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Hello and welcome Angie,

Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your son. How hard that

must have been and to now be worried about Kayliegh, that's an awful

lot for a mom. Thirteen months is still at an age where you can

recieve good correction, it may take a bit longer than the younger

babies, but I have seen many older babies look great after treatment.

My son (now 15) had a metopic suture that appeared to be

closed, but did not have the typical headshape of a severe case all

he had was a ridge that you could feel and by the time he was three

you would have never known anything was there and never had another

problem.Hopefully Kayliegh will do the same. Where are you going for

treatment? What specialist are you seeing? Maybe someone here has

used the same one and can share thier experiences. I'm so glad you

found this group too, it will be so helpful for you to have many

others going through the same things. Let us know how things go.


> Hi my name is Angie and I am new here. I just got the call


> that my 4th child Kayleigh whom is 13 months old has mild

> plagiocehaly. I was always concerned about a spot in the back of


> head that I actually thought was a closed suture. My first son


> had craniosynostosis, and had surgery when he was four months old.


> lost him during that surgery due to an allergic reaction to a blood

> transfusion. So I have always been obsessive about my childrens


> since then. I have repeatbly ask the doctor about this spot in

> Kayleighs head and he has always told me the sutures were open. So


> her last check up I ask him again and he said that we should see a

> neurosergeon just to be on the safe side. I was relieved and scared

> to death at the same time. We had to go for a ct scan last Tuesday

> and they had to put her to sleep. I just got the results back

> yesterday and they told me that all her sutures were open except


> metopic suture, but she then told me that that particular suture is

> the only one that begins to close in infancy so that may be normal

> for Kayleigh. I am scared to death, that wasn't even the spot that


> were concerned about. I have been doing research and looking at

> pictures of children with closed metopic sutures and I don't


> that Kayleigh is going to need surgery but I don't want to get my

> hopes up ya know. Her forhead looks great to me. So anyway I


> the ridge in the back of her head is what they are calling the mild

> plagiocephaly, I am really nervous about that as well because she


> already 13 months old. She has an appointment Tuesday with the

> specialist, I am hoping and praying we get some good news. Anyway I

> am sorry this is so long, I am glad to have found this support


> when I had my first son I didn't have the internet and I knew no


> that was going through the same things. Thanks for reading.

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Hello and welcome Angie,

Please accept my sympathy for the loss of your son. How hard that

must have been and to now be worried about Kayliegh, that's an awful

lot for a mom. Thirteen months is still at an age where you can

recieve good correction, it may take a bit longer than the younger

babies, but I have seen many older babies look great after treatment.

My son (now 15) had a metopic suture that appeared to be

closed, but did not have the typical headshape of a severe case all

he had was a ridge that you could feel and by the time he was three

you would have never known anything was there and never had another

problem.Hopefully Kayliegh will do the same. Where are you going for

treatment? What specialist are you seeing? Maybe someone here has

used the same one and can share thier experiences. I'm so glad you

found this group too, it will be so helpful for you to have many

others going through the same things. Let us know how things go.


> Hi my name is Angie and I am new here. I just got the call


> that my 4th child Kayleigh whom is 13 months old has mild

> plagiocehaly. I was always concerned about a spot in the back of


> head that I actually thought was a closed suture. My first son


> had craniosynostosis, and had surgery when he was four months old.


> lost him during that surgery due to an allergic reaction to a blood

> transfusion. So I have always been obsessive about my childrens


> since then. I have repeatbly ask the doctor about this spot in

> Kayleighs head and he has always told me the sutures were open. So


> her last check up I ask him again and he said that we should see a

> neurosergeon just to be on the safe side. I was relieved and scared

> to death at the same time. We had to go for a ct scan last Tuesday

> and they had to put her to sleep. I just got the results back

> yesterday and they told me that all her sutures were open except


> metopic suture, but she then told me that that particular suture is

> the only one that begins to close in infancy so that may be normal

> for Kayleigh. I am scared to death, that wasn't even the spot that


> were concerned about. I have been doing research and looking at

> pictures of children with closed metopic sutures and I don't


> that Kayleigh is going to need surgery but I don't want to get my

> hopes up ya know. Her forhead looks great to me. So anyway I


> the ridge in the back of her head is what they are calling the mild

> plagiocephaly, I am really nervous about that as well because she


> already 13 months old. She has an appointment Tuesday with the

> specialist, I am hoping and praying we get some good news. Anyway I

> am sorry this is so long, I am glad to have found this support


> when I had my first son I didn't have the internet and I knew no


> that was going through the same things. Thanks for reading.

