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Mercury Toxicity

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My recollection is that mercury-silver amalgams are banned in Sweden because

of the toxic effects. By the way, the large and comprehensive book on

alternative health has a very interesting section on mercury toxicity - it

literally mimics just about every known disease from the flu to heart

problems. A lot of what is discussed in this group could very well be mercury

toxicity. Anyone who needs to get the amalgams out, however, should find a

special mercury free dentist who knows how to remove the fillings. In

addition, it may be necessary to have a course of IV therapy specific to

mercury removal.


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I have also heard that milk thistle is good for detoxification.

K. Herz

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  • 1 year later...
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Dear Debbie,

Cilantro is good for getting mercury out of the body.

Best of Health!

Saul Pressman

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

-----Original Message-----

From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...>

oxyplusonelist <oxyplusonelist>

Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 9:16

From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...

.... I am mercury toxic. My body has a warped way of dealing

with minerals and absorption. Deb

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Thanks, Saul, I did not know that!

Re: mercury toxicity

> From: " Saul Pressman " <saul@...>


> Dear Debbie,


> Cilantro is good for getting mercury out of the body.


> Best of Health!

> Saul Pressman


> URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

> email: saul@...


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...>

> oxyplusonelist <oxyplusonelist>

> Date: Sunday, March 05, 2000 9:16

> From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...


> .... I am mercury toxic. My body has a warped way of dealing

> with minerals and absorption. Deb





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Dear Debbie,

Yes, cilantro can be used daily, and will pull mercury out of storage in

tissues and you will safely excrete it.

It won't touch it in your amalgams, because those are not 'inside' you in

the same way, apparently.

I have a recipe somewhere about taking it with olive oil, I think, and maybe

lemon juice. I will hunt for it.

Best of Health!

Saul Pressman

URL: http://www.plasmafire.com

email: saul@...

Re: Re: mercury toxicity

> From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...>


> Thanks Saul.:) Is it ok to use this even before you have the amalgams

> out? Deb


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

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> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

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Saul Pressman wrote:


> From: " Saul Pressman " <saul@...>


> Dear Debbie,


> Yes, cilantro can be used daily, and will pull mercury out of storage in

> tissues and you will safely excrete it.

> It won't touch it in your amalgams, because those are not 'inside' you in

> the same way, apparently.


> I have a recipe somewhere about taking it with olive oil, I think, and maybe

> lemon juice. I will hunt for it.

Thanks so much. Now I can have tortilla soup again:). I would love the

recipe. Deb

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Can you tell me more about cilantro is?

If theres already been a posting explaining this, I opologise and would ask

you to send it to me privately



Re: Re: mercury toxicity



> > From: Debbie Mc <lullwatr@...>

> >

> > Thanks Saul.:) Is it ok to use this even before you have the amalgams

> > out? Deb

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds! Get rates as low as 2.9%

> > Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees. Apply NOW!

> > 1/936/2/_/507288/_/952384397/

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> >

> > OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

> other alternative self- help subjects.

> >


> >

> > This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

> are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

> information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at


> own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability


> take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

> hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

> here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a


> or health care provider.

> >

> > You can subscribe/unsubscribe via e-mail by sending AN e-mail to the

> following address


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> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> as low as 0.0% Intro APR and no hidden fees.

> Apply NOW!

> 1/975/2/_/507288/_/952389284/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self- help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

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Thanks Jim

Its known as coriander in England too! If only someone had told me it was


The only thing I would also like to know, is what is the evidence that it

does indeed pull out the mercury toxicicty?



Re: Re: mercury toxicity

> From: Jim Lambert <jlambert@...>


> Cilantro is a Mexican herb very common in salsa. In America it is

> known as coriander.


> jim :)


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  • 5 months later...

Thanks, Debbie, for the mercury & radiation articles. Here is recent info on Congressional hearings on the subject of mercury. THe web site is a dentist who removes mercury filings & has been fighting the mercury battle in dentistry for years. He has a newsletter you can subscribe to if interested.

