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  • 1 month later...


My God, that doctor needs to be hung up by his b****! (Sorry guys) Of all

the ignorant, uninformed, cold hearted doctors, he is at the top of the list

today! Please call your hepatoligist today, I'm sure he can make you feel

better... Don't you dare stop taking your pain meds! I am sure they are the

only thing that keeps you sane at this point! We all know that our liver

enzymes are not the deciding factor regarding our level of pain! HE needs to

get a grip and get educated! Please report him to your own doctor! Good

thing I'm not there now because I'd get arrested for smacking him right in

the mouth! Lord, this makes me angry! Treated lots of AIH patients my a**!

Sue sweetie, please don't feel bad, you are not a drug addict. Your doctor

prescribed the morphine because you obviously needed it. Trust yourself, and

your own doctor honey. Try to calm down, take deep breaths, and re-group.

You'll be okay. You know we all run into doctors that don't know AIH, we

cannot afford to let them influence us. Just bring your hands together and

wipe him off. The physical action of doing that will help. I'm soooo sorry

you have been so ill, and had to go through that. Can you feel the big hug I

am sending your way? You are NOT alone, you are NEVER alone, we all are with

you, and believe in you, and support you.

No, our lives will never again be the same, but we can take it one day at a

time, and savor each day for the good it brings, no matter how small. You

have a family that loves you, you are very lucky. You will make it over this

hurdle and smile again...

I love you,


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Well I guess I'm back. This is going to take a bit of doing. Telling you

just what has been going on, because I really don't know myself.

To start a few weeks ago I got really sick (Nothing to do with my AIH),

vomiting and temps and all the usual just normal sick things that people

get. I was down for around 2 weeks. My doctor say me initially and then she

went on holidays, she said if I didn't improve over the first weekend I was

to go to the other doctor in her surgery. This I had to because the

vomiting just wouldn't stop, and the liver pain got worse because I was

vomiting up my pain killers. When I went to see this man (so called) he

proceeded to ask " why are you on morphine to start with " , I have had

patients with liver enzymes worse than yours that do not have any pain

relief/or need it. I was just too sick to explain my history to him. He did

give me a needle to stop me vomiting and told me I needed to get a grip and

not take the pain killers.

For those of you that don't know I fought the idea of pain killers with my

doctors for months and months and THEY finally convinced me that quality of

life was far more important to me at this stage, so I finally gave in and

took the pain relief. It had made it easier to get through each day at a

time. Now I just don't know. He made me feel soooooooo bad. He phoned a few

days later with some test results that he wanted to see me about so I had

to go back to see him, I was feeling a little better and had my wits about

me, I asked him just how many patients he had treated with AIH, and he just

said " Oh, quite a lot " . I know that is an untruth for a fact. But I can't

get beyond this now. I feel guilty and want to stop the tablets. I have

been in the biggest blackest hole, it is affecting everything and everyone.

My hubby (who has been a saint) is even getting short with me. I seem to

snap at everything and everyone. Geri I tried to get through the posts that

my daughter saved for me. Even you sound a bit like I feel. I don't know if

it is because this whole mess has been going on now for 3 years or what.

I know stress tends to put my enzymes up, but this time I can't seem to

control it. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.

It turns out that I had a bacterial infection of some sort the white cell

counts went through the roof.

I have always been able to take one day at a time for a long time now,

thanks to you guys, but it is getting increasingly hard. Please help me. I

just want my old life back.

Oh, I know I can't but that is just what keeps popping into my mind. The

ever present question seems to me to be " Why " . I am not stupid, I know

there is no answer to that, but by God I wish there was and I could fix

things and go back to normal.

My daughter has been wonderful, but she is too young to burden her with

this. I am sooooooo alone.

That's about all I can bring myself to say, I can't put all the bad

feelings into words, I wish I could, maybe that would help. I didn't mean

to rave so much, just to say Hi to everyone and tell you I'm back.



