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Sore throat

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Have you tried making ginger tea. Get a piece of fresh ginger, cut it off

in slivers and boil in about a quart of water. When its come to a boil,

let it cool for about 5- 10 minutes then pour some in a cup and sip.. Honey

can be added if you need it.

Hope that helps


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  • 4 months later...



> I feel a sore throat coming on,any suggestions?

==>A sore throat can be a healing symptom, but do ensure you are not

eating sugars or high carbs, and take lots of vitamin C - 4,000 mgs.

now and 1,000 mgs. every hour while awake for a couple of days. If

your body is getting too much you will get loose stools, so just cut

back 250 mgs. every hour.

==>Also increase your cod liver oil (doubled at least) for a couple of

days. Extra B complex also helps. Take zinc 50 mgs. for 2-3 days too,

but don't take it daily.

==>Also you can do any of the detoxing helps, i.e. lemon juice and sea

salt drink, epsom salt baths, clove tea, dry skin brushing and enema.


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Since Humira is a TNF inhibiter, I would imagine that your doctor had

you get both, a flu shot and immunized for the various and many

pneumonia bugs. I have been on Enbrel for 4 months and I have had the

same worries about sore throats etc.. I have found that I have not yet

been truly sick, and I work with 800 runny-nosed and coughing

teenagers in a public high school. I think that the increased

rest/sleep and the reduced pain that I now experience makes me

stronger despite my taking an anti-auto-immune medication... Hope your

throat gets better. Brent

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> Hello everyone,


> I just started humira last week and I already have a sore throat.


I developed a chronic sore throat and low grade fever on the higher

dose of enbrel. The docs never figured out or agreed whether it was a

virus, a post viral syndrome, or a direct side affect from the

enbrel.It got better when I dropped the dose of the enbrel. Hope your

sore throat goes away and you are able to benefit from the humira.

take care,


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  • 1 month later...


I have noticed that my family members who don't have Lyme have been

very sick this year. We live in New York and I think it is because

of the very warm weather that we have been having. I think the warm

weather has allowed many virus and bacteria to thrive that would

normally be killed by the cold. Almost everyone I have talked to

has had bouts of sickness that just won't end this year. In my

office everyone has been complaining of a mild flu that just won't

go away.

Be well,


> I've had a sore throat since December 20 (I keep track of my


> in an Outlook calendar). Sometimes it's slight, sometimes it's


> It never gets to the level of " shards of glass. " My glands never


> swollen. It started about 10 days after my last Herx.


> My theory is that I've been on abx for so long that they've killed


> whatever good bacteria lived in my throat and now a virus has

taken up

> residence there.


> I take probiotics and a green drink daily. I tried adding some of


> probiotics to yogurt and letting it slide slowly down my throat.


> didn't make any difference.


> I've finally gotten tired of it. Any ideas?


> Thanks,

> Jessie


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Why not talk to your dr about taking an antiviral? There is research

into antivirals for stubborn Lyme cases taking place at the moment.

My dr put me on a week of Tamiflu and I did not have the flu. I felt

like a different person, more energetic, when I was on it though at

first I argued with her about taking it. A person can have bacterial

and viral infections at same time and is feasible one could have an

underlying viral infection unrelated to Lyme that is dragging the

body down because it is already zapped from Lyme.

Have you tried a capsule probiotics such as Kyodolphilis and

sprinkling the powder inside on your tongue then swallowing slowly

without water for about 30 minutes? Someone told me to do that for

bad thrush, which helped a lot so maybe it might help with a sore

throat. Just a thought.


> I've had a sore throat since December 20 (I keep track of my


> in an Outlook calendar). Sometimes it's slight, sometimes it's


> It never gets to the level of " shards of glass. " My glands never


> swollen. It started about 10 days after my last Herx.


> My theory is that I've been on abx for so long that they've killed


> whatever good bacteria lived in my throat and now a virus has

taken up

> residence there.


