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Re: Cheaters Amnesty Day

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In a message dated 2/20/2001 8:03:22 AM Mountain Standard Time,

dsinteam@... writes:

<< So come on, all you cheaters out there. Start posting. The next 24 hours

is a guaranteed, unconditional, no-guilt, total love, welcome back home time

for you. Let us know what happened. Let us know what you need from us.

Just let us know SOMETHING! We miss you and we want you back.

ALL of you!

Terry >>

I have never posted regularly, but I've definitely been a BAD cheater lately!

Peanuts, peanuts, peanuts, and more peanuts. I have become a slave to

peanuts. Before Atkins, I was a slave to Tostado chips, and it looks like

I've replaced them with peanuts. What is this compulsive addiction thing I

have? I hate it!

I definitely need a Cheaters Amnesty Day and maybe even to find a Cheaters

Anonymous! Hello, my name is , and I am a peanutaholic and a cheater!

Thanks Terry for the amnesty!

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One of our more prolific posters (who shall remain nameless unless she

decides to confess herself) found that peanut butter was a definite problem

for her. And she gave it up successfully, and started losing weight again

like crazy!

Here I am.....the peanut butter junkie is out of hiding LOL if you ever need to chat or anything just email me. july31978@... I got rid of the peanut butter (I only have some once in a great while now) and Terry is right, when I quit eating the peanut butter the whoosh fairy was VERY kind.



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.. I'm really trying to eat more. I just don't get hungry like I used to get. Dwen

I'm the same way Dwen. I just dont get hungry and food just doesn't seem to appeal to me like it used to.

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the nurse was changing the dressing on my incision and mentioned that she needed a certain type of dressing because I had an "apron" that is what they call the tummy that hangs over the incision. Ugh!! I still want to scream whenI think about that. It was so embarrassing. Pamela


I call my apron my inner tube. I hate it too. I'll give it to anyone who wants it.

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Thanks for speaking up! You know, the first step on the road to recovery

from any addiction is to admit you are powerless over it. Look what a good

start you've got!

So, let's think about how we can overcome that peanut addiction. What about

some other handy, quick snacks? How about string cheese, or celery sticks,

or rolled up lunch meat? The key is preparation. Get a good substitute,

something you like, and get it ready for when that Peanut Demon decides to

tempt you. Then just fling a piece of string cheese in the old Demon's


One of our more prolific posters (who shall remain nameless unless she

decides to confess herself) found that peanut butter was a definite problem

for her. And she gave it up successfully, and started losing weight again

like crazy!

, you can do it. I know you can. Be sure to let us know when those

old urges are starting, and we'll help you put that Peanut Demon back in the



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They say confession is good for the soul J

Although what I’ve been doing might not be technically “cheating” – I’ve

had no bread, potatoes, sugar or any forbidden foods – I have been very slack

on taking my vitamins and drinking my water. I’ve been eating maybe 1 or 2 meals a day, mostly made up of

meat and cheeses. I’ve been

averaging a salad or two a week, no other vegetables. AND I’ve been eating lots and lots of Nookie Pudding, my

downfall. My excuse? I had a bad case of flu in January, and

then my cat suddenly fell ill and I had to make the hardest decision of my

life, to have her put to sleep to end her suffering (she had irreversible renal

failure, and she was only 5 years old).

Even though I didn’t start eating carbs again, I still feel as though I’m

off my diet because I haven’t been doing it at all correctly. I’m trying desperately to get back into

my former good habits of taking my vitamins and drinking my water, and I’ve

laid off the Nookie Pudding completely (yesterday I swear I had withdrawal

symptoms! But I had a chicken Caesar salad instead). I have not gone out of ketosis during all this but I haven’t

lost any weight either, I’ve just been hovering around the same number, give or

take a couple pounds.

Anyway, I’m ready to get back on the Atkins wagon now. Wish me luck, I need it!

Thanks everyone,

Vivia in Indiana

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Confession is good for the soul. I'm glad you got that off your chest.

That alone should make you start to feel better.

