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Again the "vertigo" issue.

When I gave out the website on how to rid oneself from vertigo, I was very specific to say that it was for "inner ear cases" If the Epley maneuver works, it is a ClEAR indication of inner ear issue. It is NOT to say that some people with MS have vertigo due to the MS.

We DO have to be very careful NOT to blame EVERTHING on MS and become victims of this disease. I am affected by MS but my motto is: "I have MS but MS does not have me" Attitude is everything.

No, do not "assume" that a symptom is automatically to blame on MS.

I am Ivy - MS affected for more than a decade and still fighting....yes, I HAVE pain, stiffness, gait, bladder issues - you name it! But I continue to fight ...not let it take me down and enjoy life.Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

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my uncle was often dizzy had trouble walking after months of going to his DR he found he had an infection in his big toe


[low dose naltrexone] vertigo

Hi folks.

Feel need to comment on the vertigo issue. Before I was DX (in

about '93) I went to my then PC about dizziness (vertigo) and was

given the middle ear explanation. I had strong feeling and even

suggested MS which was poo-pooed. I think anyone who has MS can

safely assume that it IS from their MS. Dizziness IS a classic MS

symptom. This is a very complicated disease. After trying many

treatments, I believe that LDN is giving me some hope. Such tiny

improvements like rolling over in bed, taking a few unaided steps, a

bit of bladder control - feel like real miracles to me. Those who are

experiencing the dizziness may be passing through some of their early

disease stages on the way to health with LDN. Let's have hope. I'm

sure that many newbies like me have been so close to despair like

"the sun's going down on me". I want to believe that all of these

pesky symptoms will soon subside.

be well,

ebaker from Oregon USA

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, All,

I seem to have been hit with a bout of Vertigo. The room is spinning,

I'm nauseous and BLECH! At first I thought it was a reaction to a new med,

but it's been ruled out. Then I realized I feel exactly as I did after my

last CI surgery in 2005. That lasted 2 weeks (severe) to 2 months (less so).

Any insights or solutions? Yes, I've contacted 3 docs already and all said

to take anti-vert (I am-it's not helping) and wait it out! Thanks - Jackie :o(

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Hi Jackie,

I haven't posted in ages but occassionally I come back to check

whats going on here and came across this subject.

I use to have vertigo attacks " before " I had my CI implant and

before I lost my hearing. Anti-vert didn't help me any. I was

diagnois with Menieres disease. Once I was implanted my vertigo

disappeared but I do have vestibular lost. I know this dosen't help

you much but thought I would mentioned it.

Hope you find relief soon as I can truly sympathize with you.


> Hi, All,

> I seem to have been hit with a bout of Vertigo. The room is


> I'm nauseous and BLECH! At first I thought it was a reaction to

a new med,

> but it's been ruled out. Then I realized I feel exactly as I did

after my

> last CI surgery in 2005. That lasted 2 weeks (severe) to 2 months

(less so).

> Any insights or solutions? Yes, I've contacted 3 docs already

and all said

> to take anti-vert (I am-it's not helping) and wait it out!

Thanks - Jackie :o(




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Hi ,

I agree.anti-vert is a joke. I have bi-lateral Meniere's and it never seemed

to help.

How are you doing with your implant? I go next week for an eval. I do not

get the vertigo anymore (sometimes just feel a little " off " however), but I

do have a severe hearing loss in both ears.

Belinda DeLaby, CPDT

Canine Action, Inc.

(407) 325-9317





From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 9:04 PM

Subject: Re: Vertigo

Hi Jackie,

I haven't posted in ages but occassionally I come back to check

whats going on here and came across this subject.

I use to have vertigo attacks " before " I had my CI implant and

before I lost my hearing. Anti-vert didn't help me any. I was

diagnois with Menieres disease. Once I was implanted my vertigo

disappeared but I do have vestibular lost. I know this dosen't help

you much but thought I would mentioned it.

Hope you find relief soon as I can truly sympathize with you.


> Hi, All,

> I seem to have been hit with a bout of Vertigo. The room is


> I'm nauseous and BLECH! At first I thought it was a reaction to

a new med,

> but it's been ruled out. Then I realized I feel exactly as I did

after my

> last CI surgery in 2005. That lasted 2 weeks (severe) to 2 months

(less so).

> Any insights or solutions? Yes, I've contacted 3 docs already

and all said

> to take anti-vert (I am-it's not helping) and wait it out!

