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Re: doc/nutritionists

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I beg to differ.

I am 6 weeks post op and my sister is 9 months out....both get our protein from

food, not supplements, and both have EXCELLENT labs, so far.

We are not stupid, however, if the need arises and we don't get enough from our

food, we will make the necessary changes. But point being it IS possible to get

your protein from food if you PAY ATTENTION to yourself!


Lap RNY 8/28/02

-32 Lbs!!!

Dr Fisher, Las Vegas


Theresa makes a great point. It frustrates me so badly when doc do this

surgery, and then tell patients to get their protein from their food, Eat 2-3

small meals a day. Honestly...... they would have to take in massive

quanities of protein to do that. It is impossible.

That is what gives this surgery any bad rap it gets. IT's not the surgery,

it;s the followup care that fails miserbly.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

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I have a friend that had the surgery done approx 7 months ago she has

lost all but 7 lbs of her goal she is shorter than i and weighed less

but she doesn't do protein she doesn't eat right, far and in between

takes her vitamins and she looks like ***t point blank and she saw the

doc he says on you look greak keep up the great work NO BLOOD has been

drawn since day one, i have talked with her and i have pleaded with her

i can't take blood from a turnip She has me worried for her life I can

just tell she is sick but do you think this dr would notice those signs

NO NO NO!!! LEt me do the surgery on him please oh please may I!~ :)

And the nutritionist of ours great personallity but crappy on nutrition

she doesn't have the first clue. Oh sure drink plenty of Juice.

OOOOOOOOOh one of the new surgerons told a gal friend sure you can drink

Diet Coke its fine for you!!!!!! I double 's



*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

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I know why those docs don't do blood work. They don't want to know. That is

just plain sick.

I have a friend who is 18 months out, recently had her TT, and she and her doc

are so darn proud that she is the " smallest " patient he has. She showed me the

incision for the TT and her hip bones stick out a good 2 inches each. She

looks like an ad for starving folks in some 3rd world country. Her hair has

almost all fallen out. He health is in the toilet. They blame that on the

fact she has hep C. Found that out AFTER surgery when they did post surgery

blood work. HELLO...... ARGH.

She gets maybe, on a really good day, 20 grams of protein. BUT...... she is

now getting protein in, (thank you you know who you are) and she is beginning to

get some color in her face and her hair has stopped falling, Isn't much at all

left though. I just wonder what type of long term damage she will have from

being so malnurished for long. It scares me.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

I have a friend that had the surgery done approx 7 months ago she has

lost all but 7 lbs of her goal she is shorter than i and weighed less

but she doesn't do protein she doesn't eat right, far and in between

takes her vitamins and she looks like ***t point blank and she saw the

doc he says on you look greak keep up the great work NO BLOOD has been

drawn since day one, i have talked with her and i have pleaded with her

i can't take blood from a turnip She has me worried for her life I can

just tell she is sick but do you think this dr would notice those signs

NO NO NO!!! LEt me do the surgery on him please oh please may I!~ :)

And the nutritionist of ours great personallity but crappy on nutrition

she doesn't have the first clue. Oh sure drink plenty of Juice.

OOOOOOOOOh one of the new surgerons told a gal friend sure you can drink

Diet Coke its fine for you!!!!!! I double 's



*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

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I Do not Think that we were implying that you, your sister or anyone

else is stupid. I believe we are talking about the dr's not

understanding how the surgery fully works. SOME not all SOME just go in

do the surgery and send you on your marry way. If getting your protein

and nutrition from food works, then that's wonderful But personally it

doesn't work for me even getting in 3 meals a day. I don't understand

how someone does get enough protein in eating 3 - 2 oz, 1 oz, 4 oz meals

but that doesn't make me stupid either. IF you do not understand about

nutrition then one doesn't know what to look for with in their levels.

Then one can't PAY ATTENTION to themselves. So what ever works for that



*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

Re: doc/nutritionists

I beg to differ.

I am 6 weeks post op and my sister is 9 months out....both get our

protein from food, not supplements, and both have EXCELLENT labs, so


We are not stupid, however, if the need arises and we don't get enough

from our food, we will make the necessary changes. But point being it

IS possible to get your protein from food if you PAY ATTENTION to



Lap RNY 8/28/02

-32 Lbs!!!

Dr Fisher, Las Vegas


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Glad that it is working for you. It does not work for many. You made the

excellent point that you have to keep an eye out, watch what you choose to eat

and therefore make changes in your choices.