Kay Heizer


On July 18th, 2000, the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of

Representatives conducted a hearing entitled " Mercury in Medicine - Are We Taking Unnecessary Risks? " Although the major thrust of the committee has been the use of mercury(thimersol) in vaccines, an introduction to the subject of dental mercury was heard. Dr. Aproshian, Ph.D. of the U. of Arizona presented documentation that dental amalgam is the largest contributor of mercury to the body burden of non-occupationally exposed individuals.The Chairman of the Committee, Republican Dan Burton of Indiana, made several important points in an Opening Statement. Rep. Burton stated: " We al know that mercury is a toxic substance. Long term exposure to low levels of mercury has been linked to mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and central nervous system disorders. We assume that the FDA would protect our children from exposure to any level of mercury drugs. But that hasn't been the case. The FDA recently acknowledged that in the first six months of life children get more mercury than is considered safe by the EPA..........My grandson received vaccines for nine different diseases in one day. He may have been exposed to 62.5 micrograms of mercury in one day through his vaccines (preservatives). According to his weight, the maximum safe level of mercury he should be exposed to in one day is 1.51 micrograms. The is 42 times the amount at which harm can caused.......The FDA still allows mercury-containing vaccines to remain on the market " . Chairman Burton went on to say: " We have also been contacted by many individuals who have concerns about mercury in dental amalgams. While this is not the focus of today's hearing, it certainly warrants discussion as well. " Chairman Burton concluded: " How is it that mercury is not safe for food additives and Over the Counter drug products, but it is safe in our vaccines and dental amalgams? "

California Dental Board Instructs Dentists to Warn Patients on Amalgam

Mercury. In a landmark action, the Dental Board of California, dated June 30th, 2000, sent a strong message to the dentists of California. California dentists were instructed that they should: Discuss with their patients the different restorative materials. They are to inform their patients of the percentage of mercury in amalgam (approximately 50%) and other substances used in dental offices. Discuss with their patients potential sensitivity, allergic or adverse reactions to mercury, including reproductive toxicity.

National Academy of Sciences Reports on Methyl Mercury

A panel of scientist for the National Academy of Sciences has released its report on methyl mercury, culminating their 18 month review. The panel endorsed strict safety levels adopted by the EPA of 0.1 micrograms of mercury per kilogram of body weight per day. This standard amounts to 7.0 micrograms for a 154 pound adult and much less for children. For a 77 pound child, the maximum safe exposure would be 3.5 micrograms per day. Even organized dentistry acknowledges a daily mercury exposure level of 1-5 micrograms per day in a patient with an average number of amalgam fillings. Mercury toxicologists have concluded that amalgam fillings contribute an average of 10 micrograms of mercury per day, which is above EPA standard.

It should be noted that Health Canada and the British Dental Association both warn against placing amalgams in pregnant women and small children. Health Canada limits the number of amalgams that can be placed in adults and children. The American Dental Association still considers amalgams a safe material to use. It is still the primary filling material of choice for the majority of dentists.

Mercury Toxicity

This chapter is also taken from Dr. Gutman's book


The heavy metal mercury is an insidious but potent toxin that warrants special attention. It is all to common in our environment and is fraught with controversy, most notably when the topic of mercury amalgams(dental fillings) comes up. I have seen usually staid and sober medical and dental professionals coming close to blows over this issure at educational conventions. However, one of the tenets of the Hipporcratic oath is, " Above all, do no harm. " There certainly is sufficient clinical evidence to force a much closer look at the use of this important neurotoxin in clinical applications.

Mercuric substances can be either organic or inorganic. Inorganic forms include pure or elemental mercury (quicksilver), or the salts of mercury (mercuric chloride, mercuric oxide and others). These can be inhaled or ingested. High-risk occupations include dentistry, manufacture of batteries, explosives and jewelry, photographic development and taxidermy. Organic mercury comes in many forms, methyl-mercury being the most common- and also highly toxic. Poisoning by this form usually follows accidental ingestion. Farm workers, embalmers and producers of pesticides, fungicides, insecticides, bactericides, drugs and preservatives are all at risk.

