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Sore throat

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In a message dated 7/9/2007 6:53:04 PM Central Daylight Time,

carolynw4@... writes:

> For the past 6 months, I've been battling a sore throat, ear ache,

> and cough that comes on once a month and then goes away, repeat

I may be way off but just throwing it out there to be one consideration...I

get a sore throat and a cough with acid reflux. Do you have acid reflux? I

think when I have an ear ache it might be yeast.

Kristi in Alabama


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What kind of antivirals are you taking.... I would hot foot back

into my dr and ask the nit...to test you for strep and also a blood

test for strep titers.... Hubby had this issue and we had to get

them to culture the infection to see which antibiotic would be

effective against the infection....that could be the issue that there

was just enough left because the antibiotic was wrong that it just

came back.. are you using anything to help with your immune system.

We used a lot of C, epicore, olive leaf, good multiple and muti

mineral to help...have you done a hair test? So many things came

into play for him.

Hope you find some answers soon.


> Hi Everyone,


> I've been chelating for 2 years using TDDMPS every 4 hours with 3

> days on and 4 days off. I've been tolerating this well.


> For the past 6 months, I've been battling a sore throat, ear ache,

> and cough that comes on once a month and then goes away,

repeat ....

> A couple week ago, it was so bad that I went to the urgent care

> center. They did not test me for strep, but gave me 10 days of

> antibiotics for pharyngitis. I'm not a big fan of antibiotics, but

> after battling this for the past six months I was getting tired of

> trying to fight it w/out antibiotics. The antibiotics took my sore

> throat and ear ache away.


> July 3rd was the last day of antibiotics, and now about six days

> later my sore throat and ear ache are back. I do have tics, but


> tested for PANDAS as an adult my lab results did not show signs of

> PANDAS. I did notice a decrease in tics while on the antibiotics


> an increase now that I've been off.


> Any suggestions or comments?


> Carolyn


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I haven't tried GSE. Is that something that someone with a

sensitivity to grapes should stay way from?

As far as I know I'm not taking any antivirals. I'm using C, muti-

mineral/vitamin, zinc, and tons of other supplements. I have done a

hair test before I first began chelation two years ago.

I don't have acid reflux.

My throat's feeling better today, but I'm still going to go to my

doctor's appt. to check for strep. If strep isn't positive which I

don't think it will be since my throat is better today I'm going to

ask them why this keeps coming back. I don't know if it's related to

bacterial, viral, or allergies. I do work in a day-care and the

little ones are constantly sick so maybe it's just viral and some how

I need to boost my immune system. Any ideas on how to boost my

immune system? I'm taking several supplements already. What about

transfer factor? Can anybody explain what transfer factor is?


> >

> > Hi Everyone,

> >

> > I've been chelating for 2 years using TDDMPS every 4 hours with 3

> > days on and 4 days off. I've been tolerating this well.

> >

> > For the past 6 months, I've been battling a sore throat, ear ache,

> > and cough that comes on once a month and then goes away,

repeat ....

> > A couple week ago, it was so bad that I went to the urgent care

> > center. They did not test me for strep, but gave me 10 days of

> > antibiotics for pharyngitis. I'm not a big fan of antibiotics, but

> > after battling this for the past six months I was getting tired of

> > trying to fight it w/out antibiotics. The antibiotics took my sore

> > throat and ear ache away.

> >

> >




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As far as I know there is no relationship between a grapefruit and a

grape other than the grape part of the word. GSE is grapeFRUIT seed

extract, not grape seed extract. It's a common confusion. Even the

clerk at the health food store sent me to the grape seed extract first.

BTW - I forgot to say how much water - we use 10 drops in about 6 oz.


How we boost the immune system here:

completely cut out refined sugar and any products with added sugar (we

leave in natural sugar items like fruits and 100% fruit juice)

add garlic (usually do this by making a garlic butter and doing garlic

spread on bread then toasting) garlic should sit for a few minutes

after crushing for full potency

add vinegar (usually a teaspoonful in juice a couple times a day) This

is the one best thing we do at any sign of illness. It usually stops it

dead in its tracks.

We don't necessarily use supplements for immune boosting, but I'm sure

others can recommend them.


carolynw4 wrote:


> I haven't tried GSE. Is that something that someone with a

> sensitivity to grapes should stay way from?


> As far as I know I'm not taking any antivirals. I'm using C, muti-

> mineral/vitamin, zinc, and tons of other supplements. I have done a

> hair test before I first began chelation two years ago.


> I don't have acid reflux.