What does your daily diet look like? Just curious. I have not been able to

find anything food wise, that would give me enough protein to meet my needs

every day, in the small quanities I eat. So please enlighten me. I need 90

grams of protein a day, prefferably 120 grams. That is what I need to feel the





Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

I beg to differ.

I am 6 weeks post op and my sister is 9 months out....both get our protein

from food, not supplements, and both have EXCELLENT labs, so far.

We are not stupid, however, if the need arises and we don't get enough from

our food, we will make the necessary changes. But point being it IS possible to

get your protein from food if you PAY ATTENTION to yourself!


Lap RNY 8/28/02

-32 Lbs!!!

Dr Fisher, Las Vegas


Theresa makes a great point. It frustrates me so badly when doc do this

surgery, and then tell patients to get their protein from their food, Eat 2-3

small meals a day. Honestly...... they would have to take in massive

quanities of protein to do that. It is impossible.

That is what gives this surgery any bad rap it gets. IT's not the surgery,

it;s the followup care that fails miserbly.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

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No one was implying that ANYONE was stupid. What was meant was we are INFORMED

and keeping close eyes on our health. If I wasn't interested in staying

healthy, I wouldn't have taken this particular step in the first place!

Perhaps the difference we're seeing is being new to this. I can assure you that

I won't blindly follow a doctor if I don't FEEL GREAT all the time! Never have,

never will.

One of the reasons I joined these groups was to become more informed on all the

new issues that effect my life. I thank you for your response.


Dr Fisher, Las Vegas

Re: doc/nutritionists

I beg to differ.

I am 6 weeks post op and my sister is 9 months out....both get our

protein from food, not supplements, and both have EXCELLENT labs, so


We are not stupid, however, if the need arises and we don't get enough

from our food, we will make the necessary changes. But point being it

IS possible to get your protein from food if you PAY ATTENTION to



Lap RNY 8/28/02

-32 Lbs!!!

Dr Fisher, Las Vegas


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I don't recall saying that I was going to wait for labs to drop before making


You know, I was really offended by both your and Theresa's responses at first

and was ready to fire back a caustic email.....but that would be non productive.

Thank you for your concern


Dr Fisher, Las Vegas

Re: doc/nutritionists

> I beg to differ. I am 6 weeks post op and my sister is 9 months

out....both get our protein from food, not supplements, and both have

EXCELLENT labs, so far. We are not stupid, however, if the need

arises and we don't get enough from our food, we will make the

necessary changes. But point being it IS possible to get your

protein from food if you PAY ATTENTION to yourself! ~Debra<<<

I am glad to see that you and your sister have excellent labs SO FAR.

But neither of you are very far post op. The concern that I see with

your philosophy of waiting for the labs to drop before you make

changes is that by that time, it may be very difficult to recoup. I

just keep thinking of B.'s story about how she was sure that

she was getting enough protein from food and got into serious trouble

medically (after several years) - and is still trying to recover. It

is my understanding that when your body does not have sufficient

protein, it begins using the protein from some muscles and organs to

compensate. That can be dangerous.

's situation is enough to convince me that it isn't worth the

risk to try to get all my protein through food when there is such an

easy way to get high quality, predigested protein that our body can

easily use to keep us healthy.


In Sunny Florida

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I must say yours was the most diplomatic reply I received and I thank you for


I know I'm not getting 90 grams per day, you're right you can't eating 9-12oz

per day, but I do eat proteins first, veggies, fruit later....I am confident in

my ability to listen to my body and at the first hint of something unusual will

be checking into extra protein.

Our surgeon believes we can get what we need from our food, I don't believe this

is always true either, in fact, that's why I'm here, to LEARN.



Theresa makes a great point. It frustrates me so badly when doc do this

surgery, and then tell patients to get their protein from their food, Eat 2-3

small meals a day. Honestly...... they would have to take in massive

quanities of protein to do that. It is impossible.

That is what gives this surgery any bad rap it gets. IT's not the

surgery, it;s the followup care that fails miserbly.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

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have any of you tried doing nuts for protein? I don't take protein shakes

either but i do snack on nuts and as far as my blood work my protein was just

a little low maybe those of you that don't take protein drinks or that do can

try them

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That's great you are feeling so well NOW just a short time period out from

surgery, and also your sister, just 9 months out, without doing protein


I felt really good too, for several years, and my labs kept dropping,

although still in the normal range, so didn't think I was doing badly.

However, within a matter of a month, they went from the " within normal range "

to crashing. I was off work for more than 3 months, am getting iron and

vitamins IV and learning really what it feels like to feel good again. My

doc said it was like someone with chronic pain syndrome. You just gradually

start to go down hill, and get used to the way you feel, and accept it as

" great " or " normal " .

