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Hi Tawny,

No, I do not have vertigo all the time. I've been in remission for over a

year now. When the Meniere's was really active I would have vertigo

attacks about twice a week. I take a blood pressure medicine every day to

keep the fluids in my inner ear at bay. I also keep valium with me because

that's the only thing that will reduce the vertigo attack. The attacks are

so sudden that I would be walking and literally drop to the floor because my

brain could not tell my legs where to walk. Another common symptom is

" brain fog " where you can't remember some of the simplest things. The brain

fog comes and goes as well. Hope this all helps! I had to see an ENT first

and then he sent me to a Meniere's specialist for testing and diagnosis.



> Thanks ,


> That is great information, and so helpul. I need to talk to my doctor

> about that. I've had hearing loss for a long while, and have vertigo

> just out of the blue. Do you have vertigo all the time?


> Thanks for sharing,


> Tawny

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Hi ,

I don't have RA so I don't know which is worse. When my Meniere's was

really active, I was scared to do anything, I couldn't drive, and I even got

fired from the only work I could do, which was volunteer work at a school.

They said I was too much of a liability for them. I remember the worst

episode I had. I was in the shower and the vertigo started. I fell into

the tub and laid there for a while trying to make sense of how to get out of

the bathtub. I finally crawled out and crawled out of the bathroom. I was

screaming for my daughter who was 5 at the time. She had to go get my purse

and open a child proof bottle to get me valium. I laid naked in the hallway

for a good hour waiting for the vertigo to subside enough for me to make it

to a bed. Poor girl was scared out of her mind.

I also have smaller episodes where I try to sit down on a chair and I miss

the chair and hit the floor. It's funny to think about all the times I've

embarrassed my poor husband in public!

The good news is that I have been in remission for over a year and I am back

to working full time teaching!


From: [mailto: ] On

Behalf Of ldydewinter@...

Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:06 PM

Subject: Re: [ ] Vertigo

Last week I saw an episode on Meniere's disease on Mystery Diagnosis! It

sounds worse than even the RA!

----- Original Message -----


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Hi : Wow, you sure had a bad case of Vertigo. I am so glad it is

gone, and that you can teach full time. Very nice outcome.

I hope it never returns! What a frightening episode for you and your

little girl.




> Hi ,


> I don't have RA so I don't know which is worse. When my Meniere's was

> really active, I was scared to do anything, I couldn't drive, and I

even got

> fired from the only work I could do, which was volunteer work at a


> They said I was too much of a liability for them. I remember the worst

> episode I had. I was in the shower and the vertigo started. I fell


> the tub and laid there for a while trying to make sense of how to get

out of

> the bathtub. I finally crawled out and crawled out of the bathroom. I


> screaming for my daughter who was 5 at the time. She had to go get my


> and open a child proof bottle to get me valium. I laid naked in the


> for a good hour waiting for the vertigo to subside enough for me to

make it

> to a bed. Poor girl was scared out of her mind.




> I also have smaller episodes where I try to sit down on a chair and I


> the chair and hit the floor. It's funny to think about all the times


> embarrassed my poor husband in public!


> The good news is that I have been in remission for over a year and I

am back

> to working full time teaching!






> _____


> From: [mailto: ]


> Behalf Of ldydewinter@...

> Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2009 9:06 PM


> Subject: Re: [ ] Vertigo






> Last week I saw an episode on Meniere's disease on Mystery Diagnosis!


> sounds worse than even the RA!


> ----- Original Message -----



> _____










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Hi Beth,(Is this little Beth from Arkansas?)

Wow, you have been through a lot! I'm glad you finally got a diagnosis.

This is really interesting, because I've had problems with vertigo for

years. When I see the doctor, they don't really think nothing of it.

Thanks for sharing, it helps all of us so much,



> I have BPPV and was misdiagnosed for a year! it was horrible! i tried

all matters of meds- couldnt drive bc i would have a dizzy spell out of

the blue- and even was hospitalized a few times for it! no one knew what

it was - they thought it was maybe menieres too and i would just have to

live with it- or have the nerve to the ear severed and still maybe not

help but certainly lose the hearing in the ear!!