Thanks - Jackie :o(




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Thanks for replying, ,

It took me awhile to figure out that Vertigo is what's going on. I was

hoping the anti-vert would help with one pill, but no such luck! The nausea

is a lot calmer today, but the dizziness remains and it's the PITS!

Hopefully it's on it's way out and my doc will check it out when I see her

for a regularly scheduled appointment on Tuesday. I've only ever had this

after my last ci surgery, so I hope it's not going to be a pattern. I had a

kidney stone attack a few weeks ago, the first of which I had exactly one year

ago. I hope that isn't going to be an annual thing either! " Growing old

ain't for sissys! " I think Betty said that! LOL

:o) Jackie

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-- how interesting that vertigo would be associated with migrianes!! I

have had them since I was six and I remember having some attacks of vertigo but

the doc says oh just a virus and gave me antivert meds. Snoopy

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Flash, my good woman,

Vertigo sucks. I've had several episodes in the last year, some

lasting 7 hours or longer when you're on your knees praising the

porcelain goddess. For those who don't understand THAT reference, it is


Here's what I did - went to see a Neurotologist (specialist in brain

and hearing) who specializes in dizziness and balance problems. Your

implant center can probably refer you to one. Prior to seeing this very

special specialist, we did shots of gentamycin in the ear twice, shots of

steroids in the ear, and all to no avail.

Write down which way the dizziness is going - up and down, side to

side, rolling, etc. and what sets it off. If it's from changing position

in bed -= like rolling over, that is benign proximal positional vertigo

(BPPV) and there are ways to control that. If you have a severe headache

around the same time as the dizziness, it could well be migraine related.

After trying countless things, like the aforementioned shots, the Dr.

told me if I presented with all the symptoms minus the hearing loss, he

would have diagnosed migraine. So we're treating it like migraine. I

have Ativan (which is a tranquilizer) to take under the tongue if it

starts, and I also have Clonazapem (another tranq) that I take half a

pill twice a day to prevent the dizziness from happening. I also have

antivert, and Relpax for migraine. So when the rolling dizziness starts

and it's not positional vertigo, I start with antivert and ativan. If

that doesn't work, I follow with another ativan. There is also anti

nausea drugs you can take, so you aren't spending hours vomiting. I had

a blanket and pillow in both bathrooms for months because of this.

I am now taking Physical therapy for gait disorder - I walk funny,

can't balance well, etc. Narrowed it down to the neck and jaw, causing


So, see a specialist and hang in there. I know I felt like I way

dying, and then thought it would be worse -- I'd live and feel like this.

Good luck,

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Thanks so much, !

This is really helpful. I HAVE been getting headaches with this! I never

had migraines before. What is this new hell? Fortunately, while still

feeling a bit of nausea, I'm not worshipping the porcelin goddess. Good thing,

too, because the most convenient one I have is black! LOL I'm not totally

incapacitated , still doing household chores, etc, but I wouldn't drive in this

condition. When I first woke up with it at 4 am I was truly terrified! With

symptoms modified, I'm dealing with it a little better. I see my GP on

Tuesday and ask about a neurologist. My CI center is in NY and I don't want to

be traveling that far. We have excellent medical centers right here in our

backyard, and I'm sure there is someone good available if it comes down to

that. Anyway - I'll keep you posted. Thanks for responding!

:oP Jackie

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I'm really sorry to read that you have having this episode of vertigo.

I agree with that it can be Migraines. In fact, a doctor I

see a the Cleveland Clinic told me that my dizziness problem is a

Migraine issue and I take Vitamin B2 every day. When the dizziness is

worse - I take Ibuprofin. I find that it helps. If you are seeing any

type of aura (lights or flashing or even visual distortion), it is

most likely a migraine issue. I'd talk this over with your doctor

when you see him this week. I'm glad you have the appointment.

Please feel better FAST !!!!



In , Flashwun@... wrote:


> Thanks so much, !

> This is really helpful. I HAVE been getting headaches with this!

I never

> had migraines before. What is this new hell? Fortunately, while


> feeling a bit of nausea, I'm not worshipping the porcelin goddess.