I was 6 years out before I crashed, 99% of the time " getting my protein from

food " , but now I see a cardiologist to see if we can repair the heart damage

with medications, or at least try and get the rhythm back to a normal beat,

eat 4-7 times a day setting a timer to remember, drinking 5-7 protein shakes

a day, and although the first four months, I was getting iron IV three times

a week, now I am down to every other week, and this has been since


I'm not trying to imply that this WILL happen to you, but your chances of it

happening are very good. The place in our body that supplies the enzyme to

break the proteins from food into absorbable protein to be absorbed into our

muscles and tissues (and that includes the heart muscle) is lacking, or byp

assed, thus we MUST do protein supplements in order to live.

You made this very important choice to have surgery, please don't shut those

of us out, who understand our bodies' needs (at least NOW I do!), those who

have walked the walk and have been there, and lived with this surgery for

years (almost 7 for me now), and those of us who have also almost died

because of turning a deaf ear, and thinking we were " fine " .... truly we only

care about you, and support you, and really believe in the protein

supplements as a necessity for life. Doctors do the surgery, we do the

living. the choice is yours.


Distal RNY 12/95


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You guys just say this stuff to get my stress level up, right? I get my cardio

just reading these ightmare stories you're making up.


RE: doc/nutritionists

I have a friend that had the surgery done approx 7 months ago she has

lost all but 7 lbs of her goal she is shorter than i and weighed less

but she doesn't do protein she doesn't eat right, far and in between

takes her vitamins and she looks like ***t point blank and she saw the

doc he says on you look greak keep up the great work NO BLOOD has been

drawn since day one, i have talked with her and i have pleaded with her

i can't take blood from a turnip She has me worried for her life I can

just tell she is sick but do you think this dr would notice those signs

NO NO NO!!! LEt me do the surgery on him please oh please may I!~ :)

And the nutritionist of ours great personallity but crappy on nutrition

she doesn't have the first clue. Oh sure drink plenty of Juice.

OOOOOOOOOh one of the new surgerons told a gal friend sure you can drink

Diet Coke its fine for you!!!!!! I double 's



*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

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One person asked me , of the vites recommended, which did she HAVE to take. I

just cheerfully said, select the organs you don't need & I'll tell you which

pills to skip.

And I mean it.


Re: doc/nutritionists

I know why those docs don't do blood work. They don't want to know. That

is just plain sick.

I have a friend who is 18 months out, recently had her TT, and she and her doc

are so darn proud that she is the " smallest " patient he has. She showed me the

incision for the TT and her hip bones stick out a good 2 inches each. She

looks like an ad for starving folks in some 3rd world country. Her hair has

almost all fallen out. He health is in the toilet. They blame that on the

fact she has hep C. Found that out AFTER surgery when they did post surgery

blood work. HELLO...... ARGH.

She gets maybe, on a really good day, 20 grams of protein. BUT...... she

is now getting protein in, (thank you you know who you are) and she is beginning

to get some color in her face and her hair has stopped falling, Isn't much at

all left though. I just wonder what type of long term damage she will have

from being so malnurished for long. It scares me.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

I have a friend that had the surgery done approx 7 months ago she has

lost all but 7 lbs of her goal she is shorter than i and weighed less

but she doesn't do protein she doesn't eat right, far and in between

takes her vitamins and she looks like ***t point blank and she saw the

doc he says on you look greak keep up the great work NO BLOOD has been

drawn since day one, i have talked with her and i have pleaded with her

i can't take blood from a turnip She has me worried for her life I can

just tell she is sick but do you think this dr would notice those signs

NO NO NO!!! LEt me do the surgery on him please oh please may I!~ :)

And the nutritionist of ours great personallity but crappy on nutrition

she doesn't have the first clue. Oh sure drink plenty of Juice.

OOOOOOOOOh one of the new surgerons told a gal friend sure you can drink

Diet Coke its fine for you!!!!!! I double 's



*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

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In a message dated 10/12/2002 7:00:24 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

dalindass@... writes:

> don't take protein shakes

> either but i do snack on nuts and as far as my blood work my protein was

> just

> a little low maybe those of you that don't take protein drinks or that do

> can

> try them



I would really suggest you get on the protein shakes immediately. If you are

already showing low protein blood levels, that means your muscles are being

affected. ARe you flabbier than you usually were? How is your strength? The

nuts are a good source of protein for a snack, and for 10 g of protein, you

are probably absorbing 1-2 g. You cannot eat enough protein food to get your

levels back up. It took me since February to get my levels back up doing 150

grams of protein supplemets a day, and I'm finally ALMOST where I should be.