Although primarily a neurotoxin (nerve poison), mercury can cause a broad range of problems, including kidney failure, severe nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, oral lesions (stomatitis), lung inflammation (pneumonitis) and rashes. It affects the nervous system with symptoms as subtle as emotional instability, anxiety, memory loss, and lethargy. The expression " Mad as a hatter " has an interesting basis in fact. Hat-makers in the nineteenth century used elemental mercury to form and weigh down their hats, and often paid a high neurological price of repeatedly handling this toxin. Serious mercury poisoning includes tingling or loss of sensation in the extremities, poor coordination, tremors, slurred speech and tunnel vision. These symptoms can progress to paralysis, coma and death.

Traditional treatment of mercury toxicity requires binding of the metal to larger organic molecules, a process called chelation. Chelating agents may be administered orally (e.g. D-penicillamine), intramuscularly (e.g.Dimercaprol, BAL) or intravenously. Once chelated, the mercury complex is eliminated through normal excretion of urine or stool.

It has been long known that glutathione is a primary cellular defense against mercury toxicity. It starts out by effectively quenching the formation of the free radicals. Even more critical is its ability to bind directly to mercuric compounds, enabling the cell to expel and the body to excrete them.

A recent article from the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health measured the impact of mercury exposure on glutathione levels. Forty-two workers from a chloralkali factory exposed to elemental mercury were compared to seventy-five non-exposed workers from a lime production plant. As expected, blood levels of mercury were higher in mercury workers, but so were levels of lipid peroxidation. Evidently, the detoxifying effects of glutathione peroxidase were significantly decreased.

In the laboratory, many studies have shown how glutathione protects cells from toxicity. By raising GSH levels, a team of toxicologists from the University of Arizona was able to decrease mercury-induced kidney damage. An Argentinean team had equal success using NAC to preserve renal (kidney) function. Similar positive results were found using glutathione monoester, selenium, and other agents to enhance glutathione levels.

Experimentation on the liver, nerve and small intestine and other tissues, and even in fetal development verify that mercury drains the glutathione system, that decreased gluathione levels lead to increased toxic damage by mercury, and that elevating or sustaining glutathione significantly protects cells against mercury poisoning.Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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The new book " Elements of Danger " subtitled " Protect Yourself Against the

Hazards of Modern Dentistry " by Morton presents much material on

mercury and the status of lawsuits relating to injury caused by mercury.

Hampton Roads Publishing, 482 pages 800-766-8009. S.

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Another book would be:

It's All In Your Head by a dentist - Dr. Hal Huggins. Available at many

libraries, bookstores, and http://www.realityzone.com/meram.html


Re: Mercury Toxicity


> The new book " Elements of Danger " subtitled " Protect Yourself Against the

> Hazards of Modern Dentistry " by Morton presents much material on

> mercury and the status of lawsuits relating to injury caused by mercury.

> Hampton Roads Publishing, 482 pages 800-766-8009. S.


> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv


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  • 2 years later...

hi lyn


time machine.

> I have received several posts from parents who have found that

their autistic children were also mercury toxic. I'm currently in

the process of adding to the list of case studies and would

appreciate hearing from you. Also, anyone who is currently going

about testing, chelation or has words of wisdom to share please post.

> Lyn

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Lyn's post, quoted by , is post #1 on this list.


> > I have received several posts from parents who have found that

> their autistic children were also mercury toxic. I'm currently in

> the process of adding to the list of case studies and would

> appreciate hearing from you. Also, anyone who is currently going

> about testing, chelation or has words of wisdom to share please post.

> > Lyn

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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest


I would recommend looking into homeopathic detoxification, possibly utilizing homeopathic mercury in a low potency working toward a slightly higher potency over a period of several weeks.


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I'm very interested in this subject, having had merc toxicity myself. I didn't know that about Chlorella. Please keep me informed of all you find out. I think things happen for a reason, too: So you can tell the world. Please put me on a list and let me know what you learn. Thanks a lot.

From: "jadespring2003"

Reply-qxci-english qxci-english Subject: mercury toxicity Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2003 22:55:37 -0000


Hi all.....I've been living a nightmare. Several months ago I wrote

you saying I feel my brain had been captured by aliens. Well, what is

was/is is mercury toxicity after having had five mercury fillings

removed. The dentist did not adequately prepare me and I had a blind

spot thinking I was draining well enough. The misinformation out

there is unbelievable. Chlorella has mercury in it. There is only on

e German company that produces mercury free chlorella and it's made in

glass tubes (E-Lyte). Although I've been working with homeopath Dr.

