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Yes, we're still loving it. Both boys are on it now as part of their EFA

supplementation. They are much less stimmy/tic-y.

We usually get our lauricidin within 5 to 9 days. Orders we place on fridays

and weekends tend to take longer to come in than orders we make during the


Liane Gentry Skye

<A HREF= " http://talkingwithpictures.com/ " >Talking With Pictures</A>

" nonverbal " does not have to mean " unable to communicate "

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Liane,

My son has 86% e. strep, a huge overgrowth. How did you do the Lauricidin

thing ie did you start really low and gradually build up? My dr has warned

us against doing it too soon, says we need to strengthen the body first

because of the toxicity which the die-off (even done slowly) will cause. She

says removing the strep should be the last stage. I wonder.......??? I have

also looked at www.lauric.org/sources.html and wondered whether Jennie's

macaroons would be a good place to start? They have 7 g of lauric acid per

macaroon. (Interesting too the information on that site about coconut and

how it's not easy apparently to get coconut with the right processing to

retain the lauric acid.)



> We got almost immediate improvements in hyperactivity and verbal stimming,

> but 's " tics " remained. Later, his doctor identified a latent strep

> infection which we treated with Lauricidin. Tourette's looking tics

> dissappeared (Lauricidin is MAGNIFICENT stuff for strep).

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  • 3 months later...


I have been using lauricidin for a year. I believe, I would have

seen a regression if this was happening. Jack metals are looking

good, all but cadmium.


> A question for Andy and all...


> Since lauricidin also aides in the absorption of minerals, would it


> chelation negatively by allowing lead, mercury, etc to reabsorb, or


> DMSA make that reabsorption not possible?


> Hence, is this then contraindicated when chelating?






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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 2/21/2003 1:31:55 AM Eastern Standard Time,

KKSOKOLSKI@... writes:

> Please go over the dosing for lauricidin. How many pellets to start with how


> many times a day and what do you try to work up to for a 90-100 pound

> child.

> Thanks.

> Ken


Hi Ken:

I just started the boys on 10 pellets in the am and 10 pellets in the pm. I

will probably add 10 pellets in the afternoon once they have adjusted. They

weigh about 130 lbs. is being very emotional.


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My son takes one full scoop twice a day but started with 5 pellets twice a

day and built up. Emotionality is supposedly a classic sign of viral die-off

so if you get it, you are most likely hitting something you need to. It

usually fades within 2-3 weeks.


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  • 2 months later...
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I tried, but he got stimmy. Actually, he's been on a bad roll for about a

week now. Today is he v. hyper. Maybe because I gave him some B12 oral

and then saw there was some aspartic acid in it :(. that would be Thorne's,

by the way.

I might try again, but am waiting for a clearing with his agitated behaviour,

which may take a while.


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  • 2 months later...
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we started lauricidin last night. my son is 8 and 75 pounds. I only

gave him 4 pellets. He woke up sneezing and is now very congested from

all the sneezing. Anyone hear of this before?


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We started bout 2 mths ago, and we can still only take 1 pellet a day. She's 30

#'s, and 3.6 yoa. I tried to up the dose and we got bad die off - this might be

what's going on with your son.


Re: [ ]lauricidin

we started lauricidin last night. my son is 8 and 75 pounds. I only

gave him 4 pellets. He woke up sneezing and is now very congested from

all the sneezing. Anyone hear of this before?


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Yes we started one pellet per day last week and had an instant reaction now

I am trying 1 pellet every second day but my 6 year old has a streaming nose

but is very happy - a few loose poohs - I am just watching him he is very

happy though. My older one is getting skiddies in his pants which is not

normal this is similar to the no fenol enzyme reaction - a die off I think.


Terri NZ

Re: [ ]lauricidin

>We started bout 2 mths ago, and we can still only take 1 pellet a day.

She's 30 #'s, and 3.6 yoa. I tried to up the dose and we got bad die off -

this might be what's going on with your son.



> Re: [ ]lauricidin



> we started lauricidin last night. my son is 8 and 75 pounds. I only

> gave him 4 pellets. He woke up sneezing and is now very congested from

> all the sneezing. Anyone hear of this before?

> Phyllis



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Yes. My son got full blown cold symptoms when we increased the dose around

6-7 pellets three times a day. It got so bad it developed into a bacterial

infection and he had to stay out of school for three days. He was 11 y.o. at the

time. Now we are restarting it and are up to 7 pellets twice a day with no

adverse symptoms but I am increasing very slowly and will stop lauricidin or


the dose if the cold symptoms return. They do resolve on stopping lauricidin.

I guess this is all part of die off? I am going to increase at one pellet

per week.


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Did you guys ask Dr. Kabara about these long-term symptoms? They really

sound more like an allergy to me. It's my understanding that even with

prescription anti-virals, which are much stronger than lauricidin, a viral

" die-off " or

adjustment period doesn't typically last longer than a few weeks if you have

one. I'm not an expert here but it's hard for me to imagine having that big

of a " die-off " reaction to a few pellets.


