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Dear Lynda,

Where in Florida do you live? I'm in Port Richey, just about an hour north

of Tampa on gulf side. These hurricanes are becoming a real nightmare. We

just get over one and another on hits the state. At this rate, we are going

to be a big mess in all sorts of ways if it doesn't let up soon. I hope you

aren't too much in the direct path. My daughter lives in Orlando and has

had to come home to avoid the storms 3 times now. I think it's been 3

times, it seems like more than that, but whose counting...lol. Anyway, I

hope you don't get hit twice, that just is too much for anyone.

I read your email and you asked how long prednisone stays in your body? I

think it depends on how much you took and for how long. I have been told by

my doctors that it can stay for several years. Since I've been on

prednisone for the past 3 years, I know I have some time before my body

cleans it self completely. I'm still lowering the dose, but very slowly to

hopefully avoid any bad flares or a repeat of my asthma problems. I'm down

now to 12.5, which is great for me since I haven't been able to get below

20mg in the past 3 years. I know Arava has made the difference for me.

It sounds have you have been on the doctor merry-go-round too. It sure

isn't fun...and I totally understand your frustration. All we can do is

keep trying to find good doctors like you have been doing. Just " settling "

for a doctor is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves.

Well hang on while the next storm goes by and take care. Let me know if I

can help in anyway. Love, Fran...putting the patio furniture up again...I'm

ready to just get rid of it...lol.

[ ] I'm back

Hey Everyone!

Sorry I have been slow about getting back into the conversation. We had


deal with Hurricane Frances which unfortunately did a bit to our house.


house is only slightly over two years old and we have been told my two

contractors that the damage to our downstairs complete back wall is due

to faulty

building! So now we are dealing with the builder and the insurance

company and

dealing with dehumidifiers. It's not fun and I am hoping they start


things soon. Anyway, as for my health. I did see the Physical Therapist


She thought is was all muscular and not joint related. She wanted me to


coming in 3 times a week for excercises. I went the same day to our


good friend who is a chiro. He felt I had upset a nerve in my shoulder

and said

I should not be doing any excercises as sore as I still was at that

point. He

said to come back to him in a week and then I told him who my rheum. was

going to be it turns out they are good friends for many years. That is


of a plus for me. Then I went to the dr. I didn't like for my follow up


being in the hospital. He looked at me and told me he didn't like chiros.


then proceeded to tell me that all the symptoms I had were bizarre and


he thought I had fibro. Well no offense to anyone with fibro but at that


the thought of having more to deal with sent me into meltdown. So then I

called the rhemys. office and asked if there was anyway I could be seen


than the middle of September because my dr. was making me crazy. The

receptionist asked me who my dr. was and when I told her she informed me

that he used

to be her dr. a long time ago and she didn't like him either and managed


get me in the next day. I went to the rheumy. and he said no way did he


it was fibro. and he thought my pa was good and still seemed to be in

complete remission but he said I needed to go to the dermatologist which

I already

was looking for one. He thought I had pinched a nerve somehow. I did like


and apparently he is supposed to be one of the best in South Florida.

Anyway, after all of the dr's told me to go home and relax then I came

home and

worried about the hurricane and all of that good stuff. After the


drama ended then I went to a different dr. that our friends from my

hubby's work

recommended. It is a general family practice with two women dr's. and I


a resident that is going to be with them for the next two years. She was

very good and very attentive. She said I do not need to come back for a

year and

just to have my one bit of bloodwork redone so they can have a fasting


She gave me the name of a dermatologist who is supposed to be the top one

they reccomend and I will see him in late October. I am still seeing the


I am better but I still don't feel completely normal. I don't know if it


trying to get destressed or what. We are now watching Jeanne and we are

supposed to maybe get some effects from that come Sunday. I am still


the accupuncture and possibly a massage. I am trying to quit drinking pop


I have cut way back and I am still walking. I am having some minor aches


and there but hopefully it will get better. By the way, does anyone know


long prednisone stays in a body? I was just curious.