> I take probiotics and a green drink daily. I tried adding some of


> probiotics to yogurt and letting it slide slowly down my throat.


> didn't make any difference.


> I've finally gotten tired of it. Any ideas?


> Thanks,

> Jessie


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There's been an unusual amount of illness in AZ this year, at least

in my next of the woods. Maybe it is because it has been warmer than

usual winter and not freezing the germs?? The emergency rooms have

been inundated with flu patients who are sick for weeks at a time.

Also pneumonia is rampent, at least 10 people have at it at work

including myself. I had pneumonia for 3 weeks despite getting a shot

for it 2 yrs ago. One of my drs said whooping cough is going around

like crazy too. Another dr insisted on testing me for Hanta virus as

he said that is seeing a surge in that infection even though it is

normally seem more in the summer months. Family members in

Southeastern states are also reporting unusual amounts of sickness

this year.


> Jessie,


> I have noticed that my family members who don't have Lyme have


> very sick this year. We live in New York and I think it is


> of the very warm weather that we have been having. I think the


> weather has allowed many virus and bacteria to thrive that would

> normally be killed by the cold. Almost everyone I have talked to

> has had bouts of sickness that just won't end this year. In my

> office everyone has been complaining of a mild flu that just won't

> go away.


> Be well,



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Lyme Aid Owner


Hello wtptoo@...,

In reference to your comment:

è There's been an unusual amount of illness in AZ this

è year, at least in my next of the woods. Maybe it is

è because it has been warmer than usual winter and not

è freezing the germs?? The emergency rooms have

è been inundated with flu patients who are sick for weeks

è at a time. Also pneumonia is rampent, at least 10

è people have at it at work including myself.


******I have never done flu shots, pneumonia shots or anything like

that.....I just do all the preventions using alternatives. The pneumonia I


from was from a Aspergillus MOLD exposure.

*****PLUS our pollution has been deadly especially with the warm days....We

have only had 2 freezes here in the valley to my knowledge and you need at

least a dozen to kill all the critters. We will be over run with unwanted

critters come spring.

******The " roof-rats " have moved to Sun City, but they are denying it. My

gardener KILLED an 8 inch RAT when taking cactus out of my front yard....[] What

a battle.....my

landlady buys the organic pesticide outside product and pays to have it put on

all her condos....she owns 9 condos.

Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel

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Thanks! Both of your suggestions are quite helpful.

I'm going to try the probiotics suggestion first (that's what I was

trying to do with the yogurt, but taking the probiotics straight

makes more sense). I've just started back on Buhner's core protocol

and I'm hoping that will help my throat.



> Why not talk to your dr about taking an antiviral? There is


> into antivirals for stubborn Lyme cases taking place at the


> My dr put me on a week of Tamiflu and I did not have the flu. I


> like a different person, more energetic, when I was on it though


> first I argued with her about taking it. A person can have


> and viral infections at same time and is feasible one could have


> underlying viral infection unrelated to Lyme that is dragging the

> body down because it is already zapped from Lyme.


> Have you tried a capsule probiotics such as Kyodolphilis and

> sprinkling the powder inside on your tongue then swallowing slowly

> without water for about 30 minutes? Someone told me to do that for

> bad thrush, which helped a lot so maybe it might help with a sore

> throat. Just a thought.







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Hello @...,

In reference to your comment:

è I know that in all treatments there are good and there

è are bad but this is where I get confused as to which

è are valid alternative treatments and which are reaching

è and dangerous.

****You are right and theere is no way I can get my head wrapped around

drinking my own urine....however, there are many studies and lots of success

using this method for hepatitis and other viral/bacterial infetions. This

treatment is very very valid, just not my cup of tea. BTW, it is not dangerous

for you to drink your own urine.....take a look at this GOOGLE search. BTW I

know a hepper who did the urine drinking PLUS injecting himself with chicken

blood and his VIRAL LOAD is at " O " now for a couple of years.....amazing some of

these therapies, but I don't think I could do this one, unless of course I

was so sick I would try anything.

drinking your own urine for viruses, bacterial, fungus infections - Google


http://www.google.com/search?hl=en & ie=ISO-8859-1 &


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My gum almost flew out of my mouth on that one.

