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Fruitarian Diet to Cure Candida

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This is the post by the guy who cured his candida by eating 80% fruit

and doing liver flushes. Although he doesn't attribute his cure to the

fruit alone, it changes what he formerly believed to be the traditional

protocol of antifungals and no sugar. I realize it's only one person's

experience but I think it's interesting that it goes against what all

the books and docs say about avoiding or limiting fruit. - PH


This is a follow-up post he writes:


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> This is the post by the guy who cured his candida by eating 80% fruit

> and doing liver flushes. Although he doesn't attribute his cure to


> fruit alone, it changes what he formerly believed to be the


> protocol of antifungals and no sugar. I realize it's only one


> experience but I think it's interesting that it goes against what all

> the books and docs say about avoiding or limiting fruit. - PH


> http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282216#i


> This is a follow-up post he writes:


> http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282250#i

I have also read some things to this effect. It really changed my

thinking about the Candida Diet. Here's an article about the dangers

of removing fruit and grains from your diet. BTW, I have been able to

eliminate candida about 70% w/out the strict diet. I basically limit

sugar and white flour. I eat mostly sprouted breads/tortillas. Other

than that I just try to eat a balanced diet and stay away from

processed foods. For me taking a good quality olive leaf and using

Ohhirra's probiotics has made the biggest difference. I really think

once my implants are out I'll be able to kick the fungus for good -

even without cutting out all sugar and grains.




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PH . . . I think, by using the Three Lac spit test, one would know rather quickly if the fruit diet was working for them, or not.

Personally, I wouldn't dream of 80% fruit. I love my veggies and salads too much! . . . But it wouldn't hurt to try. . . At the worst, one would just have to back up and start over. By using the spit test, one should know before getting into serious trouble.



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Where can I find info on what the Three Lac spit test is? I am

familiar with using saliva as an indicator for testing yourself while

on a low acidic diet, is this the same thing (I think not?) Thanks!



> PH . . . I think, by using the Three Lac spit test, one would know

rather quickly if the fruit diet was working for them, or not.


> Personally, I wouldn't dream of 80% fruit. I love my veggies and

salads too much! . . . But it wouldn't hurt to try. . . At the worst,

one would just have to back up and start over. By using the spit test,

one should know before getting into serious trouble.


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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Thanks for this PH. What an awesome post by this guy. I heartily

agree with him. I see it was the liver flushes that he credits the

most, and the liberation from that strict diet was one of the rewards.

I have to say I concur with him on all counts. I found that I didn't

have to be extreme with my diet to get better, and I found the liver

flushes to be very, very valuable in my healing, though they can be a

challenge. The last time my husband and I did a liver flush, he

vomited. (Poor guy.)

Have you done one before? I try to do them seasonally.



> This is the post by the guy who cured his candida by eating 80% fruit

> and doing liver flushes. Although he doesn't attribute his cure to


> fruit alone, it changes what he formerly believed to be the


> protocol of antifungals and no sugar. I realize it's only one


> experience but I think it's interesting that it goes against what all

> the books and docs say about avoiding or limiting fruit. - PH


> http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282216#i


> This is a follow-up post he writes:


> http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282250#i


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Hi Rogene,

I think I do need to give it a try. I have been working so hard to

kick this through diet w/o fruit and when I took the spit test two

weeks ago there didn't seem to be a bit of difference from 8 months

ago!!! Several long spit legs all the way to the bottom of the

glass! I do still have mercury though so I know that after chelation

my body should have an easier time eliminating the yeast. I'll let

you all know what happens w/ the fruit experiment. Love, PH


> PH . . . I think, by using the Three Lac spit test, one would know

rather quickly if the fruit diet was working for them, or not.


> Personally, I wouldn't dream of 80% fruit. I love my veggies and

salads too much! . . . But it wouldn't hurt to try. . . At the worst,

one would just have to back up and start over. By using the spit

test, one should know before getting into serious trouble.


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to say

about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux as

well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the PH

level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing the

body's acidity...very good book.

How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing them!

Love, PH

-- In , " April Blue " <april@...> wrote:



> >

> > This is the post by the guy who cured his candida by eating 80%


> > and doing liver flushes. Although he doesn't attribute his cure


> the

> > fruit alone, it changes what he formerly believed to be the

> traditional

> > protocol of antifungals and no sugar. I realize it's only one

> person's

> > experience but I think it's interesting that it goes against what


> > the books and docs say about avoiding or limiting fruit. - PH

> >

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282216#i

> >

> > This is a follow-up post he writes:

> >

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282250#i



> I have also read some things to this effect. It really changed my

> thinking about the Candida Diet. Here's an article about the


> of removing fruit and grains from your diet. BTW, I have been able


> eliminate candida about 70% w/out the strict diet. I basically


> sugar and white flour. I eat mostly sprouted breads/tortillas.


> than that I just try to eat a balanced diet and stay away from

> processed foods. For me taking a good quality olive leaf and using

> Ohhirra's probiotics has made the biggest difference. I really


> once my implants are out I'll be able to kick the fungus for good -

> even without cutting out all sugar and grains.





> andida_and_Common_Sense.shtml


> >


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Hi Patty,

Yes, I've done 3 liver flushes and always feel better afterwards. I

don't know how often I should be doing them at this point, especially

with chelation that I'm going to start on the 1st.