Also, as a side note I first got p when I was pregnant with my oldest. I


in a super high stress marriage at the time. I broke out all over my face

and the back of my legs etc. I didn't get it on my arms at that time. A

lot of

it cleared up after I had my daughter. I just had several random spots

including my arms but my face cleared up a lot and the backs of my legs

turned into

little spots. I was able to use topical stuff after she was born and did


for a while and then gave it up because it was a lot of work and I didn't

like some of the stuff they gave me. Later I tried light treatments and


very low dose of mtx. That cleared up a lot for a while the mtx. I did

not like

the light treatments. Then when I got pregnant with my other daughter I


almost completely clear. I stayed that way and felt really good until I

stopped breastfeeding. I ended up getting diagnosed with pa when she was

about 2.

I then tried a variety of things as that was a horrific flare where I

couldn't hardly walk or do anything because my hands, feet, and knees were

so bad.

That is when I found out that Sulfa could make me be able to walk but it


made me throw up continuously. I then went back on low doses of mtx. for


long while. Then I was diagnosed with pre cancerous cells on the cervix


they were lasered off a few times etc. and I stopped taking the Mtx. to

see if

it was affecting anything. Luckily my pa has stayed in remission and I

had a

hysterectomy. After the hysterectomy I felt a lot better and have had


moderate p. since. I haven't been treating the p for about a year and a

half to

two years much to the dismay of my many drs. but I think the break has


good for me. I am going to see what kinds of things the new derm. has to

offer me and will consider trying some things and I am not opposed to

going back

on mtx. short term if I have to. I never had any bad blood results but


taking it for over 6 mos. it did start to make me sick the day after I


take the pills. I am leary to try some of the heavy duty stuff until I


need to. I try to take and do as little as possible especially since I am

sensitive to medication. Sorry this ended up being so long.


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  • 4 months later...

Dear Judith, glad to hear you are back, but your hospital visit sounds like

a real nightmare. I have a lot of problems with my discs as well and

recently found out I have stenosis, spondylosis, lumbar disc disease, facets

disease and the pain is incredible at tiems. My pain is mainly in my thigh

and leg, so I can imagine how horrible it must be to have this pain in your

face. Has that let up any or are you still suffering with that? I’m glad

you found at least one doctor who cared and showed some concern for you. I

just don’t understand doctors at times. They are supposed to be choosing

this profession so they can relieve suffering and yet so many seem to just

add to your problems.

Take it easy at work and I hope things continue to improve with the PT.

Take care, Love, Fran

I have had several hiatuses due to lack of work, ergo, computer

access. Then I lurked. But starting on Dec 2 I had a really bad

flare in left hip (waist down to hip) and was in Er one night,

admitted for 36 hours a few days later, treated by a NeuroSurgeon

that will not see me again if I can help it and finally, after 5

weeks on strong pain relievers (hard ones) I was sent to PT which

has been a blessing.

The NS said it was stenosis at L3 to my face. The PT assessing me

said it sounded like L1/L2 problem. MRI technician said there was a

real problem at L1/L2. The disk there has been missing for atleast 4-

5 years - but the gap has not closed. The MRI tech has run previous

MRIs on that region of my back and can pull up past records. The

script for PT from the NS said the diagnosis was spondylosis. I have

a spondylosis fused pair of vertebra elsewhere, and that is

indicative of psoriatic spondylosis, which I have indicated on my


But for the full record - when in the hospital, the most concerned

and caring doctor was a resident/intern dermatologist. (Has full

credetials in Germany but must go through hoops to be allowed to

take licensing exams here in the USA.) He had not send anyone with

PA and this really intrigued him.

I've been back to work since the 18th, but still not up to snuff.