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Hi Joyce

I don't know why you would be reacting to cooked foods other than yu

have made a change in your diet and it takes time for the body to

readjust to the change. It could be a coincidence that the sinus

infection occurred at the same time.

I urge you to follow this diet. I have had candida most of my life

also and also have MCS. Also I was vegetarian for about 12 years.

After following the diet 5 months I am now much better and have

healed back to the time when I had my first major MCS reaction. I

just keep getting better but it took a lot of feeling pretty bad

before I reached this point.

So read the files and try the diet it could be the answer you are

looking for. Perhaps someone else can address your question about the

cooked foods.

Take care


> To make this short, I am 50, female, and suffering from candida for

most of my life. I was on a raw diet for about 3 months, and felt

good except for the weakness. Went back on cooked food, mainly meat,

and came down with a sinus infection big time, requiring two rounds

of antibiotics! I am allergic to most foods: dairy, some fruits,

grains plus I have MCS. Would like to know why my body is reacting

like this to cooked foods.










> __________________________________________________


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hi sarah

i'm new too 34 years and not officially diagnosed as yet - so no med's (have to

have 1 more round of blood tests but 80% sure)

welcome, these are a great bunch of people


mel (from australia)

[ ] New here

I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is . I am 30 years

old and have been dx'd with RA for 2 1/2 years. I have been married 7

years come Monday with no kids. I am in the process of moving to

London, England. I am on MTX, enbrel, pred. and folic acid. I look

forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Welcome to the group. There's plenty of wonderful people here and tons

of great information. I'm sure that if you have questions, if you post - you

will usually find an answer.

All the best,

> I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is . I am 30 years

> old and have been dx'd with RA for 2 1/2 years. I have been married 7

> years come Monday with no kids. I am in the process of moving to

> London, England. I am on MTX, enbrel, pred. and folic acid. I look

> forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Hi ,

Welcome to the group! I am so glad your here, it is a great place to

be. May I ask where you live now? That would be cool to move to

London, I have been there many years ago. I look forward to getting

to know you,

Take care, Tawny

> I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is . I am 30 years

> old and have been dx'd with RA for 2 1/2 years. I have been married


> years come Monday with no kids. I am in the process of moving to

> London, England. I am on MTX, enbrel, pred. and folic acid. I look

> forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Hi Tawny, thank you for your welcome it seems like a wonderful

place. I am currently living in Ohio. Yes, it is very exciting to

get this oppurtunity to move there esp as it means I get to see more

of my family who still live there.

> > I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is . I am 30


> > old and have been dx'd with RA for 2 1/2 years. I have been


> 7

> > years come Monday with no kids. I am in the process of moving


> > London, England. I am on MTX, enbrel, pred. and folic acid. I


> > forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Welcome . I can't imagine moving out of the country. I had a

hard enough time moving out of state!

I hope the move goes smoothly. I've always wanted to go to England

since that is where my mom is from.

I'm also on enbrel and mtx and have had RA for 30 years. Nice to meet



On Sep 20, 2005, at 9:22 PM, wrote:

> I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is . I am 30 years

> old and have been dx'd with RA for 2 1/2 years. I have been married 7

> years come Monday with no kids. I am in the process of moving to

> London, England. I am on MTX, enbrel, pred. and folic acid. I look

> forward to getting to know everyone here.









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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Ivy -

Perhaps you were thinking of craniosynostosis? which is the premature fusion of the fontanels (which can also cause the misshapen head). If you do a search on that spelliing you are sure to find information.

I would tend to agree with you that the sooner, the better... can you get in sooner? or another opinion? It is standard to have x-rays for cranio first because often that requires surgery. I am sure if you posted pictures we could all take a look for you.


Mom to Collin - DOC Band Grad 9/03

Owner - Precious Bambino (The Plagio Shop)

www.preciousbambino.commama2kaylanalex <mama2kaylanalex@...> wrote:

Hi, my name is Ivy, i have a 4 1/2 month old daughter named Mikayla. She had her 4month checkup last week and her doc was very concerned with how flat her head was (and it is very very flat in the back). He said he thought it possibly could be cranial stenosis. However, he wants to wait until her 6 month appointment to get x-rays, to see ifit has straightened on its own. I seriously dont think it is going to. So of course i went home and did research on the internet like crazy and found that she doesnt seem to have cranial stenosis, butsomething else i had stumbled on which was plagiocephaly. I read stories of children who went through it, and thats where i found this message board, so i thought i would read some posts and look at pics of some kids, and i swear on some of them i feel like i am looking

at my own daughter. I am wondering if i post some pics if maybe some of youcan tell me whether i am overreacting or i have reason to be concerned about her waiting 2 more months.....I just think that the sooner wecan find out whats going on, the sooner we can get things going.

