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Pam, That is true. I am glad dh has been home with you too. When does he go back to work? I can't believe Belle is a week old!!! 29wks Its hard but we are doing it. Thank goodness my dh is home w/me. I don't know what I would do. Pammom to Belle 6 days old

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Pam, I am sure it will all work out in time. Right now, the most important thing making sure Belle is getting enough to eat.....I am keeping you all in my prayers. Re: Pam/ Stroller Information KimThanks for the info. I want to try breast feeding again. I think I am going to wait until I feel she is eating enough. We have been giving her the milk I pumped plus supplimenting formula. I think I am not producing enough because she wasn't eating enough before. Pammom to Belle 8 days old

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Pam, I am sure you will and I bet she will have gained some weight. Let us know. Good luck. I'll be thinking of you. Re: Pam Thanks !!I think I will feel much better when she gets weighed in at the dr on Mon morning.Pammom to Belle 8 days old

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I hope Belle eventually gets the hang of breast feeding, but even if she

doesn't she will still grow up healthy! Sorry to hear about the scare w/ her

temp. I know being a first time mom is hard enough, w/out feeling like you

did something wrong :(. We had a lot of ups and downs w/ Ross too. Hang in

there. Things will get better honey and Belle will be just fine.

Try to get enough rest. Don't forget, you had major surgery not too long


Take Care.


giguerepw@... wrote:

> Thanks Kendall


> I knew breast feeding was hard but never realized its really hard.

> Its starting to get better. We had the same thing when we tried the

> bottle to. I have been pumping and my dh has been hand feeding. Its

> taken a lot of the burden off of me. Now I at least know she is

> eating.


> Pam

> mom to Belle 6 days old



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Pam, I would be a little nervous too......Wow, you and Belle!(smile) I am sure you will be just fine though. You are doing a wonderful job so far and hopefully the feeding get better over the weekend too. {{{{{{HUG}}}}}} Steve does go back on Monday. I'm scared!! Pam

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Pam, Babies seem to get hiccups alot but I didn't realize it continues after they are born too. Thank is great to hear that your back ache was all gone after delivery. I have been trying to do some walking at night and it definitely is getting alittle more uncomfortable. Last week my lower back was really bothering me but not too bad this week. I have been going for massages, every 2-3 weeks, which has been nice. I guess they probably will not continue after the baby comes though. (sad face) The lady is really nice and she did say she doesn't usually do house calls but when I come home from the hospital and when I feel like it, she would come to the house as a gift..... As for the registry, so you could be really small and pg! lol!! Did you get the main things you needed for the nursery already. I am sure you are going to have a great time getting all the gifts. Does Belle get to come with you for her shower? (smile) If I could get rid of these leg cramps that walk me up in the middle of the night....ouch!! They wake me up and I have to try to get up and walk them out. The other night I had them in both legs, than for the next day or two my calves really hurt! (ok, enough whiney!! (smile)) How is Belle doing? Have you been able to get any sleep? How is it with dh working? Has your mom been over? 31wks today!! When I was pg w/Belle she got hiccups every day. Now that she is here she gets hiccups every day.I wanted to tell you that my back ache went completely away after she was born.Thats cool that our showers are on the same day. I am really excited because I really need some of my stuff now. I went in the other day to add things to my registry. On my way there I started feeling really stupid because I no longer look pg. I never really thought about it.Do you have any names picked out yet?Pam

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Pam, Good luck.....I hope you all have a good weekend! Re: We both must be on line at the same time. My dh and I so don't want to give her formula. Of course my dh will go along w/what I want if I can;t do it. I hate the smell of formula. Its gross. I am going to try really hard this weekend. Especially since my dh is home. We are so close. I just need more patience. Its so hard when you are tired.Pam

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Pam, I guess they feel so many that it is easier for them to tell what is what. I keep feeling in the area she said the head was but I don't seem to find it. I think she is right though because most of the movements are up high which she said the feet would be!! Yeah, I don't think the % of breech is that high...thank goodness!!! How are you making out with your dh being back to work? 32wks My ob told me they can tell the position of the baby because they feel for the head which is harder. Then they can feel the back. Of course they told me Belle was head down and I don't think she ever was. I guess they can only use their best guess. I'm sure they have a small % of breech.Pam

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Pam, I know, I am getting excited too. That is great that everyone you invited is able to come. Most everyone I invited it coming too (except for Don's family, bc they leave in NJ) The only other person who isn't coming is a friend of mine and she lives like 5 hrs away, so I didn't really expect her to come. I hope you have a great time!!!!! How is Belle doing? How is mommy doing? Bf getting any easier? We go for our bf class the 19th. Take care. We will have to share our shower stories on Monday. I am so excited for mine. Everyone is coming but one person. My dh's family lives 2 hours away and everyone that we invited from his family is coming.Pam

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Pam, I know, I am getting excited too. That is great that everyone you invited is able to come. Most everyone I invited it coming too (except for Don's family, bc they leave in NJ) The only other person who isn't coming is a friend of mine and she lives like 5 hrs away, so I didn't really expect her to come. I hope you have a great time!!!!! How is Belle doing? How is mommy doing? Bf getting any easier? We go for our bf class the 19th. Take care. We will have to share our shower stories on Monday. I am so excited for mine. Everyone is coming but one person. My dh's family lives 2 hours away and everyone that we invited from his family is coming.Pam