Cold weather really the issue and we are have some bad snaps of

unseasonably warm swinging to unseasonably cold weather. But with

the caring professionals on the fringes (PTs should all be given the

highest accolades - they care, even when the must be rough) I will

get through this winter and find relief in warm spring and summer



PS - That Sephardic connection interests me - I'm gentile by

definition, but the ancestory goes back to Ireland and then

to Portugal where many Sephards changed names - like Emmanuel to

(pronounced man-you-el) after fleeing from the Spanish

inquisition. There is direct passing of genetic code from father to

son down through generations, so being the daughter of a man with

that heritage, the Sephardic connection could very well be in my

genetic make-up.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi ~ I am so sorry to hear of your loss! When my grandmother died it rocked my world! She didn't want a viewing but much to my dismay everone else felt that it was important. I felt that if I didn't uphold her wishes would anyone uphold mine when I died? I did however insist that her ashes be sprinkled in the Gulf as she always wanted! They lived right on the beach and she was like a fish in the water! I am glad that that is the memory that I have of her not in the funeral home! I am proud of you for standing up for your grandmothers wishes, it isn't easy going against the grain I know! I did the same thing with the roses when my best friends sister died this past year, its a beautiful thing that you have done! Take some time for you and be good to yourself during this peroid of time! Please know that you have my ear if you need

it! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Suziesusankirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...> wrote: Hey Group,Just got in tonight, funeral went as well as it could, family got along okay, service was very well done by the minister, and the flowers were beautiful. My Mom was mad at me for not going into the viewing, but Grandma said for years she didn't want anyone gawking at her dead, so I stood my ground and didn't go in.Had a nice visit with my brother, rode in from the airport together, nice to have one on one time with him.I'm so thankful for all your support during this time, I took it harder than I expected, but am so glad I went out for the funeral. I got all her children a rose bush to plant in their yards as a memorial to Grandma Florance, she loved yellow

roses. So she'll live on in their yards, or a least her memory.Colorado Springs

Relax. virus scanning helps detect nasty viruses!

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Hi ~ I am so sorry to hear of your loss! When my grandmother died it rocked my world! She didn't want a viewing but much to my dismay everone else felt that it was important. I felt that if I didn't uphold her wishes would anyone uphold mine when I died? I did however insist that her ashes be sprinkled in the Gulf as she always wanted! They lived right on the beach and she was like a fish in the water! I am glad that that is the memory that I have of her not in the funeral home! I am proud of you for standing up for your grandmothers wishes, it isn't easy going against the grain I know! I did the same thing with the roses when my best friends sister died this past year, its a beautiful thing that you have done! Please know that you have my ear if you need it! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Have a beautiful

day!susankirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...> wrote: Hey Group,Just got in tonight, funeral went as well as it could, family got along okay, service was very well done by the minister, and the flowers were beautiful. My Mom was mad at me for not going into the viewing, but Grandma said for years she didn't want anyone gawking at her dead, so I stood my ground and didn't go in.Had a nice visit with my brother, rode in from the airport together, nice to have one on one time with him.I'm so thankful for all your support during this time, I took it harder than I expected, but am so glad I went out for the funeral. I got all her children a rose bush to plant in their yards as a memorial to Grandma Florance, she loved yellow roses. So she'll live on in their yards, or a least her

memory.Colorado Springs

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Hi ~ I am so sorry to hear of your loss! When my grandmother died it rocked my world! She didn't want a viewing but much to my dismay everone else felt that it was important. I felt that if I didn't uphold her wishes would anyone uphold mine when I died? I did however insist that her ashes be sprinkled in the Gulf as she always wanted! They lived right on the beach and she was like a fish in the water! I am glad that that is the memory that I have of her not in the funeral home! I am proud of you for standing up for your grandmothers wishes, it isn't easy going against the grain I know! I did the same thing with the roses when my best friends sister died this past year, its a beautiful thing that you have done! Please know that you have my ear if you need it! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Have a beautiful

day!susankirkaldie <.Kirkaldie@...> wrote: Hey Group,Just got in tonight, funeral went as well as it could, family got along okay, service was very well done by the minister, and the flowers were beautiful. My Mom was mad at me for not going into the viewing, but Grandma said for years she didn't want anyone gawking at her dead, so I stood my ground and didn't go in.Had a nice visit with my brother, rode in from the airport together, nice to have one on one time with him.I'm so thankful for all your support during this time, I took it harder than I expected, but am so glad I went out for the funeral. I got all her children a rose bush to plant in their yards as a memorial to Grandma Florance, she loved yellow roses. So she'll live on in their yards, or a least her

memory.Colorado Springs

Brings words and photos together (easily) with PhotoMail - it's free and works with .

