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I think that any doctor who refuses to allow you to have a blood test, when

you are concerned is cause for alarm. Who gave him the right to refuse a

request that will cause him no work, but give you much comfort? Maybe I am

bitter about physicians and their " God " complex, but I would be out of there.

There would also be a note from me regarding being ignored. It seems that

some of them want to pat you on the head and think " silly child " ...ugh.

Take care,


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Hey Krista!

How are you feeling? I didn't expect to see you here

tonight. You have to give an update on how things went

today. You were definitely in my thoughts. At lunch I

was telling all about you. Today had to be a sad

day and a good day for you.

I think I will look for another doctor. There is

another family doctor close to me but my cousin's wife

works there and I don't want her blabbing her mouth to

the whole family about me.

My chances of getting either are probably pretty low,

but I still need piece of mind. I did have the HIV

test today since the specialist gave me the referral

when I was in the hospital in April. I could probably

call him and he would give me the referral. That's an



--- KCHERUB@... wrote:

> Stacey,


> I think that any doctor who refuses to allow you to

> have a blood test, when

> you are concerned is cause for alarm. Who gave him

> the right to refuse a

> request that will cause him no work, but give you

> much comfort? Maybe I am

> bitter about physicians and their " God " complex, but

> I would be out of there.

> There would also be a note from me regarding being

> ignored. It seems that

> some of them want to pat you on the head and think

> " silly child " ...ugh.


> Take care,

> Krista





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I had a blood transfusion when I had my ectopic last November. I was in no

condition to make such a decision (I was also in and out of consciousness)

and when they tried to talk to me about it I told them to talk to my

husband. I knew I was in no condition to make such a decision. He, of

course, okayed the transfusion. The hospital and my doctors never suggested

in any way that I needed to be tested at any point in time for any blood

related problems. We were assured at every point that the supply was

carefully screened and was safe.

I realize there is always the small chance that something got through, but I

have chosen not to worry about it. That, however is just ME. If you are

not going to rest until you know, then I suggest you pay for the test and

your peace of mind. It is purely up to you at this point. You need to do

what is going to be best for you.

As for the doctor, you could try to find another one that would give you the

referral, however, you need to understand that the problem may be with your

insurance company. If doctors cause too much " problem " for the insurance

companies, they can be removed from that company's list of doctors. The

health care industry in this country is suffering because accountants are

now the real ones making the decisions about our health care. If your

doctor is dismissive and refuses to listen to you though, the problem may be

with your doctor and changing could make a difference. You are the only one

who can make the call though.

Good luck, sweetie. Hope you find some peace of mind about this. I know it

can be nerve wracking.

Mommy to two angel babies, 7/12/97 and 11/6/98

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Dear Stacey,

Did you have your HIV test yet? You said you had a script for 6 months

later. I do not think that HIV is a concern. As you said, they screen blood

so much closer today than they did when HIV first came around. As far as the

Hepatitis test, I

think it is a good idea. I would want it just for the peace of mind.


everything that you have been through, I would hope you could get your doctor

to reconsider. If he wouldn't, my next step would be to pay for the test

myself. Can you have bloodwork done without you doctor requesting it?

I would have it done, just for the peace of mind.

Good Luck,

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I think that if you feel the Hepatitis test would make you feel better, then

you have every right to demand it. If your doctor does not want to allow the

test, I would suggest having your files transferred to someone else that

will. Maby speak to him before, and tell him that you feel he is being

unreasonable, and that even though the odds are with you, you feel that you

still have the right to confirm these odds. If he still dissagrees, then

tell him that you would consider finding a new doctor. These 'proffesionals'

sometimes forget who pays their salary, and sometimes need reminding.

Anyway, I feel that if it concerns you, it should be your desicion.

Let us know what you've decided.

take care



>Reply-To: ectopicpregnancyegroups

>To: ectopicpregnancyegroups

>Subject: Question

>Date: Fri, 15 Oct 1999 19:31:56 -0700 (PDT)


>Hi everyone!


