Metho to treat my ectopic. I had to have

surgery and ended with my left tube removed. I don't know which is

worse, surgery or metho...I guess both have their pros and cons..with

surgery, you are through being pregnant quickly, but you still have a

physical recovery period that reminds you constantly of what happened

and with the metho you have the constant dr appts and bloodwork. The

biggest upside to metho though is, if it's successful you've done the

least amount of damage possible to your tube...which is great news

for trying to conceive (ttc) in the future. Do you know what your

HCG levels are right now? Pregnancy tests are going to keep showing

up positive until your levels are at least under 100, probably even

lower....so you may want to not torture yourself with them if


It must be extremely hard for you right now with all you have going

on and trying to put on a happy face. I hope that there at least a

few people who are there with you and can understand how difficult

this is for you. And now that you've found us, if you ever need to

talk we will be here (and unfortunately, we all know exactly what you

are going through right now). Take of yourself and try to your

hardest to really enjoy your wedding day...hoepefully it will bring

you temporary relief from the flood of emotions you are probably

feeling right now. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}


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I am so sorry you are going through all this, especially now :( I was treated

medically this past Feb. for an ep and can relate to how stressful it

is...especially the waiting and the repeated blood testing. It seems like it is

lasting forever but it won't!! You will have the support of many caring people

who truly understand here.


Shari wrote: Hi, On July 12th I found out I was pregnant

and was so excited.

Then this past week I began to experience bleeding and sharp pains in

my side. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out that I had an

ectopic pregnancy. Now I am devasted. The doctor gave me an

injection to dissolve the pregnancy and I have blood work practically

everyday so the doctors can monitor my HG levels. They are hoping

they can avoid surgery. The pregnancy is in my right fallopian

tube. It is just so much to digest. I really want closure but with

all the doctor's appointments and blood work, its hard to bring

closure. Pregnancy tests still show positive but I know I lost this

baby. Still experiencing spotting, bleeding and pains. Go to the

doctor again on Friday. The worst part is I am getting married on

Saturday. We were so excited about being able to start a family

right away. Also trying to do last minute wedding planning, greeting

out of town guests (who don't know about the pregnancy or what has

happened) is real hard. I am trying to grieve but have a happy face

for the guests. Thanks for listening.

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Wow - not that there is ever a good time for an ep, but this is a

*really* bad time for you. I'm so sorry.

I know that 'limbo' state. Everytime I would go in for the post-

methotrexate bloodwork the nurses would ask " are you pregnant? " and I

never knew how to answer that... Technically I was, but I kinda

wasn't...I burst into tears every time.

Then with the wedding on top of it all... All I can say is wow. At

least you didn't have to have surgery. Do you have a good friend or

maid of honor that can take care of last minute plans/guests? Just

tell them all you have a horrible case of the flu and fake the

symptoms if you have to.

I'm so sorry,


> Hi, On July 12th I found out I was pregnant and was so excited.

> Then this past week I began to experience bleeding and sharp pains


> my side. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out that I had


> ectopic pregnancy. Now I am devasted. The doctor gave me an

> injection to dissolve the pregnancy and I have blood work


> everyday so the doctors can monitor my HG levels. They are hoping

> they can avoid surgery. The pregnancy is in my right fallopian

> tube. It is just so much to digest. I really want closure but


> all the doctor's appointments and blood work, its hard to bring

> closure. Pregnancy tests still show positive but I know I lost


> baby. Still experiencing spotting, bleeding and pains. Go to the

> doctor again on Friday. The worst part is I am getting married on

> Saturday. We were so excited about being able to start a family

> right away. Also trying to do last minute wedding planning,


> out of town guests (who don't know about the pregnancy or what has

> happened) is real hard. I am trying to grieve but have a happy


> for the guests. Thanks for listening.

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My HG level was 4500 at the last blood work. I had another blood

work this morning and will have one again Saturday (the morning of my

wedding). Its hard and most people don't understand (my sister

arrived today for the wedding) and she has no comprehension of the

loss I have suffered. I don't even think she has said sorry or

offered support or sympathy but I have heard all about aches and

pains (her back for one thing).

> Hi there! I am so sorry you are going through this right now,

> especially right now...not that it is ever easy, but it makes it


> just that much more unfair to go through this while you are getting

> married. My heart just sank when I read that.


> I wasn't able to take Metho to treat my ectopic. I had to have

> surgery and ended with my left tube removed. I don't know which is

> worse, surgery or metho...I guess both have their pros and


> surgery, you are through being pregnant quickly, but you still have


> physical recovery period that reminds you constantly of what


> and with the metho you have the constant dr appts and bloodwork.


