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Re: eczema

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We used non-biological/no bleach powder in the wash for babies, you can get

" dermatologically tested " powder over here so...

dont let your child play with playdough or plasticine unless you know that

they wont have a reaction to it.... I find it is really bad on my hands.

It sounds like you are doing all you can. Does he have allergy bedding? If

Jack gets any worse then I am going to invest in some.. I think allergies

are an " all over " thing. So that making bedding better could help.

I always had to sleep in long pyjamas to stop me scratching, and my dad

always cut my nails really short. It didnt stop me scratching and one of

the things I think now is that I dont sleep properly because I always used

to scratch in my sleep... and wake up and there would be blood all over the


I think that I am lucky because I didnt get it on my face... When I was

carrying Charlie my skin was so dry that everytime I took my clothes off it

looked like I had all over dandruff!! (LOL)

if I can help, from the point of view of experience then please ask.



>From: CPMbusy@...





><<We are lucky, we thought he would


>get eczema as well, he was v. sensitive at first, and behind his knees and


>nappy rash was a problem. >>



>I have loads of asthma in my family but luckily none of my children have it

>yet. Our pediatrician told us that eczema and asthma are closely related.


>said eczema is another way the body shows allergies.


> has eczema so badly that he gets patches that will bleed. He gets

>them all over his back, behind his knees, around his elbows. When he tans


>skin that has broken out stays a shade lighter than the rest of his skin.


>We wash his clothes seperately and always use 2 rinse cycles. We have to

>wash him w/Cetaphil soap and use a mix of Lubriderm and hydrocortisone on


>skin twice a day.


>If anyone has any suggestions that have worked for them let me know.


>~~-US mom to

>Zack 5

>Kate 5

>Nick 3

>Jake 23 mos




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Just a thought, I'm into herbal, natural stuff. I would use Green Salve.

Made by Motherlove Herbal Company, Bellvue, CO 80512. It's got wonderful

things in it like comfrey, plantain, calendula, olive oil. It works great

for me and mine. You can get it at a natural foods store.

Also my mom swears by cow salve. You can get that at Walmart. It's a very

thick ointment. We have alot of allergies in our family too.

I went in for allergy testing 6 years ago. That was painful for me. I have

extremely sensitive skin. When they would poke the needle in to get the

testing material under my skin. OUCH. I am very allergic to things like

pine trees, molds, shellfish. My oldest son then 5 had the testing done

hardly hurt him abit. My dh couldn't feel the pokes at all. Go figure.

S. Mom to 5.


>From: CPMbusy@...





><<We are lucky, we thought he would


>get eczema as well, he was v. sensitive at first, and behind his knees and


>nappy rash was a problem. >>



>I have loads of asthma in my family but luckily none of my children have it

>yet. Our pediatrician told us that eczema and asthma are closely related.


>said eczema is another way the body shows allergies.


> has eczema so badly that he gets patches that will bleed. He gets

>them all over his back, behind his knees, around his elbows. When he tans


>skin that has broken out stays a shade lighter than the rest of his skin.


>We wash his clothes seperately and always use 2 rinse cycles. We have to

>wash him w/Cetaphil soap and use a mix of Lubriderm and hydrocortisone on


>skin twice a day.


>If anyone has any suggestions that have worked for them let me know.


>~~-US mom to

>Zack 5

>Kate 5

>Nick 3

>Jake 23 mos




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  • 2 months later...
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Oh Wendi,

How I feel for you. That can be bothersome! I tried to get rid of some eczema

once and it was difficult. I resorted to going to a dermatologist...the

traditional way I guess. He gave me some cream and it went away quickly. I

have a friend who has a fairly ongoing case of eczema. I will ask her if she

has any tricks.

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Oh Wendi,

How I feel for you. That can be bothersome! I tried to get rid of some eczema

once and it was difficult. I resorted to going to a dermatologist...the

traditional way I guess. He gave me some cream and it went away quickly. I

have a friend who has a fairly ongoing case of eczema. I will ask her if she

has any tricks.

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Oh Wendi,

How I feel for you. That can be bothersome! I tried to get rid of some eczema

once and it was difficult. I resorted to going to a dermatologist...the

traditional way I guess. He gave me some cream and it went away quickly. I

have a friend who has a fairly ongoing case of eczema. I will ask her if she

has any tricks.