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Welcome back .

Sorry to hear that your Mom was upset with you, but seeing a last viewing is a personal choice. It is your choice to take that last opportunity or not. Everyone is different. My brother & I didn't have that choice when my Dad passed away, since he died away from home and was cremated before he was brought home. We both had a hard time dealing with his passing. It took my brother 10 years before he could release his fear of losing our mother when she didn't answer her phone and 20 years to be able to talk about Dad without breaking down. It took me 15 years before I could even go to the location where he did pass away and then I felt more at peace. The location looked very much like the valley where the family farm is, which he loved. My mother said she didn't want a viewing when she died, but when she heard how I felt when Dad passed away, she saw it as the last opportunity for those remaining to have closure for her being gone. I don't know if I will view her body or not, but at least I will have that opportunity to make that choice and so will my Cerebral Palsy brother.

The most important thing is to have the choice of viewing and your mother should respect your choice, whether she agrees with your decision or not. We each pay our respects in our own way and should be respected for it.

I'm glad that the rest of your visit was pleasant enough, under the circumstances. Your Grandma had good taste in roses, since yellow are my favourite, as well. Take care of yourself. Did you get yourself a rose bush, too, by any chance?


My Mom was mad at me for not going into the viewing, but Grandma said for years she didn't want anyone gawking at her dead, so I stood my ground and didn't go in.Had a nice visit with my brother, rode in from the airport together, nice to have one on one time with him.I got all her children a rose bush to plant in their yards as a memorial to Grandma Florance, she loved yellow roses. So she'll live on in their yards, or a least her memory.Colorado Springs

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Giving each of her children a rose bush was such a wonderful way to remember your grandmother. I'm sure that if she knew , she'd feel very loved , and would be very proud of you.


[ ] I'm back

Hey Group,Just got in tonight, funeral went as well as it could, family got along okay, service was very well done by the minister, and the flowers were beautiful. My Mom was mad at me for not going into the viewing, but Grandma said for years she didn't want anyone gawking at her dead, so I stood my ground and didn't go in.Had a nice visit with my brother, rode in from the airport together, nice to have one on one time with him.I'm so thankful for all your support during this time, I took it harder than I expected, but am so glad I went out for the funeral. I got all her children a rose bush to plant in their yards as a memorial to Grandma Florance, she loved yellow roses. So she'll live on in their yards, or a least her memory.Colorado Springs

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I was just reading a few posts to my mom and I was reminded of the

amazing wisdom and insight in this group. It is so refreshing to see a

group of individuals who are confident enough to express their views

even though all may not agree. Likewise, it is a beautiful thing that

multiple perspectives are always shared with the utmost respect. From

physical pain to air travel to grief, we are able to share our

experiences (often with much passion) and support each other in doing

whatever is best for the individual.

What an amazing group of people we are!


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


7 surgeries? Oh, my goodness and you just keep going. Vonnie

you amaze me. Tomorrow, I am 2 weeks post surgery. I am walking a

bit more each day. I am not sure I would have such resolution after

7 surgeries. The calendar is a great place to find out who's next on

the surgery round. Keep up the good work.


> Hello Group,Well I want to thank you all for the support and


> that I recieved from all of you,you all have been great through


> experience.I will NEVER go through this again!!.This was the


> of all of the 7 operations I had on the back..I got home on


> late in the afternoon and have not felt to good.I am now starting


> come around and feel a little more like myself,each day gets a


> better..I hear you about about the water faucets too,I find myself

> crying and don't know why...I know it will get better..