>I need some advice. When I lost my last pregnancy at

>32 weeks it was due to a placenta abruption. By the

>time I got to the hospital I lost so much blood I

>almost died. I was in and out of consciousness. The

>one time I was conscious they asked me to sign a paper

>for them to give me a transfusion. I refused. They

>explained I would die if they didn't. I asked if it

>was possible for my mother to give me blood. They told

>me no because it takes five days to get the blood

>ready. So I again refused. The told me they would give

>me a few minutes to discuss it with my husband &

>mother. The second the doctor walked out I was

>informed I was getting the transfusion.


>Well anyway, I got the transfusion and the specialist

>gave me a script to have an HIV test in 6 months.

>Recently a friends mother died from Hepatitis due to a

>blood transfusion she had 10 years ago. I got this

>idea in my head that I also needed to be tested for

>Hepatitis. I called my family doctor who has to give

>me the referral to have a blood test done because of

>my stupid insurance and he refused to let me have the

>test done. He told me my chances of getting AIDS or

>Hepatitis is 1 in 40,000. I told him my chances of

>having 6 pregnancies losses were probably the same

>odds but I had them. Luck really isn't on my side.


>I guess I have a couple of choices.

>1. I could pay for the test myself?

>2. I could find a new doctor?


>Anyone have any suggestions? Do you think this should

>really be a concern with today's screening of blood?


>Stacey G.








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I did have the HIV blood test last week. I think I'm

just going to forget about being tested for Hepatitis.

The last time I tried to get a blood test and pay for

it myself was when I was pregnant and needed to know

the results the same day on account of starting the

heparin and prednisone. They gave me such a hard time.

I can't understand why considering I was willing to

pay for it myself.

I decided to look for a new family doctor. When I

become pregnant again I don't want to go through the


Stacey G.

--- KDJOHIO@... wrote:

> Dear Stacey,


> Did you have your HIV test yet? You said you had a

> script for 6 months

> later. I do not think that HIV is a concern. As you

> said, they screen blood

> so much closer today than they did when HIV first

> came around. As far as the

> Hepatitis test, I

> think it is a good idea. I would want it just for

> the peace of mind.

> Considering

> everything that you have been through, I would hope

> you could get your doctor

> to reconsider. If he wouldn't, my next step would

> be to pay for the test

> myself. Can you have bloodwork done without you

> doctor requesting it?


> I would have it done, just for the peace of mind.


> Good Luck,







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  • 3 months later...


I feel for your friend-whether or not she has the syndrome. I had seen

numerous reports on this, and I so feel for women who actually go through

this. If your friend doesn't have the syndrome, and they have taken the

children, why doesn't the court recognize it? That seems so hypocritical.

What was the basis of them taking the children?

Take care,


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What is this syndrome supposed to be? Just curious. I agree, though.

Without any proof of the accusation, and there even being a shot that it is

true, her children should not have been taken away from her.


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They said that they had received an accusation that she has MBP

syndrome, so they removed the kids. When she asked where the accusation

came from or where the paperwork was, they said that they cannot

remember who made the accusation and that they have 'lost' the

paperwork.(yeah right)

The reason that Children and Families won't return the kids,is that if

they do, they will most likely be sued for neglegence. The court has now

agreed to hear her case, but according to the social worker, the chances

of her kids being returned to her in the near future is slim.

Our argument is that unless they can show in writing, where, and if

there was ever an accusation made, the kids should be returned atleast

until proper investigations have been done.

I dont understand the legal system at all.Apparantly this whole

'Munchausen by Proxy' cenario is being totally swept under the

carpet,and because of some serious loop holes in the constitution, a

mother that have been 'convicted' of suffering from this, has basically

no legal rights at all, so the chances of the courts hearing her story,

is slim.

Anyways,I just hope things will work out for her.

thanks for asking.


Re: question


I feel for your friend-whether or not she has the syndrome. I had seen

numerous reports on this, and I so feel for women who actually go


this. If your friend doesn't have the syndrome, and they have taken the

children, why doesn't the court recognize it? That seems so


What was the basis of them taking the children?