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I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

before I go to the store or the clinic. :) Since it has

anti-microbial/infective properties, it would help keep it from getting

worse. Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it should help with

swelling. Since it has lipids, it would be soothing, and should help

dissolve crusty mucus build-up. Since it's sterile, it should be safe,

even it gets in your eyes. Since it's readily available, it should be easy

to use, and very inexpensive (free!). :) Many other countries use

breastmilk as " medicine " by the way.

Try expressing a little bit, like a half-teaspoon into a medicine cup. Use

your fingers, or moisten a cotton swab and apply it to you skin. Moist

wound healing is supposed to be best anyways.

There was a research project earlier this year about expressed breastmilk

applied to the vagina of women with chlamydia that absolutely killed the

bacteria... since then, I've tried it on lots of our family " owies " with

incredible results!! It even did better than bacitracin in my home


At 05:28 AM 3/21/99 , you wrote:



>Hello All,


>I have a question for you smart women. I have developed a case of eczema

around my eyes. It is very itchy and swollen. I am starting to go crazy.

I would love any and all suggestions that you may have. I thank you in

advance for your help.





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I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

before I go to the store or the clinic. :) Since it has

anti-microbial/infective properties, it would help keep it from getting

worse. Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it should help with

swelling. Since it has lipids, it would be soothing, and should help

dissolve crusty mucus build-up. Since it's sterile, it should be safe,

even it gets in your eyes. Since it's readily available, it should be easy

to use, and very inexpensive (free!). :) Many other countries use

breastmilk as " medicine " by the way.

Try expressing a little bit, like a half-teaspoon into a medicine cup. Use

your fingers, or moisten a cotton swab and apply it to you skin. Moist

wound healing is supposed to be best anyways.

There was a research project earlier this year about expressed breastmilk

applied to the vagina of women with chlamydia that absolutely killed the

bacteria... since then, I've tried it on lots of our family " owies " with

incredible results!! It even did better than bacitracin in my home


At 05:28 AM 3/21/99 , you wrote:



>Hello All,


>I have a question for you smart women. I have developed a case of eczema

around my eyes. It is very itchy and swollen. I am starting to go crazy.

I would love any and all suggestions that you may have. I thank you in

advance for your help.





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I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

before I go to the store or the clinic. :) Since it has

anti-microbial/infective properties, it would help keep it from getting

worse. Since it has anti-inflammatory properties, it should help with

swelling. Since it has lipids, it would be soothing, and should help

dissolve crusty mucus build-up. Since it's sterile, it should be safe,

even it gets in your eyes. Since it's readily available, it should be easy

to use, and very inexpensive (free!). :) Many other countries use

breastmilk as " medicine " by the way.

Try expressing a little bit, like a half-teaspoon into a medicine cup. Use

your fingers, or moisten a cotton swab and apply it to you skin. Moist

wound healing is supposed to be best anyways.

There was a research project earlier this year about expressed breastmilk

applied to the vagina of women with chlamydia that absolutely killed the

bacteria... since then, I've tried it on lots of our family " owies " with

incredible results!! It even did better than bacitracin in my home


At 05:28 AM 3/21/99 , you wrote:



>Hello All,


>I have a question for you smart women. I have developed a case of eczema

around my eyes. It is very itchy and swollen. I am starting to go crazy.

I would love any and all suggestions that you may have. I thank you in

advance for your help.





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I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

>before I go to the store or the clinic. :)

Breastmilk works great on all cuts scratches--I am always amazed at how

quickly things heal with Breast milk on them. I was toying with the idea of

starting to express closer to the end of bf--then freezing in very small

ammounts for cuts and whatever. Works great on whole family--Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>


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I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

>before I go to the store or the clinic. :)

Breastmilk works great on all cuts scratches--I am always amazed at how

quickly things heal with Breast milk on them. I was toying with the idea of

starting to express closer to the end of bf--then freezing in very small

ammounts for cuts and whatever. Works great on whole family--Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>


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I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

>before I go to the store or the clinic. :)

Breastmilk works great on all cuts scratches--I am always amazed at how

quickly things heal with Breast milk on them. I was toying with the idea of

starting to express closer to the end of bf--then freezing in very small

ammounts for cuts and whatever. Works great on whole family--Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>


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It would depend on what's causing the diaper rash. If it's thrush causing

it, it would make it worse. Do you know how to tell if the diaper rash is

caused by thrush? You have a new baby, and it's more likely that he has

thrush than an diaper left on the skin too long. Have you looked in his

mouth to see if there is any white coating on his tongue, cheeks or gums

that isn't rubbed off easily? If there is, that's thrush.