S. Yurkovsky, I finally eeked out Dr. Kane, fatty acid

specialist in Haverford Penna. She has me on a high fat diet and am

taking all sorts of fatty acids to melt away the mercury molecules.

Please take care, my friends, when undergoing mercury removal. It is

awful stuff. IT went right to my brain and is of course, now

systemic. I've had horrible insomnia, depression, despair, strange

sensations in the head and am electrically sensitive. Can't go under

any flourescent lights (the whole world is flourescent. They give off

mercury vapors). Closed my acunpuncture practice and have been

housebound and extremely sensitive to sounds. Some people's voices

just make me so irritated.

I finally got my computer demilligaussed (www.milliguass.com)

This is the first in months I was able to use the QX or e mail people.

Please keep me in your prayers and if you know of any really good

suggestions, I'm open. ALpha lipoic acid is a no no and so is

methionine. And the DMSA you really go to watch. When I get better,

I'm going to do a piece on all the misinformation out there. They say

things happen for a reason -- Dr. Kane got into mercury after she gave

birth to her son and he started having strokes (the dentist drilled a

hole into her gum and stuffed it with mercury).

Well, we are living in very toxic times. The thought of us walking

around with this crap in our mouths is mind boggling. Gee, I only

have ll more fillings left in my mouth.

is Rotella


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Hi is,

I have found a source of Clorella that is mercury-free. It is manufactured by Wild Rose in Canada. A product called Metal-Free (homeopathic) is the most potent and effective means I have found that will pass through the blood-brain barrier to eliminate mercury residues. One also needs a homeopathic drainage remedy to take it out of the body. Metal-Free is not cheap, but it does the job. Available from Biotics Research in Texas, 1-800-231-5777. I would be interested to see the research that indicates fatty acids will remove mercury from the brain.


mercury toxicity

Hi all.....I've been living a nightmare. Several months ago I wrote you saying I feel my brain had been captured by aliens. Well, what is was/is is mercury toxicity after having had five mercury fillings removed. The dentist did not adequately prepare me and I had a blind spot thinking I was draining well enough. The misinformation out there is unbelievable. Chlorella has mercury in it. There is only on e German company that produces mercury free chlorella and it's made in glass tubes (E-Lyte). Although I've been working with homeopath Dr. S. Yurkovsky, I finally eeked out Dr. Kane, fatty acid specialist in Haverford Penna. She has me on a high fat diet and am taking all sorts of fatty acids to melt away the mercury molecules.Please take care, my friends, when undergoing mercury removal. It is awful stuff. IT went right to my brain and is of course, now systemic. I've had horrible insomnia, depression, despair, strange sensations in the head and am electrically sensitive. Can't go under any flourescent lights (the whole world is flourescent. They give off mercury vapors). Closed my acunpuncture practice and have been housebound and extremely sensitive to sounds. Some people's voices just make me so irritated. I finally got my computer demilligaussed (www.milliguass.com)This is the first in months I was able to use the QX or e mail people.Please keep me in your prayers and if you know of any really good suggestions, I'm open. ALpha lipoic acid is a no no and so is methionine. And the DMSA you really go to watch. When I get better, I'm going to do a piece on all the misinformation out there. They say things happen for a reason -- Dr. Kane got into mercury after she gave birth to her son and he started having strokes (the dentist drilled a hole into her gum and stuffed it with mercury).Well, we are living in very toxic times. The thought of us walking around with this crap in our mouths is mind boggling. Gee, I only have ll more fillings left in my mouth. is Rotella

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I can commisurate with the problems you've gone through. I see the situation you went through very commonly in patients who come to me after the same experience. They go to any dentist to have their mercury amalgams out with no preparation and as a result their mercury levels markedly rise with the consequences you enumerated. If one wants their amalgams out, they need to see a dentist who is trained in this procedure.

Unfortunately, most dentists are not aware of the consequences of their procedures. They still believe that mercury is safe in your teeth. They are also not aware of the tooth/accupuncture meridian association. SO CAVEAT EMPTOR when dealing with dentists who are not trained!!!


