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Swollen Lymph Nodes

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I have little bumps on my neck on the left hand side for about 7 years or so,

which wax and wane slightly on different days. they are actually like a

measurement of how well i'm feeling.


In a message dated 3/28/00 8:14:37 PM, lyme-aidonelist writes:

<< Re: Swollen Lymph Nodes

Hi Pepi,

Swollen lymph nodes that I have had on the left hand side nape of my

neck just had to resolve themselves, I know what you mean when you say how

painful they are, I have had them the size of eggs. I think it means your

body is fighting the toxin die off. Come to think of it, haven't had this

in awhile now.



>From: " Pepi " <rod@...>


>Howdy all, thanks for the help on my spa trip, cant wait!!! Now onto a


>development, my lymphnode on my left side of neck is going berserk, its

>really tender and it hurts to swallow and kills to sneeze or cough. Talked

>to LLMD last night and he said it was from neuro-kete die off and to drink

>lots of water. Does anyone have any more suggestions? I am already on

>Zith-ceftin, Dyflucan, acidophilus, yogurt and lots of water, with no

>sweets,starchs or fruits because of a good little ol yeast infection. any

>more ideas? thanks! Pepi

> >>

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Hi Pepi,

Swollen lymph nodes that I have had on the left hand side nape of my

neck just had to resolve themselves, I know what you mean when you say how

painful they are, I have had them the size of eggs. I think it means your

body is fighting the toxin die off. Come to think of it, haven't had this

in awhile now.



>From: " Pepi " <rod@...>


>Howdy all, thanks for the help on my spa trip, cant wait!!! Now onto a


>development, my lymphnode on my left side of neck is going berserk, its

>really tender and it hurts to swallow and kills to sneeze or cough. Talked

>to LLMD last night and he said it was from neuro-kete die off and to drink

>lots of water. Does anyone have any more suggestions? I am already on

>Zith-ceftin, Dyflucan, acidophilus, yogurt and lots of water, with no

>sweets,starchs or fruits because of a good little ol yeast infection. any

>more ideas? thanks! Pepi


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I have little bumps on my neck on the left hand side for about 7 years or so,

which wax and wane slightly on different days. they are actually like a

measurement of how well i'm feeling.


In a message dated 3/28/00 8:14:37 PM, lyme-aidonelist writes:

<< Re: Swollen Lymph Nodes

Hi Pepi,

Swollen lymph nodes that I have had on the left hand side nape of my

neck just had to resolve themselves, I know what you mean when you say how

painful they are, I have had them the size of eggs. I think it means your

body is fighting the toxin die off. Come to think of it, haven't had this

in awhile now.



>From: " Pepi " <rod@...>


>Howdy all, thanks for the help on my spa trip, cant wait!!! Now onto a


>development, my lymphnode on my left side of neck is going berserk, its

>really tender and it hurts to swallow and kills to sneeze or cough. Talked

>to LLMD last night and he said it was from neuro-kete die off and to drink

>lots of water. Does anyone have any more suggestions? I am already on

>Zith-ceftin, Dyflucan, acidophilus, yogurt and lots of water, with no

>sweets,starchs or fruits because of a good little ol yeast infection. any

>more ideas? thanks! Pepi

> >>

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In a message dated 3/29/00 3:22:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lyme-aidonelist writes:

<< Hi Pepi,

Swollen lymph nodes that I have had on the left hand side nape of my

neck just had to resolve themselves, I know what you mean when you say how

painful they are, I have had them the size of eggs. I think it means your

body is fighting the toxin die off. Come to think of it, haven't had this

in awhile now.




Marta, I was thinking that maybe there is more going on than just a toxin

die-off because I am not on abx and I get them. They come and go and are very

painful. Can we have a toxin die-off even if we aren't on abx ?

Your Lyme Friend,

in VA

P.S. I never had this until this recent relapse....still wondering what is

going on ????

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Hello everyone,

My lymph nodes have been swollen for past

three years since i been real sick and had to drop out of college.

Infact, when they hurt more then usual during the day I have nightmares

that night.


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In a message dated 3/29/00 3:22:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

lyme-aidonelist writes:

<< Hi Pepi,

Swollen lymph nodes that I have had on the left hand side nape of my

neck just had to resolve themselves, I know what you mean when you say how

painful they are, I have had them the size of eggs. I think it means your

body is fighting the toxin die off. Come to think of it, haven't had this

in awhile now.




Marta, I was thinking that maybe there is more going on than just a toxin

die-off because I am not on abx and I get them. They come and go and are very

painful. Can we have a toxin die-off even if we aren't on abx ?

Your Lyme Friend,

in VA

P.S. I never had this until this recent relapse....still wondering what is

going on ????