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No. This is no coincidence. We had exactly the same response. After going

more slowly, I have finally been able to increase to about 7-8 pellets twice a

day with no adverse reaction.


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What your friend did is the way I would go about it. There is a massive " die

off " going on and you have to go very slow. You could try it with an

antihistamine such as zyrtec but my experience is that it only helps the

symptoms a

little. Stopping for several days and letting his symptoms resolve then

restarting at 1 pellet per day and increasing every few days to one week by one


like your friend did is a reasonable strategy to let the body clear pathogens

without getting overwhelmed. Once he tolerates a higher dose, you might be

able to increase more quickly. At one point we got up to 10 pellets three times


day with no reaction but eventually he became ill again. On this therapy, my

son who never gets sick has had about 7-8 colds/flu in one year. Anyway, at

present we are givine 7-8 pellets twice a day. We also use para-rizol and immune

boosters. We were giving valtrex but I didn't notice that much with it over 3

months. We are going to try famvir. Also might consider gancyclovir as his

HHV6 titers are elevated. My son became ill around 15 months after getting

severe chicken pox infection following MMR vaccine so I am thinking that herpes

virus is involved even though he no longer has IgG or IgM titers to herpes. He

does have IgM titers to serotonin and this indicates to me an active infection

cross-reacting to serotonin. I believe this will turn out to be a relatively

common pattern in autistic children as much of the research on serotonin in

autism is consistent with serotonin blocking antibodies. We also give a low dose

of SSRI (zoloft 12.5 mg) along with lithium and lamotrigine for mood

stabilization (family history is more consistent with bipolar disorder). By the

way, I

have found that para-rizol slowly is curing his warts (he had then on his leg

and hand). I am wondering why he is getting so many warts but again they are

viral in origin and I think indicate that his body is fighting more than one

virus. He has not been on an antifungal for awhile but with all of his sound

sensitivity, it has been suggested that I restart this also. In the past he

responded to nizoral so I will likely restart this one. In addition to all this,


do DMSA/ALA chelation. I believe this may have a direct positive effect on the

gut but cannot prove this. Its effects are more immediate on him. All of this

points to the fact that it is very complicated to treat an encephalitis

caused by a virus. Along with vitamins, minerals, detoxification, healing the


It's a long-term, difficult process if the infection is severe. I believe,

like any illness, there are various degress of severity and some kids might

respond to very little while others require everything even for a small


We have been at this for years but only used antivirals in the last year or so.

We initially tried acyclovir when he was 4 but when it did not do anything,

we gave up on antiviral approaches. My son is now 12 and almost 100 pounds (he

has been growing well but gets growth hormone for low IGF-1), The battle

continues. I have to believe that even at his age a lot is still possible. We


to see a developmental optometrist a few days ago. A year or so ago I don't

think he would have stayed in that office for five minutes. This time he went

into the examining room and cooperated with the exam for 30 minutes. Even the

doctor was amazed. I didn't say anything. She said that she had not seen too

many normal children with such good eye contact. Surprisingly, his vision turned

out to be pretty normal and he did not need glasses. He liked a pair of blue

filtered lenses which made his calmer. Anyway, we have made some progress. Just

have a lot further to go.


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I'm not an expert here but it's hard for me to imagine having that


> of a " die-off " reaction to a few pellets.

> Gaylen

I am with you. I give my son two scoops a day and a few pellets is

hardly anything, to cause such a major die-off. In the beginning

Jack was sick for a bit. I was giving 8 pellets every three hrs w/

a chelation schedule and he did have die-off but was lethargic,

which is welcomed every now and then and focused seemed to improve.

It probably knocked out some clostridia. Jack has been on

lauricidin for a few years now. I lsao try to take it because it

increases my endurance.

I know of a doctor that believes it is essential to healing our kids

when there are viral issues.





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I only gave him 4 pellets and he is 8 and 75 pounds. How long will the

symptoms persist? he had a bad night sleep last night and then slept

until 10 am this morning. He is sneezing and very congested. Do you

continue giving the pellets while the symptoms are present? My friend

started her son at 4 pellets as well and he had a hard time with it. She

waited awhile and then started again with only 1 pellet a day. She is now

up to 4 again with no problems. I was surprised that such a low dose

caused such a problem. I am wondering if I will ever be able to increase

the dose.


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I was surprised too given my son's age and weight. Dr. K recommends

starting with one pellet per age. I am glad I only did 4. He is very

congested and slept poorly last night. I wonder about allergy as well,

but he has been taking MCT oil for years with no issue to coconut.


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My son is extremely healthy. We gave him 4 pellets of lauricidin and

by morning he was extremely congested. Last night he had a hard time

sleeping due to the congestion and then slept until 10 am. I hardly

consider this a coincidence. I know my child was fine prior to the 4

pellets. He is an extremely sensitive child and that is why I went with

such a low dose. Thank goodness for that. This has obviously set off a

viral response in my child. there is no doubt. So, yes, you can believe

that such a small dose can effect a child. This is the same child that

touched an egg as a toddler and ended up in the ER. EVery child is

different. Mine just happens to be super sensitive. My friend's son

flipped out on 4 pellets. he is two.


