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Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 years

ago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!

There are lots of survivors here and it's a good




--- " freida e. " wrote:

> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had

> surgery


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Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 years

ago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!

There are lots of survivors here and it's a good




--- " freida e. " wrote:

> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had

> surgery


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Hi Lizzie, Welcome to our group. I look forward to getting to know a bit more about you. You can read my short bio to learn a bit about me. Please feel free to write anytime with questions or concerns. We are all here for you. Ann

Diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (Stage IIIB) at age 52 - 8/16/99 Treatment began 8/17/99 - 5 days after noticing symptoms 4 rounds Adriamyacin & Taxotere Bilateral mastectomies Taxol every 3 weeks for 4 months 36 rounds radiation 6 months weekly herceptin NED - and praying that each of you will be, too.

Happily married for 29 years

Two beautiful daughters (now grown - sort of)

Also have 4 adorable catsNow designing/sewing and Selling (God willing) chemo hats, check me out at: http://www.cjhats.com

OR, If you prefer eBay:


I also sell Comfort Pockets - for post surgical drains

Yahoo! Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping

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Hi Lizzie, Welcome to our group. I look forward to getting to know a bit more about you. You can read my short bio to learn a bit about me. Please feel free to write anytime with questions or concerns. We are all here for you. Ann

Diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (Stage IIIB) at age 52 - 8/16/99 Treatment began 8/17/99 - 5 days after noticing symptoms 4 rounds Adriamyacin & Taxotere Bilateral mastectomies Taxol every 3 weeks for 4 months 36 rounds radiation 6 months weekly herceptin NED - and praying that each of you will be, too.

Happily married for 29 years

Two beautiful daughters (now grown - sort of)

Also have 4 adorable catsNow designing/sewing and Selling (God willing) chemo hats, check me out at: http://www.cjhats.com

OR, If you prefer eBay:


I also sell Comfort Pockets - for post surgical drains

Yahoo! Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping

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Hi Lizzie, Welcome to our group. I look forward to getting to know a bit more about you. You can read my short bio to learn a bit about me. Please feel free to write anytime with questions or concerns. We are all here for you. Ann

Diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer (Stage IIIB) at age 52 - 8/16/99 Treatment began 8/17/99 - 5 days after noticing symptoms 4 rounds Adriamyacin & Taxotere Bilateral mastectomies Taxol every 3 weeks for 4 months 36 rounds radiation 6 months weekly herceptin NED - and praying that each of you will be, too.

Happily married for 29 years

Two beautiful daughters (now grown - sort of)

Also have 4 adorable catsNow designing/sewing and Selling (God willing) chemo hats, check me out at: http://www.cjhats.com

OR, If you prefer eBay:


I also sell Comfort Pockets - for post surgical drains

Yahoo! Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping

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I am an 18 year survivor with two mastectomies, mets to the lung and brain with chemo, radiation, a stem cell rescue and two brain surgeries. I am 50 years old and still here.Nan wrote: Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 yearsago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!There are lots of survivors here and it's a goodplace. hugs,Nan--- "freida e." wrote:> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had> surgery __________________________________________________

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I am an 18 year survivor with two mastectomies, mets to the lung and brain with chemo, radiation, a stem cell rescue and two brain surgeries. I am 50 years old and still here.Nan wrote: Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 yearsago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!There are lots of survivors here and it's a goodplace. hugs,Nan--- "freida e." wrote:> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had> surgery __________________________________________________

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I am an 18 year survivor with two mastectomies, mets to the lung and brain with chemo, radiation, a stem cell rescue and two brain surgeries. I am 50 years old and still here.Nan wrote: Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 yearsago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!There are lots of survivors here and it's a goodplace. hugs,Nan--- "freida e." wrote:> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had> surgery __________________________________________________

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Welcome ,

You are inspirational! Hope you are here for a long time. Welcome to the Group.


--- Malone wrote: Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:19:51 -0800 (PST)To: breastcancer2 Subject: Re: New member

I am an 18 year survivor with two mastectomies, mets to the lung and brain with chemo, radiation, a stem cell rescue and two brain surgeries. I am 50 years old and still here.Nan wrote: Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 yearsago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!There are lots of survivors here and it's a goodplace. hugs,Nan--- "freida e." wrote:> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had> surgery __________________________________________________

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Welcome ,

You are inspirational! Hope you are here for a long time. Welcome to the Group.


--- Malone wrote: Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:19:51 -0800 (PST)To: breastcancer2 Subject: Re: New member

I am an 18 year survivor with two mastectomies, mets to the lung and brain with chemo, radiation, a stem cell rescue and two brain surgeries. I am 50 years old and still here.Nan wrote: Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 yearsago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!There are lots of survivors here and it's a goodplace. hugs,Nan--- "freida e." wrote:> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had> surgery __________________________________________________

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Welcome ,

You are inspirational! Hope you are here for a long time. Welcome to the Group.