Your poor husband! Did he vomit while drinking the epsom salts? It

is pretty gross but so worth it. A long time ago you mentioned you

got magnesium citrate...is that right? It was liquid, I think. Can

you tell me again what it was, how much you drink and where I can get

it. I'm going to do that instead of the salts. Love, PH

> >

> > This is the post by the guy who cured his candida by eating 80%


> > and doing liver flushes. Although he doesn't attribute his cure


> the

> > fruit alone, it changes what he formerly believed to be the

> traditional

> > protocol of antifungals and no sugar. I realize it's only one

> person's

> > experience but I think it's interesting that it goes against what


> > the books and docs say about avoiding or limiting fruit. - PH

> >

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282216#i

> >

> > This is a follow-up post he writes:

> >

> > http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282250#i

> >


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That was a good article. I am going to post it, just because the

link was so hard to get to work initially! Patty

Carbohydrates, Candida and Common Sense

I have been doing a great deal of thinking over the past few years. I

have talked to a lot of people, including nutritional counselors,

naturopaths, and people with all kinds of problems ranging from

cancer to Crohn's disease to Candida over growth. I have talked with

several naturopathic physicians and counselors who " always win " with

Candida. I love to pick people's brains when given the opportunity,

to find out what works for them, to hear their stories, to learn

something more. You can read all you want and get all kinds of

opinions, but you need testimonies to lend credibility to any

teaching or claim. Add to that a little science and experience and

you can usually come up with something sound. I feel I have done this

when it comes to Candida and getting well, but I am not finding a lot

of company right now with my beliefs. However, I do see an awareness

on the horizon.

To begin with, I believed that carbohydrates were bad for the most

part. Many people cannot digest gluten well; grains feed yeast, they

tell us. Fruits, grains and starchy vegetables are full of sugars

that will greatly increase over growth. Right? You will hear people

tell you that you have to get fats and proteins in your diet. They

are essential for life. They will note that there are many vitamins

and minerals the human body needs as well. But there is no minimum

daily requirement for carbohydrates. They say you can live your whole

life with good foods and very limited carbohydrates. In fact they

will go so far as to say if you do this, you will be much healthier

for it.

One reason, they say, is that if you eat mostly fats and proteins

your body will break them down for energy rather than using

carbohydrates and this method of obtaining energy is actually more

efficient. What I have noticed in practice however, is that a low

carb diet does not give a person as much energy as a diet that

contains carbohydrates. Now before you write me and tell me how wrong

I am, I need to say that a diet heavy in grains that can not be

digested, a body loaded with Candida, or a person eating any

imbalanced diet of any kind has similar problems. When all the raw

materials are not present, and the body has to take auxiliary routes

to obtaining energy or nutrients, the system is slower and organ

systems become suppressed. For example, people with many different

types of diets see a suppressed thyroid gland. This lowers metabolism

which in turn lowers energy levels. People on vegan vegetarian diets,

who change over to an Atkins diet, usually loose lots of weight and

at first feel very, very good for the change. So do long time Adkins

people when they add back a good amount of fruit and some grains,

along with a good potato, rice etc. They have more energy and feel

healthier, though the adjustment usually means they will put on


The Negative Effects of Limiting Fruits and Grains

When fruits and grains are cut out of the diet, the main fiber

sources are cut out and most people on low carb diets are lucky to

have one bowel movement a day. Halitosis (bad breath, especially in

the morning) becomes common among low carb dieters (This indicates a

fowl smelling, compromised digestive tract). And if a live blood

analysis is done on any low carb dieter, it will show rouleaux.

Rouleaux is a condition where the red cells stack or clump together.

The more acidic the body the more the red cells become " sticky " . The

less clustered water a person gets in their diet (clustered water is

the water contained inside fresh fruits and vegetables) the more

sticky the blood is. In addition, the more toxins in the body, the

stickier the blood is. And lastly, I personally, after several months

on a low carb diet, showed serious signs of low vitamin C. I have

tested this out repeatedly and without fail I begin to be plagued

with bleeding gums, broken blood vessels in the eye, bruising easily,

etc. It seems to be caused from the lack of fruit.

The main reason people do low carb diets is because of counseling for

Candida and for weight control. It does no good, however, to go on a

low carbohydrate diet if you do not intent to stay on it for the rest

of your life. Everybody, without fail, once they leave the Atkins

diet, gains weight back and they usually see Candida return. Often

their latter state is worse than years before when they originally

went on their low carb diet. Because this is the case, my personal

belief is that the low carb diet just suppresses much deeper problems

that are going on in the body. And the diet does not take care of any

of the root causes which allowed the problems to happen in the first


Nutritional History in Perspective

30-40 years ago there was Adele and others. Some vitamins were

just being discovered and studied. Supplements were in their infancy.

This occurred during my childhood and teen years. I remember the

health shakes my parents made and the books we read. They are similar

in some ways to things we read today, but in other ways much

different. These people believed in high protein diets and high

vitamin foods. They did not condemn carbohydrate or proteins and they

acknowledged the importance of fats as well.

Behind them came all the lies and faulty, misrepresented

research " showing " that saturated fat was bad for you. They advocated

a very low fat, no meat, high carbohydrate diet. Fat was made to be

the enemy and people believed we had way too much protein in our

diet. The high protein in our diet, the high amount of animal

products, along with saturated fat, was blamed for the rising

incidences of heart disease and cancer. To this day these beliefs are

pretty well ingrained in many people's minds. There are lots of

mainstream people who dogmatically advocate this type of diet. The

physicians in our country for years pooh-poohed these beliefs. Today

they are dogmatic about their validity.

Following behind the low-fat advocates came the low carb revolution.

It is almost like a back lash. The low carb diet, in many respects,

is almost the opposite teaching of the vegetarian diet. Now

carbohydrates are the culprit for sickness and disease and proteins

and fats are the good guys!

