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Re-tort/breastfeeding problems and suggestions

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It's funny how the people they hurt the most by being like this is

the ones who really want to breast feed. I think in part the only

was able to tell them to bug off with (my older daughter)

was that I wasn't so keen on the idea of nursing (I just wasn't

comfortable with the whole idea, and was the first of my friends to

have a baby, so the whole thing was foreign to me). Thankfully for

, she latched right on and it never hurt - if had

been my first, she would have had formula with all of her screaming

on her tort side LOL, but since I had such a good experience with

, I was able to work through it with ... I remember

quite a few nights when was just a few days old where I was

just sitting there in the middle of the night crying with her

because the nursing just wasn't working, so I know exactly what you

mean (and yes, the hormones and sleep deprivation factor in!!)


Mommy to (9 mos, DOCgrad) and (3 1/2)

> Kerri,

> Thanks for your story. I think there is such emphasis on how good

breast milk is for the child that sometimes things are over looked.

I had wanted to breast feed so bad that I spent hrs crying over why

I couldnt do it. (Pregnancy hormones didnt help) Unfortunately for

me there was no support at the hospital so instead of helping they

made this new mom feel inept. It's sad because they took something

away from the whole experiance. I know next time to tell them off

or at least try. ( I'm not the most forward person in the world)

But Maatthew is definately thriving now and he's happy so I could'nt

have done that bad of a job!

> Thank you again for your story!

> and

> Covington GA

> Starband


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