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Unnecessary surgery?????? I'm stunned

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Ladies, I just talked to my surgeon about the 2nd lap/hyst I had in

December and he said there wasn't any problem with the uterus and it

appeared normal. He didn't have his notes from the surgery but he was

pretty sure he didn't do anything surgical within my uterus. He

mentioned that maybe the HSG that showed " a 90% obliteration of the

lumen " was somehow inccorect.

I am so stunned I don't know what to think. On one hand I'm happy to

that everything's okay with the cavity and lining but on the other

hand I'm upset cause I'm thinking the surgery was unnecessary, the

emotional pain of the last months and of course all the time I've lost

this past year. My periods are extremely lite and I was told it was

because of the state of my uterus. If it's been fine all this time Ive

lost so much more ground in dealing with fertility issues that relate

to my hormones.

I am absolutely floored. Has anyone heard of anything like this???

I've called my RE with this news and he's going to get the surgical

results asap and I'm seeing him next Friday.

A very stunned and confused AmyL

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