I believe the perfect truth does not lie in either camp (So have I

now made enemies of every reader?). Please bear with me and I will

explain how I have come to these conclusions.

I use to be a Vegan Vegetarian:

When I first met my husband, in 1987, I was a vegan vegetarian. My

father had died from a heart attack (at the age of 51) earlier that

year, and I had come under great conviction that I would follow in

his steps if I did not do something soon. At the time I was 28 years

old. I went on a strict no fat, vegetarian diet. I did not eat

anything with fat in it, not even avocadoes. I eliminated all dairy,

meat and animal products. My diet was about 1/2 raw and 1/2 cooked. I

did use low-fat salad dressings, but most of our diet was not

processed food, but rather things made from scratch, and most of it

came from the produce section of the grocery store, was raised on our

acreage, or from a whole foods buying club.

After we had been married for about a year, my husband, who is 6'5 "

had lost about 40 pounds, and was beginning to look more like a

concentration camp victim. He asked me earnestly to please change

what we ate. After much convincing we slowly added meat and animal

products back into our diet. Most of what we ate was organic and very

high quality. At first it was one meal a month. Later it was 2 meals

a month and then 1 meal a week...etc.

To my surprise I began to have digestive problems every time I ate

meat. My stomach would sometime bloat up in the night (especially if

we ate late) with so much pressure that I could not lay down, sit up,

or even walk without feeling pressure on my heart and lungs. I was in

very serious pain, no matter what I did. Charcoal did not work;

digestive enzymes did not work. Nothing worked, but vomiting. It was

awful. I can still remember how terrible it was. I often times would

have preferred death to the pain.

In the past the vegetarians I knew would often tell me that they knew

they were not to eat meat because if they ever did, they always got

sick or they could feel the pull on their body, and how hard it was

to digest. Well I was experiencing that, but in my own mind I could

not believe it was because meat was not good for my body. And all the

years prior to my vegetarian year I did not have this digestive

problem. Something had happen in my body, but it took me years to

find out what.

Over the course of the next 10 years I had to be very careful when I

ate and what I ate. Slowly, I had more and more digestive problems.

Eventually I could not digest wheat, and later other grains. I could

digest goat's milk at first, and later I had to discontinue eating

cottage cheese, cheese and other diary products until finally I could

eat only yogurt, and lastly I could not digest any dairy products at

all. Prior to my vegetarian year I could eat anything. I may not have

always eaten things that were healthy, but I did not have these

serious digestive issues. Now I was eating very healthy and I had

serious problems! That is probably why many people who have terrible

diets look at people who eat very healthy, and find them to be some

of the least healthy people in America!!

Another issue that crept into my body with the digestive problems was

arthritis. By the end I walked like an 80 year old lady.

What I learned working with Cultured Foods

In 2000 we an natural foods internet company. At that time I

discovered cultured foods and coconut oil. Between these two products

I regained digestive health, and my arthritis went away.

I learned from making cultured foods that when you make a cultured

drink, the good, friendly pro-biotic flora grow the fastest in media

(juices, milk, etc) that are high in available sugar. And when you

make cultured vegetables, if you are using a packet of culture, it

works best to take a quart of water and add several tablespoons of

honey or a natural sugar to the water, along with a packet of pro-

biotic organisms to make a cultured water. Later you pour this

cultured water over the grated veggies, and then let them sit

to " culture " . In doing this I realized that good probiotic flora

thrive on natural sugars, too. It is not just Candida and other

pathogens that like those types of foods.

All bacteria and yeasts (good and bad) need food and nutrients.

Okay, so what happens if a person has a low carb diet? Well, Candida

growth is repressed when carbohydrates are limited, but so is the

growth of good flora. What seems to happen is all flora in the

intestinal tract struggle. Bowel movements become sluggish. Digestion

is not as good because of reduced flora. Foul smells occur from poor

digestion, etc. When a person goes off the low carbohydrate diet the

organisms that have struggled along and still live there now " rise "

to the occasion with rapid growth. This is usually Candida and other

pathogens, because they are often times better at survival. That is

why you usually see them in a polluted body that is spiraling down

hill. The body is often too toxic for good flora, but the bad

organisms somehow survive, and since the body is so compromised, it

can't fight the unwelcome visitors off.

The underlying root cause was not the carbohydrates in the diet, even

though they may have greatly aggrivated and promoted the candida and

other pathogens. The underlying root cause is the toxic digestive

tract that kills off good flora but is not toxic enough to kill off


Unless the body becomes cleaner from colon cleansing and mercury

detoxification, unless it then receives lots of good flora, gets lots

of raw fresh fruits and vegetables, and becomes more alkaline, the

body will remain in the same acid ph, the same deficit of nutrients,

and the same mucked up, toxic state, often loaded with mercury or

other heavy metals. The low carbohydrate diet does not change this

state; it just keeps the pathogens at bay by suppressing their

growth. Once carbohydrates are added to the diet, even if it is years

after the diet change, the pathogens are still around to take over

once they have the opportunity.

And the later state is often worse than the former state (their

health usually becomes worse than it was prior to going on a low carb


I have done both the vegan vegetarian (high carb, low fat) diet and

the low carb (high protein, high fat) diet in recent years. Here is

my conclusion: Whatever you eat, you will be feeding the flora living

in your intestinal tract. The flora living there are determined by

how toxic the intestinal tract is and if good flora foods or

supplements are ever eaten.

I have discovered that if you eat a high carb diet, even a

futilitarian diet, and are bombarding your body with good flora, you

will not have Candida over growth. If you restrict your diet, you are

harming both the good and the bad flora.

