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Re: Fatigue

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Hey Thom,

Boy do I understand tough getting up in the mornings! The fatigue can really

be hard to deal with. I always sleep in on Saturday mornings because with

church on Sundays, that is my only day to just sleep until I naturally wake up.

Have you had your hematocrit checked? When I was anemic before I started Epo

a couple of years ago it was much worse. The Epo really does help.

On the sore feet, are you having swelling (edema)? Is so, that would be

related to spilling protein. I have that off and on, but it doesn't cause my


to be sore per se.

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Hi Rotgi,

I have never heard anything about laying on your left side in relationship to

renal disease. I do remember that when I was pregnant with my two girls, but

that is the only time any doctor has mentioned it to me.

My creatinine clearance is 32, and I can tell you that for me, my fatigue

level has remained pretty consistent since I was around a creatinine clearance

was higher. The only time my fatigue was worse was when I was anemic, but that

was corrected with Epogen.

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Dear Thom,

I was actually relieved to find out other people with IgAN had fatigue and it

wasn't just some kind of character flaw on my part! ;) It explains a lot.

Ever since I was a child I have needed a lot more sleep than everyone else. I

HATE waking up in the morning. I always still very so tired when I get up.

Once I'm up I'm ok, but then I might get tired again later sooner than I should.

An interesting thing was when I had just been diagnosed about a year earlier, I

was in Japan as an exchange student. I had gotten the flu and was in bed for a

week with severe hematuria, fevers, etc. So when I felt better I went to a

Japanese nephrologist. They urged me to lay on my left side and

stay horizontal as much as possible during my life. Does anyone know about

this kind of suggestion? I know when you are pregnant they say laying on your

left side increases blood flow to the baby.

So luckily I do lie down a lot when I am watching TV. Today for example, was my

first day off of work. I worked for three days from about 9 - 8 and was pretty

tired last night. So then I slept until 11:30 am today. About 12 hours. I

really feel that I needed every hour. Now I feel sort of still tired like I

just want to " veg out " today.

My question is for everybody is -- is the fatigue people get only with advanced

disease? My creatinine clearance is 67 and even when it was over 100 and normal

I still had to sleep a lot.

Does anyone know about the laying on the left side thing and staying horizontal?




> Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 12:40:02 EDT

> To: <iga-nephropathy >

> Subject: Fatigue



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What you describe below is just about a mirror image of my experience with

fatigue. My doctor has told me that people with increased BP almost always

feel worse after starting BP meds, but that they are a necessary evil if you

want to try to stop/slow down further damage to the kidneys. Like you, my

numbers have been stable for a good while now, but the fatigue is gradually

getting worse.

I forgot to take my BP meds all day Monday of this week, which means I

hadn't had any of them since about 9pm Sunday night. I awoke Tuesday morning

feeling energetic and mentally sharp for the first time since I started BP

treatment back in Feb '02. In my case, and my doctor backs this up, the BP

meds are the main cause of my fatigue. I was virtually symptom-free until

treatment began, other than occasional blood in the urine, which was evident

as far back as 7 years prior to diagnosis.



I was wondering if you or anyone else experiences increased fatigue ,

especially in the morning. I am normally an early riser and over the

last few years , since diagnosis, I have a lot more trouble getting up

in the morning. I wake up at the usual time but I'm dragging my but all

day. Some mornings I just can't get up early. The other thing is I

recently started getting sore feet, at work I've even taken my shoes off

for a little while just so they wouldn't hurt as much. I have done well

fighting and ignoring some of the effects of IGA but the last 6 months

seems to have been a little tougher, my numbers have not changed all

that much either.

Can anyone relate to this??


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Thanks , it's good to know I'm not just imagining this. This also

explaines why I actually feel better at first when I forget to take my

BP meds.

Thanks again




I was wondering if you or anyone else experiences increased fatigue ,

especially in the morning. I am normally an early riser and over the

last few years , since diagnosis, I have a lot more trouble getting up

in the morning. I wake up at the usual time but I'm dragging my but all

day. Some mornings I just can't get up early. The other thing is I

recently started getting sore feet, at work I've even taken my shoes off

for a little while just so they wouldn't hurt as much. I have done well

fighting and ignoring some of the effects of IGA but the last 6 months

seems to have been a little tougher, my numbers have not changed all

that much either.

Can anyone relate to this??


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Dear ,

What BP meds are you on?




> Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 03:47:48 EDT

> To: " 'iga-nephropathy ' " <iga-nephropathy >

> Subject: RE: Fatigue



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Monopril 10mg 2/day

Norvasc 5mg 1/day

Lasix 40mg 2/day

Was also taking Clonidine .2mg 3/day, but it made me very sleepy all the

time, so with my doctor's blessing, I quit taking it.

RE: Fatigue



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Dear ,

I'm not aware of those medications making people tired, but I'll look into it.

I'm surprised about the Norvasc though. Not the best Ca channel blocker for

protein reduction.




> Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 06:24:53 EDT

> To: " 'iga-nephropathy ' " <iga-nephropathy >

> Subject: RE: RE: Fatigue



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> Good luck. Not sure how long it takes to tell. Ask your nephrologist about

doing the lisinopril plus cozaar. Maybe 1/2 doses of each? Just a thought.