> like your doing great..Nan had her operation too didn't she? How

is she

> doing? Who else there are so many of us going through this..I


> believe Lorrie is planting,wow after 6 months thats great.Can you


> to plant? Pa,shopping all day and no pain that must have felt

> good.. NH are you ready to go in for your surgery? I don't


> you had your's yet or did you? I can't keep up with all of these

> surgerys..Well going to shower and try to go for a walk so I'll


> you all later..Thanks for everything Cam with giving people the


> your great...Vonnie


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I've not had 7 surgeries (and hope I never do) but the statement

about " you just keep going! " reminds me of the Energizer Bunny, or my

favorite saying (mostly to myself) is that " I'm like a Timex watch--

takes a licking but keeps on ticking " I'm sure you could say this,


Carol (CA)

> >

> > Hello Group,Well I want to thank you all for the support and

> emails

> > that I recieved from all of you,you all have been great through

> this

> > experience.I will NEVER go through this again!!.This was the

> toughest

> > of all of the 7 operations I had on the back..I got home on

> thursday

> > late in the afternoon and have not felt to good.I am now starting

> to

> > come around and feel a little more like myself,each day gets a

> little

> > better..I hear you about about the water faucets too,I find


> > crying and don't know why...I know it will get better..

> sounds

> > like your doing great..Nan had her operation too didn't she? How

> is she

> > doing? Who else there are so many of us going through this..I

> can't

> > believe Lorrie is planting,wow after 6 months thats great.Can you

> bend

> > to plant? Pa,shopping all day and no pain that must have


> > good.. NH are you ready to go in for your surgery? I don't

> think

> > you had your's yet or did you? I can't keep up with all of these

> > surgerys..Well going to shower and try to go for a walk so I'll

> catch

> > you all later..Thanks for everything Cam with giving people the

> updates

> > your great...Vonnie

> >


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Vonnie, I was just wondering how you were doing! I thought you'd probably

be out already, but wanted to check just in case you were still there

tomorrow, as I have a follow-up with Dr. Rand tomorrow.

So we missed each other again! But I'm so glad you've made it through, and

have better and better days ahead!

Take care.


[ ] I'm back

> Hello Group,Well I want to thank you all for the support and emails

> that I recieved from all of you,you all have been great through this

> experience.I will NEVER go through this again!!.This was the toughest

> of all of the 7 operations I had on the back..I got home on thursday

> late in the afternoon and have not felt to good.I am now starting to

> come around and feel a little more like myself,each day gets a little

> better..I hear you about about the water faucets too,I find myself

> crying and don't know why...I know it will get better.. sounds

> like your doing great..Nan had her operation too didn't she? How is she

> doing? Who else there are so many of us going through this..I can't

> believe Lorrie is planting,wow after 6 months thats great.Can you bend

> to plant? Pa,shopping all day and no pain that must have felt

> good.. NH are you ready to go in for your surgery? I don't think

> you had your's yet or did you? I can't keep up with all of these

> surgerys..Well going to shower and try to go for a walk so I'll catch

> you all later..Thanks for everything Cam with giving people the updates

> your great...Vonnie







> scoliosis veterans * flatback sufferers * revision candidates


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I am so glad to hear that you are home. You did great. What a trooper

going home between and then having the guts to go at it again. You

will surely never have to do this again ....

Every day you will feel a little better, and unlike being home after

stage 1 you know now that any healing you do is " for real " .

If you are up and showering and doing your walks you are doing great.

Don't expect too much the first few weeks...even though we know you

are really superwoman!

Take Care & take it slow! Cam

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Cam,It is a relief to know that I don't have to go through this anymore,mentally I couldn't do it again.I am getting better daily so I know I'm on the right road to recovery.Thanks to you and all these beautiful people in our group,we do go through alot and we are very special people..I am taking it slow for now and I'm sure I'll heal well.If anyone needed the CD I have one here that Kam sent me.Hope everyone is doing well also.I can't sit too long right now so I am going to read more mail and sign off for today..Vonniecammaltby <cammaltby@...> wrote: Vonnie,I am so glad to hear that you are home. You did great. What a trooper going home between and then having the guts to go at it again. You will surely never have to do this again ....Every day you will feel a little better, and unlike being home after stage 1

you know now that any healing you do is "for real".If you are up and showering and doing your walks you are doing great. Don't expect too much the first few weeks...even though we know you are really superwoman!Take Care & take it slow! Cam

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  • 5 months later...