Definately a LOL.


/Rodney <rod@...> wrote:

ROFLAO!!! Good one LOL I need that laugh thanks! *-)

> *****If you watch the skies.....they increased ChemTrails over the last 4

> months.

> GRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr

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Have you tried Candex for yeast? If I miss this my throat will get

scratchy. Ive also read that some people use Culterelle, but I've

never used this. I ended up with yeast on my tongue and the back of

my throat when I upped the Flagyl too fast (for me this was 2 a day)

so I backed down to 1/4 and yesterday didn't take any, today am

going back to 1/4 and am trying to drink alot of water and not miss

my antiyeast and probiotics.

Hope this will help

Rose Marie


> I've had a sore throat since December 20 (I keep track of my


> in an Outlook calendar). Sometimes it's slight, sometimes it's


> It never gets to the level of " shards of glass. " My glands never


> swollen. It started about 10 days after my last Herx.


> My theory is that I've been on abx for so long that they've killed


> whatever good bacteria lived in my throat and now a virus has

taken up

> residence there.


> I take probiotics and a green drink daily. I tried adding some of


> probiotics to yogurt and letting it slide slowly down my throat.


> didn't make any difference.


> I've finally gotten tired of it. Any ideas?


> Thanks,

> Jessie


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I agree, I think this has been a really bad year for colds and the

flu. Everyone around me has had several colds and the flu this

year. I have relatives in Arizona, Minnesota, and Texas, and

they've all been sick too. It must be a bad year for crud going



> >

> > I've had a sore throat since December 20 (I keep track of my

> symptoms

> > in an Outlook calendar). Sometimes it's slight, sometimes it's

> worse.

> > It never gets to the level of " shards of glass. " My glands never

> feel

> > swollen. It started about 10 days after my last Herx.

> >

> > My theory is that I've been on abx for so long that they've


> off

> > whatever good bacteria lived in my throat and now a virus has

> taken up

> > residence there.

> >

> > I take probiotics and a green drink daily. I tried adding some


> my

> > probiotics to yogurt and letting it slide slowly down my throat.

> It

> > didn't make any difference.

> >

> > I've finally gotten tired of it. Any ideas?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Jessie

> >


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Rose Marie,

I haven't tried Candex or Culterelle. I'll give one of them a try!




> Have you tried Candex for yeast? If I miss this my throat will get

> scratchy. Ive also read that some people use Culterelle, but I've

> never used this. I ended up with yeast on my tongue and the back of

> my throat when I upped the Flagyl too fast (for me this was 2 a day)

> so I backed down to 1/4 and yesterday didn't take any, today am

> going back to 1/4 and am trying to drink alot of water and not miss

> my antiyeast and probiotics.

> Hope this will help

> Rose Marie



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I had a sore throat for 8 months, with repeated positive strep cultures the

whole time. We went through a number of antibiotics, and nothing seemed to get


I finally bought a water pic, mixed listerine in the water and really went

after my teeth, gums and tongue. Then I rinsed with Listerine, holding it in my

mouth for as long as I could stand it and squishing it between my teeth. Then I

gargled with Listerine. In 3 days the sore throat was gone. :) If I were to do

it today, I'd also chew up some probiotics right after the cleaning, to

repopulate the good flora before the nasties can get a foothold.

It's not as if I was neglecting my mouth before that. I did brush and floss.

But that water pic did seem to make a difference. YMMV, of course.

Jessie MacMillan <jessiemacmillan@...> wrote:

I've had a sore throat since December 20 (snip)


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The Candex I've read you're to start slow (after I'd started it

myself first 2 a day then 4 when I remember)- I had no problems, but

maybe some do. The Culterelle I've only read that some are using it,

I've never used it.

