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Re: Singer

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No kidding, Cari...I was weeding out stuff last night

and now it doesn't look like I got rid of any mail!!!

But that's okay, I luvs ya guys!



--- Cari Dorsey wrote:

> Me too Vicki! This east coast girl must get to bed.

> It is almost midnight.

> You, and I are not going to be very popular

> tomorrow when our other

> members wake up to over 100 messages on their e-mail

> because we three were

> chit-chatting! Oh well, I enjoyed it. Sorry

> everyone!

> Cari



> >From: anzavic@...

> >Reply-To: OurMyositis

> >To: OurMyositis

> >Subject: Re: Singer

> >Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 20:42:49 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >

> >

> >Ok, it's lights out for me... Hope everyone has a

> good nights sleep.

> >

> >Take care,

> >Vicki

> >





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Good for you...the girls may grumble, etc. now...but

later on, they'll thank ya!


--- Cari Dorsey wrote:

> My girls are not allowed to wear shirts without

> sleeves or let their

> stomach's show when going to school. They can wear

> sleeveless for play and

> they have some play summer tops that shows a little

> belly but no tight

> clothes. I still have a little control over their

> wardrobes!! I better

> assert my influence while I still can!

> Cari



> >From: ditzyxgyrl@...

> >Reply-To: OurMyositis

> >To: OurMyositis

> >Subject: Re: Singer

> >Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 23:38:38 EDT

> >

> >cari..i agree with the clothing out there....its

> nice to have something fun

> >to wear when you're going to go out for a night of

> fun..but not as your

> >everyday wardrobe....especially for little

> kids....but even for those who

> >are

> >older..if you're going to wear something tight on

> top..or something that

> >shows some of your stomache..don't wear it with

> shorts or a skirt...put on

> >jeans and at least look like you're not trying to

> sell your body you

> >know?....and again with the clothing for younger

> children....it amazes me

> >when i see little elementary school kids wearing

> makeup and tube tops and

> >mini skirts with heels.....i guess thats why public

> schools here now have

> >uniforms...

> >

> >susan





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Aww, Cari... sounds like a little charmer...how

wonderful! A mommy moment indeed!


--- Cari Dorsey wrote:

> Matchbox 20 is a singing group. has their CD

> and listens to it in his

> room while he plays. Jeff and I like them a lot.

> He knows all the words to

> their songs. loves to sing and is quite a

> little dancer. We were

> cleaning his room last night and he wanted to dance

> with me. I was already

> on my knees cleaning off his desk so I was about his

> height. He put his

> arms around me and put his head on my shoulder so we

> were kind of slow

> dancing and talking. He gave me a kiss and said,

> " Mom, we should do this

> again sometime " and then left the room. It was a

> mommy moment. I laughed

> and got choked up at the same time. He's a hoot. He

> has a very sweet

> nature.

> Cari



> >From: anzavic@...

> >Reply-To: OurMyositis

> >To: OurMyositis

> >Subject: Re: Singer

> >Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 19:48:22 -0700 (PDT)

> >

> >

> >

> >Cari... they usually show his show's on PBS. He's

> got a beautiful

> >voice but he's just charming. As a tenor everyone

> told him he wouldn't

> >make it because he's not BIG..... I'm sure now

> they're eating their

> >words.... If you get a chance, try to listen to

> him. By the way, what's

> >a matchbox 20?

> >

> >Vicki

> >





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I'm with you, Vicki!! Well, I'll have to get a few

songs downloaded from Morpheus and give a listen!


ps, I guess my age is showing!

--- anzavic@... wrote:


> LOL... OOoooh, it's a band... I've heard of matchbox

> car's...LOL


> Vicki






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Zanna... you mentioned Kylie wearing makeup... I'm with you on that one.

When my daughter was still young... Number one rule was NO makeup and NO

dating until she was 16. We went everywhere together and alot like you

and Kylie are right now. My brother and his wife made the mistake of

allowing there daughter to date and wear all kinds of makeup, because it

was cute on her, at the age of 11. By the time she was 13 she was in

deep trouble and her parent didn't know WHY! They put the blame on HER

and her bad genes! Oh brother! Kids don't even know what's right or

wrong at that age... that's why they have parents..


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I think you did it the right way Vicki. Our rule is also no dating until

the age of 16 as that is what I grew up with. Shelby is begging to get her

ears pierced and we are still on the fence about that. Our kids have music

in their rooms, no TV, no phones. Shelby asked me why she can't have a

phone in her room and I told her because then I couldn't eavesdrop on her

conversations. She gave me her best, " Oh Mother! " look. Shelby has the

kids computer in her room but it is not now, or will it ever be hooked up to

the internet. They use our computer for homework research and stuff. There

is some amazing things on the internet but I believe it must all be adult

supervised. I think my mom puts it best, " Freedom within limits " . They can

choose to wear whatever they want that is in their closets. It is my job to

make sure they only have appropriate clothes to choose from. Still simple

at this age. I know it gets much harder as they get older.


