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link between vulvodynia and thyroid problems

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Hi all. I've been pretty quiet over the past year or so (I used to be very

active on these lists.). My vulvodynia issue still remains (persistent

discharge with pain on contact) although it is at a minimal place right now

(which is what usually happens during the winter).

I've got a question: has anyone ever heard of vulvodynia being related to

thyroid problems, specifically hypothyroidism a.k.a. Hashimoto's Disease?

My doctor (not my gyn -- an endo that I went to today -- and I'll spare

y'all the details of this newest adventure that I'm on!) is pretty sure that

I have hypothyroidism, and from searching the internet, it seems that I have

many many of the symptoms, and have had them for quite some time now but

didn't know they were really symptoms of anything (fatigue, intolerance to

cold, dry skin, brain fog being some of them). My blood tests that come

back next week will tell us for sure, but I'm just wondering if anyone has

ever heard of a link between the two. My endo hadn't, but that doesn't mean

one doesn't exist.


-- V.

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I wanted to thank everyone for their responses to my questions last

week. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get around to doing this, but work

has been out of control.......so much so that I haven't yet had time to

really read and digest what everyone has said, but hopefully I can do that

by the time I get my test results back.

Just to let y'all know, since I think some suggested getting my

hormones and thyroid functioning tested as well, my doctor ordered like 20

blood tests, including hormones and thyroid functioning (and a regular blood

work up to make sure we're not missing anything else). The results are

back, but the doctor (who is semi-retired) hasn't looked at them yet, so it

looks like I'll have to wait until next week to find out what the results of

all the tests are and where we go from here.

Thanks for all of your support! I'll definitely let everyone know

if there ends up being a link between my vulvar pain and my

thyroid/pituitary problems.


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