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i know exactly, what you are going thru.....

check out the homepage www.royalkadin.com

clear is a wonderful formula to assist in detoxifying.

also try: www.purehealthsystems.com

nanocolloidal detox factor works quite efficiently.

ask azizah clayton, what nutrients are needed for the body to detox.

and then: alkalize! alkalize! alkalize!

the detox foot pads also work during the time, when the body organs are not

strong enough to do the detox work.

good luck!


mercury toxicity

Hi all.....I've been living a nightmare. Several months ago I wrote

you saying I feel my brain had been captured by aliens. Well, what is

was/is is mercury toxicity after having had five mercury fillings

removed. The dentist did not adequately prepare me and I had a blind

spot thinking I was draining well enough. The misinformation out

there is unbelievable. Chlorella has mercury in it. There is only on

e German company that produces mercury free chlorella and it's made in

glass tubes (E-Lyte). Although I've been working with homeopath Dr.

S. Yurkovsky, I finally eeked out Dr. Kane, fatty acid

specialist in Haverford Penna. She has me on a high fat diet and am

taking all sorts of fatty acids to melt away the mercury molecules.

Please take care, my friends, when undergoing mercury removal. It is

awful stuff. IT went right to my brain and is of course, now

systemic. I've had horrible insomnia, depression, despair, strange

sensations in the head and am electrically sensitive. Can't go under

any flourescent lights (the whole world is flourescent. They give off

mercury vapors). Closed my acunpuncture practice and have been

housebound and extremely sensitive to sounds. Some people's voices

just make me so irritated.

I finally got my computer demilligaussed (www.milliguass.com)

This is the first in months I was able to use the QX or e mail people.

Please keep me in your prayers and if you know of any really good

suggestions, I'm open. ALpha lipoic acid is a no no and so is

methionine. And the DMSA you really go to watch. When I get better,

I'm going to do a piece on all the misinformation out there. They say

things happen for a reason -- Dr. Kane got into mercury after she gave

birth to her son and he started having strokes (the dentist drilled a

hole into her gum and stuffed it with mercury).

Well, we are living in very toxic times. The thought of us walking

around with this crap in our mouths is mind boggling. Gee, I only

have ll more fillings left in my mouth.

is Rotella


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I understand it takes 7 years to detox heavy metals. Are you juicing?

Try blend of freshly juiced organic vegetables. There are some

wonderful recipes for detoxing and it would help on a cellular level.

Get the book " 3-day Energy Fast " by Pamela Serure. Her personal story

was that she had a high profile job and had to quit. She had no

choice. She was so toxic she would die if she didn't. Juice was her

salvation and restored her health.


On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 03:55 PM, jadespring2003 wrote:

> Hi all.....I've been living a nightmare. Several months ago I wrote

> you saying I feel my brain had been captured by aliens. Well, what is

> was/is is mercury toxicity after having had five mercury fillings

> removed. The dentist did not adequately prepare me and I had a blind

> spot thinking I was draining well enough. The misinformation out

> there is unbelievable. Chlorella has mercury in it. There is only on

> e German company that produces mercury free chlorella and it's made in

> glass tubes (E-Lyte). Although I've been working with homeopath Dr.

> S. Yurkovsky, I finally eeked out Dr. Kane, fatty acid

> specialist in Haverford Penna. She has me on a high fat diet and am

> taking all sorts of fatty acids to melt away the mercury molecules.


> Please take care, my friends, when undergoing mercury removal. It is

> awful stuff. IT went right to my brain and is of course, now

> systemic. I've had horrible insomnia, depression, despair, strange

> sensations in the head and am electrically sensitive. Can't go under

> any flourescent lights (the whole world is flourescent. They give off

> mercury vapors). Closed my acunpuncture practice and have been

> housebound and extremely sensitive to sounds. Some people's voices

> just make me so irritated.


> I finally got my computer demilligaussed (www.milliguass.com)


> This is the first in months I was able to use the QX or e mail people.