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Hi ,

Yes, I asked my doctor that, there is a cyclic time when they come out

every four weeks or so, and die a natural death. Unfortunately only some of

them, wish it were all. The swollen glands and lymph nodes are indications

your immune system is fighting an infection. I also heard just yesterday

that the antibiotics can last in our bodies for weeks.



>From: BBHMM@...


>In a message dated 3/29/00 3:22:16 AM Eastern Standard Time,

>lyme-aidonelist writes:


><< Hi Pepi,


> Swollen lymph nodes that I have had on the left hand side nape of my


> neck just had to resolve themselves, I know what you mean when you say how


> painful they are, I have had them the size of eggs. I think it means your


> body is fighting the toxin die off. Come to think of it, haven't had this


> in awhile now.


> Hugs,


> Marta

> >>

>Marta, I was thinking that maybe there is more going on than just a toxin

>die-off because I am not on abx and I get them. They come and go and are


>painful. Can we have a toxin die-off even if we aren't on abx ?


>Your Lyme Friend,

> in VA

>P.S. I never had this until this recent relapse....still wondering what is

>going on ????

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  • 2 years later...

My son also had this from the time he was about 7 months old (right side of

his neck, and they appeared just after he received his first immunization).

I asked every doctor we saw over the course of 4 years what could be causing

it, and they all said, " Oh, he's just probably fighting off a virus. "

Hmmm...fighting off a virus for 4 straight years? I always pointed out that

the lumps NEVER went away, not even for a day, and they always dismissed it.

After we started working with our DAN! doc and addressing my son's immune

issues, the swelling went away (about 18 months ago). However, we had a

behavioral regression this fall (possibly from allergies?) and (you guessed

it) the swollen lymph nodes came back for almost 2 months. But he's doing

better now and the swelling is gone again.

- Becky B. (Indiana)

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I had periods of swollen lymph nodes off and on during the three years that I

was healing from arsenic and mercury poisoning (along with candida problems).

They'd come and go along with other symptoms. I found these things helped

alot: jumping on a trampoline, massage and a detoxifier tea made from

boiling fresh ginger in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes and then adding a cup

of fresh lemon juice I sipped throughout the day.

You can also cleanse the lymph system through accupressure by having the

person lay on their back, sitting at their head, you put your hands on their

shoulders so the tips of your fingers rest on the indentation under each

clivical. Gently pump (about two seconds down, two seconds up) this area for

five minutes once a day.


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Well, you set my mind at ease a bit. I have been frantic about my

sons swollen lymph nodes in his neck for quite some time. All tests

are negative. He is seeing another doctor in December and I had

planned on bringing it up again.

> My son also had this from the time he was about 7 months old (right

side of

> his neck, and they appeared just after he received his first


> I asked every doctor we saw over the course of 4 years what could

be causing

> it, and they all said, " Oh, he's just probably fighting off a

virus. "

> Hmmm...fighting off a virus for 4 straight years? I always pointed

out that

> the lumps NEVER went away, not even for a day, and they always

dismissed it.


> After we started working with our DAN! doc and addressing my son's


> issues, the swelling went away (about 18 months ago). However, we

had a

> behavioral regression this fall (possibly from allergies?) and (you


> it) the swollen lymph nodes came back for almost 2 months. But

he's doing

> better now and the swelling is gone again.


> - Becky B. (Indiana)




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---Hi Becky,

Same here, all the docs looked at the lump with interest and

confusion and decided that it was " normal " , just a swollen lymph

node...how " normal " can this be???

Can I ask how you have been addressing his immune issues?

and how old is your son?...what part of IN? I just moved from

Shipshewana, north of Ft. Wayne.

The lump had been going down while I was chelating him last

summer, when we lived in INdiana, but we moved back to Florida, and

ran out of his supplements and unable to buy more...this is when the

lump got bigger again...AND his autistic behavior increased, again.

I have been able to get a couple of " key " supplements, and this seems

to be helping his behavior, he is even beginning to resume some


signing for communication, eye contact is improving (AGAIN) I get

tired of trudging up this same mountain!

two steps forward, one step back seems to be the name of the game!




In @y..., mbilek@a... wrote:

> My son also had this from the time he was about 7 months old (right

side of

> his neck, and they appeared just after he received his first


> I asked every doctor we saw over the course of 4 years what could

be causing

> it, and they all said, " Oh, he's just probably fighting off a

virus. "

> Hmmm...fighting off a virus for 4 straight years? I always pointed

out that

> the lumps NEVER went away, not even for a day, and they always

dismissed it.


> After we started working with our DAN! doc and addressing my son's


> issues, the swelling went away (about 18 months ago). However, we

had a

> behavioral regression this fall (possibly from allergies?) and (you


> it) the swollen lymph nodes came back for almost 2 months. But

he's doing

> better now and the swelling is gone again.


