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Re: Please help - Diagnosed with Fibroids!

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I am 27, a 3rd year law student and recently married. We have no children. I

have just been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. My husband and I have done

some research about myo and other treatments. We so desperately want to have

children that we do not want to make the wrong decision. A hysterectomy is

out of the question for me.

We are leaning toward myo, but I would like to hear from anyone who has done

it a year or two ago or recently. I have read that fibroids can grow back

unless an hysterectomy is performed, so if anyone has had that experience

please help us make our decisions.



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A friend of mine had a myo about 10 years ago. When I told her that I had

read that they can grow back, she said that if that ever happened, she would

just have them cut out again!


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hello laure, i want to set your mind at ease. i can tell you the experience i

had and it may help you. first ...do u know where your fibroid is located? i

was diagnosed with a fibroid when i was 27. my fibroid sits on top of my

uterus. the doc and i decided to do nothing about the fibroid because it was

only the size of a walnut and caused me no problems. at age 29 i decided i

wanted to become pregnant with my second child and the doctor told me i may

have a problem getting pregnant and if i did get pregnant i may have a

problem carrying a baby. i got pregnant right away and i had no problem

carrying my baby full term. i will tell you that i am now 43 and i have so

many symptoms with my fibroid. at my last obgyn appt my obgyn said my fibroid

had grown to what she called huge and now i am scheduled for an ultra sound

in december. i have been doing a lot of research trying to decide what i

think would be best for me to do.

good luck


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I had a myomectomy last year. I've already had a couple of fibroids

come back and already golf ball sized, so I'm definitely looking at

the possibility of having to do it all again. I gotta say, it won't

even be a choice for me - I'll have a myomectomy again. It wasn't

that bad a surgery for me - I was in good shape physically and

actually enjoyed the last few weeks off of work like a vacation

(felt guilty for being off!). I'm not married yet, and I certainly

wouldn't want to not be able to have children if I do! I'm sure

you'll do fine.


> Hi

> I am 27, a 3rd year law student and recently married. We have no

children. I

> have just been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. My husband and I

have done

> some research about myo and other treatments. We so desperately

want to have

> children that we do not want to make the wrong decision. A

hysterectomy is

> out of the question for me.


> We are leaning toward myo, but I would like to hear from anyone

who has done

> it a year or two ago or recently. I have read that fibroids can

grow back

> unless an hysterectomy is performed, so if anyone has had that


> please help us make our decisions.


> Thanks


> Laurie

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Fibroids usually do grow back after myomectomy, but that doesn't mean you

shouldn't have one. Your goal is to have children, and myomectomy could help

you achieve that. Hysterectomy will guarantee you are rid of your fibroids but

then you definitely won't be able to have children. Fibroids are a nuisance,

but they are almost always benign and can be dealt with in a number of ways

while you try to have a child. There is a lot of information in the archives of

this list from women in similar circumstances as yourself who have had children,

both before and after myomectomies.

I know this doesn't exactly answer your question, but I just wanted to comment

in response to your remark that you " read that fibroids can grow back unless a

hysterectomy is performed. " They CAN grow back, but it's not the end of the

world if they do, and the potential for regrowth doesn't warrant having a


I wish you the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.


Re: Please help - Diagnosed with Fibroids!


I am 27, a 3rd year law student and recently married. We have no children. I

have just been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. My husband and I have done

some research about myo and other treatments. We so desperately want to have

children that we do not want to make the wrong decision. A hysterectomy is

out of the question for me.

We are leaning toward myo, but I would like to hear from anyone who has done

it a year or two ago or recently. I have read that fibroids can grow back

unless an hysterectomy is performed, so if anyone has had that experience

please help us make our decisions.



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Hi Laurie,

Have you considered consulting a reproductive endocrinologist?

A fertility specialist might be able to best address your concerns

as well as recommend a course of treatment that you and your

husband are comfortable with. If the RE were to suggest a myo,

they also would be looking at the surgery from the point of view of

preserving fertility.

There have been alot of posts on this topic so you should search

the archives for more information. Also, you may want to ask the

women on this list for gyn/ER recommendations in your area if

you are not comfortable with the gyn you are seeing now.

