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Re: Cheaters Amnesty Day

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You know, when I first started I was arm and arm with a girl I met on Atkinsfriends.com , similar date/start weight/present weight...

Who was it on atkinsfriends.com? I'm on there all the time....

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Danette, have you tried any of the carbolite low carb candy bars? They

are very good. I keep them around just for that reason. When I feel the

urge for chocolate I eat a couple of squares of chocolate and I feel

fine No cheating.


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Wow! That sounds sooooo good! (you got your chocolate in my peanut butter--no, you got your peanut butter in my chocolate!!).


O.k. Last night I was watching t.v. and I ate one half of a GIANT

Hershey's bar dipped in (sugar free) peanut butter. I am a

prisoner to chocolate. Danette

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Oh I've been cheating...but, I haven't posted much lately because

everything I say seems to start an argument somewhere! (watch it start, just

look, see, next post someone will be peeved at me) I guess I've got an

abrasive personality lately.. tired, miserable, and feeling hopeless about

my weightloss, those icky bouncy pounds refuse to let me enjoy being

*almost* in the 150's before ruthlessly throwing me back into the 170s where

my body is determined to stay...and then there's the " comments " the ones

that say " DIET? You don't need to diet, you're going to get sick/look

gross/die " I don't even say I'm ON a diet, just saying you exclude certain

foods is enough to trigger people...and I see people here with their

starting weights the same as I am now, and it's discouraging... I feel like

I look okay, no one ever thinks I'm overweight...but I see those numbers,

and I'm still not " happy " my waist measured at 29 the other day, pretty

great, so why did my 34's feel tight the very next day?? arghargh



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Pamela have you ever heard of the showtime rotisserie and bbq? It is

made by popeli. I have one and love it. In fact I am roasting a chicken

for dinner right now. You should get one they are so easy to use and

very easy to clean.


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I am using mine right now also! LOL I have the basket filled with " country

style " pork ribs. I sprinkle them with salt, splenda and pepper sauce when

they get finished. I make a slaw to go with them...(I buy the pre shredded

cabbage, add mayo, splenda, and a touch of vinigar. when it is all mixed up I

spronle about 2tsp mustard seed and celery seed. Put in the fridg and let the

flavors mingle) Man!!! Am I hungry :)

--- ecenet@... wrote:

> Pamela have you ever heard of the showtime rotisserie and bbq? It is

> made by popeli. I have one and love it. In fact I am roasting a chicken

> for dinner right now. You should get one they are so easy to use and

> very easy to clean.

> Laverne




Kathy :)


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Marlena I feel really bad for you because I know how you feel. I have

not lost much weight either considering I have been on this diet for

over a year now. (19 lbs) when Im not bouncing around. I have been doing

my best to stay legal. If I stay the same thru these miserablewinter

months I will be happy. I hate this time of year. I think we are all in

the same boat . Hang in there Marlena . You have been doing this for a

year now. I also think that maybe we are at one of those set points and

its going to take our body some time to adjust to going to a lower

weight. I'm not giving in to those winter blues and I hope you don't

either. We can do this. Spring is just a couple of months away. We have

to much invested to give up now. Good Luck


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Adria, Put that darn scale under the bed for a few days. The scale is

not the only way of seeing success on this diet. If that were true I

would have quit long ago. Are your cloths getting smaller?? Are you

feeling better?? Then you are succeeding. I do know how you feel, it

does get discouraging when that darn scale doesn't move. Wishing you the

best. DON " T GIVE IP<


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I have not cheated. I have been lurking and waiting

for something to report. When I started this WOE, I

knew it had to be a life time thing. My largest goal

was to not GAIN any more. I am meeting that goal. I

lost seven pounds the first two weeks. I have been

stuck since; however my clothes are shrinking a

little. I keep bouncing around one weight, but I

expect that to come off one day. I knew this would be

difficult, because of my age and medications. I do

have days that I don't eat enough. I have had a couple

of days where I did not get the water in, due to

hiking with my dogs in a park. How do you people drink

all that water and go hiking or biking or walking. I

just have to walk to the nearest bathroom.

I feel so good about myself. I am keeping on keeping

on. Nice and easy, that's the way.

This is all about choices. It isn't always easy. When

you get bored, treat yourself to a meal out. It really

helps to let someone else do the cooking now and then.

Grandma Hut


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I'm glad you posted. Hey, remember, it's Cheaters Amnesty Day, so

you are guaranteed not to get any bashing or smashing! Just support.

For anyone who is relatively new, you probably don't know what a

great loser Adria has been. When she gets her mind on the WOE, she

drops pounds like crazy! And she has done a fabulous job.

We know you are going to get with it again, Adria. How can we help?


