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Pam, If you can get your dh to paint your toes that would be great!! I think you should take a picture of that!!! Think he could do a good job? lol! It is kind of neat not having to carry things or do much!! You should definetly take advantage of being pg. When will you ever have the opportunity again. I am trying to convince my dh to paint my toe nails for me for my sisters wedding. Right now he keeps saying no. Its just impossible for me to reach.Pam32 weeks

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Just had to jump in and tell you that my husband always paints my toenails.

He does a much better job and doesn't mind. For all of you really pg people

that might be a real treat. Once he does it though I never will do them

myself again! Thought you would like to know that...

Amy H.

Twins 6wk,6d


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  • 3 weeks later...

Pam, I think I should take your advise and nip it in the bud too. I will definitely ask about some exercises. I need to go for some walks too. Dh says he will walk around our neighborhood with me but it is still so hot and humid here, even in the evenings, I am hoping it will "cool" off alittle. I will be thinking of you over the weekend and pray things get better for you. I am glad to here you will be starting PT Monday. Take care.

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Pam, Hey that is good to hear. I read that your dh has been doing massages for you too, that is good. Good luck tomorrow with the PT and with the interview....that will help out alot if you could get someone in to clean for you. Good idea!! As far as getting worried and questioning everything, I would think that is normal at your stage....I KNOW I will be freaking out and driving my dh absolutely crazy!! You and your baby will be fine though I am sure and I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. My back has been feeling better. (knock on wood) We are going to hire a cleaning lady until I have the baby. This will also take a lot off my shoulders. I am interviewing a woman tomorrow night. I can't wait until my dr appt on Friday. I am just totally paranoid that something is wrong. Pam35 weeks

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I sure hope that baby decided to stay put this weekend...it is still just a

bit early. Hopefully the PT will help your backache as well. It sounds

really painful. Hope you were able to rest some this weekend.



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Pam, Yes, it seems like from all the news reports alot is going on right close to home here. It is very scary to think that there are probably many more here in the States that are terrorist. I did go to work today but had a very hard time getting onto the airport, even though I work in the general aviation area, not by the main terminal and tower. Oh well, I think alot is going to change.......I just pray we will all be ok. Take care.{{{{{{HUG}}}}}} I hope you are feeling good.....well, as "good" as you can feel being 35 wks pg!!! (smile) I am really praying that you and Elle wil have a good d & l.

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Pam, I sure hope the baby comes soon for you...please take care, I am sorry you are so uncomfortable and having problems sleeping. I do hope you are able to go to the fair tomorrow night and that you are able to at least enjoy yourself a little. Take care.

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sounds like one I almost registered for. I’ll have to look at it again. It’s so

hard knowing what to get and the items are rather expensive. Plus, you’ve got

to think that you may have to use this thing another time or two if you have

more kids.


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Pam, just wanted to jump in here......I can't wait for the post!!!!!! (smile) Yeaaaah!!! WE are going to have another baby here!!! Re: AmyA*!!! Amy My dh said he would post for me. If he comes home while I am in the hospital I will have him post. Otherwise I will have him do it for me when we get home unless I can do it. I will try and let you guys know as soon as possible. Before you know it you will be 38 weeks. I think you will be able to have a VBAC. I just think you have over come so many obstacles.Pam

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OMG I am going to look at the site right now. How funny since and I were just talking about birth announcements and how it would be easier if we went ahead and pick some out and we could at least have them stamped and addressed. Thanks so much.


30 weeks 6 days

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Pam, I thought of you this morning, actually, while I was getting out of the shower......I just can't believe you are going to have a baby THIS Friday!! Hope you are doing ok mommy! 28wks Today!