In thinking about this, it makes sense doesn't it? So whenever I make

a fruit salad, I chop up fresh fruit and pour kefir or yogurt over it

enough to coat the fruit. When I eat meat, I try to have cultured

coconut water, another cultured drink or a cultured vegetable. The

good probiotic flora love the way I treat them.

Do you know there are hundreds of people who tell me that they cannot

seem to get the good flora to take in their intestines, even though

they are doing lots of probiotics? They feel no matter what they do

they are not getting rid of the Candida and the good flora is not

taking root in their intestinal tract. I believe it is because they

are not feeding their good flora.

Some of the things I learned from limiting fruit in my diet

This last summer I ordered fresh cherries from Washington State by

the 40 pound box when they were in season. I ordered a 40 pound boxes

of pears, of blueberries, apples, etc as each fruit was in season.

When watermelons were in season, I purchased 3 or 4 at a time. You

know what I discovered? Fruits are very bowel loosening.

Most people with Candida struggle with sluggish bowels. They are

lucky to have one movement a day, and many use herbal laxatives to

stay regular. Whole grains have lots of fiber; fruits have lots of

fiber, too. But in addition to the fiber, fruits have so many other

phytochemicals, as well as nutrients, anti-oxidants, and minerals,

that whatever may be lacking in the diet to cause the poor

performance of the intestinal tract can be remedied just by giving it

the raw materials it needs to work properly. For example, take a look

at the freeze dried berries offered at Wilderness Family Naturals.

There are antimicrobial properties in berries like blueberries and

strawberries including anti-Candida properties!! And there are so

many benefits from eating berries. It is such a detriment to

eliminate these from the diet.

Bleeding gums, bleeding capillaries in the eyes, and bruising easily,

can just be the beginning signs of low levels of vitamin C in the

body. Low vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin B levels have been shown

to be linked to nutritional causes of the degenerative killers like

cancer and heart disease. It takes years of living with deficiencies

to see these killers take over and end a person's life, and other

problems will likely occur on the road to death, but who wants to go

that route? I have tried and I can not get enough of all the vitamins

and minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, or fats on neither a

vegetarian nor a low carb diet. We need a multitude of things from

our food. Limiting healthy foods that are unrefined, raw,

unprocessed, and preservative-free is harmful to your health.

Fruitarians only eat fruits, Vegetarians do not eat animal products,

low carber's do not eat carbohydrates, etc. But limiting proteins,

fiber, fats, vitamins or something else in the diet over the long

haul creates an imbalanced diet that has long range consequences.

Isn't it interesting to look at Dr. Weston A. Price's work and see

that there were no traditional people groups who were vegan

vegetarians that were healthy by his standards? And that the fat

soluble vitamins are so important? And that most of the truly healthy

populations had raw dairy or some type of raw animal product as well

as grains in their diet? And they all had cultured foods!

Something I learned from the Mosquitoes in Minnesota:

In Minnesota we jokingly call the mosquito the state bird. There is

an outhouse on a lake near us that does not have a roof, or any

walls. It is just a bench with a hole in the center and a small hole

in the ground underneath it. In June and July we tell people to be

careful that the mosquitoes do not come along and carry them off. You

can actually be working in the garden and have you arms so covered

with mosquitoes that there is more black on your arm than pink skin.

In June I use to wear a mosquito net on my head, gloves, long pants

and long sleeved shirts every time I went out side and I would still

get bit! They would be all over you! So how did the Ojibwa Indian

survive up here? Well, I finally got my answer a year of two ago.

The Ojibwa Indians took over this part of the country many years ago.

Many of them still live here today. They lived in teepees that

contained fires in the center and the smoke rose out through the top.

There is a flap that comes down in a circle inside to hold the warmth

down during the winter and there is air that comes in around the

bottom of the teepee. I am sure the smoke helped some to deter the

mosquitoes, but most of the time these people were outside. Finally,

after years of living up here, I found out that they did not eat meat

most of the summer. The Indians hunted game in the fall and preserved

it for winter. They also hunted in the winter. Any game they took in

the summer they preserved. And they ate meat most of the year, except

during mosquito season (spring and summer). During this time they ate

mostly roots, berries, fruits and vegetables. In thinking about this

I decided to see if it is an alkaline vs. acid issue, because that

might make the mosquitoes not bit or at least make them bearable. It

could also be all the antioxidants from the fruits, or it could be

the vitamins.

Here is what I found. If we were alkaline in pH the mosquitoes did

not light on our arms or if they did they flew off without bite. This

would fall in line with Dr. Young's teaching on pH. He believes

pathogens will leave the body as you get alkaline and that is the

key. Becoming alkaline is definitely important. Watching what the

mosquitoes do if a person is alkaline has really made me wonder what

happens to other pathogens in our bodies.

We also found that taking supplements such as the B vitamins and

minerals helps to keep the mosquitoes from liking you! Fruits and

vegetables make the body more alkaline. They are also full of

phytonutrients, essential vitamins and minerals. These things help

you to be an unfriendly host to pathogens.

What about grains?

Grains are high in fiber, high in vitamin E, B vitamins, and lots of

other substances. I still do not find them easy to digest if I eat

large quantities, but they are a good compliment to a meal and " round

out the corners " of a growing child's tummy. Pregnant women who have

Candida or weight problems, and go on low carb diets, harm their

children. Most of the time they have children with mental and/or

physical handicaps. A body that is growing, and a body that is using

a lot of energy has to have the carbohydrates.