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Dear SueB:

I agree with the consensus that your latest doctor is a boob! The fact that

he stated that he treats 'lots' of AIH patients is ludicrous. Also, for him

to make snap judgments about your circumstances without knowing all the facts

speaks volumes. Rely on your hepatologist about the pain meds. A lot of us

have a lot of pain associated with AIH. I'm still having terrible problems

with pain and have been in drug induced remission now for 2 years. I've had

to take pain pills several times in the last week for my chronic left side

pain which has flared unexpectedly. I'm not talking Tylenol either. I've had

to bring out the big guns and take Percocet just so that I could sleep.

There's nothing to be ashamed of about needing help for pain. Shame on the

doctor for making you feel bad about it. We're with you. God Bless, and I

hope you are feeling better soon. Just keep taking your drugs, and when your

hepatologist gets back, tell him what this other doctor said and how he made

you feel.

Take care!

Kathy (AIH)

Seattle area

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Sue, I was getting ready to post to you and read this message from .

I could never put it better, I agree with her completely, and only want to

add AMEN!


> My God, that doctor needs to be hung up by his b****! (Sorry guys)

etc., etc.

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Dear SueB,

The past few weeks sound like an absolute nightmare.

I hope you see improvement with each day that passes.

I am glad that you're up to posting again.

The doctor you got stuck with couldn't be more

insensitive if he tried. We are at their mercy

anytime we are suffering, and they know it. What they

choose to do with this knowledge and position of power

is an insight into their character. He may be have a

medical degree, but as far as I'm concerned, he's not

a human being. I find his behavior to be 100%

inappropriate. His job was to treat the vomiting,

period. It wasn't the time or place to lecture and

judge the use of pain medication. You're not his

patient, if he has a personal problem with the meds

your doctor prescribes, he should discuss it with her,

not you.

I agree it's doubtful that he's treated 'lots' of

people with AIH. There aren't that many of us around.

I went to a local specialist who told me he had three

transplant patients and one other patient with AIH.

In a very innocent tone of voice, I said, 'Oh, that's

nice. Are they still alive?' He became ruffled and

never did answer my question. That told me all I

needed to know.

The doctor you saw seems mean spirited with little

knowledge of AIH. His opinions and words are

meaningless and have no value. Try to forget him,

he's not worthy of your time.

Experiences like this make us appreciate a good doctor

when we find one. I hope you will continue to take

your meds, quality of life is what it's all about.

Glad your back,

Barbara Ann

AIH Transplant Recipient

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Hi Sue,

wouldn't you love to show that doctor pain? They get so caught up in keeping

you from addiction. The docs forget that pain is hard to deal with, sometimes

I don't think they care. I take so many drugs why does it matter. I even

asked one of my doctors once isn't blood pressure med addicting, cause I face

major withdrawals immediately when I forget to take them. The docs also tried

to cut my pain meds in the hospital in half when I had my transplant, Told me

I shouldn't depend on them. Well, a nurse one night felt so sorry for me

because I was shaking from the pain I even ran a temp. that she had the

orders changed. Told me if you are not able to manage pain then everything is

affected mentally and physically. Thank God for the nurses I had.


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Hi Sue,

You should print a few of these letters out and give to that doctor. Maybe

then he would have a better understanding of how we are affected by pain, a

new insight.


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I (almost) hate myself for asking what I'm going to ask, but is there

something with Australian male doctors? The reason I ask is because I used

to post on the Compuserve Chronic Disease Forum and there was a woman in

that group who lived in Australia and she was going through something so

similar to what you're describing. To take it a step further, my primary

transplant doctor in California is Australian and he had me in a state of

anger and frustration for 1000 reasons during the first year of my illness

- until I found this group and could vent out some of the rage. The man

seemed to totally lack people skills and he had no interest in anything

except total liver failure. It was as though I had to be dying to be worth

bothering with. He referred me to a doctor in the city where I live and

the two doctors studied together. The one in California mentored the one

here when he got his fellowship. I found that my local doctor, who also is

not American, was and is almost as bad. I won't say that they haven't done

a good job with my AIH because the medication did bring remission, but

clearly they don't give a damn or even acknowledge anything in between

where I am now and death.