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My cardio gets going ever time I see her pale face, sunken eyes, anemic

body, and weak limbs. I wish it was just all make up stories... But

swear by the all might PS 100 Choc.~ :)


*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

Re: doc/nutritionists

You guys just say this stuff to get my stress level up, right? I get

my cardio just reading these ightmare stories you're making up. m

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By the time you " feel something " or your labs slip below the normal level it

will probably be way too late to correct it easily. Look at you pre-op labs and

your latest labs and have your sister do the same. Are your protein levels

lower than they were pre-op? If they're dropping, you need to start

supplementing NOW and not wait until they've dropped far enough to alarm your

doctor. Doctors generally only look to see that they're in the normal range.

That's not good enough for us because it's so difficult to get out of protein


Please. For your health and your sister's health, just look at your labs.

Looking won't hurt. Your surgeon knows how to cut - as all of our surgeons do -

they DON'T know nutrition though, which is why it's up to us to take charge of

our own health.


Terry Mayers



(877)-838-HOST /

.... because it shouldn't cost a fortune to make a fortune! ®


Theresa makes a great point. It frustrates me so badly when doc do

this surgery, and then tell patients to get their protein from their food, Eat

2-3 small meals a day. Honestly...... they would have to take in massive

quanities of protein to do that. It is impossible.

That is what gives this surgery any bad rap it gets. IT's not the

surgery, it;s the followup care that fails miserbly.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

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Dual noted Debra and that's why I'm still here to learn even being 15

months out its never to late to learn more and new things. :0)


*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

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THANK YOU for your kind words and warnings. I will check into everything you


My sister is Distal, I am Proximal....I'm sure that must make some differences

between us?

Re: doc/nutritionists


That's great you are feeling so well NOW just a short time period out from

surgery, and also your sister, just 9 months out, without doing protein


I felt really good too, for several years, and my labs kept dropping,

although still in the normal range, so didn't think I was doing badly.

However, within a matter of a month, they went from the " within normal range "

to crashing. I was off work for more than 3 months, am getting iron and

vitamins IV and learning really what it feels like to feel good again. My

doc said it was like someone with chronic pain syndrome. You just gradually

start to go down hill, and get used to the way you feel, and accept it as

" great " or " normal " .

I was 6 years out before I crashed, 99% of the time " getting my protein from

food " , but now I see a cardiologist to see if we can repair the heart damage

with medications, or at least try and get the rhythm back to a normal beat,

eat 4-7 times a day setting a timer to remember, drinking 5-7 protein shakes

a day, and although the first four months, I was getting iron IV three times

a week, now I am down to every other week, and this has been since


I'm not trying to imply that this WILL happen to you, but your chances of it

happening are very good. The place in our body that supplies the enzyme to

break the proteins from food into absorbable protein to be absorbed into our

muscles and tissues (and that includes the heart muscle) is lacking, or byp

assed, thus we MUST do protein supplements in order to live.

You made this very important choice to have surgery, please don't shut those

of us out, who understand our bodies' needs (at least NOW I do!), those who

have walked the walk and have been there, and lived with this surgery for

years (almost 7 for me now), and those of us who have also almost died

because of turning a deaf ear, and thinking we were " fine " .... truly we only

care about you, and support you, and really believe in the protein

supplements as a necessity for life. Doctors do the surgery, we do the

living. the choice is yours.


Distal RNY 12/95


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I meant no harm in what I said or what my intentions were. I was merely

stating my own feelings about the topic at hand. I was more directing

my comments to the Dr's not the individuals. I am sorry if you took

great advance to what I was stating. I believe that what works for one

may not work for the other I have always stood by that and always will.

As for me I will apolize again for offending anyone, everyone who knows

me knows that I never say anything to hurt anyone's feelings!!! And

with that for ME the topic is close.


*The most beautiful things in the world can not be

seen or even touched. They must be felt with the

heart. ~Helen Keller~

Re: doc/nutritionists


I don't recall saying that I was going to wait for labs to drop before

making changes.

You know, I was really offended by both your and Theresa's responses at

first and was ready to fire back a caustic email.....but that would be

non productive. Thank you for your concern


Dr Fisher, Las Vegas

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Alright, I'm going to check the labs.....am I looking for anything other than

the protein level?