>From: anzavic@...

>Reply-To: OurMyositis

>To: OurMyositis

>Subject: Re: Singer

>Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 08:55:00 -0700 (PDT)




>Zanna... you mentioned Kylie wearing makeup... I'm with you on that one.

>When my daughter was still young... Number one rule was NO makeup and NO

>dating until she was 16. We went everywhere together and alot like you

>and Kylie are right now. My brother and his wife made the mistake of

>allowing there daughter to date and wear all kinds of makeup, because it

>was cute on her, at the age of 11. By the time she was 13 she was in

>deep trouble and her parent didn't know WHY! They put the blame on HER

>and her bad genes! Oh brother! Kids don't even know what's right or

>wrong at that age... that's why they have parents..





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zanna...yeah when i was in junior high and even high school..if they didn't approve of something you wore [even if it was a tank top and your bra strap just happened to slip a little and was exposed] you'd have to change into a PE shirt if your parent couldn't bring something else or if you didnt have a sweater/jacket to wear over it....it was insane....but the more popular kids were got away with so much more..they were allowed to wear tube tops or backless shirts that lace up and not even get in trouble....even if their nipples were showing because the shirts were so tight!! i would think an exposed bra strap is a lot better than that don't you think??...by the way..how old is your daughter?


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i agree that the clothing that britney spears is stage clothes...but i think she's realizing she likes it so much she's wearing it as everyday stuff...i was watching the diary of her on mtv and it was just a camera following her around the house..and to the recording studio and stuff..and she still wears very revealing clothing....it was pretty funny though when she was wearing a skirt while driving with one of her legs tucked under the other...so driving in the next lane could see her undies.


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the only time i ever wore the glitter stuff was in high school on the nights of football games...i was in the school marching band so we were there no matter what...but all the girls wore the glitter to show more enthusiasm and school spirit. [plus it was hell washing it off since i got it in my eyes before]


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my question is....at such a young age...they want make up...but do they even know how to apply it? because hell..even at 18 i'm still not even sure if i'm doing it right when i use it!


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vicki...geez....a 12 year old with a 19 year old...wonder what the conversation would have been like..."so....what do you do in the air force?"...."so...what do you do during recess?"....oh my...what happened after you went to your room? and what did you mom have to say? what did the guy have to say?..and where on earth did she find a guy who was willing to go out with a 12 year old?? [no offense to you that is]...but my gosh......


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vicki...my gosh..i can't believe your mother still made you go out with him! where did you two end up going for the date? and if he knew he was so much older..why the hell did he still try to kiss you?? i mean im sure you were very cute but heck..he was 7 years older....no kissing...just a gentle hug man.....


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Thank you for the compliment. I have wonderful parents and I just try to

live up to the roles they set.

went to a birthday party today at a Putt-Putt miniature golf course.

There were 10 little guests, including the birthday child. Only 3 of us

parents stayed with our child. Is that unbelieveable, or what? Can you

imagine dropping your 5 or 6 year old off at a public place and leaving them

there for the birthday mom to watch? I don't even leave Shelby at birthday

parties unless it is at a private home and then I always offer to stay and

help the mom. Even then, I have Shelby take a backpack and I leave one of

our cell phones with her. She and Karsyn know how to use it and that it is

only for an emergency for them or any other child to use. No one is to even

know it is there unless it is needed. I have never gotten a phone call, but

better safe then sorry. When the girls have a party in a public place, like

a roller skating rink, I bring a book and read where I can keep an eye on

things or chat with the few other mom's that stay. It truly dumbfounds me

that parents think that a birthday party is a few hours of free babysitting.

I bet I have attended over 200 birthday parties in almost 10 years. Jeff

and I kept a mental track last year and the kids went to over 40 birthday

parties between the 3 of them. That was just last year. Good thing I love





>Reply-To: OurMyositis

>To: OurMyositis

>Subject: Re: Singer

>Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 13:22:57 -0400



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You are such a good mom!!!! I wish I could transport you to Toledo to give parenting classes to some of our parents who do not know how to NOT HAVE their children rule the roost! (A two letter word: "N-O!")