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Im sorry, yes that is what i was talking about, i just didnt spell it

right, im not the best speller sometimes lol. Yes i can probably get

her in sooner, at least i hope so, i just dont want to wait until it

gets even worse, cause its pretty bad already i think.

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Hi Ivy! Welcome to the group. I just wanted to say that I would

definatly push for x-rays sooner than 6 months. The head hits the

best growth spurt before/around 6 months of age, and if she did need

to be in a helmet/band, than that would be the ultimate time to have

her in one for fast correction! Although she would see improvements

if in a helmet later than that. My son was 8 months when he got his

DOCband, and he's still in it for just 2 more weeks, and he's had

great results!

Do post some pics of her so we can check her out, that would help!


Waydon 11 months

DOCband since 6/20--grad on 10/14

> Hi, my name is Ivy, i have a 4 1/2 month old daughter named Mikayla.

> She had her 4month checkup last week and her doc was very concerned

> with how flat her head was (and it is very very flat in the back).

> He

> said he thought it possibly could be cranial stenosis. However, he

> wants to wait until her 6 month appointment to get x-rays, to see if

> it

> has straightened on its own. I seriously dont think it is going to.

> So of course i went home and did research on the internet like crazy

> and found that she doesnt seem to have cranial stenosis, but

> something

> else i had stumbled on which was plagiocephaly. I read stories of

> children who went through it, and thats where i found this message

> board, so i thought i would read some posts and look at pics of some

> kids, and i swear on some of them i feel like i am looking at my own

> daughter. I am wondering if i post some pics if maybe some of you

> can

> tell me whether i am overreacting or i have reason to be concerned

> about her waiting 2 more months.....I just think that the sooner we

> can

> find out whats going on, the sooner we can get things going.

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Welcome. What your ped is concerned with is called craniosynostosis,

and it is where the sutures in the skull have fused together. This

can be a dangerous ailment that can result in surgery and should be

ruled out, as soon as possible. An x-ray or cat scan can tell. If it

is ruled out then what your baby has sounds like a bad case of

brachycephaly and it can be treated with helmet/band therapy. I

would contact the ped and tell them that you want an x-ray or scan

set up now because if the cranio is ruled out you are at the optimum

time for the best results from helmet/band therapy. Here is a website

that can help you understand things a bit better.



> Hi, my name is Ivy, i have a 4 1/2 month old daughter named


> She had her 4month checkup last week and her doc was very concerned

> with how flat her head was (and it is very very flat in the back).

> He

> said he thought it possibly could be cranial stenosis. However, he

> wants to wait until her 6 month appointment to get x-rays, to see if

> it

> has straightened on its own. I seriously dont think it is going


> So of course i went home and did research on the internet like


> and found that she doesnt seem to have cranial stenosis, but

> something

> else i had stumbled on which was plagiocephaly. I read stories of

> children who went through it, and thats where i found this message

> board, so i thought i would read some posts and look at pics of


> kids, and i swear on some of them i feel like i am looking at my


> daughter. I am wondering if i post some pics if maybe some of you

> can

> tell me whether i am overreacting or i have reason to be concerned

> about her waiting 2 more months.....I just think that the sooner we

> can

> find out whats going on, the sooner we can get things going.

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Hi Ivy,

Welcome to the group! The younger a baby is banded the better and

faster the correction. A baby doesn't get banded " over night " there

are steps that need to be taken. If you wait until she's 6 1/2 months

there's a good chance she won't get into a band until she' 7 1/2

months 8 months old. I'd request x-rays be done to rule out

craniosynostosis. Once that came back negative I'd ask for a script

for a band. Are you located near any Cranial Tech offices? They offer

free evaluations. Here is their web site:


Click on clinic locations.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

> Hi, my name is Ivy, i have a 4 1/2 month old daughter named


> She had her 4month checkup last week and her doc was very concerned

> with how flat her head was (and it is very very flat in the back).