--- Malone wrote: Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 05:19:51 -0800 (PST)To: breastcancer2 Subject: Re: New member

I am an 18 year survivor with two mastectomies, mets to the lung and brain with chemo, radiation, a stem cell rescue and two brain surgeries. I am 50 years old and still here.Nan wrote: Welcome, Lizzie! I'm 59 and had a mastectomy 17 yearsago, followed by chemo and radiation. Still kickin!There are lots of survivors here and it's a goodplace. hugs,Nan--- "freida e." wrote:> Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had> surgery __________________________________________________

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Welcome to the group Lizzie there are alot of great women here.They will be here to answer your questions or just want to vent They have helped me out alot thru my cancer journey Eva"freida e." wrote: Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had surgery and I am getting ready to start chemo on wed.I had my pet put in and it hurts.I am glad I found a group to talk too. God Bless You All

Yahoo! Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping

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Welcome to the group Lizzie there are alot of great women here.They will be here to answer your questions or just want to vent They have helped me out alot thru my cancer journey Eva"freida e." wrote: Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had surgery and I am getting ready to start chemo on wed.I had my pet put in and it hurts.I am glad I found a group to talk too. God Bless You All

Yahoo! Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping

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Welcome to the group Lizzie there are alot of great women here.They will be here to answer your questions or just want to vent They have helped me out alot thru my cancer journey Eva"freida e." wrote: Hello my name is lizzie I am 56 yrs old and just had surgery and I am getting ready to start chemo on wed.I had my pet put in and it hurts.I am glad I found a group to talk too. God Bless You All

Yahoo! Shopping Find Great Deals on Holiday Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping

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Hi Frieda,

I am also stage 1 with a mastectomy and start my chemo tomorrow.

Good luck! I'm nervous, but I try to look at it as 1 down, 3 to go.

take care,

Frieda Vasco wrote on 12/13/2005, 1:24 PM:

Hi, I am

also stage I had a mastectomy I start my first round tomorrow, they

tell me I will get tried I don't know how much more tried I can get.(dr

visit, test,hospital stays) I

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  • 1 year later...

I found out about this group from another group I belong to and I'm

SO glad! The other group doesn't have a lot of activity.

Now some info about me - I'm a 53 yr. old female. I believe my

problems started in 1993 when I went through a traumatic break-up.I

lost my house and moved into my grandmothers home that had aboslutely

nothing in it. No appliances at all. No hot water tank, refrigerator,

stove, sink. You get the idea. I had to start from scratch. I went

through severe depression, avoided people, slept when I wasn't

working, gained weight, ate nothing but starchy foods and drank lots

of cola to give me energy to keep going. I lived like this for about

5 years. I felt I could handle this on my own. So much for being


My menstrual cycles were so intense that when I was having them I

couldn't function. I finally went to my gp and when she was doing my

yearly pap exam, I told her about the pain in my hip area. She sent

me to a specialist and it turns out I had endometriosis with a tumor

on my ovary. Surgery followed and everything was fine for about a

year. Back to the doctor and more surgery to remove more endo. So 2

surgeries in 2 years. All this time I was working swing shifts in a

factory. I wasn't allowed to have the recovery time I needed from

these surgeries.

Right after my surgeries, I lost my beloved dog of 18 years. I was

trying to build a new home. My boyfriend at the time was causing me a

lot of grief. Too much stress for me to handle. I sent him down the

road in 2001 and concentrated on my job and getting my home in

order. The job even got to be to stressful for me. I did go to my

gp, but she put me on Prozac. It helped for a while.

I was diagnosed Hypo about a year ago, only after I insisted that

my gp refer me to an endo. My gp was adamant that my TSH was normal,

it was 4.5. The endo I went to did the requied bloodwork panel, did

an ultrasound on my neck and pronounced me Hypo. I already knew that.

She prescribed 15mg of Armour, which I preferred. Then she waited 2

months, did more bloodwork and increased it to 30mg.

I did research and came across the Canary club and ordered the

Saliva test from them. After the results came back, I showed them to

my endo and she said that test was invalid, but she wouldn't order

tests for me. I was on 30 mg for 6 months because the endo thought

that was all I needed. I wasn't feeling any better. She also insisted

that it is dispensed in " mcg " not " mg " . The last time I saw here was

in June and I questioned her on this. She said she wasn't going to

increase my meds. I found another dr.

The new dr immediately upped my meds to 45mg. I was on that for 2

months and am now on 60mg (1 grain) of Armour. The new dr also has me

on BioHRT and an Adrenal Support Program. I've only been on the 60mg

for a week and I already feel better. I hope it stays that way.

I know this is long and I appreciate you reading this. I have

been reading some of the back posts and already have some questions.

There is so much knowledge here.


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Robin can you post your saliva results here? We CAN help you wiht them

and if you have adrenal issues as you may well have with your history,

you need ot be very careful increasing Armour untill they are treated.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



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You definitely need to be treating your adrenals. Your labs look similar to

mine except my night is normal and yours is still low. Your T3 is too low,

similar to mine. Your TSH high with low T3 tells me you may have conversion

issues. I am using Isocort for my HC (others use the cream or Cortef) and

adrenal glandulars from Dr. . Did you also get your DHEA tested?