What recourse do you have in Australia? I've seen so many people in this

group and the other, besides my own negative experiences, who have been

treated in a way that I would think borders on medical negligence besides

going against the oath all doctors take to " first, do no harm. " Someone

needs to knock them off their little ivory towers. Their power to take

actions that can make the difference between life and death too often seems

to have resulted in confusion, where they view themselves as next to

God. They're not. They're like mechanics. They have the education but

that doesn't mean they use it. So many of us have been intimidated by

doctors like you describe. Remember Susie, who's fragile in every way,

besides having liver disease? I honestly think that uncaring doctors

pushed her to the brink of suicide - at least one attempt since she started

posting here.

Yes, I remember that you resisted pain meds and I also remember well that

you were so determined and grateful to be in remission, no one but a fool

could view you as using your condition to get painkillers. These guys

watch too much TV or something and think they see " dope addicts " lurking

behind every corner.

Don't be so sure that your recent bout of illness was just

" normal " ! Nothing is " normal " when you have AIH or any chronic liver

disease. Your body isn't going to react like it would if you had a healthy

liver. I was told during transplant evaluation to call my doctor or go to

the ER immediately if I had nausea, vomiting and/or a fever. Without

proper diagnostics, who knows what might be going on? And, more

importantly, the doctor who orders the tests has to be qualified to

evaluate them.

The fool doctor you saw shot his credibility the minute he told you that

he's seen lots of AIH patients. Where did he find them, I wonder? The

first GI doctor I saw here in LV wouldn't even try to treat my AIH let

alone claim he knew anything about it. He was anxious instead for me to

see a Hepatologist, and even then, not all Hepatologists have ever treated

AIH. I doubt that either of my local doctors have seen any AIH patients

before me. The local Hepatologist seems to know almost nothing about

autoimmune diseases so he clearly has problems putting together the pieces

to maintain both the liver disease and the possibility of other autoimmune

diseases developing. That's besides his obvious lack of knowledge about

the effects of corticosteroids and other immunusuppresive drugs.

Sue, make a complaint about this doctor if you can. I know that can be

tricky, especially if you don't have some alternatives. This group may not

have the medical school training but we do know the various symptoms that

go with AIH. Probably better than 98% of the doctors who treat it. Every

doctor I've seen has had to have his moment of poking me in the midsection

while asking me if it hurts. Why would they ask, if AIH doesn't cause

pain? But they've never denied that I might have pain, so I've been lucky

- and I haven't had that much pain anyhow except the mysterious left sided

pain that seems to be a permanent part of my life.

What about your osteoporosis? Are you now taking meds to keep it from

progressing? What are you taking? Osteoporosis is supposedly not painful,

however you can develop a stress fracture without an obvious injury to

cause it and they ARE painful. Also, there are other bone and joint

conditions that can develop, secondary to your AIH and your Prednisone

use. You've been taking Prednisone for a long time. Longer than me.

Don't let it get you down. You have a good and supportive family. Stress

can affect everyone but strong families get over it. Your husband will be

okay when he has a chance to think about his reactions. I find I get

impatient sometimes with my husband's constant back pain. Stupid, but it

just happens until I realize that he's the one with the pain, not me.

Stay close, Sue. We're all here for you and you can get as mad as you want

and we'll understand and even share your anger. I'm having a hard time

keeping up with the posts lately, but I try. I'm glad that you're back. I

was worried when we didn't hear from you for so long.

Take care,


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I totally agree with Kathy. I too take pain

medications. without them I would not be able to work

or sleep. They dont have to be strong meds to give

some relief either. I take a very mild one..Darvocet.

and it works pretty well.. Your quality of life is

what's important here. Most doctors don't think of it

that way.

Good luck


--- KATBERCOO@... wrote:

> Dear SueB:


> I agree with the consensus that your latest doctor

> is a boob! The fact that

> he stated that he treats 'lots' of AIH patients is

> ludicrous. Also, for him

> to make snap judgments about your circumstances

> without knowing all the facts

> speaks volumes. Rely on your hepatologist about the

> pain meds. A lot of us

> have a lot of pain associated with AIH. I'm still

> having terrible problems

> with pain and have been in drug induced remission

> now for 2 years. I've had

> to take pain pills several times in the last week

> for my chronic left side

> pain which has flared unexpectedly. I'm not talking

> Tylenol either. I've had

> to bring out the big guns and take Percocet just so

> that I could sleep.