> - Becky B. (Indiana)




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After learning about my daughter's problems with mercury, I decided to find a

Mercury-Free Dentist and get my amalgams out. One of the first things he

noted was my swollen glands. I have one swell in my neck area or near my

ear, and then the next week another will swell and the previous ones go down.

I attributed it to allergies before. He told me the swollen glands were

related to the mercury. He said that they should go down after we finish and

after I chelate. Perhaps your son has the same thing??

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---Could be... his " lump " has been there for several years, only

changes being the size...it is always in the same place on the left

side of his neck... it nearly went away when I was chelating him, but

now it is pretty noticeable again. His DAN doc wanted me to stop

using DMSA for chelation and I have been using ALA.



In @y..., BrandtMrse@a... wrote:

> Hi,


> After learning about my daughter's problems with mercury, I decided

to find a

> Mercury-Free Dentist and get my amalgams out. One of the first

things he

> noted was my swollen glands. I have one swell in my neck area or

near my

> ear, and then the next week another will swell and the previous

ones go down.

> I attributed it to allergies before. He told me the swollen

glands were

> related to the mercury. He said that they should go down after we

finish and

> after I chelate. Perhaps your son has the same thing??




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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

> My husband has 2 very big swollen lymp nodes on the back of his neck.

> One is on the left, just below his hairs and appeared 3 days ago. The

> other one came out yesterday and is on the right, way below the other

> one, just above his chest. Could this be linked to chelation (DMSA

> only)? The doctor ordered an X-Ray chest and lateral as well as a

> biopsy (it says 'adenopathy' on the referal paper).


> Any clue?


> Thanks,

> Frederique

excuse my ignorance: I am unfamiliar with lymph nodes in the

locations you described. Did the doctor say they are lymph


Lymph nodes get swollen when there is lots of toxic stuff

around. Like the liver, they are about detox. It is part

of their job, and they can get overworked. Thus people with

the flu etc. often have swollen lymph nodes. Presumably

the doctor is testing to look for OTHER possible reasons.

Here are some things that help the lymph system out:

1. deep breathing -- any kind.

2. aerobic exercise. Walking for 30 or 60 minutes, for

example, at a good pace. Bouncing on a minitrampoline

is often cited as good for lymph, but ANY aerobic exercise


3. massage. Again, there are specific types that are

good for lymph, but any kind will help.

4. skin brushing. Get a brush made for this, at the HFS.

I think " drink lots of water " is also on the list, but

I may be getting my " lists " confused.

best wishes,


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> > My husband has 2 very big swollen lymp nodes on the back of his


> > One is on the left, just below his hairs and appeared 3 days ago.


> > other one came out yesterday and is on the right, way below the


> > one, just above his chest. Could this be linked to chelation


> > only)? The doctor ordered an X-Ray chest and lateral as well as a

> > biopsy (it says 'adenopathy' on the referal paper).

> >

> > Any clue?

> >

> > Thanks,

> > Frederique


> excuse my ignorance: I am unfamiliar with lymph nodes in the

> locations you described. Did the doctor say they are lymph

> nodes?

Yes. We were surprised too because they are not symetrical!


> Lymph nodes get swollen when there is lots of toxic stuff

> around. Like the liver, they are about detox. It is part

> of their job, and they can get overworked. Thus people with

> the flu etc. often have swollen lymph nodes. Presumably

> the doctor is testing to look for OTHER possible reasons.


> Here are some things that help the lymph system out:

> 1. deep breathing -- any kind.

> 2. aerobic exercise. Walking for 30 or 60 minutes, for

> example, at a good pace. Bouncing on a minitrampoline

> is often cited as good for lymph, but ANY aerobic exercise

> helps.

> 3. massage. Again, there are specific types that are

> good for lymph, but any kind will help.

> 4. skin brushing. Get a brush made for this, at the HFS.


> I think " drink lots of water " is also on the list, but

> I may be getting my " lists " confused.

These are easy to try! Thank you very much Moria.


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> > Here are some things that help the lymph system out:

> > 1. deep breathing -- any kind.

> > 2. aerobic exercise. Walking for 30 or 60 minutes, for

> > example, at a good pace. Bouncing on a minitrampoline

> > is often cited as good for lymph, but ANY aerobic exercise

> > helps.

> > 3. massage. Again, there are specific types that are

> > good for lymph, but any kind will help.

> > 4. skin brushing. Get a brush made for this, at the HFS.

> >

> > I think " drink lots of water " is also on the list, but

> > I may be getting my " lists " confused.


> These are easy to try! Thank you very much Moria.