> biggest upside to metho though is, if it's successful you've done


> least amount of damage possible to your tube...which is great news

> for trying to conceive (ttc) in the future. Do you know what your

> HCG levels are right now? Pregnancy tests are going to keep


> up positive until your levels are at least under 100, probably even

> lower....so you may want to not torture yourself with them if

> possible.


> It must be extremely hard for you right now with all you have going

> on and trying to put on a happy face. I hope that there at least a

> few people who are there with you and can understand how difficult

> this is for you. And now that you've found us, if you ever need to

> talk we will be here (and unfortunately, we all know exactly what


> are going through right now). Take of yourself and try to your

> hardest to really enjoy your wedding day...hoepefully it will bring

> you temporary relief from the flood of emotions you are probably

> feeling right now. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}


> -AmyR

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I know what you mean, everytime I go for the blood work they ask when

is your due date. If they just read the bottom of the lab form they

would see what is going on. I burst into tears too. Sometimes for

no reason, like in the middle of walmart. Its an emotional roller

coaster right now. So many emotions, grief, angry, loss,

disappointment, you name it.

> > Hi, On July 12th I found out I was pregnant and was so excited.

> > Then this past week I began to experience bleeding and sharp


> in

> > my side. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out that I


> an

> > ectopic pregnancy. Now I am devasted. The doctor gave me an

> > injection to dissolve the pregnancy and I have blood work

> practically

> > everyday so the doctors can monitor my HG levels. They are


> > they can avoid surgery. The pregnancy is in my right fallopian

> > tube. It is just so much to digest. I really want closure but

> with

> > all the doctor's appointments and blood work, its hard to bring

> > closure. Pregnancy tests still show positive but I know I lost

> this

> > baby. Still experiencing spotting, bleeding and pains. Go to


> > doctor again on Friday. The worst part is I am getting married


> > Saturday. We were so excited about being able to start a family

> > right away. Also trying to do last minute wedding planning,

> greeting

> > out of town guests (who don't know about the pregnancy or what


> > happened) is real hard. I am trying to grieve but have a happy

> face

> > for the guests. Thanks for listening.

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Shari, I am so sorry to hear about your loss, and it

must be very difficult with a wedding in a few days.

I hope that your wedding, however, is a treasured time

for you and your husband to be.

It is normal to be having the blood work done, not

fun, but normal. For some people the hormone level

drops to zero in a few weeks, whereas some it takes

longer, so it is for your safety.

Please know that the women on this site are very kind

and caring individuals who are hear to answer

questions as best they can and to listen when one

needs to vent. Please take care. You are in my


--- Shari wrote:

> Hi, On July 12th I found out I was pregnant and was

> so excited.

> Then this past week I began to experience bleeding

> and sharp pains in

> my side. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found

> out that I had an

> ectopic pregnancy. Now I am devasted. The doctor

> gave me an

> injection to dissolve the pregnancy and I have blood

> work practically

> everyday so the doctors can monitor my HG levels.

> They are hoping

> they can avoid surgery. The pregnancy is in my

> right fallopian

> tube. It is just so much to digest. I really want

> closure but with

> all the doctor's appointments and blood work, its

> hard to bring

> closure. Pregnancy tests still show positive but I

> know I lost this

> baby. Still experiencing spotting, bleeding and

> pains. Go to the

> doctor again on Friday. The worst part is I am

> getting married on

> Saturday. We were so excited about being able to

> start a family

> right away. Also trying to do last minute wedding

> planning, greeting

> out of town guests (who don't know about the

> pregnancy or what has

> happened) is real hard. I am trying to grieve but

> have a happy face

> for the guests. Thanks for listening.




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Hi Shari!

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, and what awful timing for it,

too!!! I hope the metho shot works for you, and you don't have to

have surgery. I was one of the " lucky " ones, as I avoided the lap.

I had my ectopic in Apr. My husband and I had been going through

infertility treatments and diagnosis since Dec99. We finally became

pregnant, and it was so hard to accept when we found out it was


I am sure you will find the ladies here very supportive. I don't

think I could have made it through my ectopic without their support!


> Hi, On July 12th I found out I was pregnant and was so excited.

> Then this past week I began to experience bleeding and sharp pains


> my side. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out that I had


> ectopic pregnancy. Now I am devasted. The doctor gave me an

> injection to dissolve the pregnancy and I have blood work


> everyday so the doctors can monitor my HG levels. They are hoping

> they can avoid surgery. The pregnancy is in my right fallopian

> tube. It is just so much to digest. I really want closure but


> all the doctor's appointments and blood work, its hard to bring

> closure. Pregnancy tests still show positive but I know I lost


> baby. Still experiencing spotting, bleeding and pains. Go to the

> doctor again on Friday. The worst part is I am getting married on

> Saturday. We were so excited about being able to start a family

> right away. Also trying to do last minute wedding planning,


> out of town guests (who don't know about the pregnancy or what has

> happened) is real hard. I am trying to grieve but have a happy


> for the guests. Thanks for listening.