> There's nothing to be ashamed of about needing help

> for pain. Shame on the

> doctor for making you feel bad about it. We're with

> you. God Bless, and I

> hope you are feeling better soon. Just keep taking

> your drugs, and when your

> hepatologist gets back, tell him what this other

> doctor said and how he made

> you feel.


> Take care!

> Kathy (AIH)

> Seattle area




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Jody Compton

Dance like no one is watching. Love like it will never end.

In search of answers..

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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome back Liz,

Glad you could rejoin us, I am weary from yesterday's protest and would

write lots more if I could get up the strength. Sorry to hear you are in

such bad pain, I know that is my worse manifestation of this disease, and

while at the protest, I didn't really notice it till my feet started to

ache, by the time we got on the train to go home it was awful, but well

worth all of the effort I think.

Hope to see more of you on the list,


Marta NJ


>From: sixnations <sixnations@...>


>Remember me gang? It is Liz Kelso. I am back. I had to leave because of the

>overwhelming amount of

>e-mail. But now I have my PC up at home and it is more manageable now. I

>hope everyone is doing as

>well as expected. I'm still suffering. I'm in pain and am very tired. You

>know...normal :-)


>Liz K.



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Dear ,

After my FL LLMD did the Western Blot and it showed positive, he had me

contact IGENEX in Calif. for two other tests, urine tests. IGENEX sends you

all the materials and instructions, you send it back with the money (unless

you are on Medicare) and they send the results to your doctor.

The most important thing my LLMD had me do was to BE ON ANTIBIOTICS BEFORE

COLLECTING THE URINE SAMPLES, that way there was something in the urine for

the lab to find. I collected samples on three consecutive days and they

only found what they needed to diagnose on the third day, so be careful how

and who does the tests.

I am glad to see you back online, often the power company will have a fund

set up by employees to pay one months electricity for people in dire

circumstances, which you would probably qualify. Also, I believe it is

illegal for them to turn off your electricity if you have children or

medical needs for it. I am not sure of what different states do but it

might be something to check into.

Also, on Co-Cure website there is a list of Good Docs that are recommended

for CFS/FMS and since Lyme is getting so popular, you may be able to find a

more sympathetic doctor. If you cannot search for it, email me backchannel

(my email is below) and I will get the URL for it. I am currently doing

most of my email offline since we currently only have one phone line (until

Tuesday, Yeah!) and as soon as they get a cable modem out here (middle June

they say) I will be online much more!

Also, I will keep you in my Prayers as I see that you are a Prayer Person.

Hugs from a Light-HouseKeeper finally in Pennsylvania

(Anyone can clean the house, only you can catch up on your rest,)

Michele E. Townsend, FMS/90,ME/CFS/94,LD/??(Dx01),SSDI/95

mailto:michtown@... and homepages:


With a dream to become an Inn-House-Keeper! Join at:

TownsendVillage or by sending

a blank email to TownsendVillage-subscribe

----- Original Message -----

From: " Cyntha Landon " Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 12:50 AM

> My family, brother and sister heard about our situation and payed the bill

> for us. Fortunately we now have electricity and my hope is restored.


> I need my friends advice. Dr. had sent us some medical papers of

> tests he wants done. Like I had written before my doctor refused to do


> tests and call Dr. . He did however gave me a test that he says he


> have done. But this test would be sent to either washington labs or

> California Labs. Dr. says he needs us to send tests to Bowens. The

> tests he wants me to have done is not the tests Dr. wants done.


> If I do the test he wants me to do I wonder if it would just be used


> me for a negative tests. I have been trying to get a hold of Dr.

> again but he is such a busy man. So I was wondering what advice you guys

> could give me. I of course will continue to try and get a hold of Dr.

> .


> I pray that they kind find an acurate test or what would be really nice is

> if they ever found a cure tell then I trust in the Lord and know he has a

> reason for what is happening to us already it has helped me to help others

> which I never would have done except for this disease. So in a way I have

> been thankful for the trial I am facing. It has strengthened me and made


> feel that I am worth something and should be treated so. Thanks for your

> advice ahead of time.