> Frederique

Here is another idea (which I thought of later, LOL):

there are (of course) herbs for the lymph system.

You could find info in many herb books--- but here

is a tea recipe from FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH by

Hobbs (with minor wording changes)-- this

is a lymph cleansing tea.

1/2 part red root; 1 part red clover tops; 1/2 part

echinacea root; 1 part lemon peel; 1/4 part ginger

Simmer 1 part of herbs with 5 parts of water for 20

minutes. Strain; drink 1/2 cup of warm tea twice a

day. (Add honey if desired)


You can use SOME of the herbs listed above if not all are

available. He also lists prickly ash -- used to

stimulate lymph activity, help remove stagnation;

figwort-- traditionally used in Europe and China

to clear heat and reduce lymphatic swelling in the

throat and neck; cleavers -- excellent for reducing

swelling of lymph nodes, use 40 - 60 drops of tincture

3x a day.....



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  • 7 months later...

Igenex says on their website that if you have EBV you can get false positives on

the Western Blot. They don't give more details. But maybe they could tell you

if your profile is the same as a person who has a false positive from EBV.

Maybe the bands look a certain way and they can tell. I will be getting my

results in a week and probably have to go through this exact same process unless

I happen to be negative.

----- Original Message -----

From: edwinasc@...

Following these results my doctor sent new blood to IGenex labs in CA. Those

results were " equivocal " menaing +/- something there. 39 IgM kDa Western


41 IgM kDa Western Blot

41 IgG kDa Western Blot

58 IgG kDa Western Blot

66 IgG kDa Western Blot

93 IgG kDa Western Blot

were my results from IGenex +/-

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  • 2 years later...
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After just having a lymph node biopsy, I'll tell you what I have learned.

1.) Most often it is a sign of an internal infection, whether bacterial or


2.) They can enlarge very rapidly and then take weeks to go back down.

3.) They will check white counts as an indication of cancer and look to see

what other markers you carry for lymphoma.

Unless you carry the other markers for lymphoma (Epstein Barr

antibodies, an autoimmune disease, heavy and prolonged exposure to

pesticides and insecticides), they don't generally do a biopsy if your white

counts are normal.

Mine had been enlarged for over a year and are around 24mm which is over

twice the normal size. My white counts were normal but they found I had the

Epstein Bar antibodies (mononucleosis), and as I have Lupus, Rheumatoid

Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia, plus my dad was an ag consultant for years and

we farmed. I remember helping him set fertilizer tanks for delivery into

the ditches and then drinking the water. We also used alot of herbacies and

pesticides and defoliants on our farm. So needless to say, they ordered a

complete biopsy, not just a needle biopsy. They went into the groin (they

are all enlarged) as this was the easiest area to get to without getting

into a lot of muscle, and removed several. There was no cancer, but dx was

chronic inflammation so back to the Rheumatologist to up my anti

inflammatory meds.



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  • 1 year later...
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I have one single lymph node on my ribcage on the side, about 6 inches under

my armpit, that is swollen and painful. Any ideas what would cause it, and

how to get it to go down other than skin brushing and lymphatic massage?

I’m a bit confused because there are no other lymph nodes swollen in that

area. Kerry Ann>>

Swollen gland suggest some infection. You might try that rhythmic " dancing " ,

bouncing, swinging your arms, etc. The idea is to get the lymph glands

" circulating " and draining. But...if you have some infection or other...you


ponder what the source of the infection.

.. </HTML>

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Either/both. I used to get swollen salivary glands (under chin) a lot at the

worst of my mercury poisoning. Only rarely now.


Hi I get swollen lympth nodes almost permanently under my chin,

sometimes on the back of the neck and else where. Is this possibly due

to mercury is could it be viral?




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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have a question on the lymph nodes. I have swollen lymph nodes, and

I read where it's fairly common in people with RA, lupus, etc. Does

anyone seem to have problems with them? Thanks Tawny

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Yes i have them too


tdianaok <tdianaok@...> wrote: I have a

question on the lymph nodes. I have swollen lymph nodes, and

I read where it's fairly common in people with RA, lupus, etc. Does

anyone seem to have problems with them? Thanks Tawny


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tdianaok wrote:


> >I have a question on the lymph nodes. I have swollen lymph nodes, and

> I read where it's fairly common in people with RA, lupus, etc. Does

> anyone seem to have problems with them? Thanks Tawny


> _

That's how I got started on prednisone. I have Sjogren's Syndrome and

it's very common with that. He put me on the prednisone because the ones

in my neck were swollen they were pressing against my carotid artery and

he was afraid I was going to have a stroke. He put me in the hospital

and gave me 1 gram (yes, gram) per day for three days and did that again

the next month to get it under control.


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