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Re: 5 More Sleeps

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Hello All

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

My name is Natasha, I have been reading for a long while but haven't

had much luck with our e-mail and all that sort of thing, so I had a

lot of catching up to do in regards to your e-mails. 231 messages

later and my eyes are a little sore.

Anyway as you can guess I am going in for my resurfacing on Monday, 7

Jan and I am starting to freak out a little. I'm sure everything

will be OK but I'm sure you guys can understand my anxiety.

Can I get some feedback as to how peopole are fairing at 4 weeks as

my 2 closest friends are getting married not long after my

operation. One on the 2 Feb and the other on the 23 March. I have a

feeling that the later one will be OK but I am anxious to know,

assuiming all goes well, how I will be travelling for the 2 Feb.

Could anyone let me how they are fairing at 4 weeks. As I am only 25

and am in good general health my Dr expects me to recover quite well

(and quickly)

Kindest regards


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Natasha- Everyone varies in their recovery, but I can imagine you'll

do fine. I had my left hip resurfed on Dec 17 and was sent home the

20th...to Michigan from Baltimore (500+ miles). I had to get out as

it was suggested every hour and walk around, we did fine. I traveled

40 miles to my brother's house for Christmas on the 23rd and we spent

5 hours there. I went to a party on the 29th and stayed for several

hours, some standing some sitting. I think that once you are home,

the thing to start doing is reducing the swelling. My PT suggest

doing the exercises in order. Do the Ankle Pumps,Knee extension, to

hip extesions. This helped me clear my leg of the excess fluid. Keep

the affected leg elevated. Drink lots of water, too. (Helps flush


Getting the swelling down helps with the all over healing, it won't

happen in a day but diligence pays off big time.

IF you can arrange the car to get you around, I tilted the seat back

on our Saturn Wagon and sat on a pillow in the front seat, slid back

in utilising the grab loops on the ceiling and then tipped the seat

upright when I got my dead leg through the door. A garbage bag to get

situated on helps you slide around and once your in place can be

pulled out from under by a helper. I found that the seat I just left

ten minustes before was not as comfy when I sat down again, but you

will find a way to situate yourself in your seat. Give it a dry run

or 20.

At 23, you are quite young but when I was at Sinai for mine, Dr Mont

had an 18 year old girl who had one done Monday, the same day as me,

and the other side done on Friday. It always minimises our own

troubles to find that others have more. We're lucky this is available

and we don't have to get our bones hacked off and get THR's.

Think of how this is going to change your life and get you back on

track, Natasha. I am a little older, 49, but I was apprehensive too.

On surgery day, I was up and early at the hospital, it helps to be

cheerful, you're getting fixed up now. Go with wings on your feet,

you will do fine.

I won't say " good luck " you already have that, I will say that

surgery day you'll be groggy, the first day post op you'll be

adjusting to pain and nausea, but by Jan 9 you should be feeling alot

better. It will all pass. Remember your experience and help someone

else through it. Captain Amaze_O

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Natasha- Everyone varies in their recovery, but I can imagine you'll

do fine. I had my left hip resurfed on Dec 17 and was sent home the

20th...to Michigan from Baltimore (500+ miles). I had to get out as

it was suggested every hour and walk around, we did fine. I traveled

40 miles to my brother's house for Christmas on the 23rd and we spent

5 hours there. I went to a party on the 29th and stayed for several

hours, some standing some sitting. I think that once you are home,

the thing to start doing is reducing the swelling. My PT suggest

doing the exercises in order. Do the Ankle Pumps,Knee extension, to

hip extesions. This helped me clear my leg of the excess fluid. Keep

the affected leg elevated. Drink lots of water, too. (Helps flush


Getting the swelling down helps with the all over healing, it won't

happen in a day but diligence pays off big time.

IF you can arrange the car to get you around, I tilted the seat back

on our Saturn Wagon and sat on a pillow in the front seat, slid back

in utilising the grab loops on the ceiling and then tipped the seat

upright when I got my dead leg through the door. A garbage bag to get

situated on helps you slide around and once your in place can be

pulled out from under by a helper. I found that the seat I just left

ten minustes before was not as comfy when I sat down again, but you

will find a way to situate yourself in your seat. Give it a dry run

or 20.

At 23, you are quite young but when I was at Sinai for mine, Dr Mont

had an 18 year old girl who had one done Monday, the same day as me,

and the other side done on Friday. It always minimises our own

troubles to find that others have more. We're lucky this is available

and we don't have to get our bones hacked off and get THR's.

Think of how this is going to change your life and get you back on

track, Natasha. I am a little older, 49, but I was apprehensive too.

On surgery day, I was up and early at the hospital, it helps to be

cheerful, you're getting fixed up now. Go with wings on your feet,

you will do fine.

I won't say " good luck " you already have that, I will say that

surgery day you'll be groggy, the first day post op you'll be

adjusting to pain and nausea, but by Jan 9 you should be feeling alot

better. It will all pass. Remember your experience and help someone

else through it. Captain Amaze_O

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