Best wishes,

> Hi

> I am 27, a 3rd year law student and recently married. We have

no children. I

> have just been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. My husband

and I have done

> some research about myo and other treatments. We so

desperately want to have

> children that we do not want to make the wrong decision. A

hysterectomy is

> out of the question for me.


> We are leaning toward myo, but I would like to hear from

anyone who has done

> it a year or two ago or recently. I have read that fibroids can

grow back

> unless an hysterectomy is performed, so if anyone has had

that experience

> please help us make our decisions.


> Thanks


> Laurie

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Hi Laurie- We haven't had kids yet, but am also 27 and recently

married! I had a myomectomy (abdominal- bikini incision) on Aug 31 and

have to agree with the above that it wasn't that bad, and although

we're still not so sure we want kids, it nice to know that we have the

option (hopefully). For me the myo was to relieve my symptoms and to

improve my quality of life, which really sucked at the time, but is

now so much better. One thing the doc did during surgery was to patch

up the outside of my uterus with gortex patches (like they use in

heart surgery) where he had to remove particularily big fibroids, to

give it some extra strength in the event of pregnancy. He said he

didn't see any reason why pregnancy would be a problem in the future

because of the surgery, although I would have to deliver via

c-section. Although the type of fibroids I had excluded the need for

him to actually cut into the inner lining of my uterus at all-

hopefully the lack of scar tissue inside might help things.

FYI, my mother had TWO myomectomies before she had my sister. So it's

possible, anyway. I guess I just assume that these suckers will grow

back- we're pretty young and they are very tenatious, but I wouldn't

hesitate to have another myo, even if I never wanted kids- it just

makes more sense to me to keep things where they should be. Just my

opinion, though.

You didn't mention what sort of myomectomy you are considering, and

what other symptoms you are experiencing- are you looking to a myo

solely to get pregnant? Then I agree with the above that a

reproductive specialist- not just a gynocologist, should be involved

with you as well.

Best of luck to you- hope this ramble was a little helpful.


> Hi

> I am 27, a 3rd year law student and recently married. We have no

children. I

> have just been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. My husband and I

have done

> some research about myo and other treatments. We so desperately want

to have

> children that we do not want to make the wrong decision. A

hysterectomy is

> out of the question for me.


> We are leaning toward myo, but I would like to hear from anyone who

has done

> it a year or two ago or recently. I have read that fibroids can grow


> unless an hysterectomy is performed, so if anyone has had that


> please help us make our decisions.


> Thanks


> Laurie

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The funny thing is, I have not had my period for three months! I read that

one of the symptom is heavy bleeding and back or stomach pain, I have no

symptoms at all. But, as I said before, I am trying toget pregnant now and I

am worried about how that may affect our chances of having a baby!


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Because there is a possibility of regrowth myomectomies should not be

performed unless there is a good reason to do so. Are you

experiencing adverse symptoms such as heavy bleeding? How large is

are the fibroids and how many do you have? Has your doctor made any

recommendations? If your fibroids are asymptomatic you don't need to

do anything now. However, you should find a good doctor now so that

you have someone available if a procedure needs to be done.

> Hi

> I am 27, a 3rd year law student and recently married. We have no

children. I

> have just been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. My husband and I

have done

> some research about myo and other treatments. We so desperately

want to have

> children that we do not want to make the wrong decision. A

hysterectomy is

> out of the question for me.


> We are leaning toward myo, but I would like to hear from anyone who

has done

> it a year or two ago or recently. I have read that fibroids can

grow back

> unless an hysterectomy is performed, so if anyone has had that


> please help us make our decisions.


> Thanks


> Laurie

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do you know why you haven't had your period for three months?!

I think you need to explore this because it may e related to your

fibroids (unless you are pregnant! in that case, congrats!).

heavy bleeding is NOT the only symptoms for fibroids. AFAIK, there

are a variety of symptoms.


> The funny thing is, I have not had my period for three months! I

read that

> one of the symptom is heavy bleeding and back or stomach pain, I

have no

> symptoms at all. But, as I said before, I am trying toget pregnant

now and I

> am worried about how that may affect our chances of having a baby!


> Laurie

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