> My throat's feeling better today, but I'm still going to go to my

> doctor's appt. to check for strep. If strep isn't positive which I

> don't think it will be since my throat is better today I'm going to

> ask them why this keeps coming back. I don't know if it's related to

> bacterial, viral, or allergies. I do work in a day-care and the

> little ones are constantly sick so maybe it's just viral and some how

> I need to boost my immune system. Any ideas on how to boost my

> immune system? I'm taking several supplements already. What about

> transfer factor? Can anybody explain what transfer factor is?


> Carolyn



> >

> > Carolyn,

> >

> > Maybe an imbalance caused by the chelation that some supplements

> could

> > help?

> >

> > As far as sore throat relief and antibiotic replacement, we've been

> > using 10 drops GSE (grapefruit see extract - available at health

> food

> > stores) in warm water, gargle with it every couple hours til sore

> throat

> > is gone.


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> I haven't tried GSE. Is that something that someone with a

> sensitivity to grapes should stay way from?

GSE is grapefruit seed extract. If you have a problem with

grapefruit, you might have problems with GSE.

> As far as I know I'm not taking any antivirals. I'm using C, muti-

> mineral/vitamin, zinc, and tons of other supplements. I have done a

> hair test before I first began chelation two years ago.

I used vitamin C, lysine, OLE, and Virastop as anti-virals. So if you

are taking vitamin C, that is an anti-viral [as well as a lot of other

benefits]. An amino acid blend and/or straight lysine would also be

an anti-viral.

> I need to boost my immune system. Any ideas on how to boost my

> immune system? I'm taking several supplements already.

Increase your vitamin C and lysine.


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  • 2 years later...

Nice, filed it under colds, etc. Good going, .

Next time maybe try without vit-c just for controls? the electricty is supposed

to act as an anti-oxidant. with sore throats it also helps to do sinus, nasal

areas since the dripping down of toxins inflames the throat.



> Recently i managed to knock out an aggressive sore throat in one day - it

tried to come back a few weeks later and i repeated the treatment -once again

it disappeared tho in a shorter period of time.

> It had come on very quickly and i threw the book at it with everything in the

cupboard [sorry, no control study here] but the star of the show i believe was

Mr. Godzilla, which i placed on either side of the neck [sponges] for 10 or 15

min at a time, 3 or 4 times a day, reversing polarity once in awhile. Same for

nose/sinus. I might have also briefly done some cross-wrist but not much.

> Voila!

> I must tell you though that i rely on vit c and take massive amounts of the

powder whenever something is coming on. It does not always do the trick

completely, the older i get. Also runs up a bill at 100G a day, lol.

> Thass my story!


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Just a shout out to remind everyone to contact their representatives and

senators, let them know your feelings about a single-payer option. When is it

ever wrong to insure 50 million uninsured Americans

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Re: sore throat

Nice, filed it under colds, etc. Good going, .

Next time maybe try without vit-c just for controls? the electricty is supposed

to act as an anti-oxidant. with sore throats it also helps to do sinus, nasal

areas since the dripping down of toxins inflames the throat.



> Recently i managed to knock out an aggressive sore throat in one day - it

tried to come back a few weeks later and i repeated the treatment -once again

it disappeared tho in a shorter period of time.

> It had come on very quickly and i threw the book at it with everything in the

cupboard [sorry, no control study here] but the star of the show i believe was

Mr. Godzilla, which i placed on either side of the neck [sponges] for 10 or 15

min at a time, 3 or 4 times a day, reversing polarity once in awhile. Same for

nose/sinus. I might have also briefly done some cross-wrist but not much.

> Voila!

> I must tell you though that i rely on vit c and take massive amounts of the

powder whenever something is coming on. It does not always do the trick

completely, the older i get. Also runs up a bill at 100G a day, lol.

> Thass my story!


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> Hi Bee, I have been on the anticandida diet for quite a while now, so theres

not much doe off symptoms anymore but recently I have had to switch to an all

meat diet as I have EBV in my pancreas and have a severe intolerance to sugar

and all carbs, even the sugar in brocolli. I also have an auto immune reaction

to many foods, so I am eating only what my body can handle which is meat and



> I have started to get a sore, stabby feeling in my throat and ear which I am

certain is a bacterial thing and would like to know what I can to about it. I

will not be able to change my diet anytime soon and it is definately not die off

symptoms. Is this common on an all meat diet- does this encourage bacteria? Is

there anything I can do to stop this, the last thing I need is another


+++Hi Sylvia. You didn't mention eating fats, which are very important along

with proteins - the ratios must be 20% protein and 80% good fats (by calories),

and you also need the same supplements as on this program. After you confirm

whether you are consuming high enough fats and supplements, or not, I will be

able to respond to your questions.