Re: New member

Val and Cheri,

I remembered to bring my saliva test results with me tonight (I'm

working). The test was done in April 2007 and I was on 30mg of

Armour. Here's the list:

Morning Cortisol (5:15am) 6.6 range (ng/ml) 3.7-9.5

Noon Cortisol (11:45am) 1.1 1.2-3.0

Evening Cortisol (5:15pm) 0.9 0.6-1.9

Night Cortisol (10:00pm) 0.2 0.4-1.0

Free T4 (blood spot) 1.3 range (ng/dl) 0.7-2.5

Free T3 (blood spot) 2.1 (pg/ml) 2.5-6.5

TSH (blood spot) 3.9 (uU/ml) 0.5-3.0

TPO (blood spot) 79 (IU/ml) 0-150 (70-150 borderline)

Let me know what you think. Oh, can you explain to me about the

HC that people are using. I've never heard of it.

Thanks, Robin


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Thanks Val. I wouldn't start using something I wasn't familiar

with. I was just curious because I was reading that so many people

seem to be using it.


> >>Morning Cortisol (5:15am) 6.6 range (ng/ml) 3.7-9.5

> Noon Cortisol (11:45am) 1.1 1.2-3.0

> Evening Cortisol (5:15pm) 0.9 0.6-1.9

> Night Cortisol (10:00pm) 0.2 0.4-1.0<<


> HC is Hydrocortisone which is bioidentical Cortisol. I do nto

believe you need anything that strong. I would suspect wiht good

herbals, possibly licorice root and proper thyroid treatment your

adrneals can come back without going as far as HC.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/




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Yes I did have my DHEA tested, but I'm not sure what the results

mean. My result was 6.6 - with range of 2-23 (Age dependent). In

the report, it showed me as being in range.

I also had the Estrdiol and Progesterone tested. They were very

low, so I'm on Bio-identicals for them. I know that's working, I'm

starting to get hot flashes- LOL. I never had them before.

I wondered if I wasn't having a conversion problem, but I'm not

sure of how all that works.

I do plan on doing another saliva test in the spring. Hopefully,

things will be looking up by then.



> Robin,

> You definitely need to be treating your adrenals. Your labs look

similar to

> mine except my night is normal and yours is still low. Your T3 is

too low,

> similar to mine. Your TSH high with low T3 tells me you may have


> issues. I am using Isocort for my HC (others use the cream or

Cortef) and

> adrenal glandulars from Dr. . Did you also get your DHEA



> Cheri


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Your DHEA is on the low end of the scale so you might want to supplement,

especially if you are suffering from depression at all. I am taking 10 mg

twice per day and may up that to 10 more since my DHEA was so low it was far

below the scale. My depressions has gotten much better in the 10 days I have

been on it and Isocort. Cheri

Re: New member


Yes I did have my DHEA tested, but I'm not sure what the results

mean. My result was 6.6 - with range of 2-23 (Age dependent). In

the report, it showed me as being in range.


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  • 2 years later...


I am new to the group. My name is Sue. I was diagnosed with Hashimot's Thyroiditis in April of this year. I have tried Amour Thyroid, All the thyroid RX and I am allergic to all of them and ended up in the ER four times. I started the 's TS on Oct 30, 09. the first weeks my temp stayed 98.6 and I felt and slept 8 to 9 hours every night which was great but my blood pressure and heart rate was skyrocketing high 156/107 pulse usually ran around 84 to 90. So my doc added Cardio PX and I restarted the program. I have yet to get a temp of 98.6 again. I read on this group about Adrenals so I stopped the T-3 for 3 days and took my first T3 7.5 mcg yesterday along with the natural adrenal. I didn't get very much sleep last night so today I started with 2 T-3's and am hoping to get better soon. On the T-3's I get sleep and feel rested so I am hoping when the natural Adrenal gets out of my system I will at least feel better. Does anyone have any other ideas? As of right now I will continue the WTS and add a T-3 daily. You all have so much information and I am so thankful that I found this group.


Sue in OK

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I am new to the group. My name is Sue. I was diagnosed with Hashimot's Thyroiditis in April of this year. I have tried Amour Thyroid, All the thyroid RX and I am allergic to all of them and ended up in the ER four times. I started the 's TS on Oct 30, 09. the first weeks my temp stayed 98.6 and I felt and slept 8 to 9 hours every night which was great but my blood pressure and heart rate was skyrocketing high 156/107 pulse usually ran around 84 to 90. So my doc added Cardio PX and I restarted the program. I have yet to get a temp of 98.6 again. I read on this group about Adrenals so I stopped the T-3 for 3 days and took my first T3 7.5 mcg yesterday along with the natural adrenal. I didn't get very much sleep last night so today I started with 2 T-3's and am hoping to get better soon. On the T-3's I get sleep and feel rested so I am hoping when the natural Adrenal gets out of my system I will at least feel better. Does anyone have any other ideas? As of right now I will continue the WTS and add a T-3 daily. You all have so much information and I am so thankful that I found this group.


Sue in OK

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