By the way everybody -- I just went to the health food store and got gluten

free, dairy free food and fish oil pills. Little scared to take the fish oil

though. Any suggestions on how to take it so you don't smell like fish or taste

the fish oil? Help!!!! :)


> From: W4JC@...

> Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 06:25:14 EDT

> To: iga-nephropathy

> Subject: Re: Fatigue



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Hi Rotghi,

scarfs down the fishoil four at a time without tell-tale fish odors or

fishy burps. Hopefully, you'll be lucky too.

The only problem is when he was goofing around, stuck pins in a capsule and the

fish oil leaked out onto his sweat jacket. In terms of pervasive odors, cat pee

doesn't hold a candle to fish oil for smells that are hard to remove from



Cy Re: Fatigue



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Also if you keep the fish oil capsules in the refrigerator, they are

supposed to dissolve lower in the G.I. tract ­ hence, less aftertaste. Good




>> > Good luck. Not sure how long it takes to tell. Ask your nephrologist

>> about doing the lisinopril plus cozaar. Maybe 1/2 doses of each? Just a

>> thought.


> By the way everybody -- I just went to the health food store and got gluten

> free, dairy free food and fish oil pills. Little scared to take the fish oil

> though. Any suggestions on how to take it so you don't smell like fish or

> taste the fish oil? Help!!!! :)


> Rotghi


>> > From: W4JC@...

>> > Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 06:25:14 EDT

>> > To: iga-nephropathy

>> > Subject: Re: Fatigue

>> >

>> >




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Thanks Cy!! I wonder if soaking the coat in vinegar might help. I know that it

helped with getting terrible cigarrete smoke smell out of a great fabric tote

that I bought from a thrift shop. Nothing else worked.

Take care,




> Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 10:33:48 EDT

> To: <iga-nephropathy >

> Subject: Re: Re: Fatigue



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Makes sense!! Thanks I'll try it! How much am I supposed to take? Should I

start with a lower dose and go up?



> Date: 2003/06/12 Thu PM 10:42:03 EDT

> To: <iga-nephropathy >

> Subject: Re: Fatigue



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Good morning ,

The reason my Nephrologist took me off the ACE is because my potassium was

running so high, and ACE inhibitors can contribute to increased potassium. Mine

has gotten critically high twice to the point that they wanted me to go to

the emergency room to get it down. He is hoping the ARB will still give me the

renal protective measure with hopefully less an impact on my potassium level.

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> Dear ,

I think your nephrologist if progressive. He's practicing according to the new

studies I've seen -- ACE and ARB together.



> Date: 2003/06/13 Fri AM 09:34:22 EDT

> To: iga-nephropathy

> Subject: Re: Fatigue



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Hi Connie,

I know our serum creatinine runs about the same, but I was wondering about

your creatinine clearance. Mine is down to 32, but I think I have more problems

than you are having in terms of potassium, anemia and more recently, I have

started having problems with my BP rising. I used to always be 110/70 or so,

and now even with Lisinopril it has been 135/90. I did stop Lisinopril 3

weeks ago to see if it will help lower my potassium, and started on Cozaar to


if that helps, but I was just wondering why I seem to have so many more

complications of compromised renal function than you do since we are pretty much


same serum creatinine. Perhaps your creatinine clearance is higher than mine


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Both these classes of drugs work on the same blood pressure regulating

system, and when used together, they block it more completely. It's

debatable as to whether this provides more benefit than simply increasing

the dose of one to the maximum. There can be blood pressure issues involved,

as well as side effects. Many people can't take an ACE inhibitor due to the

cough, but they can tolerate an ARB.


Re: Re: Fatigue


> > Dear ,


> I think your nephrologist if progressive. He's practicing according to

the new studies I've seen -- ACE and ARB together.


> Rotghi


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Rotghi and Thom,

I just had to laugh when you said that you were glad that others had fatigue

also and that it wasn't a character flaw on your part! Very funny. I

definitely understand about needing the 12 hours sleep. I try to sleep in

on Saturdays because I'm always so busy that normally it is the only day

that I don't have to plan anything early. But I do however feel somewhat

guilty that I can waste an entire day by sleeping late and maybe even taking

a nap in the afternoon. I never feel rested when I wake up even if I have

gotten in a good 8-10 hours sleep! My levels are not low enough for EPO so

I just plug along and sleep or rest when I can.


Co-Moderator, USA




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The way my doctor explained it, I probably had slightly high BP for several

years (getting worse over those years) prior to diagnosis and treatment. Now

that my BP is fairly normal with medication, it is actually quite low in

relation to the past. He told me that the body will adjust to upward changes

in BP very easily when the changes are gradual over many years, but bringing

it back down suddenly with medication is a much tougher adjustment, and that

some people never adjust, they just feel tired and cold a lot of the time.

I am now chilly a lot of the time, and the strength literally drains out of

my arms if I'm working on something overhead, such as screwing in a light

bulb or hanging a plant; I've had my wife check, and the warmth will drain

out of my hands and forearms, as if the blood no longer has enough pressure

to get up above my head. I had none of these symptoms until starting BP


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