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Guest guest

Hi Cyntha,

I have been taking my 13 yr. old daughter to Dr. for almost a year. I

have never found that he has done anything frivolous. We have in the past

asked him about certain tests and he has told us that they were not

appropriate for her or a waste of time and money. I have learned to trust

his judgement.

Perhaps you should try to find another doctor for your child that would be

more open to at least considering Dr. ' diagnostic and treatment plan.


>From: " Cyntha Landon " <cyntha@...>


>< >

>Subject: [ ] I'm back

>Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 22:50:00 -0600


>My family, brother and sister heard about our situation and payed the bill

>for us. Fortunately we now have electricity and my hope is restored.


>I need my friends advice. Dr. had sent us some medical papers of

>tests he wants done. Like I had written before my doctor refused to do the

>tests and call Dr. . He did however gave me a test that he says he


>have done. But this test would be sent to either washington labs or

>California Labs. Dr. says he needs us to send tests to Bowens. The

>tests he wants me to have done is not the tests Dr. wants done.


>If I do the test he wants me to do I wonder if it would just be used


>me for a negative tests. I have been trying to get a hold of Dr.

>again but he is such a busy man. So I was wondering what advice you guys

>could give me. I of course will continue to try and get a hold of Dr.



>I pray that they kind find an acurate test or what would be really nice is

>if they ever found a cure tell then I trust in the Lord and know he has a

>reason for what is happening to us already it has helped me to help others

>which I never would have done except for this disease. So in a way I have

>been thankful for the trial I am facing. It has strengthened me and made


>feel that I am worth something and should be treated so. Thanks for your

>advice ahead of time.



>Cyntha Landon Idaho



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Guest guest

Dear Sheila,

Perhaps my email was confusing. It is not my girls pediatrician that is not

willing to follow Dr. tests and orders. It is my doctor. Dr.

said it was very important for me to get tested for the children's sake,

since it is I that carried on to my children in Utero. He said if my tests

come back positive then they would know for sure my daughters problems would

be because of me having it and giving it to them. My doctor even refuses to

call Dr. but has given me a test for Lyme that is inacurate and not

what doctor wanted me to have. The question I had asked is if I

should take the prescribed tests from my doctor since the test would more

than likely end up at a washington lab and come back negative. That is

where most of the tests for Lyme here go to. Is it wise that I take the test

my doctor prescribed. It was only given to me to humor me and get me to stop

fighting with him. I think I already know the answer. Right now I do not

plan on taking it. I shall call my old doctor who is willing to talk to

other doctors. I know this from experience and he is pretty new. I am just

wondering if I am going to do the right thing. I will call my previous

doctor tomorrow. I believe he will tests me with what doctor wants.

Sorry about the confusion. I am thankful for the new pediatrician we have

found for our daughters and hope things go well and he does not change his


Cyntha Landon Idaho

[ ] I'm back

>Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 22:50:00 -0600


>My family, brother and sister heard about our situation and payed the bill

>for us. Fortunately we now have electricity and my hope is restored.


>I need my friends advice. Dr. had sent us some medical papers of

>tests he wants done. Like I had written before my doctor refused to do the

>tests and call Dr. . He did however gave me a test that he says he


>have done. But this test would be sent to either washington labs or

>California Labs. Dr. says he needs us to send tests to Bowens. The

>tests he wants me to have done is not the tests Dr. wants done.


>If I do the test he wants me to do I wonder if it would just be used


>me for a negative tests. I have been trying to get a hold of Dr.

>again but he is such a busy man. So I was wondering what advice you guys

>could give me. I of course will continue to try and get a hold of Dr.



>I pray that they kind find an acurate test or what would be really nice is

>if they ever found a cure tell then I trust in the Lord and know he has a

>reason for what is happening to us already it has helped me to help others

>which I never would have done except for this disease. So in a way I have

>been thankful for the trial I am facing. It has strengthened me and made


>feel that I am worth something and should be treated so. Thanks for your

>advice ahead of time.