Take care,



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Munchausen By Proxy is where a parent will intentionally hurt a child in

order to gain attention for themselves from medical professionals. There is

a case in South Florida where a mother poisoned her child in order for the

child to have symptoms of illness, but when the child was taken away from

the mother the child's condition improved. This is a simplified

explanation, but is essentially the basis of the psychological problem.

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  • 6 months later...

I have no idea, but I wouldn't think too many...

I had 's Chicken and Vegetable soup (which has stupid little pasta

shells) yesterday! I don't know exactly how many carbs I had, but I felt

kind of silly-- I was literally drinking the broth through a straw, until

just the " residue " was left at the bottom of the bowl, and then I picked out

the pieces of chicken and ate them and the celery and carrots, leaving the

pasta shells and potato chunks alone.

Today I re-stocked the pantry-- with 's chicken broth, 'cause I'm

not going through all that again.

, also sick with a cold.


How many carbs are in one can of 's Chicken Noodle soup with the

noodles removed?

(still sick)


Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so. -





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- there is probably quite a bit of residue from the noodles in the

broth. When I'm sick I just drizzle some beaten egg into a can of boiling

chicken broth. Egg Drop Soup.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Poly,

I have been wrestling with this question for

months now. I am still breastfeeding my son who turned 2 in August.

I am also struggling to develop a decent enough lining to get pg again

(via transfer of my frozen embryos). Most of the RE's will not let

you do a cycle, take the fertility drugs, hormones, etc., until you have

weaned. Especially the male RE's, the women are a little more understanding

but I think they would all rather that you weaned before attempting pg.

My feeling is that they really know nothing about it, or how it will affect

the lining or a pregnancy or any of that. Many women conceive while

breastfeeding and then BF all through the pg and sometimes tandem BF them

both afterwards. I have checked with some breastfeeding "experts"

(pediatricians), one is in Toronto Canada and is wonderful, has a new book

due out, and he answers e-mails promptly. His name is Dr. Jack Newman.

He wrote me that none of the hormones we take will harm the BF'g baby,

that not enough of the hormones get through to the baby to worry about,

and we produce far higher amts of those hormones during a pg and women

BF during pg all the time (well, many do). I know they often give

Reglan and Domperidone to stimulate milk supply, as well as having you

pump with a good, electric double pump several times per day, starting

months ahead of the birth to get a good supply. It is a long and

tedious process I am told, but well worth it. I think that once you

get a good supply established and the baby is sucking well and gaining,

you probably don't have to continue with the medications.

The one thing I am not sure of is what effect

the milk-stimulating hormones will have on your lining. I imagine

all that pumping and then suckling of the baby could inhibit ovulation

just as it does after a birth, but certainly not indefinitely. I'm

not sure about the pills themselves though. Maybe you could write

to Dr. Newman when you find out what meds they want to give you, or ask

La Leche League. I doubt they are a problem but just not sure. I

know sometimes the herbs Fenugreek and Alfalfa are used to increase milk

supply too. Fenugreek can cause some uterine contractions so I wouldn't

want to use it while pg.

I really don't think that the breastfeeding

is causing my lining problems. It's too important to me to give up

and I figure I'd probably wean him, not end up pg anyway, and then have

lost both opportunities. I really think it's important for you to

breastfeed, especially an adopted baby, to really strengthen the bonding.

There are a lot of theories out there on how much intrauterine bonding

takes place, and what impact the "loss of birthmother" has on a baby.

I used to think that was all hogwash, but now am inclined to think that

there might be something to some of those ideas, and that for some babies

it is a significant loss, some more than others. So I would advise

maybe having the birthmom play a tape of your voice to her tummy if she

is willing, maybe wear the same perfume that you will wear, etc.