I've also noticed that since I developed yeast on my tongue and some

on my throat (didn't realize this prior- went up too fast with the

Flagyl), I backed down to 1/4 tablet every other day, make sure I

take the Candex, probiotics, don't eat any sweets or many other

carbs and drink alot, my throat (scratchiness and there had been a

bit of a tightness also) is so much better. My tongue still isn't

looking totally normal- but much better. Think I must have

overwhelmed my detox system with too much die-off!!

Looking down- I've repeated myself- but it is getting better and I

feel better too.

Always learning, you're welcome

Rose Marie

> >

> > Have you tried Candex for yeast? If I miss this my throat will


> > scratchy. Ive also read that some people use Culterelle, but


> > never used this. I ended up with yeast on my tongue and the back


> > my throat when I upped the Flagyl too fast (for me this was 2 a


> > so I backed down to 1/4 and yesterday didn't take any, today am

> > going back to 1/4 and am trying to drink alot of water and not


> > my antiyeast and probiotics.

> > Hope this will help

> > Rose Marie

> >

> >


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Hello jessiemacmillan@...,

In reference to your comment:

è My husband has been after me to try gargling with

è Listerine, so I think he might actually be on to

è something. Thanks! Jessie

******Be very very careful when gargling with Listerine.....It has ASPARTAME

(a deadly neurotoxin).....even though you don't swallow it, for the most part,

you do NOT want to put this poison in your mouth.....Wild

Oats/Wholefoods/TraderJoe's have good mouthwash WITHOUT floride and aspartame.

Have you tried

salt water or hydrogen peroxide? I would run like Forrest Gump from


Keep a smile on your face, love in your heart and walk with the angels,

holding hands in the " chain of love " .....

Angel Huggzz

or Angel

L.E.A.P. Arizona, Inc.~~www.leaparizona.com



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I was thinking that, gee, I take care of my mouth (including

scraping my tongue), then you told me you did, too!

My husband has been after me to try gargling with Listerine, so I

think he might actually be on to something.



> I've had a sore throat since December 20 (snip)


> ---------------------------------

> Autos. Looking for a sweet ride? Get pricing, reviews, &

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  • 8 months later...

> My 5yo ASD daughter is always complaining about having sore throat

she lets me know at least once a day, but this has been going on for

months, she doesn't seem sick at all but she sneezes like 2 times in a

day and that is it,

This is my son when his body is trying to eliminate another virus.

Try increasing vitamin C, see if that helps.

>> and it sounds to me that it could be allergies, but I'm also

thinking it could be viruses, I don't really understand the viruses

issues, so can somebody explain it a little bit to me,

Basically, it is when the child has viruses that are in the brain and

don't come out. I once watched my son with a cold, and the cold virus

went straight into his brain. He " recovered " from the cold, but the

virus was still there in his brain, causing other problems [like loss

of language, no social interest, and visual stims].

>> and if you recomend virastop, and how much?

Start with one capsule per day on an empty stomach, see how that works.


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>My 13yo ASD son also has been complaining about a sore throat for

quite a while especially in the mornings. I thought it might be

allergies but took him to the doctor today and found out that he has

mononucleosis which causes a sore throat. I don't understand the

virus issue either and apparently it will go away on its own after a

few weeks but thought this may be something to consider testing for

although I think it mostly affects teenagers.


> My 5yo ASD daughter is always complaining about having sore throat

she lets me know at least once a day, but this has been going on for

months, she doesn't seem sick at all but she sneezes like 2 times in

a day and that is it, and it sounds to me that it could be allergies,

but I'm also thinking it could be viruses, I don't really understand

the viruses issues, so can somebody explain it a little bit to me,

and if you recomend virastop, and how much? She is already taking 2

AFP chewables and 1 chewable zyme prime wit each meal.

> I appreciate any comments on this, thanks.

> Cecilia


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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

I had that problem several months ago. I got some abx for it and it was gone in

a short time.