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Boy, do I hear you! I've always maintained that my bottom half was

screwed on backwards!


>Our tummies

> are rounded like our butts should be and our butts are flat like

our tummies

> should be... what's up with that?



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Don't ever feel embarrassed about coming back and starting over. The

only difference between people who fail and people who succeed is

that those who succeed don't ever quit trying!

Congratulations on being brave enough to admit you have what it takes

to come back and succeed!


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Don't ever feel embarrassed about coming back and starting over. The

only difference between people who fail and people who succeed is

that those who succeed don't ever quit trying!

Congratulations on being brave enough to admit you have what it takes

to come back and succeed!


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I truly do admire the way you are so committed to this WOE. You have

remarkable staying power. That is the thing that will make all the

difference for you!

Go, girl!


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Grandma Hut,

I know what you mean about the bathroom trips. The older I get, the

more I wonder what is up with my bladder!

You are doing great. Sticking to it is the key, and you've got a

great outlook about this WOE.


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Your right Gramma Hut, we have the rest of our lives. Sure it would be

great to drop all this weight within a few months but we are not only on

this way of eating to lose weight we need to learn new eating habits.

Also think of the good things that are happening inside our bodies.

Things we can't see but our blood tests show. I know I'm getting

healthier and that is what keeps me going. And maybe someday that scale

will be my friend and show me what I want to see. Good Luck to everyone

who is struggleing. Life is a challenge, thats what makes it



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, that's so funny (you got your chocolate in my peanut butter..) I

was saying that exact commercial to dh last night!

I have not tried the carbolite candy bars, but I'm going to look for

them. I've tried some different low carb bars and I think they all taste

awful. Today I'm trying carb solutions and it's actually not too bad. I

will look for carbolite and I will definitely try that peanut butter

cocoa thing!!! Thanks for the idea! Danette


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, today I restarted and am going to get my act in gear. March 17 will

mark 1 year since I restarted Atkins at 335 lbs--and March 31 will


Somehow I had a feeling you'd come out of the woodwork today. :) Glad you are still hanging in there. Now....make that mini goal! :)

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Hi Grandma (hehe),

I have some of the same problems: age and medication.

As for the meds, I have to take BP meds (lopressor and Dilacor XR),

estrogen (for heart), and Proventil (for asthma, which is aggravated by

other meds). I asked the doctor about going off the estrogen, but

he would not hear of it. I'm sure that taking all that stuff (plus

occasionally--but not as often as before this WOE- pain meds) has to impact

on my losing/not losing weight as rapidly as I might.

Age also plays a big part for me. I used to be able to drop lbs.

very quickly. Not anymore.

I have to watch my water intake also if I go anywhere. I just

take a bottle of water to sip occasionally and then gulp away once I am



Dee's Dogs wrote:

I have not cheated. I have been lurking and waiting

for something to report. When I started this WOE, I

knew it had to be a life time thing. My largest goal

was to not GAIN any more. I am meeting that goal. I

lost seven pounds the first two weeks. I have been

stuck since; however my clothes are shrinking a

little. I keep bouncing around one weight, but I

expect that to come off one day. I knew this would be

difficult, because of my age and medications. I do

have days that I don't eat enough. I have had a couple

of days where I did not get the water in, due to

hiking with my dogs in a park. How do you people drink

all that water and go hiking or biking or walking. I

just have to walk to the nearest bathroom.

I feel so good about myself. I am keeping on keeping

on. Nice and easy, that's the way.

This is all about choices. It isn't always easy. When

you get bored, treat yourself to a meal out. It really

helps to let someone else do the cooking now and then.

Grandma Hut

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Hi Grandma (hehe),

I have some of the same problems: age and medication.

As for the meds, I have to take BP meds (lopressor and Dilacor XR),

estrogen (for heart), and Proventil (for asthma, which is aggravated by

other meds). I asked the doctor about going off the estrogen, but

he would not hear of it. I'm sure that taking all that stuff (plus

occasionally--but not as often as before this WOE- pain meds) has to impact

on my losing/not losing weight as rapidly as I might.

Age also plays a big part for me. I used to be able to drop lbs.

very quickly. Not anymore.

I have to watch my water intake also if I go anywhere. I just

take a bottle of water to sip occasionally and then gulp away once I am



Dee's Dogs wrote:

I have not cheated. I have been lurking and waiting

for something to report. When I started this WOE, I

knew it had to be a life time thing. My largest goal

was to not GAIN any more. I am meeting that goal. I

lost seven pounds the first two weeks. I have been

stuck since; however my clothes are shrinking a

little. I keep bouncing around one weight, but I

expect that to come off one day. I knew this would be

difficult, because of my age and medications. I do

have days that I don't eat enough. I have had a couple

of days where I did not get the water in, due to

hiking with my dogs in a park. How do you people drink

all that water and go hiking or biking or walking. I

just have to walk to the nearest bathroom.