All the best, Bee

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Hi Bee, I am consuming a fair amount of fats, not as much as you recommend but

around 500mls per week, added to cooking and taked cold. Int he form of

flaxseed, and organic extra vrgin olive oil etc. It has actually caused me to

gain alot of weight and I now have stretch marks, I put on weight so fast and I

wasnt that thin before.


It turns out that I actually have Strep throat infection which I have been

forced to take antibiotics for as it is a full blown infection and my immune

system cant win on its own. this was brought on by an all meat doet which I have

been on now for 3 weeks as I have developed such severe intolerance to sugar,

carbs and veg.

What do I do to alkalise? These intolerances arent going to go away any time

soon, how do I keep myself as healthy as possible? I am really scared. this diet

is acid forming and creates an environment for EBV. I have warts coming up on my

fingers because of this diet too.

Thanks Bee

xox Sylvia

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> Hi Bee, I am consuming a fair amount of fats, not as much as you recommend but

around 500mls per week, added to cooking and taked cold. Int he form of

flaxseed, and organic extra vrgin olive oil etc. It has actually caused me to

gain alot of weight and I now have stretch marks, I put on weight so fast and I

wasnt that thin before.

+++Hi Sylvia. Your should not be having any flaxseed oil, since your body has

to convert the fatty acids (omegas) in it to a form it can use, which many

candida sufferers are unable to do. Instead take cod liver oil so your body

doesn't have to convert the omega-3 in it.

+++You also should only use extra virgin olive oil unheated, and not cook with

it, since it gets damaged by heat.

+++You aren't consuming the good fats I recommend, which are unrefined coconut

oil, butter, lard, etc. Also taking 500 mls of fat is a hugh amount compared to

what I recommend, which would equal about 408 grams. You need to figure out

your ratios of protein to fat to carbs here and consume the amount of each

according to your height:


> It turns out that I actually have Strep throat infection which I have been

forced to take antibiotics for as it is a full blown infection and my immune

system cant win on its own. this was brought on by an all meat doet which I have

been on now for 3 weeks as I have developed such severe intolerance to sugar,

carbs and veg.

+++You are never forced to take antibiotics, and Nuture's antibiotics are not

poisonous to your body like drugs are, and there are many.

+++Why would you have an all meat diet?

> What do I do to alkalise? These intolerances arent going to go away any time

soon, how do I keep myself as healthy as possible? I am really scared. this diet

is acid forming and creates an environment for EBV. I have warts coming up on my

fingers because of this diet too.

+++The acidity/alkalinity theory is totally false - see these articles:


+++I cannot advise you since you are not on my program, and from what you are

doing and asking above it seems as if you haven't read the important articles,

which are:

1) How to Successfully Overcome Candida


2) Curing Candida, How to Get Started


There is no substitute for reading and learning my friend.

All the best, Bee

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  • 6 months later...
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HI DD.  I know when I get a sore throat I go to my PCP immediately.  I need to

get on antibiotics right away.  When I get a sore throat,  it goes into my

chest, hence, I get Bronchitis and U.R.I.  All this sets off Asthma and then I

am in trouble.  My PCP has told me the minute I feel anything coming on, come

in right away.  My throat has been my waterloo all my life.  I also get

Laryngitis all the time and lose my voice for a long time.


I hope you feel better soon.  I hate going to the drs. all the time, but with

RA it pays to go early. With your Remicade infusion soon, you probably should

get your throat checked out.


Wishing you better days ahead.  I sure hope your husband had a successful knee

replacement. He will feel so much better when he is healed, and will get a new

lease on life, and no more knee pain!


Take care.




From: dgd301@... <dgd301@...>

Subject: [ ] Sore Throat

Date: Saturday, May 1, 2010, 7:21 AM


My Remicade infusion is scheduled for next Wednesday and I've had a sore

throat for -- this is the third day. It woke me up several times last night

-- that's why I'm posting at 6:15 am on a Saturday morning.

I get frustrated when I don't know what to do. If I had a fever, I would

get to Urgent Care right away. But can't decide with just a sore throat. I've

tried to do some online research and only found one place where it said if

your sore throat lasts a long time.

I'm afraid the doctor at Urgent Care might not be an expert on Auto-Immune,

etc. He should be able to do something with my throat though.