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Shari, I am so sorry to hear about all that you are going through, and the loss

of your baby. My boyfriend and I are planning a wedding too, ours is in Sept. We

lost our first baby due to ep on Dec. 7 2000 I still have my moments too, Our

baby would have been due sometime this next week, and my boyfriends sister is

due at the same time so it has been hard for me. I hope you have a wonderful

wedding day, and I look forward to chating with you. Hang in there.----Keri


> Hi, On July 12th I found out I was pregnant and was so excited.

> Then this past week I began to experience bleeding and sharp pains in

> my side. I went to the doctor on Tuesday and found out that I had an

> ectopic pregnancy. Now I am devasted. The doctor gave me an

> injection to dissolve the pregnancy and I have blood work practically

> everyday so the doctors can monitor my HG levels. They are hoping

> they can avoid surgery. The pregnancy is in my right fallopian

> tube. It is just so much to digest. I really want closure but with

> all the doctor's appointments and blood work, its hard to bring

> closure. Pregnancy tests still show positive but I know I lost this

> baby. Still experiencing spotting, bleeding and pains. Go to the

> doctor again on Friday. The worst part is I am getting married on

> Saturday. We were so excited about being able to start a family

> right away. Also trying to do last minute wedding planning, greeting

> out of town guests (who don't know about the pregnancy or what has

> happened) is real hard. I am trying to grieve but have a happy face

> for the guests. Thanks for listening.







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I know sweetie. I'm so sorry. One thing that helped me was knowing

that a lot of what I was feeling was the hormonal fluctuations and

that I wasn't truly as crazy and out of control as I felt.

As for your sister not understanding, some of mine didn't either.

One of them has never even acknowleged that it happened. I've chosen

to believe its because they just have no idea what to say. Honestly,

I think thats better than saying stupid crap like " maybe you weren't

meant to be a mother " or " how long are you going to drag this out " .

I don't even try to talk to people that don't understand. I come

here instead. This group is a godsend.

Let us know how things progress with you, ok?


> I know what you mean, everytime I go for the blood work they ask


> is your due date. If they just read the bottom of the lab form


> would see what is going on. I burst into tears too. Sometimes for

> no reason, like in the middle of walmart. Its an emotional roller

> coaster right now. So many emotions, grief, angry, loss,

> disappointment, you name it.

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My HG level is down to 3200 from 4500 so things are looking good

there. Appears the meth injection is working. I go to the lab again

today and the doctor again on Tuesday. At my appointment Friday I

learned something interesting. I am A- blood type, I always thought

I was A+. I know my husband to be is O+. The doctor gave me an

injection that they give to RH factor woman. I am still experiencing

pains in my side and some bleeding but the doctor said I will for

awhile. I learned also on Friday that my bridesmaid who has been

wonderful through this and helping with wedding planning, had an

ectopic pregnancy eight years ago. She had never told anyone except

her husband, not even her kids. It was nice she confided in me. I

am getting married in six hours and now trying to focus on that.

Everyone has been great here and I am glad I found this group.

> > I know what you mean, everytime I go for the blood work they ask

> when

> > is your due date. If they just read the bottom of the lab form

> they

> > would see what is going on. I burst into tears too. Sometimes


> > no reason, like in the middle of walmart. Its an emotional


> > coaster right now. So many emotions, grief, angry, loss,

> > disappointment, you name it.

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Shari, I hope you have a beautiful wedding.

--- Shari wrote:

> My HG level is down to 3200 from 4500 so things are

> looking good

> there. Appears the meth injection is working. I go

> to the lab again

> today and the doctor again on Tuesday. At my

> appointment Friday I

> learned something interesting. I am A- blood type,

> I always thought

> I was A+. I know my husband to be is O+. The

> doctor gave me an

> injection that they give to RH factor woman. I am

> still experiencing

> pains in my side and some bleeding but the doctor

> said I will for

> awhile. I learned also on Friday that my bridesmaid

> who has been

> wonderful through this and helping with wedding

> planning, had an

> ectopic pregnancy eight years ago. She had never

> told anyone except

> her husband, not even her kids. It was nice she

> confided in me. I

> am getting married in six hours and now trying to

> focus on that.

> Everyone has been great here and I am glad I found

> this group.



> > > I know what you mean, everytime I go for the

> blood work they ask

> > when

> > > is your due date. If they just read the bottom

> of the lab form

> > they

> > > would see what is going on. I burst into tears

> too. Sometimes

> for

> > > no reason, like in the middle of walmart. Its

> an emotional

> roller

> > > coaster right now. So many emotions, grief,

> angry, loss,

> > > disappointment, you name it.




