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Myo questions,and pouch of fat hanging over myo inscision

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First,to the person who wanted me to get back to them when I could describe

to them my fibroid size in terms of cm instead of fruits and

vegetables...let me say ,there are plenty of intelligent women out

there,maybe artistic folks like myself :) who actually prefer to describe

fibroid size that way.Honestly,at this point,I could care less how many cm

it is.It's huge,and I think that's how I'll describe it from here on out ;)

O.K.,I will be having SOME kind of surgery in October.I'm not new to the

list,been here about a year and a half,reading faithfully every day.Some of

you might remember me as the person who posted " watch and wait " subject a

week or two back.It was just a word of caution as I was feeling I had

perhaps waited,and watched my windows of opportunity close.Indeed,UAE is not

an option for me at this point.BUT...the good news is,I saw another Dr.last

wk.who felt very confident that he could perform a myo,and relatively

confident he could get my fibroid out with a horizontal cut.Because my

uterus is very large (I can palpate the fundus at an inch or two above my

naval),I am just a little afraid of bleeding to death while they struggle to

get it out.I have two children to raise,and sometimes I think I'm just being

selfish and should just have a hyst (a " less " complicated surgery),and be

done with it.I am so exhausted thinking about ME.I don't want to think about

ME anymore.If you can't tell,I am just about to snap!

Well, I do have a few questions.I hope someone can help me out.

I hear people talking about adhesions after a myo.Are adhesions more common

with a myo than with a hyst?

Right now,I gush,clot,and become sometimes dangerously anemic after my

periods.Can I expect to have " normal " periods after a myo?

When a huge fibroid is removed by myo,what can possibly be left of the

uterus,it seems like it would be pretty botched up.

Can ovaries fail after removal of a huge fibroid.It seems like they could

after all that trauma.

I'm 44,eat right and exersise daily,but I am TERRIFIED of surgery.I don't

want to have to do this again (another thing making me lean towards

hyst).I've been here long enough I should know this answer,but I guess I

just need some encouragment...at 44,what are my chances of making it to

menopause without regrowth?

My gyn is very cool.He has offered to have the " myo " Dr.in with him when my

surgery is performed.They are very willing to do whatever I want.



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