Another common cause for diaper rash is an allergic reaction to what's in

YOUR diet passing into your milk.

What does his rash look like?

At 12:13 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>From: ST3PH3@... (Steph)


>how do you think that would work on diaper rash???


>Stevie~Mommy to a 10/10/96 & 2/22/99




>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


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It would depend on what's causing the diaper rash. If it's thrush causing

it, it would make it worse. Do you know how to tell if the diaper rash is

caused by thrush? You have a new baby, and it's more likely that he has

thrush than an diaper left on the skin too long. Have you looked in his

mouth to see if there is any white coating on his tongue, cheeks or gums

that isn't rubbed off easily? If there is, that's thrush.

Another common cause for diaper rash is an allergic reaction to what's in

YOUR diet passing into your milk.

What does his rash look like?

At 12:13 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>From: ST3PH3@... (Steph)


>how do you think that would work on diaper rash???


>Stevie~Mommy to a 10/10/96 & 2/22/99




>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out



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It would depend on what's causing the diaper rash. If it's thrush causing

it, it would make it worse. Do you know how to tell if the diaper rash is

caused by thrush? You have a new baby, and it's more likely that he has

thrush than an diaper left on the skin too long. Have you looked in his

mouth to see if there is any white coating on his tongue, cheeks or gums

that isn't rubbed off easily? If there is, that's thrush.

Another common cause for diaper rash is an allergic reaction to what's in

YOUR diet passing into your milk.

What does his rash look like?

At 12:13 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>From: ST3PH3@... (Steph)


>how do you think that would work on diaper rash???


>Stevie~Mommy to a 10/10/96 & 2/22/99




>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out



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I've been thinking of doing the same thing, but I've heard lots of moms say

that they could express a few drops for many months, and years, after

they've weaned. And I really hate pumping! lol

What do you save your small amounts in? I've heard that glass or hard

white plastic containers are best for long term storage of milk, plus, even

in a deep freezer, it would only be good for about 6 months... Maybe you

could convince *someone* else in your family to help you keep up a tiny bit

of milk after you wean?! lol

At 12:50 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>From: j.ham@...


>I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

>>before I go to the store or the clinic. :)


>Breastmilk works great on all cuts scratches--I am always amazed at how

>quickly things heal with Breast milk on them. I was toying with the idea of

>starting to express closer to the end of bf--then freezing in very small

>ammounts for cuts and whatever. Works great on whole family--Joy


>Asheville, NC



>Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>




>Have you visited our new web site?


>Onelist: Helping to create Internet communities


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out



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Guest guest

I've been thinking of doing the same thing, but I've heard lots of moms say

that they could express a few drops for many months, and years, after

they've weaned. And I really hate pumping! lol

What do you save your small amounts in? I've heard that glass or hard

white plastic containers are best for long term storage of milk, plus, even

in a deep freezer, it would only be good for about 6 months... Maybe you

could convince *someone* else in your family to help you keep up a tiny bit

of milk after you wean?! lol

At 12:50 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>From: j.ham@...


>I may be crazy, but I try putting expressed breastmilk on things first

>>before I go to the store or the clinic. :)


>Breastmilk works great on all cuts scratches--I am always amazed at how

>quickly things heal with Breast milk on them. I was toying with the idea of

>starting to express closer to the end of bf--then freezing in very small

>ammounts for cuts and whatever. Works great on whole family--Joy


>Asheville, NC



>Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>




>Have you visited our new web site?


>Onelist: Helping to create Internet communities


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out



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i used to get a rash of some sort around my nose every summer when the

weather got warmer.... i would use ucerin (sp) cream and when that didn't

work (if it got too oily) cornstarch would. depends if it is dry or oily.