Good thing,

> too, because the most convenient one I have is black! LOL I'm not


> incapacitated , still doing household chores, etc, but I wouldn't

drive in this

> condition. When I first woke up with it at 4 am I was truly

terrified! With

> symptoms modified, I'm dealing with it a little better. I see my

GP on

> Tuesday and ask about a neurologist. My CI center is in NY and I

don't want to

> be traveling that far. We have excellent medical centers right

here in our

> backyard, and I'm sure there is someone good available if it comes

down to

> that. Anyway - I'll keep you posted. Thanks for responding!

> :oP Jackie





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Apparently since the dizziness comes first, followed by the headache, (an

unusual almost backwards way) people thought the dizziness was causing

the headache. Rather than the headache would cause the dizziness.

Migraine is supposed to improve with age - yeah, like fine wine, etc.

And decrease at menopause. Got news for you, that didn't happen either.

-- how interesting that vertigo would be associated with

migrianes!! I have had them since I was six and I remember having some

attacks of vertigo but the doc says oh just a virus and gave me antivert

meds. Snoopy

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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Thanks so much, Alice,

Viamin B2 and ibuprofin - now that's easy enough. I'll check the B2 with my

doc tomorrow.

Meanwhile, today I went to the urologist about the kidney stone attack I had

2 weeks ago. What does he give me? Flomax! Yep - what they usually give

to MEN and 10% of people using it get a side affect of - guess what? Vertigo!

ARGGG - I have used it twice before with no side affects so hopefully this

will push the stubborn stones that are still there OUT and NOT make me any


I'm just falling apart! Blech!

Thank G-d I'm much better but still won't drive, and I'm not in pain, so

we'll see what this week brings! So far, despite the x-ray showing the stones

still in me, I got treated to a wonderful breakfast that was delicious! LOL

Hope you are doing well and making progress on your issues, too!

:o) Jackie

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Hmmm, ,

I never had migraines before, that I know of. But I AM aging, and

surgery sent me into menopause last November, so what's the deal?? I recently


a kidney stone attack and now the stones want to stay with me, too! Now if

they were diamonds, fine - but this stinks! LOL I repeat - " Growing old

ain't for sissies! "

:o/ Jackie

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Hey Jackie,

If it is the benign proximal positional vertigo, (BPPV) it is very

easily cured. There are crystals in your ears (who knew?) and when they

move out of place, they cause dizziness. Sudden movements can cause it,

and if it occurs in bed, then it's almost always BPPV. There is a

little trick the Dr. can do to reposition the crystals. Called the

" Modified Eppley Maneuver " . But after it's done, you need to sleep

almost upright for 2 days to keep those darned crystals where they


If you are still doing household chores, there has been some degree

of brain damage. Anything would, and does, get me from doing household


Good luck. Mention BPPV and the Eppley maneuver and impress your GP

all to pieces.

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  • 1 month later...


Do you have an implant? I am bilateral Menieres also and have had a

labryinthectomy on one side. thinking about CI on the other but

worried that it may not be a good choice due to playing around with

my last balance ear. FYI, you are right about antivert....no help at

all. But 1 mg of Xananx works wonders for me during an episode of

dizziness or vertigo.

Let me know what you think about doing an inplant


> >

> > Hi, All,

> > I seem to have been hit with a bout of Vertigo. The room is

> spinning,

> > I'm nauseous and BLECH! At first I thought it was a reaction to

> a new med,

> > but it's been ruled out. Then I realized I feel exactly as I did

> after my

> > last CI surgery in 2005. That lasted 2 weeks (severe) to 2 months

> (less so).

> > Any insights or solutions? Yes, I've contacted 3 docs already

> and all said

> > to take anti-vert (I am-it's not helping) and wait it out!

> Thanks - Jackie :o(

> >

> >

> >

> > ************************************** See what's new at

> http://www.aol. <http://www.aol.com> com

> >

> >

> >

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Hi, ,

Nice to " see " you and thanks for responding. My vertigo finally

resolved, but not before practically driving me crazy! I never had it before I


implanted and my doctor thinks it was just some kind of ear virus that has

no connection to my CI's. It was very severe the first few days. It took

about a week to settle enough where I felt comfortable driving, but around 2


ths for it to completely clear. I guess it was just one of those weird

things. This year seems to have brought a lot of them my way! LOL Hopefully


won't have this again. I just saw where another poster says Xanax helped him

so I will try that next time if there IS a next time, (which I hope there

ISN'T), as I always have that in the house (doesn't everybody?) LOL :o) Jackie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ever since I have been an adult the only way I have been able to tell that I

have an ear infection is when I develop vertigo. It is terrible and If and

when it starts I know just exactly what the cultprit is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i have never had vertigo per se...but have been dizzy. but a good

friend has had it and it is not fun.

my doctors do not use flouro with fills. why do you think that the

band was involved with your vertigo?

