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Re: Man commits suicide in hospital after learning he is HIV-positive

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Dear All,

Re: /message/8635

The case of suicide of a HIV positive is disheartening. It speaks volumes about

the misconception and myth attached regarding the HIV infection in our society.

Community and individual are having dreaded view of the infection and stigma. It

looks like that the family and social support to infected is negligible.

While taking up the awareness strategy one important consideration should be

empathetically realising between the line messages about PLHA. Counselling and

messages needs to be adjusted according to place and time and should not be






Rama Pathak

e-mail: <pathakrkant@...>

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Dear Forum,

I agree with the editor's comment as the hospital had not performed the needed

procedures (pre and post test counselling) and also practised confidentiality

with respect to this man's HIV status wherein if properly followed the loss of a

life might had been avoided.

This should not be a situation after we claim of giving so much awareness and

trainings to the hospital personnels who get involved in HIV testing. We, have

to stop boasting of our achievements and re-check our state's awareness and

competencey of clinical people once again and train them properly. It's the

responsibility of every SACS to review and do a reality check.

With heart-felt commiseration to the lost life,


e-mail: <chris_dorthy@...>

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Dear Moderator,

An enquiry into all similar deaths is a welcom step but it should be something

which lead to

positive changes in the health care delivary system not just the one to find a

scrape goat. It will be the easiest thing to accuse the,ward nurse,counselor,

Head of the department, hospital cheif or even the health minister but that may

not solve the problem.

Also just because a patient committed suicide in the ward does not prove it is

due to the lack of standard protocoal-- I agree that is not followed many a

time---Standard protocol will only reduce the chance of suicide not eleminate

it. And many a times suicide is multifactorial in causation and HIV is only one

of the many reasons.

Yes, most of the time a compassionate anPLHAS it may not completely elemeinate

it. Can we arrange a social and emotional autopsy on this case?

Dr Ajith


Dr Ajithkumar.K

Asst Professor In Dermatology and Veneriology

Medical collge Chest Hospital

MG Kav,Trichur, Kerala ,India

Ph 04872333322 (res)


e-mail: <ajisudha@...>

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