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RE: Should we be part of AHIMA and dissolve AAMT? Was: D elivery of the AAMT BOS

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I agree wholeheartedly with your idea. AHIMA stands for American Health

Information Management Association, and they include lots and lots of the

HIM people in their association. Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of info

regarding transcription on their web site. The Advance for HIM people

include more transcription information but also include other members of the

HIM team. This is probably just me, but every time I see that Advance web

site " AdvanceforHIM " I just cringe. I guess it is the " women libber " coming

out in me! Sorry, don't mean to step on any toes out there in MT Land. I

also agree with Valeria regarding inclusive (yea)/exclusive (nay) membership

in these organizations. 8*)

Re: Should we be part of AHIMA and dissolve AAMT? Was:

Delivery of the AAMT BOS

*nod nod* I get Advance too, and enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the

AAMT's pub as well. I'm just thinkin' here...why do we need two orgs?

Aren't we (health information workers) stronger united? I mean, maybe if we

joined together, we could do things like have group health insurance through

the org. In addition, it's really hard for some of us (me) to keep up with

two of everything. You know, like pubs, conventions, etc. Wouldn't it be

more cost effective to combine? Wouldn't it be more efficient for us to be

in the same group rather than branching out, thinning the soup?

Are there any old timers here who know what the history of AMIHA and AAMT

together is? I mean, there has to be a reason AAMT came into existence.

Was it before or after AHIMA? I suppose I could go ask on the AAMT forum

but thought it would be cool to discuss this here because the group as a

whole isn't biased one way or the other. Then again, I could go ask on MT

Daily. Then again, maybe I could just not. LOL

Re: Delivery of the AAMT BOS

> p.s. I'm new to this field, so forgive me if this is an old idea. Why

can't we (MTs) just be part of AHIMA? Seems all other health information

folks are part of this org. Are we the only ones to start our own org? Are

there good reasons why we shouldn't just be part of AHIMA?



PLEASE VISIT THE NMTC WEB SITE - http://go.to/nmtc <http://go.to/nmtc>

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LOL....when I typed it out in my message and had HIM in all caps, that

thought crossed my mind. HIM could hold a religious meaning, a " big

brother " meaning, a " male " meaning...jeesh!

Re: Should we be part of AHIMA and dissolve AAMT? Was:

Delivery of the AAMT BOS


GOOD one Jayni!!!!!!!!

p.s. Let's just start thinking of HIM as " her imperial majesty. " :D

RE: Should we be part of AHIMA and dissolve AAMT? Was:

Delivery of the AAMT BOS

Since I'm among friends here, I'm gonna go ahead and show my ignorance:

When I saw " advance for HIM " the other day, I thought it had a religious

connotation. (I'm laughin' at myself, so y'all can go ahead and laugh with




PLEASE VISIT THE NMTC WEB SITE - http://go.to/nmtc

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