> then i went to a specialist to consult on this surgery, but she also

asked if i'd had the 'goggles test' & i hadnt (even tho id had all other

tests- mri, ct scans, bloodwork , the air in the ear thing, all several


> so she put goggles on me & had my lie down with my head to the side

then sit up- and she said yup you ahve bppv!

> i did some head movements there and immediately felt better!! after a

year! it was great!

> so now i do head exercises morning and nite and it prevents the dizzy


> the bad thing is that the exercises are hard first thing in the am

when i am stiff from the ra- figures :)

> but it is great not to be so helpless and miserable!

> beth

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This is beth from IL actually :)

my bppv was just like the vertigo mentioned- about twice a week out of the blue

id be on the floor- everything was spinning & i was sick at my stomach, couldnt

stand up so dizzy- , just kind of a fog some days too, took valium and

meclazine, it was horrid!

my kids were terrified too- thought i was going to die - i did too- it was jsut


Then just laying back and turning my head to one side, focusing on the wall to

that side, - then sitting up and focusing straight ahead- made it better- i do

that for each side ten times every am & pm- the am ones are harder bc they feel

like situps & i'm stiff in the am with the ra- but it is so great not to have

that horrid dizzy spells come on all the time! the exercises have prevented them

for over 2 yrs now :)

they say bppv is underdiagnosed- its such a shame!




> Hi Beth,(Is this little Beth from Arkansas?)


> Wow, you have been through a lot! I'm glad you finally got a diagnosis.

> This is really interesting, because I've had problems with vertigo for

> years. When I see the doctor, they don't really think nothing of it.


> Thanks for sharing, it helps all of us so much,


> Tawny

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Are you taking a lot of aspirin or NSAIDS. I believe they can cause vertigo. I

had it years ago but I also have hearing loss. They diagnosed me with a rare

form of Meniere's disease. Hope you are better soon. Peg Bauer



From: microminimalist@... <microminimalist@...>

Subject: [ ] Vertigo

Date: Sunday, August 16, 2009, 1:11 PM


I have been experiencing serious vertigo on and off for a few months. My

rheumatologist prescribed meclizine for me, but within the last 2 weeks the

vertigo is noticeably worse, and the meclizine isn't helping. I almost can't

drive because the world looks like it is spinning. Twice this week I had to pull

over and vomit.

I have been checked multiple times for ear problems and do not have any. I know

the vertigo can sometimes be part of fibromyalgia (which I also have), and my

rheumatologist suspects that is the cause. Nothing has changed in my medication,

eating habits, or job.

I am scheduled to see the doctor on 9/9. Should I wait 'til then to talk to her,

or call tomorrow?

Kate P-B in STL

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Hi Beth,

This sounds awful, how devastating for you, and your family. I'm glad

you finally got a diagnosis. One can go years apparently with this, how


I've had some pretty bad episodes to, and it sounds just like your

problem. I'm going to jot down this little work out,(everything is a

work out to me),lol Also, will talk to the doctor, the next time I have

a episode.

I'm glad your doing better now, and it's amazing just doing that can

help you. Awesome, thanks for the good info and tips.

Take care,


> >

> >

> > Hi Beth,(Is this little Beth from Arkansas?)

> >

> > Wow, you have been through a lot! I'm glad you finally got a


> > This is really interesting, because I've had problems with vertigo


> > years. When I see the doctor, they don't really think nothing of it.

> >

> > Thanks for sharing, it helps all of us so much,

> >

> > Tawny


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Thank you all for your responses. I don't take any NSAIDs, just prescription

" others. "

- Orencia

- Arava

- Cymbalta

- Zyrtec / Zyrtec-D

I'm going to try the exercises and see if I get any relief. I've noticed that

ceiling and regular fans, blinking lights, and headlights coming at me seem to

be playing a part, too, so I'm wondering if maybe it's migrainous in origin?