Once a person has good flora established in their intestines again,

the grains in moderation will be a good, important and welcome


The key is to get the good guys into your system and then to feed

them the foods and nutrients that will make you both grow big and


One week a few years ago I had the opportunity of talking with two

different health professional who " always win " with patients that

come to them with Candida. The interesting thing is that upon asking

questions, I discovered that they have lots of different ideas about

what you can and can not eat. One of them allows their patients to

eat all grains except for quinoa, amaranth, millet and buckwheat.

This person says they turn into starches more quickly that all other

grains. The other individual says they do not allow any grains except

for quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and millet. They say these are the

only alkaline grains. They are ancient grains and more nutritious, as

well. Two totally opposite mandates for their patients, yet they

both " always win " with Candida. So you know what I think? Eating

grains, or what grains you eat are not all that important. At least

they are not critical to overcoming Candida.

The two things both these health care practitioners had in common is

they both advocate whole unadulterated foods and not white sugar,

white flour, processed, and preservative laden foods. And secondly,

they use probiotics that contain friendly yeast. Yes, that is right,

friendly yeast. They have both found out that good, friendly bacteria

are wonderful at ousting bad bacteria, but to be truly effective with

Candida you need friendly yeast. Yeast fight yeast, bacteria fight

bacteria. There is some overlap, but the need for like to like seems

to be very important. And once the Candida is gone, if there are not

other yeast and no good flora to take its place and clean up house,

then the Candida will come back and often times worse than ever.

All the cultures and probiotics we carry are specially formulated for

getting rid of Candida and they all contain friendly bacteria and

friendly yeast. Wilderness Family Naturals carries Kefir and

Vegetable cultures and Kefir Capsules from the Caucasus Mountains. We

recommend all of these products.

If you can not tolerate eating grains, work on your flora. A

compromised digestive tract can not digest a great deal of what it is

designed to digest. If you keep eliminating foods from your menu as

you become more and more compromised/allergic you will just get less

and less nutrients, you will likely become weaker and weaker, and the

pathogens will grow stronger and stronger. People who do this wake up

one day realizing there is so little they can eat and that they are

so health compromised. It is too difficult for them to see their way

to regaining their health. The longer you let this downward spiral

go, the harder it will be to recover.

The Bottom Line:

My bottom line? Fruits are just as important as vegetables and grains

should not be totally taboo. They are not harmful, but actually

helpful to the body. When you eliminate them from your diet you only

hurt yourself. The key is to bombard the body with good pro-biotic

foods along with the fruits, vegetables, grains and protein foods.

This is truly a balanced diet. Variety is the key. The good flora

will thrive on this type of diet. Eliminating healthy whole foods

from the diet causes imbalances. Eliminating nutrients you need

causes the probiotic flora to struggle along with the pathogens.

If you do not introduce your body to good flora, and then in turn

feed your body and your flora all the nutrients you need, then these

flora will become weak and die off or they may not choose to hang

around your intestines. In return pathogens take over and eventually

your own body will struggle as well.

We recommend Wilderness Family Naturals products because of their

integrity and quality. However, other online retailers and natural

food stores may also carry similar goods. Whenever, possible we have

tried to give you information on how to recognize superior products.

Wilderness Family Naturals products can be found at:

www.wildernessfamilynaturals.com or by calling (800) 945-3801.


> What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to say

> about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux as

> well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the PH

> level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing


> body's acidity...very good book.

> How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing


> Love, PH

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Hi PH,

I think you can do the liver flushes monthly if your health warrants

it. I know I've heard of people doing them every 2 weeks...I cant'

imagine! But I have heard of people having their lupus going into

remission after doing quite a few liver flushes...for sure, if I had

lupus, I'd do them until it was gone too.

My husband vomited in the middle of the night, I felt so bad for him.

He said he'd never do one again. But I had a book on liver flushes

and the author admitted that he'd vomited once too, so that made my

husband feel a little better when I read that to him! LOL I bet

he'll do one again next season.

We definitely do the magnesium citrate instead of the epsom salts. I

just cannot get those epsom salts down. The magnesium citrate is

found in almost every grocery store, drug store, Target,

Walmart...it's in a 10 ounce glass bottle in the laxative section.

It's very cheap, about $1.50 a bottle and it comes in various

flavors. I've seen lemon-lime, cherry and my husband brought home

grape last time. I stick with the lemon-lime because I don't want

all the food coloring. The only caveat is that there is saccharin in

it, which I object to, but for the sake of a liver flush, I'll use it!

I usually buy two bottles, and use 5 ounces per dose, but I recently

read that it should be 6 ounces per dose in place of the epsom salts,

so I'll have to get a third bottle I guess. It works just as well as

the epsom salts to clear the colon before the flush and get those

bile ducts opened.


> > >

> > > This is the post by the guy who cured his candida by eating 80%

> fruit

> > > and doing liver flushes. Although he doesn't attribute his


> to

> > the

> > > fruit alone, it changes what he formerly believed to be the

> > traditional

> > > protocol of antifungals and no sugar. I realize it's only one

> > person's

> > > experience but I think it's interesting that it goes against


> all

> > > the books and docs say about avoiding or limiting fruit. - PH

> > >

> > > http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282216#i

> > >

> > > This is a follow-up post he writes:

> > >

> > > http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=282250#i

> > >

> >


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What a great article! I have printed it out (now up to 24 pages for

today, grin! This is valuable information. I love to see all sides

of a topic, thanks!

> >

> > What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to say

> > about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux as

> > well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the PH

> > level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> > read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> > disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing

> the

> > body's acidity...very good book.

> > How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> > definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing

> them!

> > Love, PH


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> What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to say

> about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux as

> well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the PH

> level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing the

> body's acidity...very good book.

