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Cari, Mike

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Hi Cari,

Yup, the house is quiet! I can't believe I slept until after noon

today. Why do I DO that?? I understand what you're saying about how

you felt after taking the Celexa. I've had more than my share of

those " anxiety " moments, feeling overwhelmed by stress that my head

KNOWS isn't anywhere near as bad as I've felt it to be. Make any

sense? And, simply feeling not " right " - I've had times of feelilng as

though I want to jump out of my skin- and awful feeling- that could

possibly be attributed to withdrawal or brain changes? WHo knows?

Plus, feeling rather apathetic and decidedly UNenergetic and glum. As

you said, the opposite of what these drugs are supposed to do. I do

feel as if I'm in some sort of vicious cycle.I also am pretty darn

sure my hormones at this stage of my life are involved, too.

Mike, I'll remember to watch out for those confiscating Customs

agents. Also, you could be right about Buffalo--- my sister-in-law

headed back there the other day and we've not heard from her:)

Buffalo might not WANT to be found anyway, considering how the

Buffalo Bills have been playing.........

Vicki, hope you get a good nap today. You deserve it!

Lynn, I get puffy eyes too- worse at certain times of the month. I

look just awful.... can't blame it on Pred. I have no remedies and

have tried the tea bag thing. Drink tons of water, too. I've been

neglecting doing that lately :(

Annette, having been on Prozac for so long, does it seem to be

still working as effectively for you as it did in the beginning? I

just read an article by researchers that says the drugs in Paxil,

Prozac and Zoloft seem to work in the same way- no differences found,

so if I can't take one of those, I doubt I can take another. I'm so

wary of them at this point. Just haven't found that magic bullet

where I can say- " ah- relief! "

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