My husband's response when I told him about the vertigo? " Can't you just leave

it alone for a while? All you ever do it go to the doctor. This will just mean

more tests, more visits, no more answers than you have now. " Gee thanks, honey!

Kate P-B

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Sorry your hubby is not being very supportive, they do this sometimes.

I know it doesn't make you feel well, it's not your darn fault. Just

take care of yourself, and he will understand later.

Take care, and keep us posted,



> Thank you all for your responses. I don't take any NSAIDs, just

prescription " others. "

> - Orencia

> - Arava

> - Cymbalta

> - Zyrtec / Zyrtec-D


> I'm going to try the exercises and see if I get any relief. I've

noticed that ceiling and regular fans, blinking lights, and headlights

coming at me seem to be playing a part, too, so I'm wondering if maybe

it's migrainous in origin? Hmm...


> My husband's response when I told him about the vertigo? " Can't you

just leave it alone for a while? All you ever do it go to the doctor.

This will just mean more tests, more visits, no more answers than you

have now. " Gee thanks, honey!


> Kate P-B

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


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A few months ago I had this problem also. My blood work at my RA Dr. showed

a very low Vitamin (D3) deficiency. My RA Dr. told me to take OTC Vitamin

D3 tablets 2 times a day (2000 mcg). I can say that after taking the

Vitamin D3 tablets the unbalance and or hard to focus my eyes and dizziness

stopped. My blood work was redone and my levels were way better. I still have


take the Vitamin D3 though until my levels are fine.


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(((((Kate))))), I'm so sorry to hear your husband does not sound very supportive

of what you're going through. Auto-immune disorders are not easy to deal with

and unfortunately sometimes can come with secondary diagnosis' as well. Its

normal for our spouses to feel frustrated with what we're going through, though.

Especially for men (I think) because they always want to " fix " things and this

is just out of their control. Try to keep him informed as much as possible in

terms that he will understand. Keep in mind that it could be something with your

medications as well that are causing all of this.

Check out: http://search.medscape.com/drug-reference-search

Or: http://www.drugs.com/sfx/ to see if any of your meds have vertigo as a

side effect.

Also check out: http://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html to see if any of

your drugs combined could be causing this.

Best of luck to you. Keep us posted.....Doreen :)

Thank you all for your responses. I don't take any NSAIDs, just prescription

" others. "

- Orencia

- Arava

- Cymbalta

- Zyrtec / Zyrtec-D

I'm going to try the exercises and see if I get any relief. I've noticed that

ceiling and regular fans, blinking lights, and headlights coming at me seem to

be playing a part, too, so I'm wondering if maybe it's migrainous in origin?


My husband's response when I told him about the vertigo? " Can't you just leave

it alone for a while? All you ever do it go to the doctor. This will just mean

more tests, more visits, no more answers than you have now. " Gee thanks, honey!

Kate P-B

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Treva,

Tea tree oil is supposed to be very good for the ears, at least for

softening/removing deposits. Put a few drops in the ear and put some cotton

in to keep it from running out.

Also, you can buy a bulb that you can fill with water or water/hydrogen

peroxide mix and squeeze to flush out anything that's in there.


On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 9:23 AM, Shay Spence <spence45011@...> wrote:



> Hi Bee,


> lately I've had problems with driving due to my ears. I mixed

> water/peroxide 50/50, saturated cotton balls and put in my ears. normally

> this works but not this time.

> Could you please tell me if there's anything else that I can do.


> Thanks,


> Treva Shay Spence



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Thanks Zack!  I'll try the tea tree oil.

My ears are soo bad that I favor driving more to the right. it's very scary not

being in control of yourself while driving. My ears ache today as well. I'm very

tense and irritable!  I have to work though. So I push myself!  I'm hoping it

will pass like everything else :)

Thanks again!

Treva Shay Spence



> Hi Bee,


> lately I've had problems with driving due to my ears. I mixed

> water/peroxide 50/50, saturated cotton balls and put in my ears. normally

> this works but not this time.

> Could you please tell me if there's anything else that I can do.