Dear Group,

Got back from Boise okay, plane ride was good except I had a nineteen month old on my lap most of the time. We were on a small plane, excellent seats and a comfortable soft head rest, thankyou Frontier airlines. Headrests in Cars and planes are a big issue for me post revision, boy I sure can't fly on an Airbus plane, the headrest and how it jets your body out in the seat almost killed me on a flight to Phoenix. Thankfully it was a pretty uneventful trip. Glad I was gone I missed the Blizzard here, two and a half feet of snow!

I'm reading like a maniac to get caught up on posts. Welcome to all the new members!

[ ] Re: settling in to your new posture

Bonnie,You can start out with a chair at your side. When you have your eyes open you will find it relatively easy to balance...although depending on the strength of your ab/hips etc. you may not be able to hold it long. (If you have someone to time you or can see a clock you can see if you are progressing).After you have an idea of what the move feels like, put your hand on the chair if you need it to steady yourself...but then put it alongside you before your close your eyes because the littlest movement will change your balance spot. Don't fall.....just have fun and see how long you can hold that position! Switch legs...you will no doubt find one side harder than the other. This is a time I really notice the most how these long fusions prevent us from making those liitle corrections in the torso to keep balanced. I think its an easy way to improve balance...and maybe build a little muscle.Let me know how you do.Take Care,

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Welcome back, ! Glad you had a good trip!


[ ] Re: settling in to your new posture

Bonnie,You can start out with a chair at your side. When you have your eyes open you will find it relatively easy to balance...although depending on the strength of your ab/hips etc. you may not be able to hold it long. (If you have someone to time you or can see a clock you can see if you are progressing).After you have an idea of what the move feels like, put your hand on the chair if you need it to steady yourself...but then put it alongside you before your close your eyes because the littlest movement will change your balance spot. Don't fall.....just have fun and see how long you can hold that position! Switch legs...you will no doubt find one side harder than the other. This is a time I really notice the most how these long fusions prevent us from making those liitle corrections in the torso to keep balanced. I think its an easy way to improve balance...and maybe build a little muscle.Let me know how you do.Take Care,

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Welcome home , safe and sound.


> Dear Group,


> Got back from Boise okay, plane ride was good except I had a

nineteen month old on my lap most of the time. We were on a small

plane, excellent seats and a comfortable soft head rest, thankyou

Frontier airlines. Headrests in Cars and planes are a big issue for

me post revision, boy I sure can't fly on an Airbus plane, the

headrest and how it jets your body out in the seat almost killed me

on a flight to Phoenix. Thankfully it was a pretty uneventful trip.

Glad I was gone I missed the Blizzard here, two and a half feet of



> I'm reading like a maniac to get caught up on posts. Welcome to

all the new members!



> [ ] Re: settling in to your new posture



> Bonnie,


> You can start out with a chair at your side. When you have your


> open you will find it relatively easy to balance...although

> depending on the strength of your ab/hips etc. you may not be


> to hold it long. (If you have someone to time you or can see a


> you can see if you are progressing).


> After you have an idea of what the move feels like, put your

hand on

> the chair if you need it to steady yourself...but then put it

> alongside you before your close your eyes because the littlest

> movement will change your balance spot. Don't fall.....just have


> and see how long you can hold that position! Switch legs...you


> no doubt find one side harder than the other.


> This is a time I really notice the most how these long fusions

> prevent us from making those liitle corrections in the torso to


> balanced. I think its an easy way to improve balance...and maybe

> build a little muscle.


> Let me know how you do.


> Take Care,


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Hi ,

Welcome home! Glad to have you back. Family ok? They must have enjoyed the baby.