> How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing them!

> Love, PH


It actually has taken over a year, unfortunately. Maybe that would

have been less if I'd restricted my diet more, I don't know. But for

me it just wasn't realistic to completely cut out all sugar from my

diet. I did that for a week or so here and there, but that's as long

as I lasted. I did limit sugar a lot, though. For instance I use

Agave Nectar in my coffee and make my own whole grain muffins and use

the Agave for a sweetener. It is a natural syrup that comes from the

Agave plant. It's processed by the body more like honey but has a more

neutral flavot. I also use stevia as much as I can - on oatmeal or

cereal, etc.

Like I said before I eat mainly sprouted breads/tortillas b/c I just

feel like I digest them better and they are higher in protein.

Throughout the past year and a half I've continued to eat a little bit

of sweets (like one cookie or some dark chocolate, etc.) I try to

stick to " healthier " sweets or things I make myself and avoid the

processed stuff, and I just have it in moderation and don't go nuts.

When I do have too much (like during the holidays) I definitely pay for

it. I agree with the article about fruits being good for you, even

with candida. I think our bodies are designed to eat all the foods God

created. It's just finding that balance. I have noticed that I am not

adversely affected when I eat fruit like I am if I eat too much sugar.

Oh, I recently made up a recipe for chocolate pudding that has almost

no sugar and I've been eating that to fulfill my sweet/chocolate

craving. I'm used to eating healthy stuff, so to me it's good. My

kids think it's gross, though. :o) I'll post the recipe below.

Like I said before the olive leaf and probiotics have worked wonders.

I had a raging fungal sinus infection by the time I went to the dr. It

was so bad that I was dizzy all the time and had the worst brain fog.

My head felt like it was in a vice. After only a couple of weeks on

the olive leaf I began to notice a difference. I also have some olive

leaf nasal spray that I use daily as well.

The Ohhirra's probiotics are also really good. I've taken other

probiotics and it's the only one that I could actually feel working.

After using it for awhile I noticed the white coating on my tongue

started to clear up. It is still there and gets worse if I eat too

much sugar. But it has definitely improved. I also noticed a huge

difference w/my lower GI prob's from the Ohhirra's. It's pretty

expensive, but so worth it.

Hope this helps ya! :o)

Almost Sugar-Free Chocolate " Pudding "

1 Box Extra Firm Silken Tofu (do not use any other kind of tofu)

3 oz Unsweetened Bakers Chocolate

1 Tsp Stevia (or more to taste)

2-3 Tsp Agave Nectar

Break up bars of chocolate and place into a small glass bowl. Heat in

microwave in 15 second increments, stirring in between, until

completely melted. (You may also heat it in a double-broiler). Place

tofu, stevia and agave nectar into a food processor (you can use a

blender but a food processor works better). Turn on food processor and

slowly add melted chocolate through opening in the top. Blend until

creamy and it does not taste grainy. You may have to open the lid

periodically and scrape the sides of the bowl. Chill for a couple of

hours before serving.

I also like to make some whipped cream to go with this. I just put a

couple of cups of whipping cream, a tsp or so of agave nectar and 1/2

tsp of vanilla into the food processsor. Then I blend it until it's

thick and creamy. It can be a dessert all by itself too, or added to

fruit. :o)

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Hi April,

I agree with you that our bodies were designed to eat what God gave

us. I don't know if you've read Jordan Rubin's story from the

Maker's Diet, but Krista, Lynn(), maybe Beth, and I are going

to start the Maker's Diet online on the 1st of the year. You and

anyone else are welcome to do it with us.

Sounds like you're doing a good job of fighting the candida. A year

doesn't seem too long based on what others have said. I've been

fighting it for a year too but have only been explanted for 8

months. I have a long way to go, as I have the dizziness and brain

fog you mentioned, but it'll happen in time. Maybe I should get out

my Olive Leaf extract from my chiro. I was on it for only a week.

What brand do you take?

I looked up your probiotic and it seems great. You said you think it

works better than anything else you've tried, and I was wondering if

you had tried Garden of Life Primal Defense.

Your chocolate pudding recipe sounds good. I need to give myself

more occasional treats like that. Love, PH

> >

> > What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to


> > about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux


> > well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the


> > level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> > read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> > disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing


> > body's acidity...very good book.

> > How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> > definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing


> > Love, PH

> >


> It actually has taken over a year, unfortunately. Maybe that would

> have been less if I'd restricted my diet more, I don't know. But


> me it just wasn't realistic to completely cut out all sugar from my

> diet. I did that for a week or so here and there, but that's as


> as I lasted. I did limit sugar a lot, though. For instance I use

> Agave Nectar in my coffee and make my own whole grain muffins and


> the Agave for a sweetener. It is a natural syrup that comes from


> Agave plant. It's processed by the body more like honey but has a


> neutral flavot. I also use stevia as much as I can - on oatmeal or

> cereal, etc.


> Like I said before I eat mainly sprouted breads/tortillas b/c I


> feel like I digest them better and they are higher in protein.

> Throughout the past year and a half I've continued to eat a little


> of sweets (like one cookie or some dark chocolate, etc.) I try to

> stick to " healthier " sweets or things I make myself and avoid the

> processed stuff, and I just have it in moderation and don't go


> When I do have too much (like during the holidays) I definitely pay


> it. I agree with the article about fruits being good for you, even

> with candida. I think our bodies are designed to eat all the foods


> created. It's just finding that balance. I have noticed that I am


> adversely affected when I eat fruit like I am if I eat too much



> Oh, I recently made up a recipe for chocolate pudding that has


> no sugar and I've been eating that to fulfill my sweet/chocolate

> craving. I'm used to eating healthy stuff, so to me it's good. My

> kids think it's gross, though. :o) I'll post the recipe below.