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Pam, I am usually the one around the house saying it is cold too but not anymore!! I don't think our electric bill has ever been so high!! The nursery sounds cute. I ordered the matching border from JCPennys but it is on back order, they said it would be shipped before or on Dec. 12th. We are going to paint the room yellow. Everyone at the shower said I am going to have a boy! I know I have said it before, but I really admire how you have tried to stink with the bfing too. I know it hasn't been easy for you. I most likely will go back to work after about 6wks and I am debating, I think I will try to do bfing and formula....I don't know, I guess since I am new at this I will have to see how things go. (so much to learn) (smile) I am glad Belle is doing so well though. I remember being so hot I couldn't wait to get into my car. The first thing I would do when I got to work was put on the a/c. When I got home I would turn on the a/c in our bedroom and stay in there. I used to be the type of person who was always cold. I think my body is getting back to normal now. I actually feel cold now. I hope you are able to get your babys room painted on Thanksgiving weekend. How is the furniture coming? I still want to put a border up in Belle's room. Her room is blue. The bedding and curtains are blue/white and yellow. I would like to do something more girly. I am only breastfeeding 3-4 times a day. Then she still seems hungry. So I have to give her some formula. From what I am told some babies catch on even at 7-8 weeks. So I will try for a little longer. I think you will really like your bf class. Even my dh liked it.Pam

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Pam, Well, the are "working" on the a/c...whatever that means...I called the people who we rent the building from and they said by noon today it should be fixed, well it is almost noon and no a/c!!! Yes, I am stressing out!!!! (smile) I hope you and Belle enjoy your outing. What I wouldn't give for it to be in the 60s right now! lol! It was/is very hard picking out names but I think we are sticking with those two. It must be really strange and neat to look at Belle now and those pics of the embies and know one was her!! That is neat. I have my u/s pics (2 of them) hanging on my refrig. I guess it is hard to really know if a dr leaves a practice like that, bc they all do cover for each other so you don't think anything of it. I might be wrong but I have a feeling something is up..... Have a great day! I hope your ac gets fixed soon. I can't even imagine not having it while pg. We had a dr leave the practice I go to at the end of my pg. I did not know until after Belle was born. We have 4 dr's and 3 mid-wifes. I guess there was a disagreement and one of the dr's left. I didn't realize because not all the dr were available when you set up your appt. The week after Belle was born we bumped into one of my neighbors and she told me.Isn't it hard picking out names when you think your child has to live with it for the rest of their lives. I was just saying to my dh last night that I can't believe looking at Belle that this was the little one growing in my tummy. We have the pics from the three embies they put back and to think one of them was he. Its supposed to be really nice here today. Like in the 60's. So we are hopefully going to try out our new stroller today.Pam

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wish hed died with the chip sorry to bush lovers out there but he hastn done

a thing for chargers liek u all xxxxxxxx


> Dear Pam-


> Thank you for the direction. A quick Google of vagus nerve brought me

> much

> (I think) applicable information - including when President Bush Sr

> fainted

> after choking on a pretzel in 2002! :o)


> Thank you again-


> Yuka


> RE: OT - help with my niece



> Yuka,

> I can't really offer much, but I am sure that Kim Lauger will be all over

> this--a vagus nerve reaction?

> good luck with this and hope your niece, overall, is ok

> pam







> http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2117043995


> Membership of this email support group does not constitute membership in

> the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation; for information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the newsletter),

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the web site at http://www.chargesyndrome.org


> 8th International

> CHARGE Syndrome Conference, July, 2007. Information will be available at

> www.chargesyndrome.org or by calling 1-.


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Guest guest

wish hed died with the chip sorry to bush lovers out there but he hastn done

a thing for chargers liek u all xxxxxxxx


> Dear Pam-


> Thank you for the direction. A quick Google of vagus nerve brought me

> much

> (I think) applicable information - including when President Bush Sr

> fainted

> after choking on a pretzel in 2002! :o)


> Thank you again-


> Yuka


> RE: OT - help with my niece



> Yuka,

> I can't really offer much, but I am sure that Kim Lauger will be all over

> this--a vagus nerve reaction?

> good luck with this and hope your niece, overall, is ok

> pam







> http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2117043995


> Membership of this email support group does not constitute membership in

> the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation; for information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the newsletter),

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the web site at http://www.chargesyndrome.org


> 8th International

> CHARGE Syndrome Conference, July, 2007. Information will be available at

> www.chargesyndrome.org or by calling 1-.


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Guest guest

wish hed died with the chip sorry to bush lovers out there but he hastn done

a thing for chargers liek u all xxxxxxxx


> Dear Pam-


> Thank you for the direction. A quick Google of vagus nerve brought me

> much

> (I think) applicable information - including when President Bush Sr

> fainted

> after choking on a pretzel in 2002! :o)


> Thank you again-


> Yuka


> RE: OT - help with my niece



> Yuka,

> I can't really offer much, but I am sure that Kim Lauger will be all over

> this--a vagus nerve reaction?

> good luck with this and hope your niece, overall, is ok

> pam







> http://www.imagestation.com/album/?id=2117043995


> Membership of this email support group does not constitute membership in

> the CHARGE Syndrome Foundation; for information about the CHARGE Syndrome

> Foundation or to become a member (and get the newsletter),

> please contact marion@... or visit

> the web site at http://www.chargesyndrome.org


> 8th International

> CHARGE Syndrome Conference, July, 2007. Information will be available at

> www.chargesyndrome.org or by calling 1-.


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