> He

> said he thought it possibly could be cranial stenosis. However, he

> wants to wait until her 6 month appointment to get x-rays, to see if

> it

> has straightened on its own. I seriously dont think it is going


> So of course i went home and did research on the internet like


> and found that she doesnt seem to have cranial stenosis, but

> something

> else i had stumbled on which was plagiocephaly. I read stories of

> children who went through it, and thats where i found this message

> board, so i thought i would read some posts and look at pics of


> kids, and i swear on some of them i feel like i am looking at my


> daughter. I am wondering if i post some pics if maybe some of you

> can

> tell me whether i am overreacting or i have reason to be concerned

> about her waiting 2 more months.....I just think that the sooner we

> can

> find out whats going on, the sooner we can get things going.

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Hi Ivy,

Welcome to the group! The younger a baby is banded the better and

faster the correction. A baby doesn't get banded " over night " there

are steps that need to be taken. If you wait until she's 6 1/2 months

there's a good chance she won't get into a band until she' 7 1/2

months 8 months old. I'd request x-rays be done to rule out

craniosynostosis. Once that came back negative I'd ask for a script

for a band. Are you located near any Cranial Tech offices? They offer

free evaluations. Here is their web site:


Click on clinic locations.

Good luck and please keep us posted.

> Hi, my name is Ivy, i have a 4 1/2 month old daughter named


> She had her 4month checkup last week and her doc was very concerned

> with how flat her head was (and it is very very flat in the back).

> He

> said he thought it possibly could be cranial stenosis. However, he

> wants to wait until her 6 month appointment to get x-rays, to see if

> it

> has straightened on its own. I seriously dont think it is going


> So of course i went home and did research on the internet like


> and found that she doesnt seem to have cranial stenosis, but

> something

> else i had stumbled on which was plagiocephaly. I read stories of

> children who went through it, and thats where i found this message

> board, so i thought i would read some posts and look at pics of


> kids, and i swear on some of them i feel like i am looking at my


> daughter. I am wondering if i post some pics if maybe some of you

> can

> tell me whether i am overreacting or i have reason to be concerned

> about her waiting 2 more months.....I just think that the sooner we

> can

> find out whats going on, the sooner we can get things going.

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Welcome .

Sorry about your diagnosis, but glad you found us. This article is

full of info on the diagnosing of RA:


How was your RA diagnosed?


On Oct 4, 2005, at 9:56 AM, cindy_4798 wrote:

> Hello everyone, Im cindy, 44, single mother of an awsome 7 yr old girl

> and 3 cats. I have fm, and I think ra, have been dx with add and

> as of

> now the only med i am on is ritalin. I recently became aware of a

> close relative that was dx with ra, and I'm trying to find out what

> the

> protocol is for being dx with it. I was dx with fm over 10 years ago,

> but the last 2 I have seen a dramatic increase in pain and

> fatigue. It

> used to be primarily muscle type pain, but my ankle and knee joints

> have practically crippled me in the last 6 months. I also have bone

> pain in my shins which I am going to address at my next appt which is

> Friday.

> I have also suffered from depression most of my adult life, and now I

> am entering perimenopause to add fuel to the fire. (sigh) : (

> I had thyroid surgery in april, which turned out to be non-malignant

> lesion, thank goodness. I am un-employed, and have not been able so

> far to qualify for disability, but am going to keep trying.

> The last couple weeks, I have been in so much pain, to the point of

> tears. I must tell you I have a very high pain thresh hold after 10

> years of illness, but I am desperate to find something that will help.

> Any advice/info you can share would be helpful. Moral support is also

> needed. T








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Hi , My name is also and I am 36 with RA diagnosed when I was 14, so

I know what your going through. But it sounds to me like your rummy is not doing

his/her job if you are in that much pain. I'm not saying that I don't have pain

but it is miner compared to what I here out there. I have been seeing the same

rummy for about 18 years and he is awsome. My visits are once every 2 months and

thats just to have blood work pretty much and so far no probs.If by any chance

your in the LA, Ca. area you might want to look him up. Well hope to hear from

you again and welcome. Dots (Dr. Gelfand (562) 861-0954)

cindy_4798 <cindy_4798@...> wrote:Hello everyone, Im cindy, 44, single

mother of an awsome 7 yr old girl

and 3 cats. I have fm, and I think ra, have been dx with add and as of

now the only med i am on is ritalin. I recently became aware of a

close relative that was dx with ra, and I'm trying to find out what the

protocol is for being dx with it. I was dx with fm over 10 years ago,

but the last 2 I have seen a dramatic increase in pain and fatigue. It

used to be primarily muscle type pain, but my ankle and knee joints

have practically crippled me in the last 6 months. I also have bone

pain in my shins which I am going to address at my next appt which is


I have also suffered from depression most of my adult life, and now I

am entering perimenopause to add fuel to the fire. (sigh) : (

I had thyroid surgery in april, which turned out to be non-malignant

lesion, thank goodness. I am un-employed, and have not been able so

far to qualify for disability, but am going to keep trying.