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Pam, I don't think you will be getting much sleep from here on out...(smile) Wow, I can't believe this time tomorrow you will be getting ready to hold your little one in your arms. I wish you nothing but happiness. I pray all goes well and as painless as possible for you!! I can't wait to hear all about your delivery and meeting your little one. Re: Pam I can't believe it either. I got no sleep last night. Just when I need it most.Pam

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Pam, I sure hope Belle gets the hang of swallowing soon, for everyone's sake!! (smile) Funny how she got the sucking part put not the swallowing part, poor thing. Take care. Hi We went to the lactation specialist today. It was the best decission we ever made. Belle has been really cranky. It turns out she is not swallowing. She can latch on and suck but no swallow. I rented this mega pump. We just had to buy the attachments for it. You rent it by the day. She said that Belle is so close to figuring this out that we shouldn't need it for long. We also got this other contraption that after I pump you put the milk in it. My dh hooks it on his shirt. This little tube runs down. He tapes it on his finger and has her suck on it. Then she can practice suck and swallow. We try breast feeding first for 10 minutes if it doesn't seem like its working then Steve takes over. She was up screaming for 3 hours last night. We are both so exhausted. We ended up giving her some formula that came in a diaper bag from the hospital. I could hardly remember my name today. I was finally able to read all the posts. Hopefully I can start posting more soon.Pam

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Belle, It must be very hard for you and Steve to see Belle so upset, I really hope she does get the swallowing thing done fast. That is wonderful that Steve has been able to be home and help out so much, not only does it help you out a great deal, he is able to have lots of "bonding" time.(smile) Did the three of you get any sleep last night? How are you feeling? Are you still sore? Thanks. I am hoping to hear something today regarding the test. Yeah, I think I will definitely miss the kicking part the most...... Hope all are doing better.... I feel so bad for her. You should see her poor little face. At least we caught it before she got dehydrated.My dh has been such a huge help. I don't know how women can do it alone. Its definetly a 2 person job.I hope your test comes back normal. Its funny how the dr's always say let the lab know why you are there and they still take their time. Thats so cool about the foot. Pretty soon you will be able to feel it. I can't believe my pg is over. Although honestly I am glad. I do miss the kicking part. Pammom to Belle 5days old

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Pam, Thanks. I think we might stick with the boys name. It is really hard to pick out one but I bet it is neat to see on the birth cert. Yeah, knowing what you were having and a scheduled c-section, might take some of the "fun" out of it. Sometimes I will see something really cute for a boy or girl and for a sec might thing, I wish I could buy it but I really am ok with waiting...which is actually strange b/c I am not one for having patients!!! (smile) I am so happy for you. It is still hard to believe you are actaully home with Belle!! Re: less than a month to go and... I really like the name . is a name I would have picked. But dh's best friends son is . Its so weird when you actually get to use the name you picked out. I was really glad we decided not to find out what we are having. It was such an amazing feeling waiting to find out. Of course w/the c-section you are just laying there while the dr's do all the work. Another reason I am glad we waited is because once I found out that I needed a c-section I would know what we were having plus know what day the baby was going to be born.Pammom to Belle 5 days old

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Thanks Kendall

I knew breast feeding was hard but never realized its really hard.

Its starting to get better. We had the same thing when we tried the

bottle to. I have been pumping and my dh has been hand feeding. Its

taken a lot of the burden off of me. Now I at least know she is



mom to Belle 6 days old

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Pam, I am glad things are slowly getting better with the breastfeeding for you. Gee, I thought that it just came naturally for all babies but obviously, I don't know anything!! lol!! Re: Pam Thanks KendallI knew breast feeding was hard but never realized its really hard. Its starting to get better. We had the same thing when we tried the bottle to. I have been pumping and my dh has been hand feeding. Its taken a lot of the burden off of me. Now I at least know she is eating.Pammom to Belle 6 days old

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Pam, I am glad Belle is doing ok. That is great that she breastfed this morning....I guess she will slowly get the hang of it. At least you all were able to get some sleep, that is good. Good luck with the lac. specialist tomorrow. Vicki VickiWe ended up going to the dr today. She hadn't pooped in 24 hours. The dr said she is fine and as long she is peeing not to worry about it. She was able to breast feed this morning. She seemed frustrated this afternoon so I pumped instead. We got more sleep last night but still feel so tired. The days just fly by. I meet w/the lac consultant again tomorrow. I feel a lot better after going to the dr today.Pammom to Belle 6 days old

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