My husband had his knee replaced and might come home today. I've spent

quite a bit of time around the hospital -- good place to pick up something.

In my research, I did find that young people taking my cocktail of drugs

sometimes get fatal skin cancer or something though. Good thing I'm old, I



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Barbara, I had a cold which turned into bronchitis with a side of asthma.  I

never had asthma in my life and qite frankly I was scared.  i went to the

doctor's early and was given a breathing treatment which did not help.  I was

also placed on antibiotics  a zpak.  Having had experience before, I told the PA

that I did not respond to a z pak so she doubled it.  I did not respond to that

so in a couple of days the antibiotic was changed.  I ended up on the

antibiotics, plus nebulizer treatments, plus prednisone taper plus inhalers.  If

I had not been persistent about going to the doctors when I did not indtantly

get better, who knows what would have happened.  The moral? Be early and

persistant about getting help.

From: Barbara Creedon <bcreedon@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Sore Throat

Date: Saturday, May 1, 2010, 8:23 AM


HI DD.  I know when I get a sore throat I go to my PCP immediately.  I need to

get on antibiotics right away.  When I get a sore throat,  it goes into my

chest, hence, I get Bronchitis and U.R.I.  All this sets off Asthma and then I

am in trouble.  My PCP has told me the minute I feel anything coming on, come in

right away.  My throat has been my waterloo all my life.  I also get Laryngitis

all the time and lose my voice for a long time.


I hope you feel better soon.  I hate going to the drs. all the time, but with RA

it pays to go early. With your Remicade infusion soon, you probably should get

your throat checked out.


Wishing you better days ahead.  I sure hope your husband had a successful knee

replacement. He will feel so much better when he is healed, and will get a new

lease on life, and no more knee pain!


Take care.




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Thanks for the input. I did go to Urgent Care this morning. They did a ten

minute strep test and because it was negative, they will do the 24 hour

one. She also checked for thrush. The Urgent Care doc said I can probably have

my infusion on Wednesday. I don't always trust all doctors to understand


I did stop Imuran yesterday. And it feels a little better today. If it

continues to get better or stays the same, I will go to my appt for my infusion

and let them make the final decision.


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, that is exactly what happened to me, and it still continues each time I

get sick.  I was very sick back to back for quite a few years before I got

diagnosed with RA.  The RA had not reared its ugly head yet.  The Z pack

doesn't help much wilth all that.  I have been taking Levoquin this last 1 

1/2 years and it works so good for me.  RA complicates us so much.  A

weakened immune system does us in each time we get sick.  I am 70 and got

asthma about 7 years ago.  I do the same routine like you each time I get U.R.I

and Bronchitis.  I never had that before either.  It is very scarey to have

all that happen to us, plus not breathing good.  I get that Asthma cough bad

and it really raises hell with my throat.  All that has caused me to have

throat Polups which can be a problem at times.  You are so like me.  I have to

get to the Dr. the minute I feel sick.  If I don't, I get very sick very fast

and end up going anyway.  I too have a


The dr. also puts me on large doses of Pred. for 2 or 3 weeks.  As I get

better, I do decrease them as I improve.  At least with the Nebulizer you don't

have to go to the E.R.    It is a vicious cycle for sure.  For many, many

years, I only took 2 RX. meds., a fluid pill and a Thyroid pill.  Now I am in

the major league with meds.  I hate to have to give a list of my meds.


I hope you are feeling better.  It just takes so long for all those things to

finally go away.  In the meantime, we are down for the count.  What a life we



Take care and rest as much as you can.  It does help us get better sooner.





From: Barbara Creedon <bcreedon (DOT) com>

Subject: Re: [ ] Sore Throat

@gro ups.com

Date: Saturday, May 1, 2010, 8:23 AM


HI DD.  I know when I get a sore throat I go to my PCP immediately.  I need to

get on antibiotics right away.  When I get a sore throat,  it goes into my

chest, hence, I get Bronchitis and U.R.I.  All this sets off Asthma and then I

am in trouble.  My PCP has told me the minute I feel anything coming on, come

in right away.  My throat has been my waterloo all my life.  I also get

Laryngitis all the time and lose my voice for a long time.


I hope you feel better soon.  I hate going to the drs. all the time, but with

RA it pays to go early. With your Remicade infusion soon, you probably should

get your throat checked out.


Wishing you better days ahead.  I sure hope your husband had a successful knee

replacement. He will feel so much better when he is healed, and will get a new

lease on life, and no more knee pain!


Take care.