The last couple weeks, I have been in so much pain, to the point of

tears. I must tell you I have a very high pain thresh hold after 10

years of illness, but I am desperate to find something that will help.

Any advice/info you can share would be helpful. Moral support is also

needed. T

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There is a term called " Sticky Sutures " which can make it difficult to

tell weather the sutures are truly closed or not, so the scan is the

best next step. Try not to worry too much until you have more concrete

evidence from the scan. Is the baby's head misshaped at all? There is a

website called Capps kids that will also be of help to you,

www.cappskids.org they deal with craniosynostosis as well as

plagiocephaly. Not all babies with closed or sticky sutures require

surgery, so try to relax until you are sure what to worry about. Please

let us know how the scan goes. I wish you the best of luck.


> Hi my name is Sara My Ds is 9months old and at 9month appt Dr thought

> Ds head was small and soft spots may be closed went for an xray and

> the xray came back with not real sure if soft spots are closed. So

> this friday we are going to get a Ct scan done. I am very nervus.

> Wondering what info you all can give me.


> thank you

> Sara and logan 12-27-04

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There is a term called " Sticky Sutures " which can make it difficult to

tell weather the sutures are truly closed or not, so the scan is the

best next step. Try not to worry too much until you have more concrete

evidence from the scan. Is the baby's head misshaped at all? There is a

website called Capps kids that will also be of help to you,

www.cappskids.org they deal with craniosynostosis as well as

plagiocephaly. Not all babies with closed or sticky sutures require

surgery, so try to relax until you are sure what to worry about. Please

let us know how the scan goes. I wish you the best of luck.


> Hi my name is Sara My Ds is 9months old and at 9month appt Dr thought

> Ds head was small and soft spots may be closed went for an xray and

> the xray came back with not real sure if soft spots are closed. So

> this friday we are going to get a Ct scan done. I am very nervus.

> Wondering what info you all can give me.


> thank you

> Sara and logan 12-27-04

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Hi Sara,

My dd had x-rays done and then had to have a ct-scan done as well.

Everything turned out ok, she just had plagio and not craniosynostosis.

I was terrified that she did though. Your son will be in my prayers.

Good luck w/the ct-scan please let us know how it goes and what the

results are.

> Hi my name is Sara My Ds is 9months old and at 9month appt Dr thought

> Ds head was small and soft spots may be closed went for an xray and

> the xray came back with not real sure if soft spots are closed. So

> this friday we are going to get a Ct scan done. I am very nervus.

> Wondering what info you all can give me.


> thank you

> Sara and logan 12-27-04

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Hi Sara,

My dd had x-rays done and then had to have a ct-scan done as well.

Everything turned out ok, she just had plagio and not craniosynostosis.

I was terrified that she did though. Your son will be in my prayers.

Good luck w/the ct-scan please let us know how it goes and what the

results are.

> Hi my name is Sara My Ds is 9months old and at 9month appt Dr thought

> Ds head was small and soft spots may be closed went for an xray and

> the xray came back with not real sure if soft spots are closed. So

> this friday we are going to get a Ct scan done. I am very nervus.

> Wondering what info you all can give me.


> thank you

> Sara and logan 12-27-04

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Hi Sara,

I see that Carol and have already replied to you. Welcome to the

group, we look forward to hearing from you.


Atlanta, GA

> Hi my name is Sara My Ds is 9months old and at 9month appt Dr


> Ds head was small and soft spots may be closed went for an xray and

> the xray came back with not real sure if soft spots are closed. So

> this friday we are going to get a Ct scan done. I am very nervus.

> Wondering what info you all can give me.


> thank you

> Sara and logan 12-27-04

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Hi Sara,

I see that Carol and have already replied to you. Welcome to the

group, we look forward to hearing from you.


Atlanta, GA

> Hi my name is Sara My Ds is 9months old and at 9month appt Dr


> Ds head was small and soft spots may be closed went for an xray and

> the xray came back with not real sure if soft spots are closed. So

> this friday we are going to get a Ct scan done. I am very nervus.

> Wondering what info you all can give me.