I feel so good about myself. I am keeping on keeping

on. Nice and easy, that's the way.

This is all about choices. It isn't always easy. When

you get bored, treat yourself to a meal out. It really

helps to let someone else do the cooking now and then.

Grandma Hut

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I think you're hitting on a very good topic. Will we ever be truly satisfied with our bodies (I'm sure some of us will be). But how do we really know, do we go with our own feelings, how do we judge the sincerity of friends and family. I think we (collective, not any specific individuals) need to consider why we're losing weight (besides health reasons). Who are we trying to please? What ideal are we trying to live up to? If other people accept me, why can't I?

I don't have any answers! I'm beginning to think about them a lot though, as I lose more weight and feel more " normal " . My self identity used to be " fat person " , I just knew it was what people thought when they first saw me--we all do this--identify on appearance factors first. We must identify what we see, immediately, or else suffer dissonance. Now I wonder what people " see " when I'm walking in the mall. (I do know that people aren't really thinking anything about me, unless they find me attractive or something--from this brief encounter), but how do they " identify " me now? I think this has changed (my perceptions) with how my own thoughts have changed as I lose weight.

I think we should all ask ourselves about the standards to which we hold ourselves up to. Where do they come from? If our bodies aren't capable of that, do we consider it a failure?

Just some thoughts! Guess it was my turn to blab!

(personally striving for the perfect body ;) )

Thanks tracy :)

You know, when I was 135 pounds a few years ago, people still considered me a little " chunky " ( female friends) so why is it, that now, at 170, they worry so much about be wasting away? I think I made a rather obvious connection here, don't you? My mother too, all my life told me how fat I was, now she says I've lost enough, I should quit it!? As for the numbers, I agree, when I feel good, I'll stop...my original goal was 150, but when I hit 161 I still felt I needed about 20 pounds, then being reminded of how " chunky " I was at 135, I figured 120 sounded good...Now I'm back to hoping for around 135, if I feel good, and my measurements are what I'd like (38-26-36 or around there) I'll change my WOE...but right now, even 160 seems lightyears away and all the people telling me I'm okay just makes me wanna cheat more (if I'm okay, why not, right?)

thanks for letting me blab! :)


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I think you're hitting on a very good topic. Will we ever be truly satisfied with our bodies (I'm sure some of us will be). But how do we really know, do we go with our own feelings, how do we judge the sincerity of friends and family. I think we (collective, not any specific individuals) need to consider why we're losing weight (besides health reasons). Who are we trying to please? What ideal are we trying to live up to? If other people accept me, why can't I?

I don't have any answers! I'm beginning to think about them a lot though, as I lose more weight and feel more " normal " . My self identity used to be " fat person " , I just knew it was what people thought when they first saw me--we all do this--identify on appearance factors first. We must identify what we see, immediately, or else suffer dissonance. Now I wonder what people " see " when I'm walking in the mall. (I do know that people aren't really thinking anything about me, unless they find me attractive or something--from this brief encounter), but how do they " identify " me now? I think this has changed (my perceptions) with how my own thoughts have changed as I lose weight.

I think we should all ask ourselves about the standards to which we hold ourselves up to. Where do they come from? If our bodies aren't capable of that, do we consider it a failure?

Just some thoughts! Guess it was my turn to blab!

(personally striving for the perfect body ;) )

Thanks tracy :)

You know, when I was 135 pounds a few years ago, people still considered me a little " chunky " ( female friends) so why is it, that now, at 170, they worry so much about be wasting away? I think I made a rather obvious connection here, don't you? My mother too, all my life told me how fat I was, now she says I've lost enough, I should quit it!? As for the numbers, I agree, when I feel good, I'll stop...my original goal was 150, but when I hit 161 I still felt I needed about 20 pounds, then being reminded of how " chunky " I was at 135, I figured 120 sounded good...Now I'm back to hoping for around 135, if I feel good, and my measurements are what I'd like (38-26-36 or around there) I'll change my WOE...but right now, even 160 seems lightyears away and all the people telling me I'm okay just makes me wanna cheat more (if I'm okay, why not, right?)

thanks for letting me blab! :)


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That's funny! You've got the Atkins virus!!!


From: july31978@...


A similar thing happened to me. My dad recently asked my mom if I am sick

and when she said no he said.....well how does she eat all that food? Maybe

she has worms LOL That night I had eaten a full rack of ribs and a salad and

2 sides of vegetables. No wonder he thought something was wrong with me. :-)


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