Now, here's what we're going to do for you, Miss Mar-LAY-na . . . First of

all, we're going to give you a Guilt-ectomy. We are totally removing your

guilt. OK, so now that it is gone, gone, gone with the wind, we are next

going to give you a But-ectomy. I'm cyber-kinetically removing all your

BUTS and replacing them with ANDS.

Someone told me once that any compound sentence that is connected by a BUT

negates itself. For instance . . . She is really pretty, BUT she is so fat.

What does that really say? The BUT that connects the second part to the

first part actually takes what started out as a positive and makes it a


And so, I was told to connect my sentences with and AND in order to make

them stay positive. " I stayed so legal, and I'm bouncing around. " That

gives you credit for the staying legal part . . . BRAVO! And, it points out

that sometimes even doing everything just exactly right doesn't result in a

weight loss. However, just because there was no loss does not mean that all

your good works was for nothing. You STILL get credit for it!

Persistence. That's what we prescribe. And a healthy dose of patience.

You are a winner. And I promise you, any time you need us, you'll never

have to worry about asking for help and being slammed, bashed, judged,

chastised, or otherwise guilted into anything. We're here to help, and we

pledge to be totally and postively supportive.

Don't we, Gang?


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I know what you mean. I've been bouncing the same 2 lbs. around

for several weeks now. It does get discouraging, doesn't it?

I have stayed legal and drinking a minimum of 100 oz of water daily; however,

still bouncing. I just had 3 days at the low end of the bounce and

stayed there; on the 4th day, I'm up a lb. Next day, up another lb.

This am still with the same 2 lbs.

I think part of my problem is not eating enough or forgetting to eat.

When I have lots to do in a day or errands to run, I actually forget to

eat. Right now, I'm boiling eggs to have with some tuna and mayo

for lunch. Will have london broil with LC/AS cole slaw and deviled

eggs for dinner. Snacks today will be string cheese and/or pepperoni

chips. I'm really trying to eat more. I just don't get hungry

like I used to get.


Marlena W wrote:

THEN... (and isn't there always a "but" or a

"then"? LoL)... I noticed that

for the last 10-12 days of the 6 weeks that I had been being so

diligent, I

had started bouncing again! I got very depressed at how I was not


to lose even though I was staying totally legal and getting all

my water in

being quite diligent about every single thing that entered my system.


very hard for me to see how everyone else is doing so well and


consistently losing but it is not happening for me. Seeing people

that are

doing so well really starts me questioning if I'm just destined

to remain at

the low to mid 170's forever :-( Sure, when I indulge in

an occasional

cheat it's understandable that i don't lose and I start bouncing

within a

couple pounds BUT (and there again is a "but" LoL) when I am so

diligent and

so legal and so good for 6 weeks and again find myself bouncing

2 pounds it

really bugs me.

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I'm so sorry about your cat! That's hard to do . . . putting down a pet you


And I'm glad you are back with renewed commitment. It's great that you were

always in ketosis. A little tweaking, and you'll soon be sliding down the

scale again!

Welcome back.


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I think you have mastered one of the key reasons that people success on this

WOE . . . PLANNING! Good work on planning how you are going to manage your

eating today!



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Do you take vitamin and mineral supplements? I hope your doctor visit goes

well and you find a very simple, easy solution to your fatigue.

Boredom truly is an enemy! Being tired and bored is doubly deadly! We're

cheering you on, though. I wish I could come over and fix you a good, new,

interesting meal to spark your appetite!

Wouldn't it be great to have Atkins meal caterers who could whip up

something and bring it over when we are tired and bored? Oooooh! Maybe a

line of Atkins frozen entrees!

Hey, Janel, are you listening?

Pam, be sure to keep us posted about your doctor visit!


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I'm terribly sorry about your cat. I surely understand, being owned by

4 cats myself. Not to mention the kittens born last week somewhere.

Momma kitty is hiding them and we don't even know how many there are.

This is a stray that has decided to take up residence on our front

porch. The other 3 are indoors cats -- one goes out twice a day,

otherwise loves it indoors.

If I could find the kittens and could ship, I would send you one (or two

or three or.....)

Seriously, I'm really sorry you lost your cat. They become such a part

of your family, I know. We had to have our 14 year old dog put down

last year and I still miss him.


