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Jennier: Tried to return an email to you at your July, etc. address, it

came back., so here it is for everyone -(P.S. it's not a secret)


Hi Jen:

Sorry, I didn't even check my computer again after my last post. Went in to

do my " Saturday " cooking for the week. Roland had gone to the football

game in Lubbock. He got home about 10:00 - that's pretty early. They

usually drives out on Saturday morning and don't get back in unto about 3:30

or 4:00 a.m. on Sunday morning. Luckily, this was an afternoon game, so

they got home a lot earlier. I try to get all my things done while he is

gone. I have a very " high maintenance " husband. he requires a lot of

attention, or at least he thinks he does. (LOL) So, when I have some time

that he's doing something else, I'll check to see if you're available to

chat. I don't have a lot of times to chat, but hopefully I will be able to

make some of the chats. I really enjoyed the last one I was able to join in


Well, it's raining again here today. Very dark and gloomy. I don't know

why it always seems like the rains come on the weekends. I would much

rather them come during the week while I'm working. (VBG) Oh, well, it has

been so dry for so long, we really can't complain. We really need to fill

all the lakes up again.

Talk to you soon.


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