> Like I said before the olive leaf and probiotics have worked


> I had a raging fungal sinus infection by the time I went to the

dr. It

> was so bad that I was dizzy all the time and had the worst brain


> My head felt like it was in a vice. After only a couple of weeks


> the olive leaf I began to notice a difference. I also have some


> leaf nasal spray that I use daily as well.


> The Ohhirra's probiotics are also really good. I've taken other

> probiotics and it's the only one that I could actually feel


> After using it for awhile I noticed the white coating on my tongue

> started to clear up. It is still there and gets worse if I eat too

> much sugar. But it has definitely improved. I also noticed a huge

> difference w/my lower GI prob's from the Ohhirra's. It's pretty

> expensive, but so worth it.


> Hope this helps ya! :o)


> Almost Sugar-Free Chocolate " Pudding "


> 1 Box Extra Firm Silken Tofu (do not use any other kind of tofu)

> 3 oz Unsweetened Bakers Chocolate

> 1 Tsp Stevia (or more to taste)

> 2-3 Tsp Agave Nectar


> Break up bars of chocolate and place into a small glass bowl. Heat


> microwave in 15 second increments, stirring in between, until

> completely melted. (You may also heat it in a double-broiler).


> tofu, stevia and agave nectar into a food processor (you can use a

> blender but a food processor works better). Turn on food processor


> slowly add melted chocolate through opening in the top. Blend


> creamy and it does not taste grainy. You may have to open the lid

> periodically and scrape the sides of the bowl. Chill for a couple


> hours before serving.


> I also like to make some whipped cream to go with this. I just put


> couple of cups of whipping cream, a tsp or so of agave nectar and


> tsp of vanilla into the food processsor. Then I blend it until


> thick and creamy. It can be a dessert all by itself too, or added


> fruit. :o)


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Hi PH, I just read that book too! My dr had me buy drops to put in

water to alkalize it and I'm also going to be taking super greens in

a capsule form.


> >

> > What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to


> > about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux


> > well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the


> > level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> > read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> > disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing


> > body's acidity...very good book.

> > How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> > definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing


> > Love, PH

> >


> It actually has taken over a year, unfortunately. Maybe that would

> have been less if I'd restricted my diet more, I don't know. But


> me it just wasn't realistic to completely cut out all sugar from my

> diet. I did that for a week or so here and there, but that's as


> as I lasted. I did limit sugar a lot, though. For instance I use

> Agave Nectar in my coffee and make my own whole grain muffins and


> the Agave for a sweetener. It is a natural syrup that comes from


> Agave plant. It's processed by the body more like honey but has a


> neutral flavot. I also use stevia as much as I can - on oatmeal or

> cereal, etc.


> Like I said before I eat mainly sprouted breads/tortillas b/c I


> feel like I digest them better and they are higher in protein.

> Throughout the past year and a half I've continued to eat a little


> of sweets (like one cookie or some dark chocolate, etc.) I try to

> stick to " healthier " sweets or things I make myself and avoid the

> processed stuff, and I just have it in moderation and don't go


> When I do have too much (like during the holidays) I definitely pay


> it. I agree with the article about fruits being good for you, even

> with candida. I think our bodies are designed to eat all the foods


> created. It's just finding that balance. I have noticed that I am


> adversely affected when I eat fruit like I am if I eat too much



> Oh, I recently made up a recipe for chocolate pudding that has


> no sugar and I've been eating that to fulfill my sweet/chocolate

> craving. I'm used to eating healthy stuff, so to me it's good. My

> kids think it's gross, though. :o) I'll post the recipe below.


> Like I said before the olive leaf and probiotics have worked


> I had a raging fungal sinus infection by the time I went to the

dr. It

> was so bad that I was dizzy all the time and had the worst brain


> My head felt like it was in a vice. After only a couple of weeks


> the olive leaf I began to notice a difference. I also have some


> leaf nasal spray that I use daily as well.


> The Ohhirra's probiotics are also really good. I've taken other

> probiotics and it's the only one that I could actually feel


> After using it for awhile I noticed the white coating on my tongue

> started to clear up. It is still there and gets worse if I eat too

> much sugar. But it has definitely improved. I also noticed a huge

> difference w/my lower GI prob's from the Ohhirra's. It's pretty

> expensive, but so worth it.


> Hope this helps ya! :o)


> Almost Sugar-Free Chocolate " Pudding "


> 1 Box Extra Firm Silken Tofu (do not use any other kind of tofu)

> 3 oz Unsweetened Bakers Chocolate

> 1 Tsp Stevia (or more to taste)

> 2-3 Tsp Agave Nectar


> Break up bars of chocolate and place into a small glass bowl. Heat


> microwave in 15 second increments, stirring in between, until

> completely melted. (You may also heat it in a double-broiler).


> tofu, stevia and agave nectar into a food processor (you can use a

> blender but a food processor works better). Turn on food processor


> slowly add melted chocolate through opening in the top. Blend


> creamy and it does not taste grainy. You may have to open the lid

> periodically and scrape the sides of the bowl. Chill for a couple


> hours before serving.


> I also like to make some whipped cream to go with this. I just put


> couple of cups of whipping cream, a tsp or so of agave nectar and


> tsp of vanilla into the food processsor. Then I blend it until


> thick and creamy. It can be a dessert all by itself too, or added


> fruit. :o)


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Thyroid suffers, beware of soy! (Tofu is made from soy).