HOpe that helps... i once went to the dr for it and they gave me a cream

and taht made it worse.

Jenn (24)


DD:Paige (1-13-99)

homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cottage/1595

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Guest guest

i used to get a rash of some sort around my nose every summer when the

weather got warmer.... i would use ucerin (sp) cream and when that didn't

work (if it got too oily) cornstarch would. depends if it is dry or oily.

HOpe that helps... i once went to the dr for it and they gave me a cream

and taht made it worse.

Jenn (24)


DD:Paige (1-13-99)

homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cottage/1595

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i used to get a rash of some sort around my nose every summer when the

weather got warmer.... i would use ucerin (sp) cream and when that didn't

work (if it got too oily) cornstarch would. depends if it is dry or oily.

HOpe that helps... i once went to the dr for it and they gave me a cream

and taht made it worse.

Jenn (24)


DD:Paige (1-13-99)

homepage: http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cottage/1595

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also ... if you are already using baby wipes... i found taht they made

paige get a horrible rash.. her new skin couldn't handle it. I had to use

just plain wash cloths and soapy water for the first month. now i use the

unscented baby wipes. just my .02 jenn

At 02:49 PM 3/21/99 -0100, you wrote:



>It would depend on what's causing the diaper rash. If it's thrush causing

>it, it would make it worse. Do you know how to tell if the diaper rash is

>caused by thrush? You have a new baby, and it's more likely that he has

>thrush than an diaper left on the skin too long. Have you looked in his

>mouth to see if there is any white coating on his tongue, cheeks or gums

>that isn't rubbed off easily? If there is, that's thrush.


>Another common cause for diaper rash is an allergic reaction to what's in

>YOUR diet passing into your milk.


>What does his rash look like?




>At 12:13 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>>From: ST3PH3@... (Steph)


>>how do you think that would work on diaper rash???


>>Stevie~Mommy to a 10/10/96 & 2/22/99




>>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


>>Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


>>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>>If you like this list also check out





>We have a new web site!


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out




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Guest guest

also ... if you are already using baby wipes... i found taht they made

paige get a horrible rash.. her new skin couldn't handle it. I had to use

just plain wash cloths and soapy water for the first month. now i use the

unscented baby wipes. just my .02 jenn

At 02:49 PM 3/21/99 -0100, you wrote:



>It would depend on what's causing the diaper rash. If it's thrush causing

>it, it would make it worse. Do you know how to tell if the diaper rash is

>caused by thrush? You have a new baby, and it's more likely that he has

>thrush than an diaper left on the skin too long. Have you looked in his

>mouth to see if there is any white coating on his tongue, cheeks or gums

>that isn't rubbed off easily? If there is, that's thrush.


>Another common cause for diaper rash is an allergic reaction to what's in

>YOUR diet passing into your milk.


>What does his rash look like?




>At 12:13 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>>From: ST3PH3@... (Steph)


>>how do you think that would work on diaper rash???


>>Stevie~Mommy to a 10/10/96 & 2/22/99




>>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


>>Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


>>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>>If you like this list also check out





>We have a new web site!


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out




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Guest guest

also ... if you are already using baby wipes... i found taht they made

paige get a horrible rash.. her new skin couldn't handle it. I had to use

just plain wash cloths and soapy water for the first month. now i use the

unscented baby wipes. just my .02 jenn

At 02:49 PM 3/21/99 -0100, you wrote:



>It would depend on what's causing the diaper rash. If it's thrush causing

>it, it would make it worse. Do you know how to tell if the diaper rash is

>caused by thrush? You have a new baby, and it's more likely that he has

>thrush than an diaper left on the skin too long. Have you looked in his

>mouth to see if there is any white coating on his tongue, cheeks or gums

>that isn't rubbed off easily? If there is, that's thrush.


>Another common cause for diaper rash is an allergic reaction to what's in

>YOUR diet passing into your milk.


>What does his rash look like?




>At 12:13 PM 3/21/99 , you wrote:

>>From: ST3PH3@... (Steph)


>>how do you think that would work on diaper rash???


>>Stevie~Mommy to a 10/10/96 & 2/22/99




>>Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


>>Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


>>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>>If you like this list also check out





>We have a new web site!


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out




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