And then after birth, "wear" the baby as much as possible, in a sling or

some type of baby carrier. Read up on attachment and bonding, and

I think there are some good websites on attachment parenting. And

then the breastfeeding too. If for some reason you don't end up breastfeeding

or producing enough milk, they have those "lactation aids" you can get

where you can put formula in a little bag that goes on your chest or around

your neck, and then a tiny tube comes down from it along your breast and

nipple, and the baby sucks on the nipple and gets the formula through the

tiny tube.

Sorry, I think I have said way

more than what you asked. And by now you can probably tell that I

am a breastfeeding fanatic (sort of). You probably think that I am

one of those radical earth mothers who has let her hair go long and gray,

doesn't shave armpits or legs, homeschools her kids, doesn't immunize,

bakes her own bread, etc. But no, I am not that far gone! Just

an attachment parenting believer. And we did adopt one of our children

(he is now 8) and it was a very difficult experience, long story, but he

is doing much better now. So attachment and bonding is a very important

issue with us. We adopted him as a newborn, but don't worry, his

problems stemmed from excessive alcohol use by the birthmom. Poor

little guy, you can't expect a child not to have problems when his little

brain was soaked in alcohol for 9 months. He has come a long way,

and I'd be glad to share more details if you or anyone is interested.

This is such a wonderful opportunity for you, I hope everything goes smoothly

and the time passes quickly. Keep us all posted.

Hugs, Terri

Poly Spyrou wrote:

I have a question for

you all. As I am considering adopting this new born, I found out that you

can take hormones to bring down milk even though you weren't pregnant and

so to breastfeed the baby. I am just wondering if this will have

a negative effect on my endometrium? Poly

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The docs always say to me when I ask this question, that they have seen

term deliveries with all kinds and thicknesses of the endometrium ... but I

learned from this board that 8 mm or more is good. Corinna

At 01:53 28.10.00 +0000, you wrote:

>Does anyone know what the thickness of the endometrium lining should

>be at the time of implantation?







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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest


I think Doris at one time mentioned something but I can't remember

what it was. I am sure if it was her she will respond.



> Does anyone know how or if there is a way to get rid of all the

> advertisments everytime you post or do something on this new groups

> setup. Quite anoying to keep having to click them off. Hugs Betty

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  • 3 months later...
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Sorry Betty, not me.




Hi everyone,

Was wondering if any of you received the last chapter of the

Ghost Story from Warm Fuzzy Stories. Was suppose to be sent out on

July 12, but I have not received mine and now I dont know how the

story ended. If any of you did and still have it in your inbox,

please let me know and send me the final Chapter. So anxious to see

how it ended. Thanks Betty.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Carolyn,

You usually do loose more hair as the time goes on. I never lost ALL of mine it

just thinned. Sometimes the ladies shave their head because with certain chemos

it falls out in clumps and makes a mess. This is not always the case. You

shouldn't have to worry about nausea if you are getting an anti nausea drug. If

you are not, make sure to tell the oncologist you want one. I never got sick but

took Compazine. There are a lot more and newer drugs out there now.




Can someone answer this for me please,the more chemo you get does it

make you lose your hair more? and get more nausea?? I havent lost any

hair yet or got any nausea, only had 1 chemo have 3 more to go. Thank

you in advance. God Bless you all~Hugeee Hugggss~Carolyn~

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Thank you marianne, my doc put 3 anti nausea drugs into my IV chemo,

also i have 2 different kind of pills he gave me for nausea, but i dont

even have to take them, im doing fine without them. He wants me to have

radiation treatments to be on the safe side, but told him i have to

think it over. I couldnt go through the bone scan because of my phobia,

but he said he would put me out so i can go through with it, so when i

go for my chemo next week i might get the bone scan, have to work up the

courage~LOL~Can you tell me what side effects you get with radiation??,

im very concerened about that. THANK YOU for your help angel~Hugggee

Hugs Carolyn~

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Carolyn, I did not have chemo nor radiation so I can't answer those

questions...now if you ask about a mastectomy...I can answer that!!!

But if you doctor is recommending radiation and you trust him, I would

have it. I am one of those people who believes in being safe instead

of sorry later.