>Cyntha Landon Idaho



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Guest guest

Dear Cyntha,

Any doctor that refuses to be open minded and consider the possibility that

the world is wider than his/her frame of reference should be fired. This is

your life and health here and the well being of your kids. Obviously it has

not dawned on this person that the issue is not one of his control and ego.

Trust your instincts and go to someone who cares enough at least to listen.

Be well. Sheila

>From: " Cyntha Landon " <cyntha@...>


>< >

>Subject: RE: [ ] I'm back

>Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 00:12:00 -0600


>Dear Sheila,


>Perhaps my email was confusing. It is not my girls pediatrician that is


>willing to follow Dr. tests and orders. It is my doctor. Dr.

>said it was very important for me to get tested for the children's sake,

>since it is I that carried on to my children in Utero. He said if my tests

>come back positive then they would know for sure my daughters problems


>be because of me having it and giving it to them. My doctor even refuses


>call Dr. but has given me a test for Lyme that is inacurate and not

>what doctor wanted me to have. The question I had asked is if I

>should take the prescribed tests from my doctor since the test would more

>than likely end up at a washington lab and come back negative. That is

>where most of the tests for Lyme here go to. Is it wise that I take the


>my doctor prescribed. It was only given to me to humor me and get me to


>fighting with him. I think I already know the answer. Right now I do not

>plan on taking it. I shall call my old doctor who is willing to talk to

>other doctors. I know this from experience and he is pretty new. I am


>wondering if I am going to do the right thing. I will call my previous

>doctor tomorrow. I believe he will tests me with what doctor wants.

>Sorry about the confusion. I am thankful for the new pediatrician we have

>found for our daughters and hope things go well and he does not change his



>Cyntha Landon Idaho


> [ ] I'm back

> >Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 22:50:00 -0600

> >

> >My family, brother and sister heard about our situation and payed the


> >for us. Fortunately we now have electricity and my hope is restored.

> >

> >I need my friends advice. Dr. had sent us some medical papers of

> >tests he wants done. Like I had written before my doctor refused to do


> >tests and call Dr. . He did however gave me a test that he says he

> >can

> >have done. But this test would be sent to either washington labs or

> >California Labs. Dr. says he needs us to send tests to Bowens. The

> >tests he wants me to have done is not the tests Dr. wants done.

> >

> >If I do the test he wants me to do I wonder if it would just be used

> >against

> >me for a negative tests. I have been trying to get a hold of Dr.

> >again but he is such a busy man. So I was wondering what advice you guys

> >could give me. I of course will continue to try and get a hold of Dr.

> >.

> >

> >I pray that they kind find an acurate test or what would be really nice


> >if they ever found a cure tell then I trust in the Lord and know he has a

> >reason for what is happening to us already it has helped me to help


> >which I never would have done except for this disease. So in a way I


> >been thankful for the trial I am facing. It has strengthened me and made

> >me

> >feel that I am worth something and should be treated so. Thanks for your

> >advice ahead of time.

> >

> >Love,

> >Cyntha Landon Idaho

> >



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  • 2 months later...

Welcome back. Good luck on your subsequent visits.

Everytime I have seen the dr he has been expecting

it's approval and then availability " any time now "


--- WTM4@... wrote:












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Hi Terri

Glad to see that your still around

[ ] I'M BACK










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Hi Dennis

Glad you are back and had a good time.

Have a good weekend

[ ] I'm Back

Hello All,

I'm back. Camping was nice and quiet.

Saturday I hiked almost to the top of Mt Monadnock with my sister and it was hard - all up and steep plus it rained the night before and the rocks were slippery. There was a strong COOL wind above tree line and I started feeling somewhat nauseous near the top so I decided it wasn't worth it to get to the summit and be sick. So we decided that was ok and turned around. Just before we descended the clouds cleared and we got to see the spectacular view below. I'm not too tired from the ordeal now but the leg muscles are pretty lame. I'm glad I called it when I did - normally my macho me would have told me to do the whole thing. I learned a good lesson - that it is much more worthwhile hiking on easy going and appreciating nature and the hike rather than doing a hard assent for the challenge.

The weather is beautiful now that it has cooled off.

Enjoy the weekend,


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