At 07:47 AM 12/30/2007, you wrote:

>Hi Everyone.


>I'm back in the land of the living after having a bout with vertigo

>yesterday. If I hadn't heard my dad, brother, and sister talk about

>it, I would have thought I was losing my mind. I woke up and turned

>my head in bed and was suddenly dizzy. Spent the next 24 hours in bed

>hanging on for dear life because everything was spinning. I didn't

>eat or drink, couldn't move my head off the pillow. DH called the doc

>and got some motion sickness pills to chew, but I had dry heaves off

>and on all day long. Poor band. I have to say, it was the most

>frightening experience of my young 53 years. Has anyone else here had

>vertigo? My fill doc doesn't use fluoro, only upper GI. After

>yesterday I'm concerned about band erosion.









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Yes, I have this situation. My condition was diaginosed as " Benign

positional proximal vertigo. It can be awful. Mine comes and goes

and has been a " visitor " for over 25 years. Usually it is just

" annoying " but once in a while it can land me on my back hanging on

for dear life. Yes, it is scarry.

There are some head jiggling techniques that work for some folks. An

ear doc or neurologist can help refer you to the proper person if





> Hi Everyone.


> I'm back in the land of the living after having a bout with vertigo

> yesterday. If I hadn't heard my dad, brother, and sister talk about

> it, I would have thought I was losing my mind. I woke up and turned

> my head in bed and was suddenly dizzy. Spent the next 24 hours in bed

> hanging on for dear life because everything was spinning. I didn't

> eat or drink, couldn't move my head off the pillow. DH called the doc

> and got some motion sickness pills to chew, but I had dry heaves off

> and on all day long. Poor band. I have to say, it was the most

> frightening experience of my young 53 years. Has anyone else here had

> vertigo? My fill doc doesn't use fluoro, only upper GI. After

> yesterday I'm concerned about band erosion.


> Carol

> 246/208/125


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Only because of all of the vomiting as a result of the vertigo.


> i have never had vertigo per se...but have been dizzy. but a good

> friend has had it and it is not fun.

> my doctors do not use flouro with fills. why do you think that the

> band was involved with your vertigo?



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ah, sorry. didnt realize.

At 11:01 AM 12/30/2007, you wrote:

>Only because of all of the vomiting as a result of the vertigo.





> >

> > i have never had vertigo per se...but have been dizzy. but a good

> > friend has had it and it is not fun.

> > my doctors do not use flouro with fills. why do you think that the

> > band was involved with your vertigo?

> >

> >






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yes, have had it. has been due to inner ear infections or other

problems for me, and for my daughter.

I'd not worry about erosion (actually you mean slippage, I think)

unless you have reason to be due to symptoms.

Sunday, December 30, 2007, 5:47:03 AM, you wrote:

> Poor band. I have to say, it was the most

> frightening experience of my young 53 years. Has anyone else here had

> vertigo? My fill doc doesn't use fluoro, only upper GI. After

> yesterday I'm concerned about band erosion.


" It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.mylapband.tk

Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for almost 4 years

Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and SmartLipo in Tijuana

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, Jeannie, I have had this many times. as far back as the beginning

of my fm symptoms. I think the magnesuim helps and i take iron about 3

x a week.


> I am just recovering from my 2nd bout of BPPV (benign parovsmal

> positional vertigo) in less than one year. I was wondering if


> else has had a problem with this? Could it be related to fibro?


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Gerry

I'm undergoing investigation for BPV - Benign Positional Vertigo. So far, we've not been able to replicate the vertigo in clinic, and so he can't diagnose it firmly, but he says it would be about par for the course. This is in my cholesteatoma (right) ear - and I always fall/roll/stumble to the right.




Hi,I was wondering about experiences with vertigo for people who have had cholesteatomas. I've just been diagnosed with vertigo and have been undergoing the Epley maneuver to try to get rid of crystals in the tubes of my left ear. Surprisingly, it's not in my cholesteatoma ear, the right ear. I was just wondering if this has been encountered by other people with cholesteatomas. Gerry


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