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, the problem with the " what if scenarios " is that it is not like

playing lottery, where you either win or don´t. Here you either win (a

baby) or lose (in a bad case your uterus totally).

But I understand your question now. I will ask my RE on Monday about

whether a continuous lining is necessary even if the embryo has implanted

properly. Still I would like to point out that the continuous lining is

necessary in the first place anyway, so the questions is not really an

important one to me, because to me it looks like I have to have a good

lining all the way around my uterus to conceive with a higher chance of a

full term pregnancy.

One more thought: I have seen drawings of the size of the placenta in the

uterus. It can cover more than a third of the uterus. The question is

though, how does the placenta grow? Does it grow out of one spot and does

it just become bigger? Or does it need more healthy endometrium on the

right and left of the spot where the embryo has implanted?

As to your next question why we all will have a high risk pregnancy: Once

the uterus muscle walls have been touched, scrapped etc. the natural

condition has been disturbed (to say it in my words), thus maybe not

allowing the placenta to attach properly (well, just maybe, but there again

we are not talking about a lottery) but instead to attach deep into the

muscle or instead of attaching at the top of the uterus attaching at the

cervix, thus blocking the way out for the baby at birth time. The latter

can also happen to non-Asherman-patients and always means a c-section. In

the first case the danger is an uncontrollable blood loss for the mother

once they try to get hold of the placenta. I have read that if a pregnant

Asherman patient is going to deliver, the hospital should be prepared with

blood transfusions, intensive care and child care units.

So, give my regards to your dh and tell him to be patient until not only

your uterus has the old shape but also your lining. :-) Honestly, I think

" what if scenarios " don´t help.

I was told once that there is even the possibility of a pregnancy to break

the adhesions but there is no research on it. So this would be a lovely

" what if ... " but with no real option as to what else could happen ...

Corinna (sorry, this got so long)

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