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that message was really graet of you to post. it pretty much described me. on

V-day i cheated. felt embarresed and started to give up. but now im back on

track. drinking LOTS of water to make up for my cheating!

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In a message dated 2/20/2001 10:07:21 AM Mountain Standard Time,

dsinteam@... writes:

<< I have NO butt! Interested in donating to a butt-deprived middle aged


Terry >>

I have a butt, but it fell and now it's flat. Not only that, it has lots and

lots of wrinkles... a byproduct of weight loss on Atkins. I don't know...

something weird happens when we are in the area of " middle age. " Our tummies

are rounded like our butts should be and our butts are flat like our tummies

should be... what's up with that?

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In a message dated 2/20/2001 10:11:23 AM Mountain Standard Time,

july31978@... writes:

<< Here I am.....the peanut butter junkie is out of hiding LOL if you

ever need to chat or anything just email me. july31978@... I got rid


the peanut butter (I only have some once in a great while now) and Terry is

right, when I quit eating the peanut butter the whoosh fairy was VERY kind.


Thanks , I'll take you up on your offer, and I will be anxiously

awaiting the whoosh fairy.

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Hey Marlena!

First of all, I think the people that 'lose steadily' can be counted on the

fingers of one hand! I think the illusion is there because there is always

somebody happy about how they are losing, but those same people often just

don't post about bouncing up a pound or two.

I was legal on Valentine's day and survived with no bounce my surf and turf,

but on the weekend it was hubby's birthday and we ate out 3 times. The

third time was at a small buffet, that didn't really have anything low carb

on it. I had tomato/beef/macaroni soup that I picked the macaroni out of,

mussels, breaded fish that I picked the breading off of, cole slaw that

probably had sugar in it, ceasar salad that I picked the croutons out of ,

pork roast that had a little non-lc gravy on it. I was up 2 pounds

yesterday morning. It's pretty much off again this morning, but I'm getting

a little tired of the roller-coaster too. As long as I eat ENTIRELY from my

'safe food' list, I don't bounce, but restaurant food bounces me every time.

And even on my safe food list, I'm losing a 1/2 pound at a time. I'm

getting there, but it's a slow go!!!

Anyways... enough about me! This is about you! Being good and the scales

bouncing SUCKS!! But that's the time that you need to be the strongest.

There's a whole new level of strength needed to keep going when the scales

aren't giving you positive feedback - that's when you really have to dig

down deep and remember what your goals are. You can do it! Keep

visualizing those 160's and remind yourself that giving in to your

frustrations will only make them further off. And whenever you need

support - YELL!! That's what we are here for!



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I know what you mean about others thinking you're wasting away. I told my

Mom the other day that I was now at 187.5 and she just thinks I'm getting



A similar thing happened to me. My dad recently asked my mom if I am sick and when she said no he said.....well how does she eat all that food? Maybe she has worms LOL That night I had eaten a full rack of ribs and a salad and 2 sides of vegetables. No wonder he thought something was wrong with me. :-)



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O.k. Last night I was watching t.v. and I ate one half of a GIANT

Hershey's bar dipped in (sugar free) peanut butter. I am a

prisoner to chocolate. Danette


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Well, Danette, the good news is that the Atkins WOE can set you free from

that chocolate prison. And the members of this list have the key . . .

continual positive reinforcement!

Just dust yourself off and get right back on program and you'll soon have

those chocolate cravings fading into the background.


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For those moments when you NEED that chocolate/peanut butter thing Danette,

this is what I do:

In a small bowl put:

peanut butter (check your label for carb count)


melt in microwave for about 20 seconds.

stir and add cocoa (3 carbs per tablespoon) and AS (I find a blend of

Splenda and something else works best - Splenda and cocoa can be

bitter)(count the carbs in your AS!)

mix well and, if desired, add a tablespoon or two of heavy whipping cream

(0.41 carbs per tablespoon). At this point, you'll think it will never mix

up, but keep mixing and all of a sudden it will incorporate and sort of

thicken - yummy!

This is a very flexible mixture - change the proportions of stuff to suit

the number of carbs you have available after you've eaten all your veggies



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