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Hi Dale.  I hope you feel better soon, and can get your infusion.  That is

what happens to me all the time.  One virus and boom, right to my lungs.  Our

immune system is on overload all the time, no wonder we get hit so hard with



Take care, and let me know how you are feeling.  I care.





From: Dale Ellen Ulrich <deulrich@...>

Subject: [ ] Sore throat

Date: Sunday, May 2, 2010, 11:32 AM


I am on Remicade and MTX.  I recently flew to visit grandchildren and yes, I

got the baby's virus.  As soon as I got home, I saw my PCP and was put on

Avelox due to it going directly into my chest.  I am due for Remicade

tomorrow.  No fever or sore throat now, however, I have a significant

productive cough.  I will post tomorrow if they refuse to infuse me based on

the chest congestion.

Dale Ellen

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Saga continues. Yesterday it felt like my sore throat had moved down

farther -- like a bad heartburn. I woke up early this morning dreaming that I

was in a hot car and that I couldn't breathe. When I fully woke up, I realized

that my lungs feel " heavy. " I put a wedge in my bed because it felt like I

could breathe better when not laying flat. I call my primary care doc,

but can't get in until tomorrow.

Infusion is scheduled for Wednesday.


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Hi DD.  I was sorry to read that you are still feeling crappy.  I am glad you

will see your Dr. tomorrow.  That is how sick I get too, then it turns into

asthma and Bronchitis.  When I have asthma, I can't lie flat either.  The

minute my shoulders go down, the asthma cough starts and will not stop.  It

always feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest.  My Bronchial tubes swell

and then I am in trouble.  I have acid reflux too, and that has caused a lot of

my throat issues.  It did cause heartburn and me to have laryngitis.  I take 2

Prilosecs a day and it has fixed that problem.  I hate when my throat feels

like it is on fire.  I hope the Dr. can give you a RX to fix your current

issues.  I sure hope you will begin to feel better soon.  If you have an

infection etc., I doubt you can have your Infusion this week.


Don't get discouraged.  So many things have happened to me since getting this

ugly beast of a disease.  I just try to deal with each thing as best as I

can.  When I have troubling thoughts fly in my head, I try to thing of better

things etc. It is not easy to do, but I do it.  I am grateful to be alive, and

each day I wake up is a real gift.  I too get tired of all this pain and

suffering.  It does wear us down.  I just try to do the best I can with what I

have to work with.  I so want to rule my own life, and not have RA rule me. It

is a daily struggle.  I know when you start to feel better, you will do

better.  I try to fill my time with things I like and can do.  I read a lot,

and right now I am working on a needlepoint of a Mermaid.  When my hands are

good, I work on her.  If they are bad, I read.  I also love t.v. and movies. 

I do folk art painting, but have not painted in awhile.  I can only sit for

short periods of time as I get

so stiff and am afraid of falling.  I used to paint all day, now maybe an hour

or so.  Do you have any hobbies that you enjoy?  I love working with my

hands.  Find whatever you love to do, and it will make you happy.


I hope you are able to rest today.  I hope you feel better soon.  I am doing

so much better with the increase of my Pred.  My feet don't hurt and I am

grateful for that!!!  I love my Pride chair and I keep my feet elevated all the

time.  Plus the lift makes it so easy to get off my chair.  It is a good



Know that I am thinking of you, and pray you will be well soon.  Wishing you

many pain free days ahead.





From: dgd301@... <dgd301@...>

Subject: Re: [ ] Sore throat

Date: Monday, May 3, 2010, 9:52 AM


Saga continues. Yesterday it felt like my sore throat had moved down

farther -- like a bad heartburn. I woke up early this morning dreaming that I

was in a hot car and that I couldn't breathe. When I fully woke up, I realized

that my lungs feel " heavy. " I put a wedge in my bed because it felt like I

could breathe better when not laying flat. I call my primary care doc,

but can't get in until tomorrow.

Infusion is scheduled for Wednesday.


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This is the update.  I was able to get the Remicade infusion today.  I think

they look for fever, etc.  No side effects except for feeling a bit run down. 

But that could be life style associated!  I am fortunate that I am able to work

40 plus hours a week as a nurse manager.  I pray everyone is able to find a way

to manage the terrible symptoms of RA.  I have had ups and downs just like

everyone else, but really count my blessings when the symptoms are manageable!

Best to all,

Dale Ellen

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  • 11 months later...
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read our files, please (menu/files/all results...)




> Any indication that microelectricity should or should not be used on a sore



> Anybody here have any experience, either good or bad with doing this?


> Thanks


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