P.S. I get so fried about parenting issues as a teacher!!! I know I am not a parent and I know how difficult a job it is, especially these days..I supose I shouldn't judge, but--ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com

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Our house is the hang out house too. Always have a couple of extra sleeping

here on the weekends. We have a refrigerator/freezer out in the garage

filled with juice and popsicles and all the kids know they are welcome to

help themselves as long as all trash is cleaned up. I have friends who ask

me how I can stand to have all those kids running around my yard, or to have

7 or 8 extra ones all over the house. We absolutely love it. Jeff and I

both grew up in houses where all of our friends hung out. I want to know

where my kids are and who their friends are. There is a new 9 year old boy

on the street who was calling names, hitting, making fun of who is the

youngest on the street. The kids all asked me to talk to him. We had a

little chat this afternoon to get to know each other and then I explained

the rules to him. He's welcome to play...blah, blah, blah but we treat

everyone with respect. I guess people actually have children and expect

them not to have friends over to play. I really don't get it.


>From: wischic68@...

>Reply-To: OurMyositis

>To: OurMyositis

>Subject: Re: Singer

>Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 15:01:50 EDT


>That is weird!!! This boy is so sweet! his name is Evy (short for


>I keep telling my husband that I wish it was 10 years later. He is so good

>to kylie. He used to walk down to the gradeschool and walk her home and

>carry her books. They were in 5th grade then. It was so cute and so

>innocent. Kylie is funny though, I talked to her about kissing and stuff


>she is still at the 'oh, gross' stage. Let's hope she stays that way for

>some time!!!!! She only sees krissy (his sister) and Evy every other


>when they visit his dad and step mom though. She does have a very good

>friendship with them though. I love having those kids around here though.

>They all come in and make themselves at home. I always tell all her


>that it is a 'help yourself' home. I don't wait on you. If you wnat a

>drink-get it. If you want a snack-get it! They make themselves so much at

>home, I sometimes get them mixed up with my own kids!!!!!!!!! I do love it

>though. I always wanted a lot of kids but we had so many problems. We


>2 before Brody. also with my health, it would not be a good idea to have

>anymore. Would have loved about 4 kids though, so we just adopt all of

>kylies friends!



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Shelby loves to play with my make-up and yes, she does frightening well

applying it. She can put on lipstick at night, brush her teeth, sleep all

night and still have it on in the morning. Lasts about 5 minutes on me.



>From: ditzyxgyrl@...

>Reply-To: OurMyositis

>To: OurMyositis

>Subject: Re: Singer

>Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 20:44:44 EDT


>my question is....at such a young age...they want make up...but do they


>know how to apply it? because hell..even at 18 i'm still not even sure if


>doing it right when i use it!




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ewww!! that reminds me of a time i was at the mall with christian....we were walking and i saw i girl...no more than 13 or 14....and she was wearing a skirt that laced up on both sides....meaning..NO UNDERWEAR!!!! and a tube top...walking along beside her....her mother...maybe 40 or so....wearing shorts...very short to the point where you can see her cheeks having out...and a short little tank top that showed her belly button....oh my gosh were christian and i grossed out...


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haha...my mommy still calls me her baby also.....she does it in front of my friends......at times its embarrassing..but then again my friends are like "how cute!..your mommy called you her baby...awww..." hehe i can't help but love her even more..


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.... She made me go out with him. She dragged me out of my room by

the arm and yelled at me in front of him...told me to stop acting like a

baby. I was very much embarrassed by the whole scene. He was a very

nice looking young man but good grief, I was just 12. She just wanted

to pawn me off on anyone.... I don't think we said 4 words to each

other. He did try to kiss me and I remember yelling NO at him. Poor

guy..... When I got home my mother thought it was sooooo funny.. I


This guy was a friend, of a friend, of a friend... I found out later

that she knew he was older than I but didn't know he was 19 and in the

Air Force. I'm sure he was just as shocked as I was. I was sooooo shy

when I was younger. A true introvert!


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Hi .... We went to the drive in movie. I think the only reason he

tried to kiss me was to make me feel good. I was shy, UGLY and as thin

as a rail. When I yelled out NO, he sat staight up in his seat and

never said another word until he dropped me off in front of my driveway.

My mother liked doing mean things, one reason I think she had some

serious problems. At least my darling little sweet baby girl (who's

now coming up on 36) would never have to go through all of that.

Gosh, I can't believe she's almost 36... she can't either...LOL And she

would kill me if she heard I was calling her my baby girl. Mothers

never get over that.


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Amazing!! How old is Shelby? Does she give lessons??


--- Cari Dorsey wrote:

> Shelby loves to play with my make-up and yes, she

> does frightening well

> applying it. She can put on lipstick at night,

> brush her teeth, sleep all

> night and still have it on in the morning. Lasts

> about 5 minutes on me.


> Cari





> >From: ditzyxgyrl@...

> >Reply-To: OurMyositis

> >To: OurMyositis

> >Subject: Re: Singer

> >Date: Sun, 21 Oct 2001 20:44:44 EDT

> >

> >my question is....at such a young age...they want

> make up...but do they

> >even

> >know how to apply it? because hell..even at 18 i'm

> still not even sure if

> >i'm

> >doing it right when i use it!

> >

> >susan





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