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Medical definition of exquisite pain/Chelsea

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yes the people who lie to get drugs from dr's makes it very hard on us who

really need them. im still in shock over my dr and how nice she was when i

started seeing her. Then how rude she was when she told me about the phone call.

she had the nurse to bring me a list of drs and then they escorted me out the

back way and i was upset crying but i was not raising my voice or anything. i

didnt even ask for any meds to help me till i get another dr .

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Kaylene wrote:

> The word exquisite does sound funny, but it's a medical term. Here is the

definition from the American Heritage Medical Dictionary:

> Extremely intense, keen, or sharp. Used of pain or tenderness.


dear kaylene-

thank you so much for explaining that, it really helps so much to hear why he

used what seemed to me to be a very unusual use of the word " exquisite " . i'm so

glad you posted this.

thanks again. knowledge is power.



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