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I thought my child was sensitive, sorry to hear your child is so

sensitive. The congestion does sound familiar to me. A friend of

mine w/ CFS started taking lauricidin at my suggestions and she

seems to have problems w/ congestion at the start. I just thought 1-

4 pellet was such a small dose. My son was on acyclovir prior to

the lauricidin, maybe this was why he did not have such a bad

reaction. I would just keep it up.

I would also check out work by Dr. Shoemaker regarding neurotoxin

illness. It seems most people affected by nuerotoxins have sinus

problems. I have been following Dr. Shoemakers protocol w/ success

w/ my son. It does mess w/ fatty acid by it seems to be helping.


> nne,

> My son is extremely healthy. We gave him 4 pellets of

lauricidin and

> by morning he was extremely congested. Last night he had a hard


> sleeping due to the congestion and then slept until 10 am. I


> consider this a coincidence. I know my child was fine prior to

the 4

> pellets. He is an extremely sensitive child and that is why I

went with

> such a low dose. Thank goodness for that. This has obviously set

off a

> viral response in my child. there is no doubt. So, yes, you can


> that such a small dose can effect a child. This is the same child


> touched an egg as a toddler and ended up in the ER. EVery child is

> different. Mine just happens to be super sensitive. My friend's


> flipped out on 4 pellets. he is two.

> Phyllis

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My son has never had sinus problems, except when he has a cold which is

so rare for him. His immune system is surprisingly good in some ways.

What type of things does Dr. shoemaker recommend. My son already has

fatty acid irregularities, so I wouldn't want to mess with that any more.

Yes, 4 pellets is quite a small dose, but somehow I knew to start small.

I didn't expect such a sudden reaction. he is doing better today


thanks for the info.


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wow, your son has been thru alot. I know the feeling. My son is

better today and I kept the dose at 4 pellets. I wasn't sure if I should

stop again and then restart at 1 and go up by 1 a week. Since he seemed

better, I just did the 4 pellets again and wouldn't think of increasing

them again for a week. then I will only add one at a time. I don't know

what to expect,although we are aiming for a decrease in some OCD issues.

I did a workup at Immunoscience recently and all looked so much better

than before that I really did not expect to see die off at all. My son's

HHV6 titers cleared up on their own. Very interesting about the serotonin

issue. My son tried inositol and prozac and flipped out. Last test

showed some issue along the trytophan pathway. We are trying to help the

gut too so that we can start chelation. My son also had a reaction to the

MMR due to his severe egg allergy and it has been a fight since then.


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His immune system is surprisingly good in some ways.

My son never get ill. I believe his immune system is dysfunctional.

> What type of things does Dr. shoemaker recommend.

Dr Shoemaker recommendation is the cholestryamine 1x in morning 1 hr

before food and supplements. For some patients he has done it 4xs a

day. You have to increase fatty acids given, vitamin a,d,e and k.

It works similiar to the activated charcoal but also binds the

bile. His theory in simple terms is: It is the bile that is

contaminated, so by binding it you are forcing the body to make new

fresh bile and the contaminated bile is nolonger cycling through the

liver. I do not like that it is messing w/ Jack's fatty acid so I

am now increasing the fatty acids even more and taking breaks, but

do believe he is able to say more words since I started using it

about a month ago. Jack liver does appear to be very toxic. I have

a friend who is going to start it w/ her son so well see if it is a

coincidence. Dr Shoemaker's book is " Desperation Medicine "


My son already has

> fatty acid irregularities, so I wouldn't want to mess with that

any more.



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His immune system is surprisingly good in some ways.

My son never get ill. I believe his immune system is dysfunctional.

> What type of things does Dr. shoemaker recommend.

Dr Shoemaker recommendation is the cholestryamine 1x in morning 1 hr

before food and supplements. For some patients he has done it 4xs a

day. You have to increase fatty acids given, vitamin a,d,e and k.

It works similiar to the activated charcoal but also binds the

bile. His theory in simple terms is: It is the bile that is

contaminated, so by binding it you are forcing the body to make new

fresh bile and the contaminated bile is nolonger cycling through the

liver. I do not like that it is messing w/ Jack's fatty acid so I

am now increasing the fatty acids even more and taking breaks, but

do believe he is able to say more words since I started using it

about a month ago. Jack liver does appear to be very toxic. I have

a friend who is going to start it w/ her son so well see if it is a

coincidence. Dr Shoemaker's book is " Desperation Medicine "


My son already has

> fatty acid irregularities, so I wouldn't want to mess with that

any more.



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When the child never gets ill, I would be concerned about an autoimmune process.

This was true for my son as well until this year when he has been sick every

month. This was after using lauricin and other antivirals.


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