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I know your wedding was beautiful!!! I haven't had a chance to welcome you,

but I want to say welcome now, and I know you have already discovered what a

wonderful support group you have found here. My EP was last July and I am

currently 21 weeks pg. I lost my baby and my right tube, and thought I would

never be able to TTC again. But I was after taking time to heal. Good luck

and keep in touch.


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Welcome to the group! I am soo sorry for your loss, and what a time for you

to be going through this. Was your wedding yesterday? If so,

congratulations and best wishes. I hope you were able to enjoy the momentous

day, and look at it like a new beginning for you and your DH. We will all do

our best to help you through the sadness and confusion that having an ep


Give a wedding update when you can!

Take care,


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Let me first start by saying I am so sorry for your loss. It is beyond words to

comprehend. I had my ep Dec. 00. It was our first time. Nothing can prepare

you for such a horrible loss. It all happens so fast, it is like a dream come

true, turned into a nightmare. I still think about my angel baby. (I should of

delivered this month) Everything you are feeling is totally normal. I thought I

would go crazy until I found this wonderful group and saw that there could be a

live after such a loss. I hope you will slowly find comfort here. It is a long

process but each day will get better, even though it doesn't seem like it right

now. I am sorry for all you are going through right now. Please know you can

post here whenever you want.


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It is really sad to say but if you haven't suffered a loss like we all

unfortunately have, people don't seem to understand how you feel. I know my

friends and family basically said sorry and that was it. Like I was suppose to

" just get over it and move on " If they only knew, you never forget. That is why

I feel so blessed to have found this group. They understood and helped me feel

better about the future.

Shari wrote: My HG level was 4500 at the last blood work.

I had another blood

work this morning and will have one again Saturday (the morning of my

wedding). Its hard and most people don't understand (my sister

arrived today for the wedding) and she has no comprehension of the

loss I have suffered. I don't even think she has said sorry or

offered support or sympathy but I have heard all about aches and

pains (her back for one thing).

> Hi there! I am so sorry you are going through this right now,

> especially right now...not that it is ever easy, but it makes it


> just that much more unfair to go through this while you are getting

> married. My heart just sank when I read that.


> I wasn't able to take Metho to treat my ectopic. I had to have

> surgery and ended with my left tube removed. I don't know which is

> worse, surgery or metho...I guess both have their pros and


> surgery, you are through being pregnant quickly, but you still have


> physical recovery period that reminds you constantly of what


> and with the metho you have the constant dr appts and bloodwork.


> biggest upside to metho though is, if it's successful you've done


> least amount of damage possible to your tube...which is great news

> for trying to conceive (ttc) in the future. Do you know what your

> HCG levels are right now? Pregnancy tests are going to keep


> up positive until your levels are at least under 100, probably even

> lower....so you may want to not torture yourself with them if

> possible.


> It must be extremely hard for you right now with all you have going

> on and trying to put on a happy face. I hope that there at least a

> few people who are there with you and can understand how difficult

> this is for you. And now that you've found us, if you ever need to

> talk we will be here (and unfortunately, we all know exactly what


> are going through right now). Take of yourself and try to your

> hardest to really enjoy your wedding day...hoepefully it will bring

> you temporary relief from the flood of emotions you are probably

> feeling right now. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}


> -AmyR

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My wedding was yesterday. It was nice and I was able to enjoy myself

despite the recent loss. The hardest part was people were asking

when we were going to start a family and that was difficult. The few

people who knew about the ep at the ceremony helped run interference

and change the conversation for me. My HG level is continuing to

fall so it looks like the meth injection is working.

> Shari,


> Welcome to the group! I am soo sorry for your loss, and what a

time for you

> to be going through this. Was your wedding yesterday? If so,

> congratulations and best wishes. I hope you were able to enjoy the


> day, and look at it like a new beginning for you and your DH. We

will all do

> our best to help you through the sadness and confusion that having

an ep

> entails...


> Give a wedding update when you can!


> Take care,

> Krista




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I am glad you had a chance to post before your wedding. (I hope you can forget

about all that has happened to you, for at least a couple of hours) and have an

absolutely beautiful wedding!! You deserve it!! That was so nice of your

bridesmaid to confine in you her, it is hard to truly understand unless you have

been through it yourself. I am gld the metho seems to be working. Sorry you had

to get that other shot. I hope all side effects disappear soon. I am glad you

found us. Take care.


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Shari, I am very happy to hear that your wedding was nice, I am sure you were a

beautiful bride!!! I know it has been an extremely hard to for you and alot has

been going on at once but I am glad you were able to have a nice wedding.

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