> >

> > What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to


> > about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux


> > well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the


> > level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> > read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> > disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing


> > body's acidity...very good book.

> > How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> > definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing


> > Love, PH

> >


> It actually has taken over a year, unfortunately. Maybe that would

> have been less if I'd restricted my diet more, I don't know. But


> me it just wasn't realistic to completely cut out all sugar from my

> diet. I did that for a week or so here and there, but that's as


> as I lasted. I did limit sugar a lot, though. For instance I use

> Agave Nectar in my coffee and make my own whole grain muffins and


> the Agave for a sweetener. It is a natural syrup that comes from


> Agave plant. It's processed by the body more like honey but has a


> neutral flavot. I also use stevia as much as I can - on oatmeal or

> cereal, etc.


> Like I said before I eat mainly sprouted breads/tortillas b/c I


> feel like I digest them better and they are higher in protein.

> Throughout the past year and a half I've continued to eat a little


> of sweets (like one cookie or some dark chocolate, etc.) I try to

> stick to " healthier " sweets or things I make myself and avoid the

> processed stuff, and I just have it in moderation and don't go


> When I do have too much (like during the holidays) I definitely pay


> it. I agree with the article about fruits being good for you, even

> with candida. I think our bodies are designed to eat all the foods


> created. It's just finding that balance. I have noticed that I am


> adversely affected when I eat fruit like I am if I eat too much



> Oh, I recently made up a recipe for chocolate pudding that has


> no sugar and I've been eating that to fulfill my sweet/chocolate

> craving. I'm used to eating healthy stuff, so to me it's good. My

> kids think it's gross, though. :o) I'll post the recipe below.


> Like I said before the olive leaf and probiotics have worked


> I had a raging fungal sinus infection by the time I went to the

dr. It

> was so bad that I was dizzy all the time and had the worst brain


> My head felt like it was in a vice. After only a couple of weeks


> the olive leaf I began to notice a difference. I also have some


> leaf nasal spray that I use daily as well.


> The Ohhirra's probiotics are also really good. I've taken other

> probiotics and it's the only one that I could actually feel


> After using it for awhile I noticed the white coating on my tongue

> started to clear up. It is still there and gets worse if I eat too

> much sugar. But it has definitely improved. I also noticed a huge

> difference w/my lower GI prob's from the Ohhirra's. It's pretty

> expensive, but so worth it.


> Hope this helps ya! :o)


> Almost Sugar-Free Chocolate " Pudding "


> 1 Box Extra Firm Silken Tofu (do not use any other kind of tofu)

> 3 oz Unsweetened Bakers Chocolate

> 1 Tsp Stevia (or more to taste)

> 2-3 Tsp Agave Nectar


> Break up bars of chocolate and place into a small glass bowl. Heat


> microwave in 15 second increments, stirring in between, until

> completely melted. (You may also heat it in a double-broiler).


> tofu, stevia and agave nectar into a food processor (you can use a

> blender but a food processor works better). Turn on food processor


> slowly add melted chocolate through opening in the top. Blend


> creamy and it does not taste grainy. You may have to open the lid

> periodically and scrape the sides of the bowl. Chill for a couple


> hours before serving.


> I also like to make some whipped cream to go with this. I just put


> couple of cups of whipping cream, a tsp or so of agave nectar and


> tsp of vanilla into the food processsor. Then I blend it until


> thick and creamy. It can be a dessert all by itself too, or added


> fruit. :o)


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When someone makes a remark like that . . . i.e. you don't look like you're in pain . . . You might tell them that you keep it to yourself because they can't make it better and you don't want them feeling bad for you. . . . Tell them not to worry because you're checking into it and doing everything possible right now . . . Eventually you'll be OK . . .

Then change the topic!

Once you've informed them that you do have pain/problem, then you have laid the groundwork to excuse yourself when you need to. . . without further excuses.

In the meantime, what are you doing for your ear pain? I'm dealing with it too! I'm about ready to have a tube put in my ear. . . as long as it's not silicone and is removable!



Re: Fruitarian Diet to Cure Candida

What a great article! I have printed it out (now up to 24 pages fortoday, grin! This is valuable information. I love to see all sidesof a topic, thanks!> >> > What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to say > > about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux as > > well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the PH > > level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently > > read "The PH Miracle" that says a healthy PH level won't allow > > disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing > the > > body's acidity...very good book.> > How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am > >

definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing > them! > > Love, PH>

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Three Lac test: http://www.newleafhealth.com/saliva_test_for_candida.html

It's not "scientific". But you'll find it tracks very well with how closely you follow a healthy diet and take supplements or antifungals.

I don't recommend the product though! Too small a variety of beneficial organisms . . . However some of our women have gotten some results with it. . . at least for a little while.



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Hi Rogene,

Ear pain is one thing I haven't had yet, thank God. You must have

read someone else's post about that? I have been trying to catch up

on my reading the posts, but haven't seen it mentioned, or I'd say who?

Thanks for the other suggestion, tho!

Hugs to you,


> > >

> > > What a great article, April. It's interesting what she had to say

> > > about the live blood cell analysis, as I was told I had Rouleaux as

> > > well. It all makes sense now. A lot of what she says about the PH

> > > level of the body and candida is also on target. I recently

> > > read " The PH Miracle " that says a healthy PH level won't allow

> > > disease to take root and that disease can be reversed by changing

> > the

> > > body's acidity...very good book.

> > > How long has it taken you to reduce your candida to 70%? I am

> > > definitely going to incorporate more fruits instead of fearing

> > them!

> > > Love, PH

> >


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