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Re: Thank you

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I know that everybody's situation is different, but I wonder if you might

be encouraged by some of our experiences.

I put my daughter on the Atkins Diet in February. We began weaning her

Dilantin shortly thereafter (due to info we read here). We had a lot of ups

and downs, but things are going very well for us. She is not totally

seizure free, but she is doing very well. A lot of her abilities which

appeared to be lost have returned. I look at her every so often and I am

thrilled because my child has returned. She has light in her eyes. She

enjoys life. And so on. We continue to have a little bit of an ongoing

speech problem (the speech is a little slow.) This is something that she

did not have before (in other words, it started since the diet). It seems

to be related to the seizures that she still has. The longer she goes

seizure free, the better the speech gets. If she has more seizures, the

speech gets slower. However, this is such a small price to pay for all of

the wonderful changes that have taken place these last few months. I would

like her speech to be better (and I believe it will be), but I would take

this slight inconvenience over the drug stupor that she was in (even though

it wasn't obvious to us at the time how much of a stupor it was, because we

were used to it).

I guess what I am trying to say is that there is hope! We are living proof

of people who can look at a child, and then look back at the video tape and

say " Wow, this is great! She is so much better than she was a year ago! "

(Actually for the past five years, for us. Hannah is 11 and started her

seizures at age 5) I hope that you will have the same results and even

better as you press on through this journey. Again, I realize everyone's

situation is different, but I hope hearing of one success will encourage



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  • 6 years later...

Thank you for sharing that.

I am really impressed with your courage to communicate your feelings

to your husband and seek counseling.

Reading everyones comments and posts have really helped me realize

how much of a caregiver and perfectionist I am. Despite my deep hurt

I still find myself denying these emotions so others won't feel hurt.

Goodluck with everything! I am super happy for you that you are doing

something for yourself.

- K


> I  want to say thank you to all of you who are so brave to post and

share about what we go through.... I have just really come to terms

with how much of a caregiver I am and how perfect I have been making

EVERYONE's life around me... and how angry it has made me.....

> I did real well following IE for a few weeks and felt comfortable

for a few days (yeah) then I gave (overeating for comfort)  it a try

and said " I can stop anytime " I over ate and found it DID transfer my

bottled up feelings to the physical (overstuffed digusting) pain I

caused myself--- OMG

> Then Saturday night I finished off ALOT of cookies and then decided

to fix it with too much oversteeped Laxative Tea.... How sick am I? I

said I would never go back and do that stuff... Never, I really

thought I had no reason to go back once I knew what it was.... And

while getting ready for church Sunday Morning, I told my husband I

needed to get help and face what I was going through... I told him

what I was doing, right infront of him (sweet clueless husband) and

continue to feel I would rather explode than share any negatvie

feelings to " ruin his day "   -- He is in school, he is in the middle

of changing careers, he has the tough life.... so here I am eating

myself into a dark depressed hole.

> I go tonight to start some kind of solution in counseling.

> Thank you all for letting me know - IT IS REAL, we are not crazy,

we just all learned this behavior and now I need to find my way out

of it....

> Marjorie


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Thank you both for posting about this! I've been doing a lot of

thinking (and talking) about this in the past year. Especially about

hiding our own emotions and issues so that we won't " bother " anyone

else, and all the while we're supporting them through all their stuff.

I truly believe that, as women, many of us are taught that it's

" natural " to be nurturing and supportive while not being a burden to

anyone else. On top of all that, we're " supposed " to look like cover

models. No wonder so many of us develop issues with food!

> >

> > I  want to say thank you to all of you who are so brave to post and

> share about what we go through.... I have just really come to terms

> with how much of a caregiver I am and how perfect I have been making

> EVERYONE's life around me... and how angry it has made me.....

> > I did real well following IE for a few weeks and felt comfortable

> for a few days (yeah) then I gave (overeating for comfort)  it a try

> and said " I can stop anytime " I over ate and found it DID transfer my

> bottled up feelings to the physical (overstuffed digusting) pain I

> caused myself--- OMG

> > Then Saturday night I finished off ALOT of cookies and then decided

> to fix it with too much oversteeped Laxative Tea.... How sick am I? I

> said I would never go back and do that stuff... Never, I really

> thought I had no reason to go back once I knew what it was.... And

> while getting ready for church Sunday Morning, I told my husband I

> needed to get help and face what I was going through... I told him

> what I was doing, right infront of him (sweet clueless husband) and

> continue to feel I would rather explode than share any negatvie

> feelings to " ruin his day "   -- He is in school, he is in the middle

> of changing careers, he has the tough life.... so here I am eating

> myself into a dark depressed hole.

> > I go tonight to start some kind of solution in counseling.

> > Thank you all for letting me know - IT IS REAL, we are not crazy,

> we just all learned this behavior and now I need to find my way out

> of it....

> > Marjorie

> >


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