I take a seat cushion with me on planes. It gets my short waisted torso just high enough so that the awful headrest doesn't bother me. They must have used a 6'2 male with a long torso when they designed those seatbacks and headrests!


[ ] Re: settling in to your new posture

Bonnie,You can start out with a chair at your side. When you have your eyes open you will find it relatively easy to balance...although depending on the strength of your ab/hips etc. you may not be able to hold it long. (If you have someone to time you or can see a clock you can see if you are progressing).After you have an idea of what the move feels like, put your hand on the chair if you need it to steady yourself...but then put it alongside you before your close your eyes because the littlest movement will change your balance spot. Don't fall.....just have fun and see how long you can hold that position! Switch legs...you will no doubt find one side harder than the other. This is a time I really notice the most how these long fusions prevent us from making those liitle corrections in the torso to keep balanced. I think its an easy way to improve balance...and maybe build a little muscle.Let me know how you do.Take Care,

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  • 8 months later...
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Hi Cory! It's great to have you back with us. Any changes you

make " to the good " particularly during stressful times, will help you

deal with them. Just go easy so you do not get too many die-off

symptoms. Start the diet slowly and gradually. You can go wrong

giving your body what it needs so you can cope at this time.

Luv, Bee


> Hi All.

> I am Cory, I did the program last year and did MARVELOUS!!! I

> loved it and fit it into my lifestyle very well. I felt Stupendous


> then left the program and felt Stupid, ashamed, tired, frustrated,

> plain old sick and tired, and all the other emotions that those of


> who are letting our candida and it's addictions get the better of


> do!!

> I am now re-reading everything. I don't know if this is the

right time to try to make all these changes again as we are getting

to make a HUGE lifestyle change. But it all sort of fits in


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Thanks Bee.

I know how I felt doing this program verses not doing it. I was so happy

with the results I got in that few months I followed your program. (Feb-May) Now

I have to keep with it in maintance !!

I will do it slowly - thanks! This is an excitting time for us and I

wouldn't want it ruined with die-off symptoms!!

>> Hi Cory! It's great to have you back with us. Any changes you

make " to the good " particularly during stressful times, will help you

deal with them. Just go easy so you do not get too many die-off

symptoms. Start the diet slowly and gradually. You can go wrong

giving your body what it needs so you can cope at this time.<<


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Bee <beeisbuzzing2003@...> wrote: You can go wrong giving your

body what it needs so you can cope at this time.

Luv, Bee

I'm sure Bee meant to say: You can't go wrong giving your body what it needs

so you can cope at this time.


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You can go wrong giving

your body what it needs so you can cope at this time.


> Luv, Bee


> I'm sure Bee meant to say: You can't go wrong giving your body

what it needs so you can cope at this time.

> Maddalena

==>Yes, that is correct Maddalena. I meant to type: You can't go wrong

giving your body what it needs so you can cope at this time.

Luv, Bee

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--- Cory <grammaco@...> wrote:

> We are making a big move, to a bigger change of

climate, in the >north, but much smaller town and much

closer to the organics

Good for you! I'm planning on doing just the smae

very soon. I'm excited because although any move is

always stressful I know that this new place will bring

better air and thus better chances of helaing and


Welcome back!



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Thanks for the welcome ,

I am so excitted about this move and know that our lifestyles will change,

where staying here we would stay in the same rut. Sure we would try to make

changes but not like this new lifestyle will give us. We will be 45 mins drive

away from any big center. We purchased a bigger house (I know most people

downsize at retirement, but we have lived in a 900 sq ft house for 24 yrs, we

now need our own space) We also got more land - I was thinking of the the

gardening I will have time to do and I need to keep him busy! (or retirement

won't be so pleasant!) LOL

The winters are going to be difficult. I hate snow. (had a very serious

accident when I was 7 in a snow storm) So I have decided I am going to partake

in the communities activites to make sure I am still active during the winter. I

have always been curious about cross county skiing so I will take that up - the

path goes past my back yard !

Sorry didn't mean to go on ----- I am just so darn excitted!


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