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Re: Beginning Chelation question

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> Hi all,

> Just a question to clarify the recommended protocol for the first


> after amalgam-removal:

TK--- This is all covered in the links section regarding dosage and

timing, it would be a good bookmark for you to refer to.


> Do I start with 10 days on, 10 days off with DMSA for three months


> adding ALA? That's what I read in the book. Or can I start right

away on the

> 3-days on, 4-days off method using DMSA for three months?

TK--- The number of days on is not written in stone except that you

should do at least 3 days on and up to 10. Imo I would start with 3-

4 day rounds for a few rounds to see how you do and if doing ok then

consider longer rounds increasing gradually.


> Or is this optional?


> Please clarify...


> How did everyone else begin?


> ~Lynne




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Hi all,

Just a question to clarify the recommended protocol for the first round

after amalgam-removal:

---You are supposed to wait 4 days before you start your first round after

amalgam removal. Some wait longer. For various reasons, I didn't do my first

round until about a month after.-----Jackie t.

Do I start with 10 days on, 10 days off with DMSA for three months before

adding ALA? That's what I read in the book. Or can I start right away on the

3-days on, 4-days off method using DMSA for three months?

Or is this optional?

-------My understanding is that the number of days on a round is somewhat

optional. 3 days is considered to be the minimum you should do, but longer

rounds are better/fine if you can handle them. With longer rounds you have

fewer redistribution events per the number of days chelating. I.E.---If you

chelate continuously for 6 days and then stop, you will have one

" end-of-a-round " redistribution event. If you chelate for 3 days then stop, and

then do another 3 days and then stop, you will have two " end-of-the-round "

redistribution events per the same number of chelation days on the longer round.

That is the benefit of longer rounds.

The 3 on/4 off schedule works for people who want to chelate every weekend, and

many of the parents of autistic kids do this because it works for their

schedule. But the length of a round isn't set in stone, or there isn't no

magical number, just guidelines. The other rule to follow is that you are

supposed to have as many or more off days as on days, to give your body a rest.

So if you do a longer round, then take at least as many days off before you

start another round.

The part that ISN'T optional and is MOST important is taking the chelator often

enough to keep a fairly even level of it in your bloodstream. For DMSA that is

every 3-4 hours around the clock. This is the most important part of Andy's

protocol.--------Jackie T.

Please clarify...

How did everyone else begin?

-------Based on suggestions from people here, I was encouraged to start at a

very low dose, even lower than what is in Andy's book. So I started at the

lowest dose, 12.5mg of DMSA every 3-4 hours, and it has worked out fine for me.

I actually feel much better on a round, so I try to go as long as I can. I have

only done 4 rounds so far, lasting from 4 to 6 days. The interrupted sleep

starts to catch up with me, and usually something happens or comes up, that

helps me decide to end the round. I may try upping it to 25mg pretty soon,

since everything went well on these 4 rounds. I'll probably do one more round

at 12.5mg because I already have pills split up at this amount, and I may start

it today. I could use a pick-me-up!

It is possible that I could have started at 25mg, but I wanted to be very

cautious, because the last thing I wanted to do was to make myself worse by

going too fast. Too many personal things going on in my life and too many

people curiously watching me that I don't want to screw this up!----------Jackie



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Hi all,

Just a question to clarify the recommended protocol for the first round

after amalgam-removal:

---You are supposed to wait 4 days before you start your first round after

amalgam removal. Some wait longer. For various reasons, I didn't do my first

round until about a month after.-----Jackie t.

Do I start with 10 days on, 10 days off with DMSA for three months before

adding ALA? That's what I read in the book. Or can I start right away on the

3-days on, 4-days off method using DMSA for three months?

Or is this optional?

-------My understanding is that the number of days on a round is somewhat

optional. 3 days is considered to be the minimum you should do, but longer

rounds are better/fine if you can handle them. With longer rounds you have

fewer redistribution events per the number of days chelating. I.E.---If you

chelate continuously for 6 days and then stop, you will have one

" end-of-a-round " redistribution event. If you chelate for 3 days then stop, and

then do another 3 days and then stop, you will have two " end-of-the-round "

redistribution events per the same number of chelation days on the longer round.

That is the benefit of longer rounds.

The 3 on/4 off schedule works for people who want to chelate every weekend, and

many of the parents of autistic kids do this because it works for their

schedule. But the length of a round isn't set in stone, or there isn't no

magical number, just guidelines. The other rule to follow is that you are

supposed to have as many or more off days as on days, to give your body a rest.

So if you do a longer round, then take at least as many days off before you

start another round.

The part that ISN'T optional and is MOST important is taking the chelator often

enough to keep a fairly even level of it in your bloodstream. For DMSA that is

every 3-4 hours around the clock. This is the most important part of Andy's

protocol.--------Jackie T.

Please clarify...

How did everyone else begin?

-------Based on suggestions from people here, I was encouraged to start at a

very low dose, even lower than what is in Andy's book. So I started at the

lowest dose, 12.5mg of DMSA every 3-4 hours, and it has worked out fine for me.

I actually feel much better on a round, so I try to go as long as I can. I have

only done 4 rounds so far, lasting from 4 to 6 days. The interrupted sleep

starts to catch up with me, and usually something happens or comes up, that

helps me decide to end the round. I may try upping it to 25mg pretty soon,

since everything went well on these 4 rounds. I'll probably do one more round

at 12.5mg because I already have pills split up at this amount, and I may start

it today. I could use a pick-me-up!

It is possible that I could have started at 25mg, but I wanted to be very

cautious, because the last thing I wanted to do was to make myself worse by

going too fast. Too many personal things going on in my life and too many

people curiously watching me that I don't want to screw this up!----------Jackie



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