> Thanks,


> Treva Shay Spence



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Hi Treva,

On wikipedia it's written that Tea tree oil may cause hearing loss when used in

the ears, I know wikipedia isn't a reliable source but maybe you could do some

researches to be sure it's safe.

I hope your ears will feel better soon.



> >

> >

> > Hi Bee,

> >

> > lately I've had problems with driving due to my ears. I mixed

> > water/peroxide 50/50, saturated cotton balls and put in my ears. normally

> > this works but not this time.

> > Could you please tell me if there's anything else that I can do.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Treva Shay Spence

> >

> >

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Thank's for letting me know this. I ended up going to the Dr. and I have

" allergies " . Anywho, he told me to take more vit.C, NAC, and stinging nettle. He

said hold my nose while drinking out of a straw. My head, eyes, and ears are

awful today! 

What do you think about this regimen Bee?? 

I know this is off topic...Sorry!

Treva Shay Spence

From: adrichan@... <adrichan@...>

Subject: [ ] Re: Vertigo

Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2009, 11:02 AM


Hi Treva,

On wikipedia it's written that Tea tree oil may cause hearing loss when used in

the ears, I know wikipedia isn't a reliable source but maybe you could do some

researches to be sure it's safe.

I hope your ears will feel better soon.



> >

> >

> > Hi Bee,

> >

> > lately I've had problems with driving due to my ears. I mixed

> > water/peroxide 50/50, saturated cotton balls and put in my ears. normally

> > this works but not this time.

> > Could you please tell me if there's anything else that I can do.

> >

> > Thanks,

> >

> > Treva Shay Spence

> >

> >

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Hi Treva,

Bee is out of town for a few days to help her mother move.

What is NAC? Obvioiusly vitamin C won't hurt you...nor would stinging nettle.

They aren't " off program. " Do what you can to assist your body getting rid of

toxins. Epsom salt baths, dry skin brushing, etc.



> Thank's for letting me know this. I ended up going to the Dr. and I have

" allergies " . Anywho, he told me to take more vit.C, NAC, and stinging nettle. He

said hold my nose while drinking out of a straw. My head, eyes, and ears are

awful today! 

> What do you think about this regimen Bee?? 

> I know this is off topic...Sorry!



> Treva Shay Spence


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  • 3 months later...


> Bee,


> My assistant just called in sick today with a horrible case of vertigo. Every

time she tries to get out of bed, she gets dizzy, the room is swaying, etc. My

question is whether or not vertigo is a symptom of candida. Last week, she had a

strange breakout all over her body ... the doctors all thought it was scabies

but biopsy did not confirm same. Whenever we eat lunch together and she has pad

thai, she gets a headache leaving me to believe she has candida. She seems to

have symptoms consistent with Candida but I wasn't certain about vertigo.


> Thanks in advance,


> Nikki

## Hi Nikki ,

Yes , Vertigo can be a symptom of Candida .

In regards , to " pad thai " and the headache reaction , the Sugar content may

spark this reaction considering the Candida connection .

However , MSG / Monosodium Glutamate may be included depending on preparation

of the food , which is notorious for igniting Headaches in people who consume

food with MSG .

Asian cuisine is known for adding this ingredient during preparation. So be

careful , take this in consideration and ask if they include this ingredient in

their preparation !

Bee or one of the moderators will probably chime in and perhaps advise further .

Best Regards,


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Faye, Dea and all...


Yes this is very common among the average height and us LP's...

When visiting my doctor about the same kind of issues he in turn

explained to me there are a few different things as to why this happens..


Between ear infections and or the unbalance of the hair cells become

unbalanced in the equilibrium..the main two issues..


He suggested to help control this when an ear infection isn't the cause and it's

usually controlled with antibiotics at that time because of the fluid built up


the inner ear....is at the other times when this happens to stand on your head

for a few minutes ( yes you read this right )

or if your an LP as I am and we are not supposed to be putting pressure on

our necks, spines etc...he suggested I lay on my back put a pillow

under my shoulders and head hanging off of it to give a bit of hanging upside

down motion so to say or backward head off of a chair, bed etc...What this could

help is get the equilibrium back in balance which would help with the dizziness


have it go away for that time... He said when the hair pieces in the fluid

become out of balance that's what causes our dizziness...