> thank you

> Sara and logan 12-27-04

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Hi Darlene! Welcome! I hope this group provides you with as much emotional

support and valuable information as it has me. Just having some place to vent

has helped me cope so much better. Blessings to you, laura

dorsch03 <dorsch03@...> wrote:Hi. My name is Darlene, I am 54, and I was

diagnosed with RA 16

months ago. I had had a lot of pain in my left wrist for about a

year. Mmy primary Dr. tried different meds. For a long time he

thought my porblem was tenditnitous (?), However, after trying

several pain releavers, nothing which I may add worked, he sent me

to see a Rhumetologist. When I called to make an apppointment, he

told me to have blood tests done before I went to him.Before I had

made the appointment, one finger on my right hand bent inward toward

my palm. This terrified me. I had no idea what had happened. There

was no warning. I had the tests and when I had my appointment with

him, he told me then that I had RA. I did not know much about RA.

My mother had arithritis,however. He immediately started me on

Prednisone for 2 weeks and then come back to him and we would talk

stratedgy. He said the Prednisone would work quickly, and it did.

He then put me on methotrexate. First 4 a week, then 6 a week, and

then 8 a week. This did not work as well as I had hoped. He then

added Arava. Before the Arava, I was having flare ups once a week.

After 1 month on the Arava, I have had no flare ups. I have been on

this combo for 5 months and it seems to be working for now. When I

was first diagnosed, we had just had 2 beautiful grandchildren in 4

months. I was totally unable to hold them, which greatly depressed

me. I still have to be careful, as I never know if my hands will

fail me. I know there is no cure, but I only hope to take care of

our family, we still have a 13 yo in the house, and enjoy the

grandchildren, there are 5. It has taken its toll on me though. I

get tired so quickly. I also have Thyroid problems, so I know that

doesn't help with being tired.Some days its just all I can do to get

to 9PM. My family tries, but they don't understand what I go

through daily. I am so blessed to have found this group. Thank you

for listening, didn't mean to go on so. It's so hard for me, I have

always been healthy and never had to rely on meds just to go on.

Again, thank you for being there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Congrats on your adoption. We also adopted from China last year. Our daughter will be finishing her third band today. She started her second band at 14 months and our OT thought she might be 1-2 months older. You are great parents to pursue this issue. I wish you much luck. Where is your daughter from? Ours is from Dianbai in the Guangdong province.



mom to Lilly Faye & Mike <chinadopt@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone, Wow... there really is a group for EVERYTHING! My name is Faye and I am mom to an amazing 14 month old little girl named Camille who we adopted from China this past summer. Camille came to us with a shaved head which is flat in the back on the right side. I wasn't too concerned about it and figured it wouldn't be noticable once her hair grew in. I have noticed over the past several weeks that her hair growth has made the flat spot more noticable and I even had a woman in the grocery store ask me what happened to her head. Through internet research, I found out about positional plagiocephaly, and I finally was able to get an appointment with a doctor at Children's hospital for a consultation. I am still new at this and learning a lot. Our appointment is not until November 23, which

seems like a long time from now. One of my major questions is, how old is too old for a child to be treated without surgery? We were told Camille was born in August 2004, but my pediactrician has her doubts and thinks Camille may actually be younger. Thanks in advance for your advice and expertise. Faye in NJ

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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Congrats on your adoption. We also adopted from China last year. Our daughter will be finishing her third band today. She started her second band at 14 months and our OT thought she might be 1-2 months older. You are great parents to pursue this issue. I wish you much luck. Where is your daughter from? Ours is from Dianbai in the Guangdong province.



mom to Lilly Faye & Mike <chinadopt@...> wrote:

Hi Everyone, Wow... there really is a group for EVERYTHING! My name is Faye and I am mom to an amazing 14 month old little girl named Camille who we adopted from China this past summer. Camille came to us with a shaved head which is flat in the back on the right side. I wasn't too concerned about it and figured it wouldn't be noticable once her hair grew in. I have noticed over the past several weeks that her hair growth has made the flat spot more noticable and I even had a woman in the grocery store ask me what happened to her head. Through internet research, I found out about positional plagiocephaly, and I finally was able to get an appointment with a doctor at Children's hospital for a consultation. I am still new at this and learning a lot. Our appointment is not until November 23, which

seems like a long time from now. One of my major questions is, how old is too old for a child to be treated without surgery? We were told Camille was born in August 2004, but my pediactrician has her doubts and thinks Camille may actually be younger. Thanks in advance for your advice and expertise. Faye in NJ

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

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