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Hi Ladies...had my follow-up appt. yesterday following my lap....the doc

reiterated everythign he said to following surgery...tube looks great,

left side healed nice from ep, etc...but added a few things...he said when he

went in there were adhesion on my right ovary that he zapped, he said he

tried to shoot the dye through a couple time but had a very hard time until

he really forced it...and it cleared, he said there is no guarantee it will

stay clear and if we want to conceive we should 'get down to it' immediatley,

if im not pg in 3 months he wants me to call so we can get more

aggressive....so, it doesn;t sound that bad...but and I weren;t

planning on ttc until the end of the summer...when we are back from our 2

vacations...and that way if i got pg in sept. or later we would both be done

with grad school by the time the baby came..e.tc....so now we have to decide

if we still want to wait and risk another blockage, lap etc....or go for it

now which isnt what we planned...

why does this have to be so complicated?????

Enjoy the long weekend!

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