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Oh you betcha I am. It's a lap top I got from my hubby and I love it. I

really needed one, with my legs swelling like crazy I can now work from the

couch. Before, I had to do all these crazy contraptions to keep my legs

elevated while sitting at the desk. And try that on one of those office

chairs on wheels - you're constantly reaching for something on the other end

of the desk. I'm also a very fast typist, so before I even know what I hit,

the msgs goes off and it drives me crazy. I actually think it's the

MedicAlert bracelet hitting the pad and if the cursor just happens to be on

the " send " it goes off before I've had a chance to finish it. Still, I'm not

complaining - I did not expect much for X-mas this year, we've just

re-financed, shortening our mortgage by a good 7 years, the payment is a bit

higher, so we tried to keep the expenses down. So this was a real surprise,

especially since I did not ask for it (we normally try to not ask for gift,

just accept whatever we get). You have to understand: my husband is not a

" shopping " person. He normally buys something last minute, doesn't pay much

attention to it. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just not his way of

showing he does. He provides the best he can for us, he's my husband, my

friend, my lover. He never asks for " privacy " or time out with his buddies.

We have OUR friends, not his or mine. He doesn't spend money on himself and

always makes sure everything is well taken care off, so it doesn't brake

unexpectedly. If cars need maintained, he takes care of it. When I'm

hospitalized he tries to handle the three little ones the best he can. This

was a real big deal for him and for me too. It was a real nice way of him

telling me he cares extra special for me and wants me to get more rest

during my treatment. And it's a real, good lap top too - must have cost him

a bundle and he does not put things on credit, so I am even more grateful.

SO, I WILL GET USED TO THIS DARN KEYBOARD. I would have sent this message 5

minutes ago, had I not been careful to type slowly and not hit any

unnecessary keys or pads.


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ok, just did it again. I know exactly what I'm doing now, but it still

happens. When I pull up the msg to answer and hit the " reply " button, the

cursor remains in the same spot. So when it opens the message for me to type

back it is actually over the " send " . The keypad is very sensitive, if I so

much as slide my hand or the MediAlert bracelet grazes it, there it goes.

Sometimes, I try to carefull move it, but touch it too hard and there it

goes again. I just hear the send sound and am ready to scream. Thank God we

don't pay by the number of e-mails.......

The ground is hardly covered with snow so far here in NJ, but they said this

evening will be the real thing. From what they're saying you can expect a

nice amount of it Upstate. I generally don't mind the snow, I just mind the

hassle to get around it. We used to get heeps of it in Poland, but somehow

everyone was better adjusted. I guess that's what you get when it snows from

December to March on a regular basis. It also came down slower - it would

snow for a week, but not as a major storm, just overnight and it was

actually very peacefull, no wind. We would always know when we woke up,

because the world was suddenly very quite.

Well, good luck - hope you don't get snowed in. If you do, you know where to

find us and while you're at it may actually need more than two shovels

after tonight. We just need to get her more hands too....



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Mojo, I think it's fun when you do those e-mails. I looks like you were in

the middle of a thought, and then maybe someone ran through the room and you

lost it.


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