Glad you joined us...we always love having new members even if it does

mean that someone else is having to fight the dragon. But when

someone joins, it means we can all join in the fight together. doris

> Thank you marianne, my doc put 3 anti nausea drugs into my IV chemo,

> also i have 2 different kind of pills he gave me for nausea, but i dont

> even have to take them, im doing fine without them. He wants me to have

> radiation treatments to be on the safe side, but told him i have to

> think it over. I couldnt go through the bone scan because of my phobia,

> but he said he would put me out so i can go through with it, so when i

> go for my chemo next week i might get the bone scan, have to work up the

> courage~LOL~Can you tell me what side effects you get with radiation??,

> im very concerened about that. THANK YOU for your help angel~Hugggee

> Hugs Carolyn~





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Hi again!!

The bone scan isn't bad at all. I can't stand things close to my face so when

the technician found this out she did it with the scanner under the table and

then had me turn on my stomach and did the other side with the scanner under the

table again. I will NOT EVER take another MRI!!! The bone scans really aren't

bad. You get a shot and then wait a few hrs for it to work through your system

and go back and have the scan done. I bet in 12 yrs I have had 7 bone scans!

I didn't have radiation but sometimes you get like a sunburn but there is also

creams you can use for that. I guess it doesn't take very long at all after the

first visit where they get you all set up and marked. Most women say the worst

part is going there day after day for 6 weeks. Hope this helps.



Re: Question

Thank you marianne, my doc put 3 anti nausea drugs into my IV chemo,

also i have 2 different kind of pills he gave me for nausea, but i dont

even have to take them, im doing fine without them. He wants me to have

radiation treatments to be on the safe side, but told him i have to

think it over. I couldnt go through the bone scan because of my phobia,

but he said he would put me out so i can go through with it, so when i

go for my chemo next week i might get the bone scan, have to work up the

courage~LOL~Can you tell me what side effects you get with radiation??,

im very concerened about that. THANK YOU for your help angel~Hugggee

Hugs Carolyn~

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Thank you both for your help in answering my questions. The doc told me

i would have 7 treatments of radiation for 7 straight days, with my

phoboia i dont think i could handle going out 7 days in a row, i will

ask him if he could just keep me in the hospital till its over, he might

do it. I hope so, but one step at a time, thats how i'm getting through

this, and with very positive thinking, must stay strong, after 3

operations in 3 weeks i handled that very well, now to the next step.

Also helping me is having WONDERFULL people like you giving me

support~God Bless YOU~Love~Carolyn~

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If the doc will keep you in the hospital that would be great! Keep us posted.

You are in my prayers.



Re: Question

Thank you both for your help in answering my questions. The doc told me

i would have 7 treatments of radiation for 7 straight days, with my

phoboia i dont think i could handle going out 7 days in a row, i will

ask him if he could just keep me in the hospital till its over, he might

do it. I hope so, but one step at a time, thats how i'm getting through

this, and with very positive thinking, must stay strong, after 3

operations in 3 weeks i handled that very well, now to the next step.

Also helping me is having WONDERFULL people like you giving me

support~God Bless YOU~Love~Carolyn~

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some people go through it with no effects what so ever, me on the other

hand, one time it wouldn'e make me sick the next time i was sicker than a

dog. as for your hair , just depends on what chemo you are getting...mine

started comeing out in about 10 days after my first one and i lost every

stitch of hair on my body by the 3rd treatment..


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Hi Carolyn -

My name is and I am 36 years old. I was diagnosed when I was

34 and I didn't have an side effects from chemo. I didn't lose any

hair and I continuted to work through it all. I also didn't have any

side effects from radiation. I hope you are just as fortunate! :)

Hang in there because life really is beautiful after you get past

these darn bumps in the road!! If you ever want to E-mail, please

feel free at lrandall@.... Thanks

> Can someone answer this for me please,the more chemo you get does it

> make you lose your hair more? and get more nausea?? I havent lost


> hair yet or got any nausea, only had 1 chemo have 3 more to go.


> you in advance. God Bless you all~Hugeee Hugggss~Carolyn~





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