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Re: Does Medicaid pay for helmet?

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Hi Amber,

She is very lucky to have you and your sister in her life.

A helmet at this age could correct the problem, except she'd grow out

of it quickly and she'd have a high likelyhood of regression (because

she'd be out of the helmet SO young). My heart goes out to that

little angel. As far as repo goes, with her medical condition, she

could still be repo'd without tummy

time, you just have to make sure to keep her off of the flat spot.

Could she be layed on her side (the round side) under supervision

occasionally? I hasn't too successful with repo, I wish I had more to


, mom to Makenna LLUMC helmet grad '03

> Thanks so much for all the advice, we will begin the

repositioning right

> away BUT we are faced with another problem that limits our


> tactics to some degree. This infant has a GI tube . That means no

tummy time (she

> screams bloody murder if you try to turn her over even of there is

a space

> beneath her for her button. Also her torticollis is pretty bad,

when you turn

> her head, her whole body moves but she is doing better and we now


> excercises from the doctor so we expect even more improvement. She

was born 4 lbs and

> now weights 7lbs 7 oz. Her name is Joy AND she is a joy. She has


> through so much-- at 2.5 months she has a punctured espohagus, acid

reflux, surgery

> for GI tube, a fractured leg, RSV and now pos. plag. and


> Here is our concern about postponing the banding. This infant

could go

> home in three months. If she does, I do not feel like she will get

the care

> she needs if the repositioning does not take care of the problem.


> flattening is on the right side, forehead bulge, ear misaligned...

> Does anyone have any success stories of repositioning with no

tummy time.

> We will try to get photos posted tomorrow.


> Thanks to you all for your time and effort,

> Amber

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