Theresa makes a great point. It frustrates me so badly when doc do

this surgery, and then tell patients to get their protein from their food, Eat

2-3 small meals a day. Honestly...... they would have to take in massive

quanities of protein to do that. It is impossible.

That is what gives this surgery any bad rap it gets. IT's not the

surgery, it;s the followup care that fails miserbly.




Lap RNY 5-29-2002

FRIENDS are the siblings God forgot to give us

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I just sent the BV list again. Please note where nuts are on the list. There's

nothing wrong with nuts at all. But counting them as protein is kinda a

Loooooooong reach.

I consider them a " safe snack " . They have more calcium, actually, than

absorbable protein. Amazing, huh?


Re: doc/nutritionists

have any of you tried doing nuts for protein? I don't take protein shakes

either but i do snack on nuts and as far as my blood work my protein was just

a little low maybe those of you that don't take protein drinks or that do can

try them

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HOW distal? What I call Dangerously Distal, like & me? Or distal by

national standards?

Actually, I know you're feeing picked on a bit. Look at it this way. To these

girls who are seeing real live people get sick, you are like a toddler headed

into the street. What's happening is that you have 20 moms all running at you

at once to snatch you out of harm's way.

I think that's why you feel overwhelmed. For those of us who've seen the result

of incomplete nutritional plans, we all get tense when we see it headed that

way. If you know what I mean?


Re: doc/nutritionists


That's great you are feeling so well NOW just a short time period out from

surgery, and also your sister, just 9 months out, without doing protein


I felt really good too, for several years, and my labs kept dropping,

although still in the normal range, so didn't think I was doing badly.

However, within a matter of a month, they went from the " within normal

range "

to crashing. I was off work for more than 3 months, am getting iron and

vitamins IV and learning really what it feels like to feel good again. My

doc said it was like someone with chronic pain syndrome. You just gradually

start to go down hill, and get used to the way you feel, and accept it as

" great " or " normal " .

I was 6 years out before I crashed, 99% of the time " getting my protein from

food " , but now I see a cardiologist to see if we can repair the heart damage

with medications, or at least try and get the rhythm back to a normal beat,

eat 4-7 times a day setting a timer to remember, drinking 5-7 protein shakes

a day, and although the first four months, I was getting iron IV three times

a week, now I am down to every other week, and this has been since


I'm not trying to imply that this WILL happen to you, but your chances of it

happening are very good. The place in our body that supplies the enzyme to

break the proteins from food into absorbable protein to be absorbed into our

muscles and tissues (and that includes the heart muscle) is lacking, or byp

assed, thus we MUST do protein supplements in order to live.

You made this very important choice to have surgery, please don't shut those

of us out, who understand our bodies' needs (at least NOW I do!), those who

have walked the walk and have been there, and lived with this surgery for

years (almost 7 for me now), and those of us who have also almost died

because of turning a deaf ear, and thinking we were " fine " .... truly we only

care about you, and support you, and really believe in the protein

supplements as a necessity for life. Doctors do the surgery, we do the

living. the choice is yours.


Distal RNY 12/95


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karen i would like to try them can i get them from a local store instead of

ordering them through the mail. i really am getting scared i dont want to

have any other health problems i have three little ones that need their mommy

for them 24/7. i looked at wal-mart but wasnt sure the ones they had there

were any good. i know my doctor said i didnt need them but i dont want to

chance getting something wrong with my organs.

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> Sheri:


> I don't recall saying that I was going to wait for labs to drop

before making changes.


> You know, I was really offended by both your and Theresa's

responses at first and was ready to fire back a caustic email.....but

that would be non productive. Thank you for your concern


> ~Debra

> Dr Fisher, Las Vegas


Sorry you were offended. I did not intend to offend, only to share a

concern that I have about your perspective.

This journey we are on is like exploring new territory. While there

are many wonderous things to appreciate as we travel, there are also

many treacherous pitfalls. And as when any new territory is explored,

there aren't allot of accurate maps to guide us along the way. That's

why I choose to follow the advice and information provided by those

who have gone before me - they are willing to share what has worked

well, as well as the pitfalls they encountered and ways to avoid


I mentioned B.'s story and saw that she shared some of her

experience with you in a recent post. There are many others who have

had similar experiences, but 's is so recent and dramatic that

it really stands out in my mind. I feel I can learn so much from her

and the others who are many years out. My enthusiasm about learning

from them leads me to want to share their information with others

just starting the journey.

Certainly we each have to make our own decisions about the exact path

we will travel on our journey. I wish you only the best of luck and

health in your travels.


In Sunny Florida

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