> Please keep me in your prayers and if you know of any really good

> suggestions, I'm open. ALpha lipoic acid is a no no and so is

> methionine. And the DMSA you really go to watch. When I get better,

> I'm going to do a piece on all the misinformation out there. They say

> things happen for a reason -- Dr. Kane got into mercury after she gave

> birth to her son and he started having strokes (the dentist drilled a

> hole into her gum and stuffed it with mercury).


> Well, we are living in very toxic times. The thought of us walking

> around with this crap in our mouths is mind boggling. Gee, I only

> have ll more fillings left in my mouth.


> is Rotella





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I believe that the consensus on homeo alone is that it will catalyse Hg movement from the cells BUT that there needs to be physical chelator there to make it easily excretable..if not it may go somewhere woorse than body fat (nerves/brain)


Re: mercury toxicity

is,I would recommend looking into homeopathic detoxification, possibly utilizing homeopathic mercury in a low potency working toward a slightly higher potency over a period of several weeks. Dr. ............................................

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In regards to Metal Free,

from Biotics Research.  In America it is called Heavy Metal Detox from Biotics Research.  I

called them and they don’t have Metal-Free.  In costs about $18.00


If you are talking about another product,

I need more information. 

Seroyal also, claims to have a very clean chlorella product.  Free of Mercury and metals.


mercury toxicity

Hi is,

I have found a source of Clorella that is mercury-free. It is

manufactured by Wild Rose in Canada. A product called Metal-Free (homeopathic)

is the most potent and effective means I have found that will pass through the

blood-brain barrier to eliminate mercury residues. One also needs a homeopathic

drainage remedy to take it out of the body. Metal-Free is not cheap, but it

does the job. Available from Biotics Research in Texas, 1-800-231-5777. I would

be interested to see the research that indicates fatty acids will remove

mercury from the brain.


mercury toxicity

Hi all.....I've been living a nightmare. Several

months ago I wrote

you saying I feel my brain had been captured by aliens. Well, what is

was/is is mercury toxicity after having had five mercury fillings

removed. The dentist did not adequately prepare me and I had a blind

spot thinking I was draining well enough. The misinformation out

there is unbelievable. Chlorella has mercury in it. There is only


e German company that produces mercury free chlorella and it's made in

glass tubes (E-Lyte). Although I've been working with homeopath Dr.

S. Yurkovsky, I finally eeked out Dr. Kane, fatty acid

specialist in Haverford Penna. She has me on a high fat diet and am

taking all sorts of fatty acids to melt away the mercury molecules.

Please take care, my friends, when undergoing mercury removal. It is

awful stuff. IT went right to my brain and is of course, now

systemic. I've had horrible insomnia, depression, despair, strange

sensations in the head and am electrically sensitive. Can't go under

any flourescent lights (the whole world is flourescent. They give off

mercury vapors). Closed my acunpuncture practice and have been

housebound and extremely sensitive to sounds. Some people's voices

just make me so irritated.

I finally got my computer demilligaussed (www.milliguass.com)

This is the first in months I was able to use the QX or e mail people.

Please keep me in your prayers and if you know of any really good

suggestions, I'm open. ALpha lipoic acid is a no no and so is

methionine. And the DMSA you really go to watch. When I get better,

I'm going to do a piece on all the misinformation out there. They say

things happen for a reason -- Dr. Kane got into mercury after she gave

birth to her son and he started having strokes (the dentist drilled a

hole into her gum and stuffed it with mercury).

Well, we are living in very toxic times. The thought of us walking

around with this crap in our mouths is mind boggling. Gee, I only

have ll more fillings left in my mouth.

is Rotella

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We called the phone # for Biotics Research in Texas today and the lady who answered the phone said they do not carry Metal Free. She said they are a manufacturer and that they had bought out another company in Texas that "may" have manufactured Metal Free, but that they do not carry it.

We have ordered Metal Free from a company called Body Health. In December 2002 our cost was $110 per 30 ml bottle. The retail is $189, not $18. We are unaware of a less expensive product being sold by the same name. They sell only to practitioners.

Here is the info from their website:



301 Street

Clearwater, FL 33756

Contact us via email at info@....

Phone: (727) 441-4954

Fax: (727) 441-4755

Toll Free: (877) 804-3258

Inner Concepts, Tucson, AZ

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