Some abx are good for some things.



doggy532001 <doggy532001@...> wrote:

Do many of you experience a sore throat that can go on for weeks and

weeks? I would describe it as red, swollen and quite sore but some

days I am not so aware of it as others, it sort of comes and goes?

I thought it was more a symptom of viral problems and in my own case

the doctor is not sure if my main problem is viral or bacterial.


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Hi Pam

A sore throat has been one of my regular illnesses and this seems to be

quite a common one with Lyme. I find gargling with salt water and/or

spraying with colloidal silver helps.


[ ] Sore throat

Do many of you experience a sore throat that can go on for weeks and

weeks? I would describe it as red, swollen and quite sore but some

days I am not so aware of it as others, it sort of comes and goes?

I thought it was more a symptom of viral problems and in my own case

the doctor is not sure if my main problem is viral or bacterial.


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Guest guest

Yes it is viral..and lymp nodes..when I saw my doctor and she did muscle testing

....she said my virasus and herpes were to the roof...and i took hepbs for

it..that means the lyme had blowing fully to you and all the viruses are blowing

....( they were dormant before ) not now they are having a party ....lyme comes

with othere things and when viruses come up than you had lyme for long time...as

I did

doggy532001 <doggy532001@...> wrote: Do many of you experience

a sore throat that can go on for weeks and

weeks? I would describe it as red, swollen and quite sore but some

days I am not so aware of it as others, it sort of comes and goes?

I thought it was more a symptom of viral problems and in my own case

the doctor is not sure if my main problem is viral or bacterial.


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Guest guest


> Yes it is viral..and lymp nodes..when I saw my doctor and she did

muscle testing ...she said my virasus and herpes were to the

roof...and i took hepbs for it..that means the lyme had blowing fully

to you and all the viruses are blowing ...( they were dormant

before ) not now they are having a party ....lyme comes with othere

things and when viruses come up than you had lyme for long time...as

I did


Hi all

Many thanks for your replies, at the moment it isn't too bad and I

have just started the main protocol so I am hoping maybe the Cats

Claw might calm it. Also I think that gargling with salt water might


I am sure it is connected to the borrelia and on-going viruses, so

fingers crossed it will settle down in time.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest


Maybe an imbalance caused by the chelation that some supplements could


As far as sore throat relief and antibiotic replacement, we've been

using 10 drops GSE (grapefruit see extract - available at health food

stores) in warm water, gargle with it every couple hours til sore throat

is gone. The bottle says 3 times a day I think, but the info online said

more often. The kids spit it out after gargling. My son can't take

antibiotics because he is allergic, but gets tonsillitis and other

throat infections. We usually try to let them run their course with

just lots of rest and liquids. But, the last sore throat lingered for

over a week along with a fever. Last time he had it this bad, we went

ahead and tried yet another antibiotic - which turned him red from head

to toe with the second dose! So, I went online this time and found the

GSE recommendation. It knocked it out in less than 24 hours. I had him

continue for several days (like you would with an antibiotic) to make

sure the infection was knocked out. It didn't come back! 2 of my

daughters just had sore throats too; so we tried it again and same

results. Knocked it out in 24 hours or less. Actually, their sore

throats seemed cold related too. They had sniffled and congestion which

the GSE didn't do much for, but the sore throat didn't come back.

I know some use GSE while chelating for yeast control, so should be safe

??? and you don't ingest it for sore throat. Comments anyone?

Hope it helps.


carolynw4 wrote:


> Hi Everyone,


> I've been chelating for 2 years using TDDMPS every 4 hours with 3

> days on and 4 days off. I've been tolerating this well.


> For the past 6 months, I've been battling a sore throat, ear ache,

> and cough that comes on once a month and then goes away, repeat ....

> A couple week ago, it was so bad that I went to the urgent care

> center. They did not test me for strep, but gave me 10 days of

> antibiotics for pharyngitis. I'm not a big fan of antibiotics, but

> after battling this for the past six months I was getting tired of

> trying to fight it w/out antibiotics. The antibiotics took my sore

> throat and ear ache away.



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