I would have to say for me this works and hope it can some of you as well..


Here is also a Wikipedia link for starters..



Hope his helps in getting you started to to an un-dizzy day :-)

Now has anyone else been told this by any chance?



From: cinnamon2@... <cinnamon2@...>

Subject: Vertigo


Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 10:06 AM


Faye and all,

I have vertigo quite abit. Doctors have always said it's a ear balance


I am currently trying to find out if there is other causes of vertigo.

I can be just standing still, and wham! the room starts spinning. So I am

having troubles believing that it's my ears.

In my own mind, I keep thinking it has something to do with my spine -

again, that is my own thoughts - nobody has told me that.

I would love to hear anyone else's thoughts and research on this as well.

Dea (achon)

Alberta, Canada

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I had Vertigo last year. It happened to be some virus in my ear. I got some

pills against the vertigo and the virus disappeared within a week.


From: spiritual_element4 <spiritual_element4@...>

Subject: Vertigo


Date: Thursday, March 4, 2010, 7:22 AM


Hi everyone

I haven't been in here for a long time :)

I just wondered if anyone else has ever been diagnosed with Vertigo? I've

recently been told that I could have it due to ear problems that I get with one

of my ears. So, knowing that ear problems are a common complaint with LP, I

wondered if dizzy spells are also common with it?

I've had dizzy spells ever since I was very young (maybe 8 years old). And

always had ear problems. So it makes sense that these connect.

Would love to hear if anyone else has this experience.



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  • 8 months later...

Hi, I now need to figure what has caused my vertigo. I still have it. The only

change that I can think of is that I have added or increased my intake of ALA,

B-Complex, and vitamin C. Any answers will be greatly appreciated.

Thinking it me due to the increase of LDN, I have now increased that to tytrate

up to 4.5mg. I am now at 2mg.


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For what it's worth... my youngest daughter has a strange balance

disorder (she isn't verbal enough to yet describe " vertigo " but we

watch her lose her balance). Anyway, hers responds specifically to

vitamin C and her magic dose is 1/2 a mg 2x/day (she is about 28 lbs).

Apparently there is a mitochondrial disorder called " complex 3 " and

that one responds to vitamin C in particular. We are doing a mito

blood panel test soon.

- Kati

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone else get terrible dizziness? I had to stay in bed all day because I was

so dizzy and would have to hold on to the wall to walk to the bathroom. Feeling

a little better today but that was awful. I don't have any sinus issues at the

moment and my blood pressure was fine.

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How do they treat it and what do they say about it? I also have several

autoimmune disease besides RA. BOOOOO it sucks!




> Hi ...I have vertigo...one episode so bad I ended up in the hospital.  I

also have several autoimmune illnesses including RA.




> Cheryle, in Oregon (aka Tess)















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Hi ...yes, it is awful!  I'm sorry you have to go through this.  They did

a lot of tests on me, and found there is a deficit in my left inner ear

labyrinth.  I use meclizine as needed (I think same or similar to what folks

use for seasicknesses) and some folks use one of the benzodiazipines.  On the

more natural side, some folks use 'lipoflavinoids' (not sure of the spelling)

with success.  it is important that uyour doctors rule out things like strokes

or other brain issues.

I didn't erven think about the vertigo when I went to Disneyland 2 years

ago...it is a good thing I brought my meds.  The plane ride was really hard on

me, and I went on Splash Mountain and got really sick (from the big drop at the

end of the ride).  I could do a lot of the other rides that were more gentle

and did not have drops.

With love and hope...


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Dizziness is a very common side effect of minocycline.

Not an MD

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 7:11 AM, ktandtm <ktandtm@...> wrote:

> Anyone else get terrible dizziness? I had to stay in bed all day because I was

so dizzy and would have to hold on to the wall to walk to the bathroom. Feeling

a little better today but that was awful. I don't have any sinus issues at the

moment and my blood pressure was fine.



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